489 lines
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489 lines
13 KiB
package datastore
import (
log "code.google.com/p/log4go"
type Shard struct {
db storage.Engine
closed bool
pointBatchSize int
writeBatchSize int
metaStore *metastore.Store
closeLock sync.RWMutex
func NewShard(db storage.Engine, pointBatchSize, writeBatchSize int, metaStore *metastore.Store) (*Shard, error) {
return &Shard{
db: db,
pointBatchSize: pointBatchSize,
writeBatchSize: writeBatchSize,
metaStore: metaStore,
}, nil
func (self *Shard) Write(database string, series []*protocol.Series) error {
defer self.closeLock.RUnlock()
if self.closed {
return fmt.Errorf("Shard is closed")
wb := make([]storage.Write, 0)
for _, s := range series {
if len(s.Points) == 0 {
return errors.New("Unable to write no data. Series was nil or had no points.")
if len(s.FieldIds) == 0 {
return errors.New("Unable to write points without fields")
count := 0
for fieldIndex, id := range s.FieldIds {
for _, point := range s.Points {
// keyBuffer and dataBuffer have to be recreated since we are
// batching the writes, otherwise new writes will override the
// old writes that are still in memory
dataBuffer := proto.NewBuffer(nil)
var err error
sk := newStorageKey(id, point.GetTimestamp(), point.GetSequenceNumber())
if point.Values[fieldIndex].GetIsNull() {
wb = append(wb, storage.Write{Key: sk.bytes(), Value: nil})
goto check
err = dataBuffer.Marshal(point.Values[fieldIndex])
if err != nil {
return err
wb = append(wb, storage.Write{Key: sk.bytes(), Value: dataBuffer.Bytes()})
if count >= self.writeBatchSize {
err = self.db.BatchPut(wb)
if err != nil {
return err
count = 0
wb = make([]storage.Write, 0, self.writeBatchSize)
return self.db.BatchPut(wb)
func (self *Shard) Query(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, processor engine.Processor) error {
defer self.closeLock.RUnlock()
if self.closed {
return fmt.Errorf("Shard is closed")
if querySpec.IsListSeriesQuery() {
return fmt.Errorf("List series queries should never come to the shard")
} else if querySpec.IsDeleteFromSeriesQuery() {
return self.executeDeleteQuery(querySpec, processor)
seriesAndColumns := querySpec.SelectQuery().GetReferencedColumns()
if !self.hasReadAccess(querySpec) {
return errors.New("User does not have access to one or more of the series requested.")
for series, columns := range seriesAndColumns {
if regex, ok := series.GetCompiledRegex(); ok {
seriesNames := self.metaStore.GetSeriesForDatabaseAndRegex(querySpec.Database(), regex)
for _, name := range seriesNames {
if !querySpec.HasReadAccess(name) {
err := self.executeQueryForSeries(querySpec, name, columns, processor)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
err := self.executeQueryForSeries(querySpec, series.Name, columns, processor)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (self *Shard) IsClosed() bool {
return self.closed
func (self *Shard) executeQueryForSeries(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, seriesName string, columns []string, processor engine.Processor) error {
fields, err := self.getFieldsForSeries(querySpec.Database(), seriesName, columns)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error looking up fields for %s: %s", seriesName, err)
return err
if querySpec.IsSinglePointQuery() {
log.Debug("Running single query for series %s, fields %v", seriesName, fields)
return self.executeSinglePointQuery(querySpec, seriesName, fields, processor)
startTime := querySpec.GetStartTime()
endTime := querySpec.GetEndTime()
query := querySpec.SelectQuery()
aliases := query.GetTableAliases(seriesName)
fieldNames, iterators := self.getIterators(fields, startTime, endTime, query.Ascending)
seriesOutgoing := &protocol.Series{Name: protocol.String(seriesName), Fields: fieldNames, Points: make([]*protocol.Point, 0, self.pointBatchSize)}
pi := NewPointIterator(iterators, fields, querySpec.GetStartTime(), querySpec.GetEndTime(), query.Ascending)
defer pi.Close()
for pi.Valid() {
p := pi.Point()
seriesOutgoing.Points = append(seriesOutgoing.Points, p)
if len(seriesOutgoing.Points) >= self.pointBatchSize {
ok, err := yieldToProcessor(seriesOutgoing, processor, aliases)
if !ok || err != nil {
log.Debug("Stopping processing.")
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error while processing data: %v", err)
return err
seriesOutgoing = &protocol.Series{Name: protocol.String(seriesName), Fields: fieldNames, Points: make([]*protocol.Point, 0, self.pointBatchSize)}
if err := pi.Error(); err != nil {
return err
//Yield remaining data
if ok, err := yieldToProcessor(seriesOutgoing, processor, aliases); !ok || err != nil {
log.Debug("Stopping processing remaining points...")
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error while processing data: %v", err)
return err
log.Debug("Finished running query %s", query.GetQueryString())
return nil
func (self *Shard) executeDeleteQuery(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, processor engine.Processor) error {
query := querySpec.DeleteQuery()
series := query.GetFromClause()
database := querySpec.Database()
if series.Type != parser.FromClauseArray {
return fmt.Errorf("Merge and Inner joins can't be used with a delete query: %v", series.Type)
for _, name := range series.Names {
var err error
if regex, ok := name.Name.GetCompiledRegex(); ok {
err = self.deleteRangeOfRegex(database, regex, query.GetStartTime(), query.GetEndTime())
} else {
err = self.deleteRangeOfSeries(database, name.Name.Name, query.GetStartTime(), query.GetEndTime())
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (self *Shard) DropFields(fields []*metastore.Field) error {
defer self.closeLock.RUnlock()
if self.closed {
return fmt.Errorf("Shard is closed")
return self.deleteRangeOfFields(fields, math.MinInt64, math.MaxInt64)
func (self *Shard) deleteRangeOfSeries(database, series string, startTime, endTime time.Time) error {
fields := self.metaStore.GetFieldsForSeries(database, series)
st := common.TimeToMicroseconds(startTime)
et := common.TimeToMicroseconds(endTime)
return self.deleteRangeOfFields(fields, st, et)
func (self *Shard) deleteRangeOfFields(fields []*metastore.Field, st, et int64) error {
for _, field := range fields {
sk := newStorageKey(field.Id, st, 0)
ek := newStorageKey(field.Id, et, maxSeqNumber)
err := self.db.Del(sk.bytes(), ek.bytes())
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (self *Shard) deleteRangeOfRegex(database string, regex *regexp.Regexp, startTime, endTime time.Time) error {
series := self.metaStore.GetSeriesForDatabaseAndRegex(database, regex)
for _, name := range series {
err := self.deleteRangeOfSeries(database, name, startTime, endTime)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (self *Shard) hasReadAccess(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec) bool {
for series := range querySpec.SeriesValuesAndColumns() {
if _, isRegex := series.GetCompiledRegex(); !isRegex {
if !querySpec.HasReadAccess(series.Name) {
return false
return true
func (self *Shard) close() {
defer self.closeLock.Unlock()
self.closed = true
self.db = nil
func (self *Shard) executeSinglePointQuery(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, series string, fields []*metastore.Field, p engine.Processor) error {
query := querySpec.SelectQuery()
fieldCount := len(fields)
fieldNames := make([]string, 0, fieldCount)
point := &protocol.Point{Values: make([]*protocol.FieldValue, 0, fieldCount)}
timestamp := common.TimeToMicroseconds(query.GetStartTime())
sequenceNumber, err := query.GetSinglePointQuerySequenceNumber()
if err != nil {
return err
// set the timestamp and sequence number
point.SequenceNumber = &sequenceNumber
for _, field := range fields {
sk := newStorageKey(field.Id, timestamp, sequenceNumber)
data, err := self.db.Get(sk.bytes())
if err != nil {
return err
if data == nil {
fieldValue := &protocol.FieldValue{}
err = proto.Unmarshal(data, fieldValue)
if err != nil {
return err
fieldNames = append(fieldNames, field.Name)
point.Values = append(point.Values, fieldValue)
result := &protocol.Series{Name: &series, Fields: fieldNames, Points: []*protocol.Point{point}}
if len(result.Points) > 0 {
_, err := p.Yield(result)
return err
return nil
func (self *Shard) getIterators(fields []*metastore.Field, start, end time.Time, isAscendingQuery bool) (fieldNames []string, iterators []storage.Iterator) {
iterators = make([]storage.Iterator, len(fields))
fieldNames = make([]string, len(fields))
// start the iterators to go through the series data
for i, field := range fields {
fieldNames[i] = field.Name
iterators[i] = self.db.Iterator()
t := start
var seq uint64 = 0
if !isAscendingQuery {
t = end
seq = maxSeqNumber
tmicro := common.TimeToMicroseconds(t)
sk := newStorageKey(field.Id, tmicro, seq)
if !isAscendingQuery && iterators[i].Valid() {
if err := iterators[i].Error(); err != nil {
log.Error("Error while getting iterators: %s", err)
return nil, nil
func (self *Shard) getFieldsForSeries(db, series string, columns []string) ([]*metastore.Field, error) {
allFields := self.metaStore.GetFieldsForSeries(db, series)
if len(allFields) == 0 {
return nil, FieldLookupError{"Couldn't look up columns for series: " + series}
if len(columns) > 0 && columns[0] == "*" {
return allFields, nil
fields := make([]*metastore.Field, len(columns), len(columns))
for i, name := range columns {
hasField := false
for _, f := range allFields {
if f.Name == name {
field := f
hasField = true
fields[i] = field
if !hasField {
return nil, FieldLookupError{"Field " + name + " doesn't exist in series " + series}
return fields, nil
const maxSeqNumber = (1 << 64) - 1
// storageKey is the key that we use to store values in our key/value
// store engine. The key contains the field id, timestamp and sequence
// number of the value being stored.
type storageKey struct {
bytesBuf []byte
id uint64
timestamp int64
seq uint64
// Create a new storageKey.
// timestamp: the timestamp in microseconds. timestamp can be negative.
func newStorageKey(id uint64, timestamp int64, seq uint64) storageKey {
return storageKey{
bytesBuf: nil,
id: id,
timestamp: timestamp,
seq: seq,
// Parse the given byte slice into a storageKey
func parseKey(b []byte) (storageKey, error) {
if len(b) != 8*3 {
return storageKey{}, fmt.Errorf("Expected %d fields, found %d", 8*3, len(b))
sk := storageKey{}
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(b)
binary.Read(buf, binary.BigEndian, &sk.id)
var t uint64
binary.Read(buf, binary.BigEndian, &t)
sk.timestamp = convertUintTimestampToInt64(t)
binary.Read(buf, binary.BigEndian, &sk.seq)
sk.bytesBuf = b
return sk, nil
// Return a byte representation of the storage key. If the given byte
// representation was to be lexicographic sorted, then b1 < b2 iff
// id1 < id2 (b1 is a byte representation of a storageKey with a smaller
// id) or id1 == id2 and t1 < t2, or id1 == id2 and t1 == t2 and
// seq1 < seq2. This means that the byte representation has the same
// sort properties as the tuple (id, time, sequence)
func (sk storageKey) bytes() []byte {
if sk.bytesBuf != nil {
return sk.bytesBuf
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
binary.Write(buf, binary.BigEndian, sk.id)
t := convertTimestampToUint(sk.timestamp)
binary.Write(buf, binary.BigEndian, t)
binary.Write(buf, binary.BigEndian, sk.seq)
sk.bytesBuf = buf.Bytes()
return sk.bytesBuf
func (sk storageKey) time() time.Time {
return common.TimeFromMicroseconds(sk.timestamp)
// utility functions only used in this file
func convertTimestampToUint(t int64) uint64 {
if t < 0 {
return uint64(math.MaxInt64 + t + 1)
return uint64(t) + uint64(math.MaxInt64) + uint64(1)
func convertUintTimestampToInt64(t uint64) int64 {
if t > uint64(math.MaxInt64) {
return int64(t-math.MaxInt64) - int64(1)
return int64(t) - math.MaxInt64 - int64(1)
func yieldToProcessor(s *protocol.Series, p engine.Processor, aliases []string) (bool, error) {
for _, alias := range aliases {
series := &protocol.Series{
Name: proto.String(alias),
Fields: s.Fields,
Points: s.Points,
log4go.Debug("Yielding to %s %s", p.Name(), series)
if ok, err := p.Yield(series); !ok || err != nil {
return ok, err
return true, nil
type FieldLookupError struct {
message string
func NewFieldLookupError(message string) *FieldLookupError {
return &FieldLookupError{message}
func (self FieldLookupError) Error() string {
return self.message