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package influxdb
import (
const (
// DefaultRootPassword is the password initially set for the root user.
// It is also used when reseting the root user's password.
DefaultRootPassword = "root"
// DefaultRetentionPolicyName is the name of a databases's default shard space.
DefaultRetentionPolicyName = "default"
// DefaultSplitN represents the number of partitions a shard is split into.
DefaultSplitN = 1
// DefaultReplicaN represents the number of replicas data is written to.
DefaultReplicaN = 1
// DefaultShardDuration is the time period held by a shard.
DefaultShardDuration = 7 * (24 * time.Hour)
// DefaultShardRetention is the length of time before a shard is dropped.
DefaultShardRetention = time.Duration(0)
const (
// Data node messages
createDataNodeMessageType = messaging.MessageType(0x00)
deleteDataNodeMessageType = messaging.MessageType(0x01)
// Database messages
createDatabaseMessageType = messaging.MessageType(0x10)
deleteDatabaseMessageType = messaging.MessageType(0x11)
// Retention policy messages
createRetentionPolicyMessageType = messaging.MessageType(0x20)
updateRetentionPolicyMessageType = messaging.MessageType(0x21)
deleteRetentionPolicyMessageType = messaging.MessageType(0x22)
setDefaultRetentionPolicyMessageType = messaging.MessageType(0x23)
// User messages
createUserMessageType = messaging.MessageType(0x30)
updateUserMessageType = messaging.MessageType(0x31)
deleteUserMessageType = messaging.MessageType(0x32)
// Shard messages
createShardIfNotExistsMessageType = messaging.MessageType(0x40)
// Series messages
createSeriesIfNotExistsMessageType = messaging.MessageType(0x50)
// Write raw data messages (per-topic)
writeSeriesMessageType = messaging.MessageType(0x80)
// Server represents a collection of metadata and raw metric data.
type Server struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
id uint64
path string
done chan struct{} // goroutine close notification
client MessagingClient // broker client
index uint64 // highest broadcast index seen
errors map[uint64]error // message errors
meta *metastore // metadata store
dataNodes map[uint64]*DataNode // data nodes by id
databases map[string]*database // databases by name
databasesByShard map[uint64]*database // databases by shard id
users map[string]*User // user by name
// NewServer returns a new instance of Server.
// The server requires a client to the messaging broker to be passed in.
func NewServer(client MessagingClient) *Server {
assert(client != nil, "messaging client required")
return &Server{
client: client,
meta: &metastore{},
dataNodes: make(map[uint64]*DataNode),
databases: make(map[string]*database),
databasesByShard: make(map[uint64]*database),
users: make(map[string]*User),
errors: make(map[uint64]error),
// Path returns the path used when opening the server.
// Returns an empty string when the server is closed.
func (s *Server) Path() string { return s.path }
// shardPath returns the path for a shard.
func (s *Server) shardPath(id uint64) string {
if s.path == "" {
return ""
return filepath.Join(s.path, "shards", strconv.FormatUint(id, 10))
// Open initializes the server from a given path.
func (s *Server) Open(path string) error {
// Ensure the server isn't already open and there's a path provided.
if s.opened() {
return ErrServerOpen
} else if path == "" {
return ErrPathRequired
// Create required directories.
if err := os.MkdirAll(path, 0700); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(path, "shards"), 0700); err != nil {
return err
// Open metadata store.
if err := s.meta.open(filepath.Join(path, "meta")); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("meta: %s", err)
// Load state from metastore.
if err := s.load(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("load: %s", err)
// Set the server path.
s.path = path
// Start goroutine to read messages from the broker.
s.done = make(chan struct{}, 0)
go s.processor(s.done)
return nil
// opened returns true when the server is open.
func (s *Server) opened() bool { return s.path != "" }
// Close shuts down the server.
func (s *Server) Close() error {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
if !s.opened() {
return ErrServerClosed
// Close notification.
s.done = nil
// Close metastore.
_ = s.meta.close()
// Remove path.
s.path = ""
return nil
// load reads the state of the server from the metastore.
func (s *Server) load() error {
return s.meta.view(func(tx *metatx) error {
// Read server id.
s.id = tx.id()
// Load databases.
s.databases = make(map[string]*database)
for _, db := range tx.databases() {
s.databases[db.name] = db
for sh := range db.shards {
s.databasesByShard[sh] = db
// Load users.
s.users = make(map[string]*User)
for _, u := range tx.users() {
s.users[u.Name] = u
return nil
// broadcast encodes a message as JSON and send it to the broker's broadcast topic.
// This function waits until the message has been processed by the server.
// Returns the broker log index of the message or an error.
func (s *Server) broadcast(typ messaging.MessageType, c interface{}) (uint64, error) {
// Encode the command.
data, err := json.Marshal(c)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Publish the message.
m := &messaging.Message{
Type: typ,
TopicID: messaging.BroadcastTopicID,
Data: data,
index, err := s.client.Publish(m)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Wait for the server to receive the message.
err = s.sync(index)
return index, err
// sync blocks until a given index (or a higher index) has been seen.
// Returns any error associated with the command.
func (s *Server) sync(index uint64) error {
for {
// Check if index has occurred. If so, retrieve the error and return.
if s.index >= index {
err, ok := s.errors[index]
if ok {
delete(s.errors, index)
return err
// Otherwise wait momentarily and check again.
time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)
// DataNode returns a data node by id.
func (s *Server) DataNode(id uint64) *DataNode {
defer s.mu.RUnlock()
return s.dataNodes[id]
// DataNodeByURL returns a data node by url.
func (s *Server) DataNodeByURL(u *url.URL) *DataNode {
defer s.mu.RUnlock()
for _, n := range s.dataNodes {
if n.URL.String() == u.String() {
return n
return nil
// DataNodes returns a list of data nodes.
func (s *Server) DataNodes() (a []*DataNode) {
defer s.mu.RUnlock()
for _, n := range s.dataNodes {
a = append(a, n)
// CreateDataNode creates a new data node with a given URL.
func (s *Server) CreateDataNode(u *url.URL) error {
c := &createDataNodeCommand{URL: u.String()}
_, err := s.broadcast(createDataNodeMessageType, c)
return err
func (s *Server) applyCreateDataNode(m *messaging.Message) (err error) {
var c createDataNodeCommand
mustUnmarshalJSON(m.Data, &c)
defer s.mu.Unlock()
// Validate parameters.
if c.URL == "" {
return ErrDataNodeURLRequired
// Check that another node with the same URL doesn't already exist.
u, _ := url.Parse(c.URL)
for _, n := range s.dataNodes {
if n.URL.String() == u.String() {
return ErrDataNodeExists
// Create data node.
n := newDataNode()
n.ID = m.Index
n.URL = u
// Persist to metastore.
err = s.meta.mustUpdate(func(tx *metatx) error { return tx.saveDataNode(n) })
// Add to node on server.
s.dataNodes[n.ID] = n
type createDataNodeCommand struct {
URL string `json:"url"`
// DeleteDataNode deletes an existing data node.
func (s *Server) DeleteDataNode(id uint64) error {
c := &deleteDataNodeCommand{ID: id}
_, err := s.broadcast(deleteDataNodeMessageType, c)
return err
func (s *Server) applyDeleteDataNode(m *messaging.Message) (err error) {
var c deleteDataNodeCommand
mustUnmarshalJSON(m.Data, &c)
defer s.mu.Unlock()
n := s.dataNodes[c.ID]
if n == nil {
return ErrDataNodeNotFound
// Remove from metastore.
err = s.meta.mustUpdate(func(tx *metatx) error { return tx.deleteDataNode(c.ID) })
// Delete the node.
delete(s.dataNodes, n.ID)
type deleteDataNodeCommand struct {
ID uint64 `json:"id"`
// DatabaseExists returns true if a database exists.
func (s *Server) DatabaseExists(name string) bool {
defer s.mu.RUnlock()
return s.databases[name] != nil
// Databases returns a sorted list of all database names.
func (s *Server) Databases() (a []string) {
defer s.mu.RUnlock()
for _, db := range s.databases {
a = append(a, db.name)
// CreateDatabase creates a new database.
func (s *Server) CreateDatabase(name string) error {
c := &createDatabaseCommand{Name: name}
_, err := s.broadcast(createDatabaseMessageType, c)
return err
func (s *Server) applyCreateDatabase(m *messaging.Message) (err error) {
var c createDatabaseCommand
mustUnmarshalJSON(m.Data, &c)
defer s.mu.Unlock()
if s.databases[c.Name] != nil {
return ErrDatabaseExists
// Create database entry.
db := newDatabase()
db.name = c.Name
// Persist to metastore.
err = s.meta.mustUpdate(func(tx *metatx) error { return tx.saveDatabase(db) })
// Add to databases on server.
s.databases[c.Name] = db
type createDatabaseCommand struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
// DeleteDatabase deletes an existing database.
func (s *Server) DeleteDatabase(name string) error {
c := &deleteDatabaseCommand{Name: name}
_, err := s.broadcast(deleteDatabaseMessageType, c)
return err
func (s *Server) applyDeleteDatabase(m *messaging.Message) (err error) {
var c deleteDatabaseCommand
mustUnmarshalJSON(m.Data, &c)
defer s.mu.Unlock()
if s.databases[c.Name] == nil {
return ErrDatabaseNotFound
// Remove from metastore.
err = s.meta.mustUpdate(func(tx *metatx) error { return tx.deleteDatabase(c.Name) })
// Delete the database entry.
delete(s.databases, c.Name)
type deleteDatabaseCommand struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
// shardByTimestamp returns a shard that owns a given timestamp for a database.
func (s *Server) shardByTimestamp(database, policy string, id uint32, timestamp time.Time) (*Shard, error) {
db := s.databases[database]
if db == nil {
return nil, ErrDatabaseNotFound
return db.shardByTimestamp(policy, id, timestamp)
// Shards returns a list of all shards for a database.
// Returns an error if the database doesn't exist.
func (s *Server) Shards(database string) ([]*Shard, error) {
defer s.mu.RUnlock()
// Lookup database.
db := s.databases[database]
if db == nil {
return nil, ErrDatabaseNotFound
// Retrieve shards from database.
shards := make([]*Shard, 0, len(db.shards))
for _, shard := range db.shards {
shards = append(shards, shard)
return shards, nil
// shardsByTimestamp returns all shards that own a given timestamp for a database.
func (s *Server) shardsByTimestamp(database, policy string, timestamp time.Time) ([]*Shard, error) {
db := s.databases[database]
if db == nil {
return nil, ErrDatabaseNotFound
return db.shardsByTimestamp(policy, timestamp)
// CreateShardsIfNotExist creates all the shards for a retention policy for the interval a timestamp falls into.
// Note that multiple shards can be created for each bucket of time.
func (s *Server) CreateShardsIfNotExists(database, policy string, timestamp time.Time) error {
c := &createShardIfNotExistsCommand{Database: database, Policy: policy, Timestamp: timestamp}
_, err := s.broadcast(createShardIfNotExistsMessageType, c)
return err
// createShardIfNotExists returns the shard for a given retention policy, series, and timestamp.
// If it doesn't exist, it will create all shards for the given timestamp
func (s *Server) createShardIfNotExists(database, policy string, id uint32, timestamp time.Time) (*Shard, error) {
// Check if shard exists first.
sh, err := s.shardByTimestamp(database, policy, id, timestamp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if sh != nil {
return sh, nil
// If the shard doesn't exist then create it.
if err := s.CreateShardsIfNotExists(database, policy, timestamp); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Lookup the shard again.
return s.shardByTimestamp(database, policy, id, timestamp)
func (s *Server) applyCreateShardIfNotExists(m *messaging.Message) (err error) {
var c createShardIfNotExistsCommand
mustUnmarshalJSON(m.Data, &c)
defer s.mu.Unlock()
// Retrieve database.
db := s.databases[c.Database]
if s.databases[c.Database] == nil {
return ErrDatabaseNotFound
// Validate retention policy.
rp := db.policies[c.Policy]
if rp == nil {
return ErrRetentionPolicyNotFound
// If we can match to an existing shard date range then just ignore request.
for _, sh := range rp.Shards {
if timeBetweenInclusive(c.Timestamp, sh.StartTime, sh.EndTime) {
return nil
// If no shards match then create a new one.
sh := newShard()
sh.ID = m.Index
sh.StartTime = c.Timestamp.Truncate(rp.Duration).UTC()
sh.EndTime = sh.StartTime.Add(rp.Duration).UTC()
// Open shard.
if err := sh.open(s.shardPath(sh.ID)); err != nil {
panic("unable to open shard: " + err.Error())
// Persist to metastore if a shard was created.
if err = s.meta.mustUpdate(func(tx *metatx) error {
return tx.saveDatabase(db)
}); err != nil {
_ = sh.close()
// Add to lookups.
s.databasesByShard[sh.ID] = db
db.shards[sh.ID] = sh
rp.Shards = append(rp.Shards, sh)
// TODO: Subscribe to shard if it matches the server's index.
type createShardIfNotExistsCommand struct {
Database string `json:"name"`
Policy string `json:"policy"`
Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"`
// User returns a user by username
// Returns nil if the user does not exist.
func (s *Server) User(name string) *User {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
return s.users[name]
// Users returns a list of all users, sorted by name.
func (s *Server) Users() (a []*User) {
defer s.mu.RUnlock()
for _, u := range s.users {
a = append(a, u)
return a
// CreateUser creates a user on the server.
func (s *Server) CreateUser(username, password string, admin bool) error {
c := &createUserCommand{Username: username, Password: password, Admin: admin}
_, err := s.broadcast(createUserMessageType, c)
return err
func (s *Server) applyCreateUser(m *messaging.Message) (err error) {
var c createUserCommand
mustUnmarshalJSON(m.Data, &c)
defer s.mu.Unlock()
// Validate user.
if c.Username == "" {
return ErrUsernameRequired
} else if s.users[c.Username] != nil {
return ErrUserExists
// Generate the hash of the password.
hash, err := HashPassword(c.Password)
if err != nil {
return err
// Create the user.
u := &User{
Name: c.Username,
Hash: string(hash),
Admin: c.Admin,
// Persist to metastore.
err = s.meta.mustUpdate(func(tx *metatx) error {
return tx.saveUser(u)
s.users[u.Name] = u
type createUserCommand struct {
Username string `json:"username"`
Password string `json:"password"`
Admin bool `json:"admin,omitempty"`
// UpdateUser updates an existing user on the server.
func (s *Server) UpdateUser(username, password string) error {
c := &updateUserCommand{Username: username, Password: password}
_, err := s.broadcast(updateUserMessageType, c)
return err
func (s *Server) applyUpdateUser(m *messaging.Message) (err error) {
var c updateUserCommand
mustUnmarshalJSON(m.Data, &c)
defer s.mu.Unlock()
// Validate command.
u := s.users[c.Username]
if u == nil {
return ErrUserNotFound
// Update the user's password, if set.
if c.Password != "" {
hash, err := HashPassword(c.Password)
if err != nil {
return err
u.Hash = string(hash)
// Persist to metastore.
return s.meta.mustUpdate(func(tx *metatx) error {
return tx.saveUser(u)
type updateUserCommand struct {
Username string `json:"username"`
Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`
// DeleteUser removes a user from the server.
func (s *Server) DeleteUser(username string) error {
c := &deleteUserCommand{Username: username}
_, err := s.broadcast(deleteUserMessageType, c)
return err
func (s *Server) applyDeleteUser(m *messaging.Message) error {
var c deleteUserCommand
mustUnmarshalJSON(m.Data, &c)
defer s.mu.Unlock()
// Validate user.
if c.Username == "" {
return ErrUsernameRequired
} else if s.users[c.Username] == nil {
return ErrUserNotFound
// Remove from metastore.
s.meta.mustUpdate(func(tx *metatx) error {
return tx.deleteUser(c.Username)
// Delete the user.
delete(s.users, c.Username)
return nil
type deleteUserCommand struct {
Username string `json:"username"`
// RetentionPolicy returns a retention policy by name.
// Returns an error if the database doesn't exist.
func (s *Server) RetentionPolicy(database, name string) (*RetentionPolicy, error) {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
// Lookup database.
db := s.databases[database]
if db == nil {
return nil, ErrDatabaseNotFound
return db.policies[name], nil
// DefaultRetentionPolicy returns the default retention policy for a database.
// Returns an error if the database doesn't exist.
func (s *Server) DefaultRetentionPolicy(database string) (*RetentionPolicy, error) {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
// Lookup database.
db := s.databases[database]
if db == nil {
return nil, ErrDatabaseNotFound
return db.policies[db.defaultRetentionPolicy], nil
// RetentionPolicies returns a list of retention polocies for a database.
// Returns an error if the database doesn't exist.
func (s *Server) RetentionPolicies(database string) ([]*RetentionPolicy, error) {
defer s.mu.RUnlock()
// Lookup database.
db := s.databases[database]
if db == nil {
return nil, ErrDatabaseNotFound
// Retrieve the policies.
a := make([]*RetentionPolicy, 0, len(db.policies))
for _, p := range db.policies {
a = append(a, p)
return a, nil
// CreateRetentionPolicy creates a retention policy for a database.
func (s *Server) CreateRetentionPolicy(database string, rp *RetentionPolicy) error {
c := &createRetentionPolicyCommand{
Database: database,
Name: rp.Name,
Duration: rp.Duration,
ReplicaN: rp.ReplicaN,
SplitN: rp.SplitN,
_, err := s.broadcast(createRetentionPolicyMessageType, c)
return err
func (s *Server) applyCreateRetentionPolicy(m *messaging.Message) error {
var c createRetentionPolicyCommand
mustUnmarshalJSON(m.Data, &c)
defer s.mu.Unlock()
// Retrieve the database.
db := s.databases[c.Database]
if s.databases[c.Database] == nil {
return ErrDatabaseNotFound
} else if c.Name == "" {
return ErrRetentionPolicyNameRequired
} else if db.policies[c.Name] != nil {
return ErrRetentionPolicyExists
// Add policy to the database.
db.policies[c.Name] = &RetentionPolicy{
Name: c.Name,
Duration: c.Duration,
ReplicaN: c.ReplicaN,
SplitN: c.SplitN,
// Persist to metastore.
s.meta.mustUpdate(func(tx *metatx) error {
return tx.saveDatabase(db)
return nil
type createRetentionPolicyCommand struct {
Database string `json:"database"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Duration time.Duration `json:"duration"`
ReplicaN uint32 `json:"replicaN"`
SplitN uint32 `json:"splitN"`
// UpdateRetentionPolicy updates an existing retention policy on a database.
func (s *Server) UpdateRetentionPolicy(database, name string, rp *RetentionPolicy) error {
c := &updateRetentionPolicyCommand{Database: database, Name: name, NewName: rp.Name}
_, err := s.broadcast(updateRetentionPolicyMessageType, c)
return err
type updateRetentionPolicyCommand struct {
Database string `json:"database"`
Name string `json:"name"`
NewName string `json:"newName"`
func (s *Server) applyUpdateRetentionPolicy(m *messaging.Message) (err error) {
var c updateRetentionPolicyCommand
mustUnmarshalJSON(m.Data, &c)
defer s.mu.Unlock()
// Validate command.
db := s.databases[c.Database]
if s.databases[c.Database] == nil {
return ErrDatabaseNotFound
} else if c.Name == "" {
return ErrRetentionPolicyNameRequired
// Retrieve the policy.
p := db.policies[c.Name]
if db.policies[c.Name] == nil {
return ErrRetentionPolicyNotFound
// Update the policy name, if not blank.
if c.NewName != c.Name && c.NewName != "" {
delete(db.policies, p.Name)
p.Name = c.NewName
db.policies[p.Name] = p
// Persist to metastore.
err = s.meta.mustUpdate(func(tx *metatx) error {
return tx.saveDatabase(db)
// DeleteRetentionPolicy removes a retention policy from a database.
func (s *Server) DeleteRetentionPolicy(database, name string) error {
c := &deleteRetentionPolicyCommand{Database: database, Name: name}
_, err := s.broadcast(deleteRetentionPolicyMessageType, c)
return err
func (s *Server) applyDeleteRetentionPolicy(m *messaging.Message) (err error) {
var c deleteRetentionPolicyCommand
mustUnmarshalJSON(m.Data, &c)
defer s.mu.Unlock()
// Retrieve the database.
db := s.databases[c.Database]
if s.databases[c.Database] == nil {
return ErrDatabaseNotFound
} else if c.Name == "" {
return ErrRetentionPolicyNameRequired
} else if db.policies[c.Name] == nil {
return ErrRetentionPolicyNotFound
// Remove retention policy.
delete(db.policies, c.Name)
// Persist to metastore.
err = s.meta.mustUpdate(func(tx *metatx) error {
return tx.saveDatabase(db)
type deleteRetentionPolicyCommand struct {
Database string `json:"database"`
Name string `json:"name"`
// SetDefaultRetentionPolicy sets the default policy to write data into and query from on a database.
func (s *Server) SetDefaultRetentionPolicy(database, name string) error {
c := &setDefaultRetentionPolicyCommand{Database: database, Name: name}
_, err := s.broadcast(setDefaultRetentionPolicyMessageType, c)
return err
func (s *Server) applySetDefaultRetentionPolicy(m *messaging.Message) (err error) {
var c setDefaultRetentionPolicyCommand
mustUnmarshalJSON(m.Data, &c)
defer s.mu.Unlock()
// Validate command.
db := s.databases[c.Database]
if s.databases[c.Database] == nil {
return ErrDatabaseNotFound
} else if db.policies[c.Name] == nil {
return ErrRetentionPolicyNotFound
// Update default policy.
db.defaultRetentionPolicy = c.Name
// Persist to metastore.
err = s.meta.mustUpdate(func(tx *metatx) error {
return tx.saveDatabase(db)
type setDefaultRetentionPolicyCommand struct {
Database string `json:"database"`
Name string `json:"name"`
func (s *Server) applyCreateSeriesIfNotExists(m *messaging.Message) error {
var c createSeriesIfNotExistsCommand
mustUnmarshalJSON(m.Data, &c)
defer s.mu.Unlock()
// Validate command.
db := s.databases[c.Database]
if db == nil {
return ErrDatabaseNotFound
return s.meta.mustUpdate(func(tx *metatx) error {
return tx.createSeriesIfNotExists(db.name, c.Name, c.Tags)
type createSeriesIfNotExistsCommand struct {
Database string `json:"database"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Tags map[string]string `json:"tags"`
// WriteSeries writes series data to the database.
func (s *Server) WriteSeries(database, retentionPolicy, name string, tags map[string]string, timestamp time.Time, values map[string]interface{}) error {
// Find the id for the series and tagset
id, err := s.createSeriesIfNotExists(database, name, tags)
if err != nil {
return err
// Now write it into the shard.
sh, err := s.createShardIfNotExists(database, retentionPolicy, id, timestamp)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("create shard(%s/%d): %s", retentionPolicy, timestamp.Format(time.RFC3339Nano), err)
// Encode point to a byte slice.
data, err := marshalPoint(id, timestamp, values)
if err != nil {
return err
// Publish "write series" message on shard's topic to broker.
m := &messaging.Message{
Type: writeSeriesMessageType,
TopicID: sh.ID,
Data: data,
_, err = s.client.Publish(m)
return err
func (s *Server) applyWriteSeries(m *messaging.Message) error {
// Retrieve the database.
db := s.databasesByShard[m.TopicID]
if db == nil {
return ErrDatabaseNotFound
// Retrieve the shard.
sh := db.shards[m.TopicID]
if sh == nil {
return ErrShardNotFound
// TODO: enable some way to specify if the data should be overwritten
overwrite := true
// Write to shard.
return sh.writeSeries(overwrite, m.Data)
// seriesID returns the unique id of a series and tagset and a bool indicating if it was found
func (s *Server) seriesID(database, name string, tags map[string]string) (id uint32) {
s.meta.view(func(tx *metatx) error {
id, _ = tx.seriesID(database, name, tags)
return nil
func (s *Server) createSeriesIfNotExists(database, name string, tags map[string]string) (uint32, error) {
// Try to find series locally first.
if id := s.seriesID(database, name, tags); id != 0 {
return id, nil
// If it doesn't exist then create a message and broadcast.
c := &createSeriesIfNotExistsCommand{Database: database, Name: name, Tags: tags}
_, err := s.broadcast(createSeriesIfNotExistsMessageType, c)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Lookup series again.
id := s.seriesID(database, name, tags)
if id == 0 {
return 0, ErrSeriesNotFound
return id, nil
func (s *Server) Measurements(database string) (a Measurements) {
s.meta.view(func(tx *metatx) error {
a = tx.measurements(database)
return nil
// processor runs in a separate goroutine and processes all incoming broker messages.
func (s *Server) processor(done chan struct{}) {
client := s.client
for {
// Read incoming message.
var m *messaging.Message
select {
case <-done:
case m = <-client.C():
// Process message.
var err error
switch m.Type {
case writeSeriesMessageType:
err = s.applyWriteSeries(m)
case createDataNodeMessageType:
err = s.applyCreateDataNode(m)
case deleteDataNodeMessageType:
err = s.applyDeleteDataNode(m)
case createDatabaseMessageType:
err = s.applyCreateDatabase(m)
case deleteDatabaseMessageType:
err = s.applyDeleteDatabase(m)
case createUserMessageType:
err = s.applyCreateUser(m)
case updateUserMessageType:
err = s.applyUpdateUser(m)
case deleteUserMessageType:
err = s.applyDeleteUser(m)
case createRetentionPolicyMessageType:
err = s.applyCreateRetentionPolicy(m)
case updateRetentionPolicyMessageType:
err = s.applyUpdateRetentionPolicy(m)
case deleteRetentionPolicyMessageType:
err = s.applyDeleteRetentionPolicy(m)
case createShardIfNotExistsMessageType:
err = s.applyCreateShardIfNotExists(m)
case setDefaultRetentionPolicyMessageType:
err = s.applySetDefaultRetentionPolicy(m)
case createSeriesIfNotExistsMessageType:
err = s.applyCreateSeriesIfNotExists(m)
// Sync high water mark and errors.
s.index = m.Index
if err != nil {
s.errors[m.Index] = err
// MessagingClient represents the client used to receive messages from brokers.
type MessagingClient interface {
// Publishes a message to the broker.
Publish(m *messaging.Message) (index uint64, err error)
// The streaming channel for all subscribed messages.
C() <-chan *messaging.Message
// DataNode represents a data node in the cluster.
type DataNode struct {
ID uint64
URL *url.URL
// newDataNode returns an instance of DataNode.
func newDataNode() *DataNode { return &DataNode{} }
type dataNodes []*DataNode
func (p dataNodes) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p dataNodes) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i].ID < p[j].ID }
func (p dataNodes) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
// database represents a collection of retention policies.
type database struct {
name string
policies map[string]*RetentionPolicy // retention policies by name
shards map[uint64]*Shard // shards by id
defaultRetentionPolicy string
// newDatabase returns an instance of database.
func newDatabase() *database {
return &database{
policies: make(map[string]*RetentionPolicy),
shards: make(map[uint64]*Shard),
// shardByTimestamp returns a shard that owns a given timestamp.
func (db *database) shardByTimestamp(policy string, id uint32, timestamp time.Time) (*Shard, error) {
p := db.policies[policy]
if p == nil {
return nil, ErrRetentionPolicyNotFound
return p.shardByTimestamp(id, timestamp), nil
// shardsByTimestamp returns all shards that own a given timestamp.
func (db *database) shardsByTimestamp(policy string, timestamp time.Time) ([]*Shard, error) {
p := db.policies[policy]
if p == nil {
return nil, ErrRetentionPolicyNotFound
return p.shardsByTimestamp(timestamp), nil
// timeBetweenInclusive returns true if t is between min and max, inclusive.
func timeBetweenInclusive(t, min, max time.Time) bool {
return (t.Equal(min) || t.After(min)) && (t.Equal(max) || t.Before(max))
// MarshalJSON encodes a database into a JSON-encoded byte slice.
func (db *database) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
// Copy over properties to intermediate type.
var o databaseJSON
o.Name = db.name
o.DefaultRetentionPolicy = db.defaultRetentionPolicy
for _, rp := range db.policies {
o.Policies = append(o.Policies, rp)
for _, s := range db.shards {
o.Shards = append(o.Shards, s)
return json.Marshal(&o)
// UnmarshalJSON decodes a JSON-encoded byte slice to a database.
func (db *database) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
// Decode into intermediate type.
var o databaseJSON
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &o); err != nil {
return err
// Copy over properties from intermediate type.
db.name = o.Name
db.defaultRetentionPolicy = o.DefaultRetentionPolicy
// Copy shard policies.
db.policies = make(map[string]*RetentionPolicy)
for _, rp := range o.Policies {
db.policies[rp.Name] = rp
// Copy shards.
db.shards = make(map[uint64]*Shard)
for _, s := range o.Shards {
db.shards[s.ID] = s
return nil
// databaseJSON represents the JSON-serialization format for a database.
type databaseJSON struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
DefaultRetentionPolicy string `json:"defaultRetentionPolicy,omitempty"`
Policies []*RetentionPolicy `json:"policies,omitempty"`
Shards []*Shard `json:"shards,omitempty"`
// Measurement represents a collection of time series in a database
type Measurement struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Series []*Series `json:"series,omitempty"`
Fields []*Fields `json:"fields,omitempty"`
type Measurements []*Measurement
func (m Measurement) String() string { return string(mustMarshalJSON(m)) }
// Field represents a series field.
type Field struct {
ID uint8 `json:"id,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Type FieldType `json:"field"`
type FieldType int
const (
Int64 FieldType = iota
// Fields represents a list of fields.
type Fields []*Field
// Series belong to a Measurement and represent unique time series in a database
type Series struct {
ID uint32
Tags map[string]string
// RetentionPolicy represents a policy for creating new shards in a database and how long they're kept around for.
type RetentionPolicy struct {
// Unique name within database. Required.
Name string
// Length of time to keep data around
Duration time.Duration
ReplicaN uint32
SplitN uint32
Shards []*Shard
// NewRetentionPolicy returns a new instance of RetentionPolicy with defaults set.
func NewRetentionPolicy(name string) *RetentionPolicy {
return &RetentionPolicy{
Name: name,
ReplicaN: DefaultReplicaN,
SplitN: DefaultSplitN,
Duration: DefaultShardRetention,
// shardByTimestamp returns the shard in the space that owns a given timestamp for a given series id.
// Returns nil if the shard does not exist.
func (rp *RetentionPolicy) shardByTimestamp(id uint32, timestamp time.Time) *Shard {
shards := rp.shardsByTimestamp(timestamp)
if len(shards) > 0 {
return shards[int(id)%len(shards)]
return nil
func (rp *RetentionPolicy) shardsByTimestamp(timestamp time.Time) []*Shard {
shards := make([]*Shard, 0, rp.SplitN)
for _, s := range rp.Shards {
if timeBetweenInclusive(timestamp, s.StartTime, s.EndTime) {
shards = append(shards, s)
return shards
// MarshalJSON encodes a retention policy to a JSON-encoded byte slice.
func (rp *RetentionPolicy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(&retentionPolicyJSON{
Name: rp.Name,
Duration: rp.Duration,
ReplicaN: rp.ReplicaN,
SplitN: rp.SplitN,
// UnmarshalJSON decodes a JSON-encoded byte slice to a retention policy.
func (rp *RetentionPolicy) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
// Decode into intermediate type.
var o retentionPolicyJSON
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &o); err != nil {
return err
// Copy over properties from intermediate type.
rp.Name = o.Name
rp.ReplicaN = o.ReplicaN
rp.SplitN = o.SplitN
rp.Duration = o.Duration
rp.Shards = o.Shards
return nil
// retentionPolicyJSON represents an intermediate struct for JSON marshaling.
type retentionPolicyJSON struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
ReplicaN uint32 `json:"replicaN,omitempty"`
SplitN uint32 `json:"splitN,omitempty"`
Duration time.Duration `json:"duration,omitempty"`
Shards []*Shard `json:"shards,omitempty"`
// RetentionPolicies represents a list of shard policies.
type RetentionPolicies []*RetentionPolicy
// Shards returns a list of all shards for all policies.
func (rps RetentionPolicies) Shards() []*Shard {
var shards []*Shard
for _, rp := range rps {
shards = append(shards, rp.Shards...)
return shards
// BcryptCost is the cost associated with generating password with Bcrypt.
// This setting is lowered during testing to improve test suite performance.
var BcryptCost = 10
// User represents a user account on the system.
// It can be given read/write permissions to individual databases.
type User struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Hash string `json:"hash"`
Admin bool `json:"admin,omitempty"`
// Authenticate returns nil if the password matches the user's password.
// Returns an error if the password was incorrect.
func (u *User) Authenticate(password string) error {
return bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(u.Hash), []byte(password))
// users represents a list of users, sortable by name.
type users []*User
func (p users) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p users) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i].Name < p[j].Name }
func (p users) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
type Matcher struct {
IsRegex bool
Name string
func (m *Matcher) Matches(name string) bool {
if m.IsRegex {
matches, _ := regexp.MatchString(m.Name, name)
return matches
return m.Name == name
// HashPassword generates a cryptographically secure hash for password.
// Returns an error if the password is invalid or a hash cannot be generated.
func HashPassword(password string) ([]byte, error) {
// The second arg is the cost of the hashing, higher is slower but makes
// it harder to brute force, since it will be really slow and impractical
return bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(password), BcryptCost)
// ContinuousQuery represents a query that exists on the server and processes
// each incoming event.
type ContinuousQuery struct {
ID uint32
Query string
// TODO: ParsedQuery *parser.SelectQuery