
2653 lines
70 KiB

package pkger
import (
icheck ""
type identity struct {
name *references
displayName *references
func (i *identity) Name() string {
if displayName := i.displayName.String(); displayName != "" {
return displayName
func (i *identity) MetaName() string {
func (i *identity) summarizeReferences() []SummaryReference {
refs := make([]SummaryReference, 0)
if {
refs = append(refs, convertRefToRefSummary("",
if i.displayName.hasEnvRef() {
refs = append(refs, convertRefToRefSummary("", i.displayName))
return refs
func summarizeCommonReferences(ident identity, labels sortedLabels) []SummaryReference {
return append(ident.summarizeReferences(), labels.summarizeReferences()...)
const (
fieldAPIVersion = "apiVersion"
fieldAssociations = "associations"
fieldDefault = "default"
fieldDescription = "description"
fieldEvery = "every"
fieldKey = "key"
fieldKind = "kind"
fieldLanguage = "language"
fieldLevel = "level"
fieldMin = "min"
fieldMax = "max"
fieldMetadata = "metadata"
fieldName = "name"
fieldOffset = "offset"
fieldOperator = "operator"
fieldParams = "params"
fieldPrefix = "prefix"
fieldQuery = "query"
fieldSuffix = "suffix"
fieldSpec = "spec"
fieldStatus = "status"
fieldType = "type"
fieldValue = "value"
fieldValues = "values"
const (
fieldBucketRetentionRules = "retentionRules"
const bucketNameMinLength = 2
type bucket struct {
Description string
RetentionRules retentionRules
SchemaType string
MeasurementSchemas measurementSchemas
labels sortedLabels
func (b *bucket) summarize() SummaryBucket {
return SummaryBucket{
SummaryIdentifier: SummaryIdentifier{
Kind: KindBucket,
MetaName: b.MetaName(),
EnvReferences: summarizeCommonReferences(b.identity, b.labels),
Name: b.Name(),
Description: b.Description,
SchemaType: b.SchemaType,
MeasurementSchemas: b.MeasurementSchemas.summarize(),
RetentionPeriod: b.RetentionRules.RP(),
LabelAssociations: toSummaryLabels(b.labels...),
func (b *bucket) ResourceType() influxdb.ResourceType {
return KindBucket.ResourceType()
func (b *bucket) valid() []validationErr {
var vErrs []validationErr
if err, ok := isValidName(b.Name(), bucketNameMinLength); !ok {
vErrs = append(vErrs, err)
vErrs = append(vErrs, b.RetentionRules.valid()...)
vErrs = append(vErrs, b.MeasurementSchemas.valid()...)
if len(vErrs) == 0 {
return nil
return []validationErr{
objectValidationErr(fieldSpec, vErrs...),
const (
retentionRuleTypeExpire = "expire"
type retentionRule struct {
Type string `json:"type" yaml:"type"`
Seconds int `json:"everySeconds" yaml:"everySeconds"`
func newRetentionRule(d time.Duration) retentionRule {
return retentionRule{
Type: retentionRuleTypeExpire,
Seconds: int(d.Round(time.Second) / time.Second),
func (r retentionRule) valid() []validationErr {
const hour = 3600
var ff []validationErr
if r.Seconds < hour {
ff = append(ff, validationErr{
Field: fieldRetentionRulesEverySeconds,
Msg: "seconds must be a minimum of " + strconv.Itoa(hour),
if r.Type != retentionRuleTypeExpire {
ff = append(ff, validationErr{
Field: fieldType,
Msg: `type must be "expire"`,
return ff
const (
fieldRetentionRulesEverySeconds = "everySeconds"
type retentionRules []retentionRule
func (r retentionRules) RP() time.Duration {
// TODO: this feels very odd to me, will need to follow up with
// team to better understand this
for _, rule := range r {
return time.Duration(rule.Seconds) * time.Second
return 0
func (r retentionRules) valid() []validationErr {
var failures []validationErr
for i, rule := range r {
if ff := rule.valid(); len(ff) > 0 {
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: fieldBucketRetentionRules,
Index: intPtr(i),
Nested: ff,
return failures
type checkKind int
const (
checkKindDeadman checkKind = iota + 1
const (
fieldCheckAllValues = "allValues"
fieldCheckReportZero = "reportZero"
fieldCheckStaleTime = "staleTime"
fieldCheckStatusMessageTemplate = "statusMessageTemplate"
fieldCheckTags = "tags"
fieldCheckThresholds = "thresholds"
fieldCheckTimeSince = "timeSince"
const checkNameMinLength = 1
type check struct {
kind checkKind
description string
every time.Duration
level string
offset time.Duration
query string
reportZero bool
staleTime time.Duration
status string
statusMessage string
tags []struct{ k, v string }
timeSince time.Duration
thresholds []threshold
labels sortedLabels
func (c *check) Labels() []*label {
return c.labels
func (c *check) ResourceType() influxdb.ResourceType {
return KindCheck.ResourceType()
func (c *check) Status() influxdb.Status {
status := influxdb.Status(c.status)
if status == "" {
status = influxdb.Active
return status
func (c *check) summarize() SummaryCheck {
base := icheck.Base{
Name: c.Name(),
Description: c.description,
Every: toNotificationDuration(c.every),
Offset: toNotificationDuration(c.offset),
StatusMessageTemplate: c.statusMessage,
base.Query.Text = c.query
for _, tag := range c.tags {
base.Tags = append(base.Tags, influxdb.Tag{Key: tag.k, Value: tag.v})
sum := SummaryCheck{
SummaryIdentifier: SummaryIdentifier{
MetaName: c.MetaName(),
EnvReferences: summarizeCommonReferences(c.identity, c.labels),
Status: c.Status(),
LabelAssociations: toSummaryLabels(c.labels...),
switch c.kind {
case checkKindThreshold:
sum.Kind = KindCheckThreshold
sum.Check = &icheck.Threshold{
Base: base,
Thresholds: toInfluxThresholds(c.thresholds...),
case checkKindDeadman:
sum.Kind = KindCheckDeadman
sum.Check = &icheck.Deadman{
Base: base,
Level: notification.ParseCheckLevel(strings.ToUpper(c.level)),
ReportZero: c.reportZero,
StaleTime: toNotificationDuration(c.staleTime),
TimeSince: toNotificationDuration(c.timeSince),
return sum
func (c *check) valid() []validationErr {
var vErrs []validationErr
if err, ok := isValidName(c.Name(), checkNameMinLength); !ok {
vErrs = append(vErrs, err)
if c.every == 0 {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldEvery,
Msg: "duration value must be provided that is >= 5s (seconds)",
if c.query == "" {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldQuery,
Msg: "must provide a non zero value",
if c.statusMessage == "" {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldCheckStatusMessageTemplate,
Msg: `must provide a template; ex. "Check: ${ r._check_name } is: ${ r._level }"`,
if status := c.Status(); status != influxdb.Active && status != influxdb.Inactive {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldStatus,
Msg: "must be 1 of [active, inactive]",
switch c.kind {
case checkKindThreshold:
if len(c.thresholds) == 0 {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldCheckThresholds,
Msg: "must provide at least 1 threshold entry",
for i, th := range c.thresholds {
for _, fail := range th.valid() {
fail.Index = intPtr(i)
vErrs = append(vErrs, fail)
if len(vErrs) > 0 {
return []validationErr{
objectValidationErr(fieldSpec, vErrs...),
return nil
type thresholdType string
const (
thresholdTypeGreater thresholdType = "greater"
thresholdTypeLesser thresholdType = "lesser"
thresholdTypeInsideRange thresholdType = "inside_range"
thresholdTypeOutsideRange thresholdType = "outside_range"
var thresholdTypes = map[thresholdType]bool{
thresholdTypeGreater: true,
thresholdTypeLesser: true,
thresholdTypeInsideRange: true,
thresholdTypeOutsideRange: true,
type threshold struct {
threshType thresholdType
allVals bool
level string
val float64
min, max float64
func (t threshold) valid() []validationErr {
var vErrs []validationErr
if notification.ParseCheckLevel(t.level) == notification.Unknown {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldLevel,
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("must be 1 in [CRIT, WARN, INFO, OK]; got=%q", t.level),
if !thresholdTypes[t.threshType] {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldType,
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("must be 1 in [Lesser, Greater, Inside_Range, Outside_Range]; got=%q", t.threshType),
if t.min > t.max {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldMin,
Msg: "min must be < max",
return vErrs
func toInfluxThresholds(thresholds ...threshold) []icheck.ThresholdConfig {
var iThresh []icheck.ThresholdConfig
for _, th := range thresholds {
base := icheck.ThresholdConfigBase{
AllValues: th.allVals,
Level: notification.ParseCheckLevel(th.level),
switch th.threshType {
case thresholdTypeGreater:
iThresh = append(iThresh, icheck.Greater{
ThresholdConfigBase: base,
Value: th.val,
case thresholdTypeLesser:
iThresh = append(iThresh, icheck.Lesser{
ThresholdConfigBase: base,
Value: th.val,
case thresholdTypeInsideRange, thresholdTypeOutsideRange:
iThresh = append(iThresh, icheck.Range{
ThresholdConfigBase: base,
Max: th.max,
Min: th.min,
Within: th.threshType == thresholdTypeInsideRange,
return iThresh
// chartKind identifies what kind of chart is eluded too. Each
// chart kind has their own requirements for what constitutes
// a chart.
type chartKind string
// available chart kinds
const (
chartKindUnknown chartKind = ""
chartKindGauge chartKind = "gauge"
chartKindGeo chartKind = "geo"
chartKindHeatMap chartKind = "heatmap"
chartKindHistogram chartKind = "histogram"
chartKindMarkdown chartKind = "markdown"
chartKindMosaic chartKind = "mosaic"
chartKindScatter chartKind = "scatter"
chartKindSingleStat chartKind = "single_stat"
chartKindSingleStatPlusLine chartKind = "single_stat_plus_line"
chartKindTable chartKind = "table"
chartKindXY chartKind = "xy"
chartKindBand chartKind = "band"
func (c chartKind) ok() bool {
switch c {
case chartKindGauge, chartKindGeo, chartKindHeatMap, chartKindHistogram,
chartKindMarkdown, chartKindMosaic, chartKindScatter,
chartKindSingleStat, chartKindSingleStatPlusLine, chartKindTable,
chartKindXY, chartKindBand:
return true
return false
func (c chartKind) title() string {
spacedKind := strings.ReplaceAll(string(c), "_", " ")
return strings.ReplaceAll(strings.Title(spacedKind), " ", "_")
const (
fieldDashCharts = "charts"
const dashboardNameMinLength = 2
type dashboard struct {
Description string
Charts []*chart
labels sortedLabels
func (d *dashboard) Labels() []*label {
return d.labels
func (d *dashboard) ResourceType() influxdb.ResourceType {
return KindDashboard.ResourceType()
func (d *dashboard) refs() []*references {
var queryRefs []*references
for _, c := range d.Charts {
queryRefs = append(queryRefs, c.Queries.references()...)
return append([]*references{, d.displayName}, queryRefs...)
func (d *dashboard) summarize() SummaryDashboard {
sum := SummaryDashboard{
SummaryIdentifier: SummaryIdentifier{
Kind: KindDashboard,
MetaName: d.MetaName(),
EnvReferences: summarizeCommonReferences(d.identity, d.labels),
Name: d.Name(),
Description: d.Description,
LabelAssociations: toSummaryLabels(d.labels...),
for chartIdx, c := range d.Charts {
sum.Charts = append(sum.Charts, SummaryChart{
Height: c.Height,
Width: c.Width,
XPosition: c.XPos,
YPosition: c.YPos,
for qIdx, q := range c.Queries {
for _, ref := range q.params {
parts := strings.Split(ref.EnvRef, ".")
field := fmt.Sprintf("spec.charts[%d].queries[%d].params.%s", chartIdx, qIdx, parts[len(parts)-1])
sum.EnvReferences = append(sum.EnvReferences, convertRefToRefSummary(field, ref))
sort.Slice(sum.EnvReferences, func(i, j int) bool {
return sum.EnvReferences[i].EnvRefKey < sum.EnvReferences[j].EnvRefKey
return sum
func (d *dashboard) valid() []validationErr {
var vErrs []validationErr
if err, ok := isValidName(d.Name(), dashboardNameMinLength); !ok {
vErrs = append(vErrs, err)
if len(vErrs) == 0 {
return nil
return []validationErr{
objectValidationErr(fieldSpec, vErrs...),
const (
fieldChartAxes = "axes"
fieldChartBinCount = "binCount"
fieldChartBinSize = "binSize"
fieldChartColors = "colors"
fieldChartDecimalPlaces = "decimalPlaces"
fieldChartDomain = "domain"
fieldChartFillColumns = "fillColumns"
fieldChartGeom = "geom"
fieldChartHeight = "height"
fieldChartStaticLegend = "staticLegend"
fieldChartNote = "note"
fieldChartNoteOnEmpty = "noteOnEmpty"
fieldChartPosition = "position"
fieldChartQueries = "queries"
fieldChartShade = "shade"
fieldChartHoverDimension = "hoverDimension"
fieldChartFieldOptions = "fieldOptions"
fieldChartTableOptions = "tableOptions"
fieldChartTickPrefix = "tickPrefix"
fieldChartTickSuffix = "tickSuffix"
fieldChartTimeFormat = "timeFormat"
fieldChartYLabelColumnSeparator = "yLabelColumnSeparator"
fieldChartYLabelColumns = "yLabelColumns"
fieldChartYSeriesColumns = "ySeriesColumns"
fieldChartUpperColumn = "upperColumn"
fieldChartMainColumn = "mainColumn"
fieldChartLowerColumn = "lowerColumn"
fieldChartWidth = "width"
fieldChartXCol = "xCol"
fieldChartGenerateXAxisTicks = "generateXAxisTicks"
fieldChartXTotalTicks = "xTotalTicks"
fieldChartXTickStart = "xTickStart"
fieldChartXTickStep = "xTickStep"
fieldChartXPos = "xPos"
fieldChartYCol = "yCol"
fieldChartGenerateYAxisTicks = "generateYAxisTicks"
fieldChartYTotalTicks = "yTotalTicks"
fieldChartYTickStart = "yTickStart"
fieldChartYTickStep = "yTickStep"
fieldChartYPos = "yPos"
fieldChartLegendColorizeRows = "legendColorizeRows"
fieldChartLegendHide = "legendHide"
fieldChartLegendOpacity = "legendOpacity"
fieldChartLegendOrientationThreshold = "legendOrientationThreshold"
fieldChartGeoCenterLon = "lon"
fieldChartGeoCenterLat = "lat"
fieldChartGeoZoom = "zoom"
fieldChartGeoMapStyle = "mapStyle"
fieldChartGeoAllowPanAndZoom = "allowPanAndZoom"
fieldChartGeoDetectCoordinateFields = "detectCoordinateFields"
fieldChartGeoLayers = "geoLayers"
type chart struct {
Kind chartKind
Name string
Prefix string
TickPrefix string
Suffix string
TickSuffix string
Note string
NoteOnEmpty bool
DecimalPlaces int
EnforceDecimals bool
Shade bool
HoverDimension string
StaticLegend StaticLegend
Colors colors
Queries queries
Axes axes
Geom string
YLabelColumnSeparator string
YLabelColumns []string
YSeriesColumns []string
XCol, YCol string
GenerateXAxisTicks []string
GenerateYAxisTicks []string
XTotalTicks, YTotalTicks int
XTickStart, YTickStart float64
XTickStep, YTickStep float64
UpperColumn string
MainColumn string
LowerColumn string
XPos, YPos int
Height, Width int
BinSize int
BinCount int
Position string
FieldOptions []fieldOption
FillColumns []string
TableOptions tableOptions
TimeFormat string
LegendColorizeRows bool
LegendHide bool
LegendOpacity float64
LegendOrientationThreshold int
Zoom float64
Center center
MapStyle string
AllowPanAndZoom bool
DetectCoordinateFields bool
GeoLayers geoLayers
func (c *chart) properties() influxdb.ViewProperties {
switch c.Kind {
case chartKindGauge:
return influxdb.GaugeViewProperties{
Type: influxdb.ViewPropertyTypeGauge,
Queries: c.Queries.influxDashQueries(),
Prefix: c.Prefix,
TickPrefix: c.TickPrefix,
Suffix: c.Suffix,
TickSuffix: c.TickSuffix,
ViewColors: c.Colors.influxViewColors(),
DecimalPlaces: influxdb.DecimalPlaces{
IsEnforced: c.EnforceDecimals,
Digits: int32(c.DecimalPlaces),
Note: c.Note,
ShowNoteWhenEmpty: c.NoteOnEmpty,
case chartKindGeo:
return influxdb.GeoViewProperties{
Type: influxdb.ViewPropertyTypeGeo,
Queries: c.Queries.influxDashQueries(),
Center: influxdb.Datum{Lat: c.Center.Lat, Lon: c.Center.Lon},
Zoom: c.Zoom,
MapStyle: c.MapStyle,
AllowPanAndZoom: c.AllowPanAndZoom,
DetectCoordinateFields: c.DetectCoordinateFields,
ViewColor: c.Colors.influxViewColors(),
GeoLayers: c.GeoLayers.influxGeoLayers(),
Note: c.Note,
ShowNoteWhenEmpty: c.NoteOnEmpty,
case chartKindHeatMap:
return influxdb.HeatmapViewProperties{
Type: influxdb.ViewPropertyTypeHeatMap,
Queries: c.Queries.influxDashQueries(),
ViewColors: c.Colors.strings(),
BinSize: int32(c.BinSize),
XColumn: c.XCol,
GenerateXAxisTicks: c.GenerateXAxisTicks,
XTotalTicks: c.XTotalTicks,
XTickStart: c.XTickStart,
XTickStep: c.XTickStep,
YColumn: c.YCol,
GenerateYAxisTicks: c.GenerateYAxisTicks,
YTotalTicks: c.YTotalTicks,
YTickStart: c.YTickStart,
YTickStep: c.YTickStep,
XDomain: c.Axes.get("x").Domain,
YDomain: c.Axes.get("y").Domain,
XPrefix: c.Axes.get("x").Prefix,
YPrefix: c.Axes.get("y").Prefix,
XSuffix: c.Axes.get("x").Suffix,
YSuffix: c.Axes.get("y").Suffix,
XAxisLabel: c.Axes.get("x").Label,
YAxisLabel: c.Axes.get("y").Label,
Note: c.Note,
ShowNoteWhenEmpty: c.NoteOnEmpty,
TimeFormat: c.TimeFormat,
LegendColorizeRows: c.LegendColorizeRows,
LegendHide: c.LegendHide,
LegendOpacity: float64(c.LegendOpacity),
LegendOrientationThreshold: int(c.LegendOrientationThreshold),
case chartKindHistogram:
return influxdb.HistogramViewProperties{
Type: influxdb.ViewPropertyTypeHistogram,
Queries: c.Queries.influxDashQueries(),
ViewColors: c.Colors.influxViewColors(),
FillColumns: c.FillColumns,
XColumn: c.XCol,
XDomain: c.Axes.get("x").Domain,
XAxisLabel: c.Axes.get("x").Label,
Position: c.Position,
BinCount: c.BinCount,
Note: c.Note,
ShowNoteWhenEmpty: c.NoteOnEmpty,
LegendColorizeRows: c.LegendColorizeRows,
LegendHide: c.LegendHide,
LegendOpacity: float64(c.LegendOpacity),
LegendOrientationThreshold: int(c.LegendOrientationThreshold),
case chartKindMarkdown:
return influxdb.MarkdownViewProperties{
Type: influxdb.ViewPropertyTypeMarkdown,
Note: c.Note,
case chartKindMosaic:
return influxdb.MosaicViewProperties{
Type: influxdb.ViewPropertyTypeMosaic,
Queries: c.Queries.influxDashQueries(),
ViewColors: c.Colors.strings(),
HoverDimension: c.HoverDimension,
XColumn: c.XCol,
GenerateXAxisTicks: c.GenerateXAxisTicks,
XTotalTicks: c.XTotalTicks,
XTickStart: c.XTickStart,
XTickStep: c.XTickStep,
YLabelColumnSeparator: c.YLabelColumnSeparator,
YLabelColumns: c.YLabelColumns,
YSeriesColumns: c.YSeriesColumns,
XDomain: c.Axes.get("x").Domain,
YDomain: c.Axes.get("y").Domain,
XPrefix: c.Axes.get("x").Prefix,
YPrefix: c.Axes.get("y").Prefix,
XSuffix: c.Axes.get("x").Suffix,
YSuffix: c.Axes.get("y").Suffix,
XAxisLabel: c.Axes.get("x").Label,
YAxisLabel: c.Axes.get("y").Label,
Note: c.Note,
ShowNoteWhenEmpty: c.NoteOnEmpty,
TimeFormat: c.TimeFormat,
LegendColorizeRows: c.LegendColorizeRows,
LegendHide: c.LegendHide,
LegendOpacity: float64(c.LegendOpacity),
LegendOrientationThreshold: int(c.LegendOrientationThreshold),
case chartKindBand:
return influxdb.BandViewProperties{
Type: influxdb.ViewPropertyTypeBand,
Queries: c.Queries.influxDashQueries(),
ViewColors: c.Colors.influxViewColors(),
StaticLegend: c.StaticLegend.influxStaticLegend(),
HoverDimension: c.HoverDimension,
XColumn: c.XCol,
GenerateXAxisTicks: c.GenerateXAxisTicks,
XTotalTicks: c.XTotalTicks,
XTickStart: c.XTickStart,
XTickStep: c.XTickStep,
YColumn: c.YCol,
GenerateYAxisTicks: c.GenerateYAxisTicks,
YTotalTicks: c.YTotalTicks,
YTickStart: c.YTickStart,
YTickStep: c.YTickStep,
UpperColumn: c.UpperColumn,
MainColumn: c.MainColumn,
LowerColumn: c.LowerColumn,
Axes: c.Axes.influxAxes(),
Geom: c.Geom,
Note: c.Note,
ShowNoteWhenEmpty: c.NoteOnEmpty,
TimeFormat: c.TimeFormat,
LegendColorizeRows: c.LegendColorizeRows,
LegendHide: c.LegendHide,
LegendOpacity: float64(c.LegendOpacity),
LegendOrientationThreshold: int(c.LegendOrientationThreshold),
case chartKindScatter:
return influxdb.ScatterViewProperties{
Type: influxdb.ViewPropertyTypeScatter,
Queries: c.Queries.influxDashQueries(),
ViewColors: c.Colors.strings(),
XColumn: c.XCol,
GenerateXAxisTicks: c.GenerateXAxisTicks,
XTotalTicks: c.XTotalTicks,
XTickStart: c.XTickStart,
XTickStep: c.XTickStep,
YColumn: c.YCol,
GenerateYAxisTicks: c.GenerateYAxisTicks,
YTotalTicks: c.YTotalTicks,
YTickStart: c.YTickStart,
YTickStep: c.YTickStep,
XDomain: c.Axes.get("x").Domain,
YDomain: c.Axes.get("y").Domain,
XPrefix: c.Axes.get("x").Prefix,
YPrefix: c.Axes.get("y").Prefix,
XSuffix: c.Axes.get("x").Suffix,
YSuffix: c.Axes.get("y").Suffix,
XAxisLabel: c.Axes.get("x").Label,
YAxisLabel: c.Axes.get("y").Label,
Note: c.Note,
ShowNoteWhenEmpty: c.NoteOnEmpty,
TimeFormat: c.TimeFormat,
LegendColorizeRows: c.LegendColorizeRows,
LegendHide: c.LegendHide,
LegendOpacity: float64(c.LegendOpacity),
LegendOrientationThreshold: int(c.LegendOrientationThreshold),
case chartKindSingleStat:
return influxdb.SingleStatViewProperties{
Type: influxdb.ViewPropertyTypeSingleStat,
Prefix: c.Prefix,
TickPrefix: c.TickPrefix,
Suffix: c.Suffix,
TickSuffix: c.TickSuffix,
DecimalPlaces: influxdb.DecimalPlaces{
IsEnforced: c.EnforceDecimals,
Digits: int32(c.DecimalPlaces),
Note: c.Note,
ShowNoteWhenEmpty: c.NoteOnEmpty,
Queries: c.Queries.influxDashQueries(),
ViewColors: c.Colors.influxViewColors(),
case chartKindSingleStatPlusLine:
return influxdb.LinePlusSingleStatProperties{
Type: influxdb.ViewPropertyTypeSingleStatPlusLine,
Prefix: c.Prefix,
Suffix: c.Suffix,
DecimalPlaces: influxdb.DecimalPlaces{
IsEnforced: c.EnforceDecimals,
Digits: int32(c.DecimalPlaces),
Note: c.Note,
ShowNoteWhenEmpty: c.NoteOnEmpty,
XColumn: c.XCol,
GenerateXAxisTicks: c.GenerateXAxisTicks,
XTotalTicks: c.XTotalTicks,
XTickStart: c.XTickStart,
XTickStep: c.XTickStep,
YColumn: c.YCol,
GenerateYAxisTicks: c.GenerateYAxisTicks,
YTotalTicks: c.YTotalTicks,
YTickStart: c.YTickStart,
YTickStep: c.YTickStep,
ShadeBelow: c.Shade,
HoverDimension: c.HoverDimension,
StaticLegend: c.StaticLegend.influxStaticLegend(),
Queries: c.Queries.influxDashQueries(),
ViewColors: c.Colors.influxViewColors(),
Axes: c.Axes.influxAxes(),
Position: c.Position,
LegendColorizeRows: c.LegendColorizeRows,
LegendHide: c.LegendHide,
LegendOpacity: float64(c.LegendOpacity),
LegendOrientationThreshold: int(c.LegendOrientationThreshold),
case chartKindTable:
fieldOptions := make([]influxdb.RenamableField, 0, len(c.FieldOptions))
for _, fieldOpt := range c.FieldOptions {
fieldOptions = append(fieldOptions, influxdb.RenamableField{
InternalName: fieldOpt.FieldName,
DisplayName: fieldOpt.DisplayName,
Visible: fieldOpt.Visible,
return influxdb.TableViewProperties{
Type: influxdb.ViewPropertyTypeTable,
Note: c.Note,
ShowNoteWhenEmpty: c.NoteOnEmpty,
DecimalPlaces: influxdb.DecimalPlaces{
IsEnforced: c.EnforceDecimals,
Digits: int32(c.DecimalPlaces),
Queries: c.Queries.influxDashQueries(),
ViewColors: c.Colors.influxViewColors(),
TableOptions: influxdb.TableOptions{
VerticalTimeAxis: c.TableOptions.VerticalTimeAxis,
SortBy: influxdb.RenamableField{
InternalName: c.TableOptions.SortByField,
Wrapping: c.TableOptions.Wrapping,
FixFirstColumn: c.TableOptions.FixFirstColumn,
FieldOptions: fieldOptions,
TimeFormat: c.TimeFormat,
case chartKindXY:
return influxdb.XYViewProperties{
Type: influxdb.ViewPropertyTypeXY,
Note: c.Note,
ShowNoteWhenEmpty: c.NoteOnEmpty,
XColumn: c.XCol,
GenerateXAxisTicks: c.GenerateXAxisTicks,
XTotalTicks: c.XTotalTicks,
XTickStart: c.XTickStart,
XTickStep: c.XTickStep,
YColumn: c.YCol,
GenerateYAxisTicks: c.GenerateYAxisTicks,
YTotalTicks: c.YTotalTicks,
YTickStart: c.YTickStart,
YTickStep: c.YTickStep,
ShadeBelow: c.Shade,
HoverDimension: c.HoverDimension,
StaticLegend: c.StaticLegend.influxStaticLegend(),
Queries: c.Queries.influxDashQueries(),
ViewColors: c.Colors.influxViewColors(),
Axes: c.Axes.influxAxes(),
Geom: c.Geom,
Position: c.Position,
TimeFormat: c.TimeFormat,
LegendColorizeRows: c.LegendColorizeRows,
LegendHide: c.LegendHide,
LegendOpacity: float64(c.LegendOpacity),
LegendOrientationThreshold: int(c.LegendOrientationThreshold),
return nil
func (c *chart) validProperties() []validationErr {
if c.Kind == chartKindMarkdown {
// at the time of writing, there's nothing to validate for markdown types
return nil
var fails []validationErr
validatorFns := []func() []validationErr{
for _, validatorFn := range validatorFns {
fails = append(fails, validatorFn()...)
// chart kind specific validations
switch c.Kind {
case chartKindGauge:
fails = append(fails, c.Colors.hasTypes(colorTypeMin, colorTypeMax)...)
case chartKindHeatMap:
fails = append(fails, c.Axes.hasAxes("x", "y")...)
case chartKindHistogram:
fails = append(fails, c.Axes.hasAxes("x")...)
case chartKindScatter:
fails = append(fails, c.Axes.hasAxes("x", "y")...)
case chartKindSingleStat:
case chartKindSingleStatPlusLine:
fails = append(fails, c.Axes.hasAxes("x", "y")...)
fails = append(fails, validPosition(c.Position)...)
case chartKindTable:
fails = append(fails, validTableOptions(c.TableOptions)...)
case chartKindXY:
fails = append(fails, validGeometry(c.Geom)...)
fails = append(fails, c.Axes.hasAxes("x", "y")...)
fails = append(fails, validPosition(c.Position)...)
return fails
func validPosition(pos string) []validationErr {
pos = strings.ToLower(pos)
if pos != "" && pos != "overlaid" && pos != "stacked" {
return []validationErr{{
Field: fieldChartPosition,
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("invalid position supplied %q; valid positions is one of [overlaid, stacked]", pos),
return nil
func (c *chart) validBaseProps() []validationErr {
var fails []validationErr
if c.Width <= 0 {
fails = append(fails, validationErr{
Field: fieldChartWidth,
Msg: "must be greater than 0",
if c.Height <= 0 {
fails = append(fails, validationErr{
Field: fieldChartHeight,
Msg: "must be greater than 0",
return fails
var geometryTypes = map[string]bool{
"line": true,
"step": true,
"stacked": true,
"monotoneX": true,
"bar": true,
func validGeometry(geom string) []validationErr {
if !geometryTypes[geom] {
msg := "type not found"
if geom != "" {
msg = "type provided is not supported"
return []validationErr{{
Field: fieldChartGeom,
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("%s: %q", msg, geom),
return nil
const (
fieldChartFieldOptionDisplayName = "displayName"
fieldChartFieldOptionFieldName = "fieldName"
fieldChartFieldOptionVisible = "visible"
type fieldOption struct {
FieldName string
DisplayName string
Visible bool
type center struct {
Lat float64
Lon float64
type geoLayer struct {
Type string
RadiusField string
ColorField string
IntensityField string
ViewColors colors
Radius int32
Blur int32
RadiusDimension *axis
ColorDimension *axis
IntensityDimension *axis
InterpolateColors bool
TrackWidth int32
Speed int32
RandomColors bool
IsClustered bool
const (
fieldChartGeoLayerType = "layerType"
fieldChartGeoLayerRadiusField = "radiusField"
fieldChartGeoLayerIntensityField = "intensityField"
fieldChartGeoLayerColorField = "colorField"
fieldChartGeoLayerViewColors = "viewColors"
fieldChartGeoLayerRadius = "radius"
fieldChartGeoLayerBlur = "blur"
fieldChartGeoLayerRadiusDimension = "radiusDimension"
fieldChartGeoLayerColorDimension = "colorDimension"
fieldChartGeoLayerIntensityDimension = "intensityDimension"
fieldChartGeoLayerInterpolateColors = "interpolateColors"
fieldChartGeoLayerTrackWidth = "trackWidth"
fieldChartGeoLayerSpeed = "speed"
fieldChartGeoLayerRandomColors = "randomColors"
fieldChartGeoLayerIsClustered = "isClustered"
type geoLayers []*geoLayer
func (l geoLayers) influxGeoLayers() []influxdb.GeoLayer {
var iGeoLayers []influxdb.GeoLayer
for _, ll := range l {
geoLayer := influxdb.GeoLayer{
Type: ll.Type,
RadiusField: ll.RadiusField,
ColorField: ll.ColorField,
IntensityField: ll.IntensityField,
Radius: ll.Radius,
Blur: ll.Blur,
InterpolateColors: ll.InterpolateColors,
TrackWidth: ll.TrackWidth,
Speed: ll.Speed,
RandomColors: ll.RandomColors,
IsClustered: ll.IsClustered,
if ll.RadiusDimension != nil {
geoLayer.RadiusDimension = influxAxis(*ll.RadiusDimension, true)
if ll.ColorDimension != nil {
geoLayer.ColorDimension = influxAxis(*ll.ColorDimension, true)
if ll.IntensityDimension != nil {
geoLayer.IntensityDimension = influxAxis(*ll.IntensityDimension, true)
if ll.ViewColors != nil {
geoLayer.ViewColors = ll.ViewColors.influxViewColors()
iGeoLayers = append(iGeoLayers, geoLayer)
return iGeoLayers
const (
fieldChartTableOptionVerticalTimeAxis = "verticalTimeAxis"
fieldChartTableOptionSortBy = "sortBy"
fieldChartTableOptionWrapping = "wrapping"
fieldChartTableOptionFixFirstColumn = "fixFirstColumn"
type tableOptions struct {
VerticalTimeAxis bool
SortByField string
Wrapping string
FixFirstColumn bool
func validTableOptions(opts tableOptions) []validationErr {
var fails []validationErr
switch opts.Wrapping {
case "", "single-line", "truncate", "wrap":
fails = append(fails, validationErr{
Field: fieldChartTableOptionWrapping,
Msg: `chart table option should 1 in ["single-line", "truncate", "wrap"]`,
if len(fails) == 0 {
return nil
return []validationErr{
Field: fieldChartTableOptions,
Nested: fails,
const (
colorTypeBackground = "background"
colorTypeMin = "min"
colorTypeMax = "max"
colorTypeScale = "scale"
colorTypeText = "text"
colorTypeThreshold = "threshold"
const (
fieldColorHex = "hex"
type color struct {
ID string `json:"id,omitempty" yaml:"id,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty" yaml:"name,omitempty"`
Type string `json:"type,omitempty" yaml:"type,omitempty"`
Hex string `json:"hex,omitempty" yaml:"hex,omitempty"`
// using reference for Value here so we can set to nil and
// it will be ignored during encoding, keeps our exported pkgs
// clear of unneeded entries.
Value *float64 `json:"value,omitempty" yaml:"value,omitempty"`
// TODO:
// - verify templates are desired
// - template colors so references can be shared
type colors []*color
func (c colors) influxViewColors() []influxdb.ViewColor {
ptrToFloat64 := func(f *float64) float64 {
if f == nil {
return 0
return *f
var iColors []influxdb.ViewColor
for _, cc := range c {
iColors = append(iColors, influxdb.ViewColor{
ID: cc.ID,
Type: cc.Type,
Hex: cc.Hex,
Name: cc.Name,
Value: ptrToFloat64(cc.Value),
return iColors
func (c colors) strings() []string {
clrs := []string{}
for _, clr := range c {
clrs = append(clrs, clr.Hex)
return clrs
// TODO: looks like much of these are actually getting defaults in
// the UI. looking at system charts, seeing lots of failures for missing
// color types or no colors at all.
func (c colors) hasTypes(types ...string) []validationErr {
tMap := make(map[string]bool)
for _, cc := range c {
tMap[cc.Type] = true
var failures []validationErr
for _, t := range types {
if !tMap[t] {
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: "colors",
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("type not found: %q", t),
return failures
func (c colors) valid() []validationErr {
var fails []validationErr
for i, cc := range c {
cErr := validationErr{
Field: fieldChartColors,
Index: intPtr(i),
if cc.Hex == "" {
cErr.Nested = append(cErr.Nested, validationErr{
Field: fieldColorHex,
Msg: "a color must have a hex value provided",
if len(cErr.Nested) > 0 {
fails = append(fails, cErr)
return fails
type query struct {
Query string `json:"query" yaml:"query"`
params []*references
task []*references
func (q query) DashboardQuery() string {
if len(q.params) == 0 && len(q.task) == 0 {
return q.Query
files := parser.ParseSource(q.Query).Files
if len(files) != 1 {
return q.Query
paramsOpt, paramsErr := edit.GetOption(files[0], "params")
taskOpt, taskErr := edit.GetOption(files[0], "task")
if taskErr != nil && paramsErr != nil {
return q.Query
if paramsErr == nil {
obj, ok := paramsOpt.(*ast.ObjectExpression)
if ok {
for _, ref := range q.params {
parts := strings.Split(ref.EnvRef, ".")
key := parts[len(parts)-1]
edit.SetProperty(obj, key, ref.expression())
edit.SetOption(files[0], "params", obj)
if taskErr == nil {
tobj, ok := taskOpt.(*ast.ObjectExpression)
if ok {
for _, ref := range q.task {
parts := strings.Split(ref.EnvRef, ".")
key := parts[len(parts)-1]
edit.SetProperty(tobj, key, ref.expression())
edit.SetOption(files[0], "task", tobj)
// TODO(danmoran): I'm not happy about ignoring this error, but pkger doesn't have adequate error return values
// in the callstack. In most cases errors are simply ignored and the desired output of the operation is skipped.
// If I were to change the contract here, a lot of other things would need to be changed.
s, _ := astutil.Format(files[0])
return s
type queries []query
func (q queries) influxDashQueries() []influxdb.DashboardQuery {
var iQueries []influxdb.DashboardQuery
for _, qq := range q {
iQueries = append(iQueries, influxdb.DashboardQuery{
Text: qq.DashboardQuery(),
EditMode: "advanced",
return iQueries
func (q queries) references() []*references {
var refs []*references
for _, qq := range q {
refs = append(refs, qq.params...)
return refs
const (
fieldAxisBase = "base"
fieldAxisLabel = "label"
fieldAxisScale = "scale"
type axis struct {
Base string `json:"base,omitempty" yaml:"base,omitempty"`
Label string `json:"label,omitempty" yaml:"label,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty" yaml:"name,omitempty"`
Prefix string `json:"prefix,omitempty" yaml:"prefix,omitempty"`
Scale string `json:"scale,omitempty" yaml:"scale,omitempty"`
Suffix string `json:"suffix,omitempty" yaml:"suffix,omitempty"`
Domain []float64 `json:"domain,omitempty" yaml:"domain,omitempty"`
type axes []axis
func (a axes) get(name string) axis {
for _, ax := range a {
if name == ax.Name {
return ax
return axis{}
func influxAxis(ax axis, nilBounds bool) influxdb.Axis {
bounds := []string{}
if nilBounds {
bounds = nil
return influxdb.Axis{
Bounds: bounds,
Label: ax.Label,
Prefix: ax.Prefix,
Suffix: ax.Suffix,
Base: ax.Base,
Scale: ax.Scale,
func (a axes) influxAxes() map[string]influxdb.Axis {
m := make(map[string]influxdb.Axis)
for _, ax := range a {
m[ax.Name] = influxAxis(ax, false)
return m
func (a axes) hasAxes(expectedAxes ...string) []validationErr {
mAxes := make(map[string]bool)
for _, ax := range a {
mAxes[ax.Name] = true
var failures []validationErr
for _, expected := range expectedAxes {
if !mAxes[expected] {
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: fieldChartAxes,
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("axis not found: %q", expected),
return failures
type StaticLegend struct {
ColorizeRows bool `json:"colorizeRows,omitempty" yaml:"colorizeRows,omitempty"`
HeightRatio float64 `json:"heightRatio,omitempty" yaml:"heightRatio,omitempty"`
Show bool `json:"show,omitempty" yaml:"show,omitempty"`
Opacity float64 `json:"opacity,omitempty" yaml:"opacity,omitempty"`
OrientationThreshold int `json:"orientationThreshold,omitempty" yaml:"orientationThreshold,omitempty"`
ValueAxis string `json:"valueAxis,omitempty" yaml:"valueAxis,omitempty"`
WidthRatio float64 `json:"widthRatio,omitempty" yaml:"widthRatio,omitempty"`
const (
fieldChartStaticLegendColorizeRows = "colorizeRows"
fieldChartStaticLegendHeightRatio = "heightRatio"
fieldChartStaticLegendShow = "show"
fieldChartStaticLegendOpacity = "opacity"
fieldChartStaticLegendOrientationThreshold = "orientationThreshold"
fieldChartStaticLegendValueAxis = "valueAxis"
fieldChartStaticLegendWidthRatio = "widthRatio"
func (sl StaticLegend) influxStaticLegend() influxdb.StaticLegend {
return influxdb.StaticLegend{
ColorizeRows: sl.ColorizeRows,
HeightRatio: sl.HeightRatio,
Show: sl.Show,
Opacity: sl.Opacity,
OrientationThreshold: sl.OrientationThreshold,
ValueAxis: sl.ValueAxis,
WidthRatio: sl.WidthRatio,
type assocMapKey struct {
resType influxdb.ResourceType
name string
type assocMapVal struct {
exists bool
v interface{}
func (l assocMapVal) PkgName() string {
t, ok := l.v.(interface{ MetaName() string })
if ok {
return t.MetaName()
return ""
type associationMapping struct {
mappings map[assocMapKey][]assocMapVal
func (l *associationMapping) setMapping(v interface {
ResourceType() influxdb.ResourceType
Name() string
}, exists bool) {
if l == nil {
if l.mappings == nil {
l.mappings = make(map[assocMapKey][]assocMapVal)
k := assocMapKey{
resType: v.ResourceType(),
name: v.Name(),
val := assocMapVal{
exists: exists,
v: v,
existing, ok := l.mappings[k]
if !ok {
l.mappings[k] = []assocMapVal{val}
for i, ex := range existing {
if ex.v == v {
existing[i].exists = exists
l.mappings[k] = append(l.mappings[k], val)
const (
fieldLabelColor = "color"
const labelNameMinLength = 2
type label struct {
Color string
Description string
func (l *label) summarize() SummaryLabel {
return SummaryLabel{
SummaryIdentifier: SummaryIdentifier{
Kind: KindLabel,
MetaName: l.MetaName(),
EnvReferences: l.identity.summarizeReferences(),
Name: l.Name(),
Properties: struct {
Color string `json:"color"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Color: l.Color,
Description: l.Description,
func (l *label) mappingSummary() []SummaryLabelMapping {
var mappings []SummaryLabelMapping
for resource, vals := range l.mappings {
for _, v := range vals {
status := StateStatusNew
if v.exists {
status = StateStatusExists
mappings = append(mappings, SummaryLabelMapping{
exists: v.exists,
Status: status,
ResourceMetaName: v.PkgName(),
ResourceType: resource.resType,
LabelMetaName: l.MetaName(),
LabelName: l.Name(),
return mappings
func (l *label) valid() []validationErr {
var vErrs []validationErr
if err, ok := isValidName(l.Name(), labelNameMinLength); !ok {
vErrs = append(vErrs, err)
if len(vErrs) == 0 {
return nil
return []validationErr{
objectValidationErr(fieldSpec, vErrs...),
func toSummaryLabels(labels ...*label) []SummaryLabel {
iLabels := make([]SummaryLabel, 0, len(labels))
for _, l := range labels {
iLabels = append(iLabels, l.summarize())
return iLabels
type sortedLabels []*label
func (s sortedLabels) summarizeReferences() []SummaryReference {
refs := make([]SummaryReference, 0)
for i, l := range s {
if ! {
field := fmt.Sprintf("spec.%s[%d].name", fieldAssociations, i)
refs = append(refs, convertRefToRefSummary(field,
return refs
func (s sortedLabels) Len() int {
return len(s)
func (s sortedLabels) Less(i, j int) bool {
return s[i].MetaName() < s[j].MetaName()
func (s sortedLabels) Swap(i, j int) {
s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]
type notificationEndpointKind int
const (
notificationKindHTTP notificationEndpointKind = iota + 1
func (n notificationEndpointKind) String() string {
if n > 0 && n < 4 {
return [...]string{
return ""
const (
notificationHTTPAuthTypeBasic = "basic"
notificationHTTPAuthTypeBearer = "bearer"
notificationHTTPAuthTypeNone = "none"
const (
fieldNotificationEndpointHTTPMethod = "method"
fieldNotificationEndpointPassword = "password"
fieldNotificationEndpointRoutingKey = "routingKey"
fieldNotificationEndpointToken = "token"
fieldNotificationEndpointURL = "url"
fieldNotificationEndpointUsername = "username"
type notificationEndpoint struct {
kind notificationEndpointKind
description string
method string
password *references
routingKey *references
status string
token *references
httpType string
url string
username *references
labels sortedLabels
func (n *notificationEndpoint) Labels() []*label {
return n.labels
func (n *notificationEndpoint) ResourceType() influxdb.ResourceType {
return KindNotificationEndpointSlack.ResourceType()
func (n *notificationEndpoint) base() endpoint.Base {
return endpoint.Base{
Name: n.Name(),
Description: n.description,
Status: n.influxStatus(),
func (n *notificationEndpoint) summarize() SummaryNotificationEndpoint {
base := n.base()
sum := SummaryNotificationEndpoint{
SummaryIdentifier: SummaryIdentifier{
MetaName: n.MetaName(),
EnvReferences: summarizeCommonReferences(n.identity, n.labels),
LabelAssociations: toSummaryLabels(n.labels...),
switch n.kind {
case notificationKindHTTP:
sum.Kind = KindNotificationEndpointHTTP
e := &endpoint.HTTP{
Base: base,
URL: n.url,
Method: n.method,
switch n.httpType {
case notificationHTTPAuthTypeBasic:
e.AuthMethod = notificationHTTPAuthTypeBasic
e.Password = n.password.SecretField()
e.Username = n.username.SecretField()
case notificationHTTPAuthTypeBearer:
e.AuthMethod = notificationHTTPAuthTypeBearer
e.Token = n.token.SecretField()
case notificationHTTPAuthTypeNone:
e.AuthMethod = notificationHTTPAuthTypeNone
sum.NotificationEndpoint = e
case notificationKindPagerDuty:
sum.Kind = KindNotificationEndpointPagerDuty
sum.NotificationEndpoint = &endpoint.PagerDuty{
Base: base,
ClientURL: n.url,
RoutingKey: n.routingKey.SecretField(),
case notificationKindSlack:
sum.Kind = KindNotificationEndpointSlack
sum.NotificationEndpoint = &endpoint.Slack{
Base: base,
URL: n.url,
Token: n.token.SecretField(),
return sum
func (n *notificationEndpoint) influxStatus() influxdb.Status {
status := influxdb.Active
if n.status != "" {
status = influxdb.Status(n.status)
return status
var validEndpointHTTPMethods = map[string]bool{
"DELETE": true,
"GET": true,
"HEAD": true,
"OPTIONS": true,
"PATCH": true,
"POST": true,
"PUT": true,
func (n *notificationEndpoint) valid() []validationErr {
var failures []validationErr
if err, ok := isValidName(n.Name(), 1); !ok {
failures = append(failures, err)
if _, err := url.Parse(n.url); err != nil || n.url == "" {
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: fieldNotificationEndpointURL,
Msg: "must be valid url",
status := influxdb.Status(n.status)
if status != "" && influxdb.Inactive != status && influxdb.Active != status {
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: fieldStatus,
Msg: "not a valid status; valid statues are one of [active, inactive]",
switch n.kind {
case notificationKindPagerDuty:
if !n.routingKey.hasValue() {
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: fieldNotificationEndpointRoutingKey,
Msg: "must be provide",
case notificationKindHTTP:
if !validEndpointHTTPMethods[n.method] {
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: fieldNotificationEndpointHTTPMethod,
Msg: "http method must be a valid HTTP verb",
switch n.httpType {
case notificationHTTPAuthTypeBasic:
if !n.password.hasValue() {
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: fieldNotificationEndpointPassword,
Msg: "must provide non empty string",
if !n.username.hasValue() {
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: fieldNotificationEndpointUsername,
Msg: "must provide non empty string",
case notificationHTTPAuthTypeBearer:
if !n.token.hasValue() {
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: fieldNotificationEndpointToken,
Msg: "must provide non empty string",
case notificationHTTPAuthTypeNone:
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: fieldType,
Msg: fmt.Sprintf(
"invalid type provided %q; valid type is 1 in [%s, %s, %s]",
if len(failures) > 0 {
return []validationErr{
objectValidationErr(fieldSpec, failures...),
return nil
const (
fieldNotificationRuleChannel = "channel"
fieldNotificationRuleCurrentLevel = "currentLevel"
fieldNotificationRuleEndpointName = "endpointName"
fieldNotificationRuleMessageTemplate = "messageTemplate"
fieldNotificationRulePreviousLevel = "previousLevel"
fieldNotificationRuleStatusRules = "statusRules"
fieldNotificationRuleTagRules = "tagRules"
type notificationRule struct {
channel string
description string
every time.Duration
msgTemplate string
offset time.Duration
status string
statusRules []struct{ curLvl, prevLvl string }
tagRules []struct{ k, v, op string }
associatedEndpoint *notificationEndpoint
endpointName *references
labels sortedLabels
func (r *notificationRule) Labels() []*label {
return r.labels
func (r *notificationRule) ResourceType() influxdb.ResourceType {
return KindNotificationRule.ResourceType()
func (r *notificationRule) Status() influxdb.Status {
if r.status == "" {
return influxdb.Active
return influxdb.Status(r.status)
func (r *notificationRule) endpointMetaName() string {
if r.associatedEndpoint != nil {
return r.associatedEndpoint.MetaName()
return ""
func (r *notificationRule) summarize() SummaryNotificationRule {
var endpointPkgName, endpointType string
if r.associatedEndpoint != nil {
endpointPkgName = r.associatedEndpoint.MetaName()
endpointType = r.associatedEndpoint.kind.String()
envRefs := summarizeCommonReferences(r.identity, r.labels)
if r.endpointName.hasEnvRef() {
envRefs = append(envRefs, convertRefToRefSummary("spec.endpointName", r.endpointName))
return SummaryNotificationRule{
SummaryIdentifier: SummaryIdentifier{
Kind: KindNotificationRule,
MetaName: r.MetaName(),
EnvReferences: envRefs,
Name: r.Name(),
EndpointMetaName: endpointPkgName,
EndpointType: endpointType,
Description: r.description,
Every: r.every.String(),
LabelAssociations: toSummaryLabels(r.labels...),
Offset: r.offset.String(),
MessageTemplate: r.msgTemplate,
Status: r.Status(),
StatusRules: toSummaryStatusRules(r.statusRules),
TagRules: toSummaryTagRules(r.tagRules),
func (r *notificationRule) toInfluxRule() influxdb.NotificationRule {
base := rule.Base{
Name: r.Name(),
Description: r.description,
Every: toNotificationDuration(r.every),
Offset: toNotificationDuration(r.offset),
for _, sr := range r.statusRules {
var prevLvl *notification.CheckLevel
if lvl := notification.ParseCheckLevel(sr.prevLvl); lvl != notification.Unknown {
prevLvl = &lvl
base.StatusRules = append(base.StatusRules, notification.StatusRule{
CurrentLevel: notification.ParseCheckLevel(sr.curLvl),
PreviousLevel: prevLvl,
for _, tr := range r.tagRules {
op, _ := influxdb.ToOperator(tr.op)
base.TagRules = append(base.TagRules, notification.TagRule{
Tag: influxdb.Tag{
Key: tr.k,
Value: tr.v,
Operator: op,
switch r.associatedEndpoint.kind {
case notificationKindHTTP:
return &rule.HTTP{Base: base}
case notificationKindPagerDuty:
return &rule.PagerDuty{
Base: base,
MessageTemplate: r.msgTemplate,
case notificationKindSlack:
return &rule.Slack{
Base: base,
MessageTemplate: r.msgTemplate,
return nil
func (r *notificationRule) valid() []validationErr {
var vErrs []validationErr
if err, ok := isValidName(r.Name(), 1); !ok {
vErrs = append(vErrs, err)
if !r.endpointName.hasValue() {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldNotificationRuleEndpointName,
Msg: "must be provided",
} else if r.associatedEndpoint == nil {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldNotificationRuleEndpointName,
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("notification endpoint %q does not exist in pkg", r.endpointName.String()),
if r.every == 0 {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldEvery,
Msg: "must be provided",
if status := r.Status(); status != influxdb.Active && status != influxdb.Inactive {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldStatus,
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("must be 1 in [active, inactive]; got=%q", r.status),
if len(r.statusRules) == 0 {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldNotificationRuleStatusRules,
Msg: "must provide at least 1",
var sRuleErrs []validationErr
for i, sRule := range r.statusRules {
if notification.ParseCheckLevel(sRule.curLvl) == notification.Unknown {
sRuleErrs = append(sRuleErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldNotificationRuleCurrentLevel,
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("must be 1 in [CRIT, WARN, INFO, OK]; got=%q", sRule.curLvl),
Index: intPtr(i),
if sRule.prevLvl != "" && notification.ParseCheckLevel(sRule.prevLvl) == notification.Unknown {
sRuleErrs = append(sRuleErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldNotificationRulePreviousLevel,
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("must be 1 in [CRIT, WARN, INFO, OK]; got=%q", sRule.prevLvl),
Index: intPtr(i),
if len(sRuleErrs) > 0 {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldNotificationRuleStatusRules,
Nested: sRuleErrs,
var tagErrs []validationErr
for i, tRule := range r.tagRules {
if _, ok := influxdb.ToOperator(tRule.op); !ok {
tagErrs = append(tagErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldOperator,
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("must be 1 in [equal]; got=%q", tRule.op),
Index: intPtr(i),
if len(tagErrs) > 0 {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldNotificationRuleTagRules,
Nested: tagErrs,
if len(vErrs) > 0 {
return []validationErr{
objectValidationErr(fieldSpec, vErrs...),
return nil
func toSummaryStatusRules(statusRules []struct{ curLvl, prevLvl string }) []SummaryStatusRule {
out := make([]SummaryStatusRule, 0, len(statusRules))
for _, sRule := range statusRules {
out = append(out, SummaryStatusRule{
CurrentLevel: sRule.curLvl,
PreviousLevel: sRule.prevLvl,
sort.Slice(out, func(i, j int) bool {
si, sj := out[i], out[j]
if si.CurrentLevel == sj.CurrentLevel {
return si.PreviousLevel < sj.PreviousLevel
return si.CurrentLevel < sj.CurrentLevel
return out
func toSummaryTagRules(tagRules []struct{ k, v, op string }) []SummaryTagRule {
out := make([]SummaryTagRule, 0, len(tagRules))
for _, tRule := range tagRules {
out = append(out, SummaryTagRule{
Key: tRule.k,
Value: tRule.v,
Operator: tRule.op,
sort.Slice(out, func(i, j int) bool {
ti, tj := out[i], out[j]
if ti.Key == tj.Key && ti.Value == tj.Value {
return ti.Operator < tj.Operator
if ti.Key == tj.Key {
return ti.Value < tj.Value
return ti.Key < tj.Key
return out
const (
fieldTaskCron = "cron"
fieldTask = "task"
type task struct {
cron string
description string
every time.Duration
offset time.Duration
query query
status string
labels sortedLabels
func (t *task) Labels() []*label {
return t.labels
func (t *task) ResourceType() influxdb.ResourceType {
return KindTask.ResourceType()
func (t *task) Status() influxdb.Status {
if t.status == "" {
return influxdb.Active
return influxdb.Status(t.status)
func (t *task) flux() string {
translator := taskFluxTranslation{
name: t.Name(),
cron: t.cron,
every: t.every,
offset: t.offset,
rawQuery: t.query.DashboardQuery(),
return translator.flux()
func (t *task) refs() []*references {
return append(t.query.params,, t.displayName)
func (t *task) summarize() SummaryTask {
refs := summarizeCommonReferences(t.identity, t.labels)
for _, ref := range t.query.params {
parts := strings.Split(ref.EnvRef, ".")
field := fmt.Sprintf("spec.params.%s", parts[len(parts)-1])
refs = append(refs, convertRefToRefSummary(field, ref))
for _, ref := range t.query.task {
parts := strings.Split(ref.EnvRef, ".")
field := fmt.Sprintf("spec.task.%s", parts[len(parts)-1])
refs = append(refs, convertRefToRefSummary(field, ref))
sort.Slice(refs, func(i, j int) bool {
return refs[i].EnvRefKey < refs[j].EnvRefKey
return SummaryTask{
SummaryIdentifier: SummaryIdentifier{
Kind: KindTask,
MetaName: t.MetaName(),
EnvReferences: refs,
Name: t.Name(),
Cron: t.cron,
Description: t.description,
Every: durToStr(t.every),
Offset: durToStr(t.offset),
Query: t.query.DashboardQuery(),
Status: t.Status(),
LabelAssociations: toSummaryLabels(t.labels...),
func (t *task) valid() []validationErr {
var vErrs []validationErr
if err, ok := isValidName(t.Name(), 1); !ok {
vErrs = append(vErrs, err)
if t.cron == "" && t.every == 0 {
vErrs = append(vErrs,
Field: fieldEvery,
Msg: "must provide if cron field is not provided",
Field: fieldTaskCron,
Msg: "must provide if every field is not provided",
if t.query.Query == "" {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldQuery,
Msg: "must provide a non zero value",
if status := t.Status(); status != influxdb.Active && status != influxdb.Inactive {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldStatus,
Msg: "must be 1 of [active, inactive]",
if len(vErrs) > 0 {
return []validationErr{
objectValidationErr(fieldSpec, vErrs...),
return nil
var fluxRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`import\s+\".*\"`)
type taskFluxTranslation struct {
name string
cron string
every time.Duration
offset time.Duration
rawQuery string
func (tft taskFluxTranslation) flux() string {
var sb strings.Builder
writeLine := func(s string) {
sb.WriteString(s + "\n")
imports, queryBody := tft.separateQueryImports()
if imports != "" {
writeLine(imports + "\n")
return sb.String()
func (tft taskFluxTranslation) separateQueryImports() (imports string, querySansImports string) {
if indices := fluxRegex.FindAllIndex([]byte(tft.rawQuery), -1); len(indices) > 0 {
lastImportIdx := indices[len(indices)-1][1]
return tft.rawQuery[:lastImportIdx], tft.rawQuery[lastImportIdx:]
return "", tft.rawQuery
func (tft taskFluxTranslation) generateTaskOption() string {
taskOpts := []string{fmt.Sprintf("name: %q",}
if tft.cron != "" {
taskOpts = append(taskOpts, fmt.Sprintf("cron: %q", tft.cron))
if tft.every > 0 {
taskOpts = append(taskOpts, fmt.Sprintf("every: %s", tft.every))
if tft.offset > 0 {
taskOpts = append(taskOpts, fmt.Sprintf("offset: %s", tft.offset))
// this is required by the API, super nasty. Will be super challenging for
// anyone outside org to figure out how to do this within an hour of looking
// at the API :sadpanda:. Would be ideal to let the API translate the arguments
// into this required form instead of forcing that complexity on the caller.
return fmt.Sprintf("option task = { %s }", strings.Join(taskOpts, ", "))
const (
fieldTelegrafConfig = "config"
type telegraf struct {
config influxdb.TelegrafConfig
labels sortedLabels
func (t *telegraf) Labels() []*label {
return t.labels
func (t *telegraf) ResourceType() influxdb.ResourceType {
return KindTelegraf.ResourceType()
func (t *telegraf) summarize() SummaryTelegraf {
cfg := t.config
cfg.Name = t.Name()
return SummaryTelegraf{
SummaryIdentifier: SummaryIdentifier{
Kind: KindTelegraf,
MetaName: t.MetaName(),
EnvReferences: summarizeCommonReferences(t.identity, t.labels),
TelegrafConfig: cfg,
LabelAssociations: toSummaryLabels(t.labels...),
func (t *telegraf) valid() []validationErr {
var vErrs []validationErr
if err, ok := isValidName(t.Name(), 1); !ok {
vErrs = append(vErrs, err)
if t.config.Config == "" {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldTelegrafConfig,
Msg: "no config provided",
if len(vErrs) > 0 {
return []validationErr{
objectValidationErr(fieldSpec, vErrs...),
return nil
const (
fieldArgTypeConstant = "constant"
fieldArgTypeMap = "map"
fieldArgTypeQuery = "query"
fieldVariableSelected = "selected"
type variable struct {
Description string
Type string
Query string
Language string
ConstValues []string
MapValues map[string]string
selected []*references
labels sortedLabels
func (v *variable) Labels() []*label {
return v.labels
func (v *variable) ResourceType() influxdb.ResourceType {
return KindVariable.ResourceType()
func (v *variable) Selected() []string {
selected := make([]string, 0, len(v.selected))
for _, sel := range v.selected {
s := sel.String()
if s == "" {
selected = append(selected, s)
return selected
func (v *variable) summarize() SummaryVariable {
envRefs := summarizeCommonReferences(v.identity, v.labels)
for i, sel := range v.selected {
if sel.hasEnvRef() {
field := fmt.Sprintf("spec.%s[%d]", fieldVariableSelected, i)
envRefs = append(envRefs, convertRefToRefSummary(field, sel))
return SummaryVariable{
SummaryIdentifier: SummaryIdentifier{
Kind: KindVariable,
MetaName: v.MetaName(),
EnvReferences: envRefs,
Name: v.Name(),
Description: v.Description,
Selected: v.Selected(),
Arguments: v.influxVarArgs(),
LabelAssociations: toSummaryLabels(v.labels...),
func (v *variable) influxVarArgs() *influxdb.VariableArguments {
// this zero value check is for situations where we want to marshal/unmarshal
// a variable and not have the invalid args blow up during unmarshalling. When
// that validation is decoupled from the unmarshalling, we can clean this up.
if v.Type == "" {
return nil
args := &influxdb.VariableArguments{
Type: v.Type,
switch args.Type {
case "query":
args.Values = influxdb.VariableQueryValues{
Query: v.Query,
Language: v.Language,
case "constant":
args.Values = influxdb.VariableConstantValues(v.ConstValues)
case "map":
args.Values = influxdb.VariableMapValues(v.MapValues)
return args
func (v *variable) valid() []validationErr {
var failures []validationErr
if err, ok := isValidName(v.Name(), 1); !ok {
failures = append(failures, err)
switch v.Type {
case "map":
if len(v.MapValues) == 0 {
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: fieldValues,
Msg: "map variable must have at least 1 key/val pair",
case "constant":
if len(v.ConstValues) == 0 {
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: fieldValues,
Msg: "constant variable must have a least 1 value provided",
case "query":
if v.Query == "" {
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: fieldQuery,
Msg: "query variable must provide a query string",
if v.Language != "influxql" && v.Language != "flux" {
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: fieldLanguage,
Msg: fmt.Sprintf(`query variable language must be either "influxql" or "flux"; got %q`, v.Language),
if len(failures) > 0 {
return []validationErr{
objectValidationErr(fieldSpec, failures...),
return nil
const (
fieldReferencesEnv = "envRef"
fieldReferencesSecret = "secretRef"
type references struct {
EnvRef string // key used to reference parameterized field
Secret string
val interface{}
defaultVal interface{}
valType string
func (r *references) hasValue() bool {
return r.EnvRef != "" || r.Secret != "" || r.val != nil
func (r *references) hasEnvRef() bool {
return r != nil && r.EnvRef != ""
func (r *references) expression() ast.Expression {
v := r.val
if v == nil {
v = r.defaultVal
if v == nil {
return nil
switch strings.ToLower(r.valType) {
case "bool", "booleanliteral":
return astBoolFromIface(v)
case "duration", "durationliteral":
return astDurationFromIface(v)
case "float", "floatliteral":
return astFloatFromIface(v)
case "int", "integerliteral":
return astIntegerFromIface(v)
case "string", "stringliteral":
return astStringFromIface(v)
case "time", "datetimeliteral":
if v == "now()" {
return astNow()
return astTimeFromIface(v)
return nil
func (r *references) Float64() float64 {
if r == nil || r.val == nil {
return 0
i, _ := r.val.(float64)
return i
func (r *references) Int64() int64 {
if r == nil || r.val == nil {
return 0
i, _ := r.val.(int64)
return i
func (r *references) String() string {
if r == nil {
return ""
if v := r.StringVal(); v != "" {
return v
if r.EnvRef != "" {
if s, _ := ifaceToStr(r.defaultVal); s != "" {
return s
return "env-" + r.EnvRef
return ""
func (r *references) StringVal() string {
s, _ := ifaceToStr(r.val)
return s
func (r *references) SecretField() influxdb.SecretField {
if secret := r.Secret; secret != "" {
return influxdb.SecretField{Key: secret}
if str := r.StringVal(); str != "" {
return influxdb.SecretField{Value: &str}
return influxdb.SecretField{}
func convertRefToRefSummary(field string, ref *references) SummaryReference {
var valType string
switch strings.ToLower(ref.valType) {
case "bool", "booleanliteral":
valType = "bool"
case "duration", "durationliteral":
valType = "duration"
case "float", "floatliteral":
valType = "float"
case "int", "integerliteral":
valType = "integer"
case "string", "stringliteral":
valType = "string"
case "time", "datetimeliteral":
valType = "time"
return SummaryReference{
Field: field,
EnvRefKey: ref.EnvRef,
ValType: valType,
Value: ref.val,
DefaultValue: ref.defaultVal,
func astBoolFromIface(v interface{}) *ast.BooleanLiteral {
b, _ := v.(bool)
return ast.BooleanLiteralFromValue(b)
func astDurationFromIface(v interface{}) *ast.DurationLiteral {
s, ok := v.(string)
if !ok {
d, ok := v.(time.Duration)
if !ok {
return nil
s = d.String()
dur, err := parser.ParseSignedDuration(s)
if err != nil {
dur, _ = parser.ParseSignedDuration("-0m")
return dur
func astFloatFromIface(v interface{}) *ast.FloatLiteral {
if i, ok := v.(int); ok {
return ast.FloatLiteralFromValue(float64(i))
f, _ := v.(float64)
return ast.FloatLiteralFromValue(f)
func astIntegerFromIface(v interface{}) *ast.IntegerLiteral {
if f, ok := v.(float64); ok {
return ast.IntegerLiteralFromValue(int64(f))
i, _ := v.(int64)
return ast.IntegerLiteralFromValue(i)
func astNow() *ast.CallExpression {
return &ast.CallExpression{
Callee: &ast.Identifier{Name: "now"},
func astStringFromIface(v interface{}) *ast.StringLiteral {
s, _ := v.(string)
return ast.StringLiteralFromValue(s)
func astTimeFromIface(v interface{}) *ast.DateTimeLiteral {
if t, ok := v.(time.Time); ok {
return ast.DateTimeLiteralFromValue(t)
s, ok := v.(string)
if !ok {
return nil
t, err := parser.ParseTime(s)
if err != nil {
return ast.DateTimeLiteralFromValue(time.Now())
return t
func isValidName(name string, minLength int) (validationErr, bool) {
if len(name) >= minLength {
return validationErr{}, true
return validationErr{
Field: fieldName,
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("must be a string of at least %d chars in length", minLength),
}, false
func toNotificationDuration(dur time.Duration) *notification.Duration {
d, _ := notification.FromTimeDuration(dur)
return &d
func durToStr(dur time.Duration) string {
if dur == 0 {
return ""
return dur.String()
func flt64Ptr(f float64) *float64 {
if f != 0 {
return &f
return nil
func intPtr(i int) *int {
return &i