722 lines
18 KiB
722 lines
18 KiB
import {Template, SourceLinks, TemplateType, TemplateValueType} from 'src/types'
import {Source} from '@influxdata/influx'
import {Cell, Dashboard, Label} from 'src/types/v2'
import {Links} from 'src/types/v2/links'
import {Task} from 'src/types/v2/tasks'
import {OnboardingStepProps} from 'src/onboarding/containers/OnboardingWizard'
import {WithRouterProps} from 'react-router'
import {ConfigurationState} from 'src/types/v2/dataLoaders'
import {
Task as TaskApi,
} from '@influxdata/influx'
export const links: Links = {
authorizations: '/api/v2/authorizations',
buckets: '/api/v2/buckets',
dashboards: '/api/v2/dashboards',
external: {
statusFeed: 'https://www.influxdata.com/feed/json',
variables: '/api/v2/variables',
me: '/api/v2/me',
orgs: '/api/v2/orgs',
query: {
ast: '/api/v2/query/ast',
self: '/api/v2/query',
spec: '/api/v2/query/spec',
suggestions: '/api/v2/query/suggestions',
setup: '/api/v2/setup',
signin: '/api/v2/signin',
signout: '/api/v2/signout',
sources: '/api/v2/sources',
system: {
debug: '/debug/pprof',
health: '/health',
metrics: '/metrics',
tasks: '/api/v2/tasks',
users: '/api/v2/users',
views: '/api/v2/views',
write: '/api/v2/write',
defaultDashboard: '/v2/dashboards/029d13fda9c5b000',
export const queryConfig = {
queries: [
id: '60842c85-8bc7-4180-a844-b974e47a98cd',
'SELECT mean(:fields:), mean("usage_user") AS "mean_usage_user" FROM "telegraf"."autogen"."cpu" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)',
queryConfig: {
id: '60842c85-8bc7-4180-a844-b974e47a98cd',
database: 'telegraf',
measurement: 'cpu',
retentionPolicy: 'autogen',
fields: [
value: 'mean',
type: 'func',
alias: '',
args: [{value: 'usage_idle', type: 'field', alias: ''}],
value: 'mean',
type: 'func',
alias: 'mean_usage_user',
args: [{value: 'usage_user', type: 'field', alias: ''}],
tags: {},
groupBy: {time: 'auto', tags: []},
areTagsAccepted: false,
fill: 'null',
'SELECT mean(:fields:), mean("usage_user") AS "mean_usage_user" FROM "telegraf"."autogen"."cpu" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)',
range: null,
shifts: [],
'SELECT mean("usage_idle"), mean("usage_user") AS "mean_usage_user" FROM "telegraf"."autogen"."cpu" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)',
tempVars: [
tempVar: ':fields:',
values: [{value: 'usage_idle', type: 'fieldKey', selected: true}],
export const sourceLinks: SourceLinks = {
query: '/chronograf/v1/sources/16/query',
services: '/chronograf/v1/sources/16/services',
self: '/chronograf/v1/sources/16',
kapacitors: '/chronograf/v1/sources/16/kapacitors',
proxy: '/chronograf/v1/sources/16/proxy',
queries: '/chronograf/v1/sources/16/queries',
write: '/chronograf/v1/sources/16/write',
permissions: '/chronograf/v1/sources/16/permissions',
users: '/chronograf/v1/sources/16/users',
databases: '/chronograf/v1/sources/16/dbs',
annotations: '/chronograf/v1/sources/16/annotations',
health: '/chronograf/v1/sources/16/health',
export const source: Source = {
id: '16',
name: 'ssl',
type: Source.TypeEnum.Self,
username: 'admin',
url: 'https://localhost:9086',
insecureSkipVerify: true,
telegraf: 'telegraf',
links: sourceLinks,
export const timeRange = {
lower: 'now() - 15m',
upper: null,
export const query = {
id: '0',
database: 'db1',
measurement: 'm1',
retentionPolicy: 'r1',
fill: 'null',
fields: [
value: 'f1',
type: 'field',
alias: 'foo',
args: [],
tags: {
tk1: ['tv1', 'tv2'],
groupBy: {
time: null,
tags: [],
areTagsAccepted: true,
rawText: null,
status: null,
shifts: [],
// Dashboards
export const template: Template = {
id: '1',
type: TemplateType.TagKeys,
label: 'test query',
tempVar: ':region:',
query: {
db: 'db1',
rp: 'rp1',
tagKey: 'tk1',
fieldKey: 'fk1',
measurement: 'm1',
influxql: 'SHOW TAGS WHERE CHRONOGIRAFFE = "friend"',
values: [
value: 'us-west',
type: TemplateValueType.TagKey,
selected: false,
localSelected: false,
value: 'us-east',
type: TemplateValueType.TagKey,
selected: true,
localSelected: true,
value: 'us-mount',
type: TemplateValueType.TagKey,
selected: false,
localSelected: false,
export const dashboard: Dashboard = {
id: '1',
orgID: '02ee9e2a29d73000',
cells: [],
name: 'd1',
links: {
self: 'self/link',
cells: 'cells/link',
meta: {
createdAt: '2019-01-08T11:57:31.562044-08:00',
updatedAt: '2019-01-08T12:57:31.562048-08:00',
labels: [],
export const labels: Label[] = [
id: '0001',
name: 'Trogdor',
properties: {
color: '#44ffcc',
description: 'Burninating the countryside',
id: '0002',
name: 'Strawberry',
properties: {
color: '#ff0054',
description: 'It is a great fruit',
export const dashboardWithLabels: Dashboard = {
id: '1',
cells: [],
name: 'd1',
orgID: '02ee9e2a29d73000',
links: {
self: 'self/link',
cells: 'cells/link',
meta: {
createdAt: '2019-01-08T11:57:31.562044-08:00',
updatedAt: '2019-01-08T12:57:31.562048-08:00',
export const cell: Cell = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
w: 4,
h: 4,
id: '0246e457-916b-43e3-be99-211c4cbc03e8',
dashboardID: 'dummyDashboardID',
links: {
self: 'self/link',
view: 'view/link',
export const orgs: Organization[] = [
links: {
buckets: '/api/v2/buckets?org=RadicalOrganization',
dashboards: '/api/v2/dashboards?org=RadicalOrganization',
self: '/api/v2/orgs/02ee9e2a29d73000',
tasks: '/api/v2/tasks?org=RadicalOrganization',
id: '02ee9e2a29d73000',
name: 'RadicalOrganization',
export const tasks: Task[] = [
id: '02ef9deff2141000',
orgID: '02ee9e2a29d73000',
name: 'pasdlak',
status: TaskApi.StatusEnum.Active,
'option task = {\n name: "pasdlak",\n cron: "2 0 * * *"\n}\nfrom(bucket: "inbucket") \n|> range(start: -1h)',
cron: '2 0 * * *',
organization: orgs[0],
labels: [],
id: '02f12c50dba72000',
orgID: '02ee9e2a29d73000',
name: 'somename',
status: TaskApi.StatusEnum.Active,
'option task = {\n name: "somename",\n every: 1m,\n}\nfrom(bucket: "inbucket") \n|> range(start: -task.every)',
every: '1m0s',
organization: {
links: {
buckets: '/api/v2/buckets?org=RadicalOrganization',
dashboards: '/api/v2/dashboards?org=RadicalOrganization',
self: '/api/v2/orgs/02ee9e2a29d73000',
tasks: '/api/v2/tasks?org=RadicalOrganization',
id: '02ee9e2a29d73000',
name: 'RadicalOrganization',
export const variables: Variable[] = [
name: 'a little variable',
orgID: '0',
arguments: {
type: 'query',
values: {query: '1 + 1 ', language: 'flux'},
export const defaultOnboardingStepProps: OnboardingStepProps = {
currentStepIndex: 0,
onSetCurrentStepIndex: jest.fn(),
onIncrementCurrentStepIndex: jest.fn(),
onDecrementCurrentStepIndex: jest.fn(),
onSetStepStatus: jest.fn(),
stepStatuses: [],
stepTitles: [],
setupParams: {username: '', password: '', org: '', bucket: ''},
handleSetSetupParams: jest.fn(),
notify: jest.fn(),
onCompleteSetup: jest.fn(),
onExit: jest.fn(),
onSetSubstepIndex: jest.fn(),
export const withRouterProps: WithRouterProps = {
params: {},
location: null,
routes: null,
router: null,
export const token =
export const telegrafConfigID = '030358c935b18000'
export const cpuPlugin = {
name: 'cpu',
type: 'input',
comment: 'this is a test',
config: {},
export const telegrafPlugin = {
name: TelegrafPluginInputCpu.NameEnum.Cpu,
configured: ConfigurationState.Unconfigured,
active: false,
export const cpuTelegrafPlugin = {
configured: ConfigurationState.Configured,
export const diskTelegrafPlugin = {
name: TelegrafPluginInputDisk.NameEnum.Disk,
configured: ConfigurationState.Configured,
export const diskioTelegrafPlugin = {
name: TelegrafPluginInputDiskio.NameEnum.Diskio,
configured: ConfigurationState.Configured,
export const netTelegrafPlugin = {
name: TelegrafPluginInputNet.NameEnum.Net,
configured: ConfigurationState.Configured,
export const memTelegrafPlugin = {
name: TelegrafPluginInputMem.NameEnum.Mem,
configured: ConfigurationState.Configured,
export const processesTelegrafPlugin = {
name: TelegrafPluginInputProcesses.NameEnum.Processes,
configured: ConfigurationState.Configured,
export const procstatTelegrafPlugin = {
name: TelegrafPluginInputProcstat.NameEnum.Procstat,
configured: ConfigurationState.Unconfigured,
export const systemTelegrafPlugin = {
name: TelegrafPluginInputSystem.NameEnum.System,
configured: ConfigurationState.Configured,
export const redisTelegrafPlugin = {
name: TelegrafPluginInputRedis.NameEnum.Redis,
export const swapTelegrafPlugin = {
name: TelegrafPluginInputSwap.NameEnum.Swap,
configured: ConfigurationState.Configured,
export const redisPlugin = {
name: TelegrafPluginInputRedis.NameEnum.Redis,
type: TelegrafPluginInputRedis.TypeEnum.Input,
config: {
servers: [],
password: '',
export const dockerTelegrafPlugin = {
name: TelegrafPluginInputDocker.NameEnum.Docker,
configured: ConfigurationState.Configured,
export const influxDB2Plugin = {
name: 'influxdb_v2',
type: 'output',
comment: 'write to influxdb v2',
config: {
urls: [''],
organization: 'default',
bucket: 'defbuck',
export const telegrafConfig = {
id: telegrafConfigID,
organizationID: '1',
name: 'in n out',
created: '2018-11-28T18:56:48.854337-08:00',
lastModified: '2018-11-28T18:56:48.854337-08:00',
lastModifiedBy: '030358b695318000',
agent: {collectionInterval: 15},
plugins: [cpuPlugin, influxDB2Plugin],
export const getTelegrafConfigsResponse = {
data: {
configurations: [telegrafConfig],
status: 200,
statusText: 'OK',
headers: {
date: 'Thu, 29 Nov 2018 18:10:21 GMT',
'content-length': '570',
'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
config: {
transformRequest: {},
transformResponse: {},
timeout: 0,
xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN',
xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN',
maxContentLength: -1,
headers: {Accept: 'application/json, text/plain, */*'},
method: 'get',
url: '/api/v2/telegrafs?org=',
request: {},
export const createTelegrafConfigResponse = {
data: telegrafConfig,
export const authResponse = {
data: {
links: {self: '/api/v2/authorizations'},
authorizations: [
links: {
self: '/api/v2/authorizations/030358b6aa718000',
user: '/api/v2/users/030358b695318000',
id: '030358b6aa718000',
status: 'active',
user: 'iris',
userID: '030358b695318000',
permissions: [
{action: 'create', resource: 'user'},
{action: 'delete', resource: 'user'},
{action: 'write', resource: 'org'},
{action: 'write', resource: 'bucket/030358b6aa318000'},
status: 200,
statusText: 'OK',
headers: {
date: 'Thu, 29 Nov 2018 18:10:21 GMT',
'content-length': '522',
'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
config: {
transformRequest: {},
transformResponse: {},
timeout: 0,
xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN',
xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN',
maxContentLength: -1,
headers: {Accept: 'application/json, text/plain, */*'},
method: 'get',
url: '/api/v2/authorizations?user=',
request: {},
export const bucket = {
links: {
labels: '/api/v2/buckets/034a10d6f7a6b000/labels',
log: '/api/v2/buckets/034a10d6f7a6b000/log',
org: '/api/v2/orgs/034a0adc49a6b000',
self: '/api/v2/buckets/034a10d6f7a6b000',
id: '034a10d6f7a6b000',
organizationID: '034a0adc49a6b000',
organization: 'default',
name: 'newbuck',
retentionRules: [],
labels: [],
export const buckets = [
links: {
labels: '/api/v2/buckets/034a10d6f7a6b000/labels',
log: '/api/v2/buckets/034a10d6f7a6b000/log',
org: '/api/v2/orgs/034a0adc49a6b000',
self: '/api/v2/buckets/034a10d6f7a6b000',
id: '034a10d6f7a6b000',
organizationID: '034a0adc49a6b000',
organization: 'default',
name: 'newbuck',
retentionRules: [],
labels: [],
links: {
labels: '/api/v2/buckets/034a10d6f7a6b000/labels',
log: '/api/v2/buckets/034a10d6f7a6b000/log',
org: '/api/v2/orgs/034a0adc49a6b000',
self: '/api/v2/buckets/034a10d6f7a6b000',
id: '034a10d6f7a6b001',
organizationID: '034a0adc49a6b000',
organization: 'default',
name: 'newbuck1',
retentionRules: [],
labels: [],
export const setSetupParamsResponse = {
data: {
user: {
links: {
log: '/api/v2/users/033bc62520fe3000/log',
self: '/api/v2/users/033bc62520fe3000',
id: '033bc62520fe3000',
name: 'iris',
bucket: {
links: {
labels: '/api/v2/buckets/033bc62534fe3000/labels',
log: '/api/v2/buckets/033bc62534fe3000/log',
org: '/api/v2/orgs/033bc62534be3000',
self: '/api/v2/buckets/033bc62534fe3000',
id: '033bc62534fe3000',
orgID: '033bc62534be3000',
organization: 'default',
name: 'defbuck',
retentionRules: [],
labels: [],
org: {
links: {
buckets: '/api/v2/buckets?org=default',
dashboards: '/api/v2/dashboards?org=default',
labels: '/api/v2/orgs/033bc62534be3000/labels',
log: '/api/v2/orgs/033bc62534be3000/log',
members: '/api/v2/orgs/033bc62534be3000/members',
secrets: '/api/v2/orgs/033bc62534be3000/secrets',
self: '/api/v2/orgs/033bc62534be3000',
tasks: '/api/v2/tasks?org=default',
id: '033bc62534be3000',
name: 'default',
auth: {
id: '033bc62534fe3001',
status: 'active',
description: "iris's Token",
orgID: '033bc62534be3000',
org: 'default',
userID: '033bc62520fe3000',
user: 'iris',
permissions: [
action: 'read',
resource: 'authorizations',
orgID: '033bc62534be3000',
action: 'write',
resource: 'authorizations',
orgID: '033bc62534be3000',
{action: 'read', resource: 'buckets', orgID: '033bc62534be3000'},
{action: 'write', resource: 'buckets', orgID: '033bc62534be3000'},
{action: 'read', resource: 'dashboards', orgID: '033bc62534be3000'},
{action: 'write', resource: 'dashboards', orgID: '033bc62534be3000'},
{action: 'read', resource: 'orgs', orgID: '033bc62534be3000'},
{action: 'write', resource: 'orgs', orgID: '033bc62534be3000'},
{action: 'read', resource: 'sources', orgID: '033bc62534be3000'},
{action: 'write', resource: 'sources', orgID: '033bc62534be3000'},
{action: 'read', resource: 'tasks', orgID: '033bc62534be3000'},
{action: 'write', resource: 'tasks', orgID: '033bc62534be3000'},
{action: 'read', resource: 'telegrafs', orgID: '033bc62534be3000'},
{action: 'write', resource: 'telegrafs', orgID: '033bc62534be3000'},
{action: 'read', resource: 'users', orgID: '033bc62534be3000'},
{action: 'write', resource: 'users', orgID: '033bc62534be3000'},
links: {
self: '/api/v2/authorizations/033bc62534fe3001',
user: '/api/v2/users/033bc62520fe3000',
status: 201,
statusText: 'Created',
headers: {
'access-control-allow-origin': 'http://localhost:9999',
date: 'Fri, 11 Jan 2019 22:49:33 GMT',
'Accept, Content-Type, Content-Length, Accept-Encoding, Authorization',
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'access-control-allow-methods': 'POST, GET, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE',
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config: {
transformRequest: {},
transformResponse: {},
timeout: 0,
xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN',
xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN',
maxContentLength: -1,
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
method: 'post',
url: '/api/v2/setup',
request: {},
export const telegraf = [
id: '03636a150fb51000',
name: 'Name this Configuration',
organizationID: '03636a0aabb51000',
id: '03636a150fb51001',
name: 'Name this Configuration',
organizationID: '03636a0aabb51000',
export const scraperTargets = [
bucket: 'a',
bucketID: '03636a0aabb51001',
id: '03636a0bfe351000',
name: 'new target',
orgID: '03636a0aabb51000',
organization: 'a',
type: 'prometheus',
url: 'http://localhost:9999/metrics',
bucket: 'a',
bucketID: '03636a0aabb51001',
id: '03636a0bfe351001',
name: 'new target',
orgID: '03636a0aabb51000',
organization: 'a',
type: 'prometheus',
url: 'http://localhost:9999/metrics',