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// Only for Dygraph TypeScript definitions
declare module 'src/external/dygraph' {
export type DygraphData = DygraphValue[][]
type Data = string | DygraphData | google.visualization.DataTable
export type DygraphValue = string | number | Date | null
interface DygraphAxis {
bounds: [number, number]
label: string
prefix: string
suffix: string
base: string
scale: string
export interface DygraphSeries {
[x: string]: {
axis: string
interface PerSeriesOptions {
* Set to either 'y1' or 'y2' to assign a series to a y-axis (primary or secondary). Must be
* set per-series.
axis?: 'y1' | 'y2'
* A per-series color definition. Used in conjunction with, and overrides, the colors option.
color?: string
* Draw a small dot at each point, in addition to a line going through the point. This makes
* the individual data points easier to see, but can increase visual clutter in the chart.
* The small dot can be replaced with a custom rendering by supplying a <a
* href='#drawPointCallback'>drawPointCallback</a>.
drawPoints?: boolean
* Error bars (or custom bars) for each series are drawn in the same color as the series, but
* with partial transparency. This sets the transparency. A value of 0.0 means that the error
* bars will not be drawn, whereas a value of 1.0 means that the error bars will be as dark
* as the line for the series itself. This can be used to produce chart lines whose thickness
* varies at each point.
fillAlpha?: number
* Should the area underneath the graph be filled? This option is not compatible with error
* bars. This may be set on a <a href='per-axis.html'>per-series</a> basis.
fillGraph?: boolean
* The size in pixels of the dot drawn over highlighted points.
highlightCircleSize?: number
* The size of the dot to draw on each point in pixels (see drawPoints). A dot is always
* drawn when a point is "isolated", i.e. there is a missing point on either side of it. This
* also controls the size of those dots.
pointSize?: number
* Mark this series for inclusion in the range selector. The mini plot curve will be an
* average of all such series. If this is not specified for any series, the default behavior
* is to average all the series. Setting it for one series will result in that series being
* charted alone in the range selector.
showInRangeSelector?: boolean
* When set, display the graph as a step plot instead of a line plot. This option may either
* be set for the whole graph or for single series.
stepPlot?: boolean
* Draw a border around graph lines to make crossing lines more easily distinguishable.
* Useful for graphs with many lines.
strokeBorderWidth?: number
* Color for the line border used if strokeBorderWidth is set.
strokeBorderColor?: string
* A custom pattern array where the even index is a draw and odd is a space in pixels. If
* null then it draws a solid line. The array should have a even length as any odd lengthed
* array could be expressed as a smaller even length array. This is used to create dashed
* lines.
strokePattern?: number[]
* The width of the lines connecting data points. This can be used to increase the contrast
* or some graphs.
strokeWidth?: number
interface PerAxisOptions {
* Color for x- and y-axis labels. This is a CSS color string.
axisLabelColor?: string
* Size of the font (in pixels) to use in the axis labels, both x- and y-axis.
axisLabelFontSize?: number
* Function to call to format the tick values that appear along an axis. This is usually set
* on a <a href='per-axis.html'>per-axis</a> basis.
axisLabelFormatter?: (
v: number | Date,
granularity: number,
opts: (name: string) => any,
dygraph: Dygraph
) => any
* Width (in pixels) of the containing divs for x- and y-axis labels. For the y-axis, this
* also controls the width of the y-axis. Note that for the x-axis, this is independent from
* pixelsPerLabel, which controls the spacing between labels.
axisLabelWidth?: number
* Color of the x- and y-axis lines. Accepts any value which the HTML canvas strokeStyle
* attribute understands, e.g. 'black' or 'rgb(0, 100, 255)'.
axisLineColor?: string
* Thickness (in pixels) of the x- and y-axis lines.
axisLineWidth?: number
* The size of the line to display next to each tick mark on x- or y-axes.
axisTickSize?: number
* Whether to draw the specified axis. This may be set on a per-axis basis to define the
* visibility of each axis separately. Setting this to false also prevents axis ticks from
* being drawn and reclaims the space for the chart grid/lines.
drawAxis?: boolean
* The color of the gridlines. This may be set on a per-axis basis to define each axis' grid
* separately.
gridLineColor?: string
* A custom pattern array where the even index is a draw and odd is a space in pixels. If
* null then it draws a solid line. The array should have a even length as any odd lengthed
* array could be expressed as a smaller even length array. This is used to create dashed
* gridlines.
gridLinePattern?: number[]
* Thickness (in pixels) of the gridlines drawn under the chart. The vertical/horizontal
* gridlines can be turned off entirely by using the drawXGrid and drawYGrid options. This
* may be set on a per-axis basis to define each axis' grid separately.
gridLineWidth?: number
* Only valid for y and y2, has no effect on x: This option defines whether the y axes should
* align their ticks or if they should be independent. Possible combinations: 1.) y=true,
* y2=false (default): y is the primary axis and the y2 ticks are aligned to the the ones of
* y. (only 1 grid) 2.) y=false, y2=true: y2 is the primary axis and the y ticks are aligned
* to the the ones of y2. (only 1 grid) 3.) y=true, y2=true: Both axis are independent and
* have their own ticks. (2 grids) 4.) y=false, y2=false: Invalid configuration causes an
* error.
independentTicks?: boolean
* When set for the y-axis or x-axis, the graph shows that axis in log scale. Any values less
* than or equal to zero are not displayed. Showing log scale with ranges that go below zero
* will result in an unviewable graph.
* Not compatible with showZero. connectSeparatedPoints is ignored. This is ignored for
* date-based x-axes.
logscale?: boolean
* When displaying numbers in normal (not scientific) mode, large numbers will be displayed
* with many trailing zeros (e.g. 100000000 instead of 1e9). This can lead to unwieldy y-axis
* labels. If there are more than <code>maxNumberWidth</code> digits to the left of the
* decimal in a number, dygraphs will switch to scientific notation, even when not operating
* in scientific mode. If you'd like to see all those digits, set this to something large,
* like 20 or 30.
maxNumberWidth?: number
* Number of pixels to require between each x- and y-label. Larger values will yield a
* sparser axis with fewer ticks. This is set on a <a href='per-axis.html'>per-axis</a>
* basis.
pixelsPerLabel?: number
* By default, dygraphs displays numbers with a fixed number of digits after the decimal
* point. If you'd prefer to have a fixed number of significant figures, set this option to
* that number of sig figs. A value of 2, for instance, would cause 1 to be display as 1.0
* and 1234 to be displayed as 1.23e+3.
sigFigs?: number
* This lets you specify an arbitrary function to generate tick marks on an axis. The tick
* marks are an array of (value, label) pairs. The built-in functions go to great lengths to
* choose good tick marks so, if you set this option, you'll most likely want to call one of
* them and modify the result. See dygraph-tickers.js for an extensive discussion. This is
* set on a <a href='per-axis.html'>per-axis</a> basis.
ticker?: (
min: number,
max: number,
pixels: number,
opts: (name: string) => any,
dygraph: Dygraph,
vals: number[]
) => Array<{v: number; label: string}>
* Function to provide a custom display format for the values displayed on mouseover. This
* does not affect the values that appear on tick marks next to the axes. To format those,
* see axisLabelFormatter. This is usually set on a <a href='per-axis.html'>per-axis</a>
* basis.
valueFormatter?: (
v: number,
opts: (name: string) => any,
seriesName: string,
dygraph: Dygraph,
row: number,
col: number
) => any
* Explicitly set the vertical range of the graph to [low, high]. This may be set on a
* per-axis basis to define each y-axis separately. If either limit is unspecified, it will
* be calculated automatically (e.g. [null, 30] to automatically calculate just the lower
* bound)
valueRange?: number[]
* Whether to display gridlines in the chart. This may be set on a per-axis basis to define
* the visibility of each axis' grid separately.
drawGrid?: boolean
* Show K/M/B for thousands/millions/billions on y-axis.
labelsKMB?: boolean
* Show k/M/G for kilo/Mega/Giga on y-axis. This is different than <code>labelsKMB</code> in
* that it uses base 2, not 10.
labelsKMG2?: boolean
export interface SeriesLegendData {
* Assigned or generated series color
color: string
* Series line dash
dashHTML: string
* Whether currently focused or not
isHighlighted: boolean
* Whether the series line is inside the selected/zoomed region
isVisible: boolean
* Assigned label to this series
label: string
* Generated label html for this series
labelHTML: string
* y value of this series
y: number
* Generated html for y value
yHTML: string
interface LegendData {
* x value of highlighted points
x: number
* Generated HTML for x value
xHTML: string
* Series data for the highlighted points
series: SeriesLegendData[]
* Dygraph object for this graph
dygraph: Dygraph
interface SeriesProperties {
name: string
column: number
visible: boolean
color: string
axis: number
interface Area {
x: number
y: number
w: number
h: number
* Point structure.
* xval_* and yval_* are the original unscaled data values,
* while x_* and y_* are scaled to the range (0.0-1.0) for plotting.
* yval_stacked is the cumulative Y value used for stacking graphs,
* and bottom/top/minus/plus are used for error bar graphs.
interface Point {
idx: number
name: string
x?: number
xval?: number
y_bottom?: number
y?: number
y_stacked?: number
y_top?: number
yval_minus?: number
yval?: number
yval_plus?: number
yval_stacked?: number
annotation?: dygraphs.Annotation
interface Annotation {
/** The name of the series to which the annotated point belongs. */
series: string
* The x value of the point. This should be the same as the value
* you specified in your CSV file, e.g. "2010-09-13".
* You must set either x or xval.
x?: number | string
* numeric value of the point, or millis since epoch.
xval?: number
/* Text that will appear on the annotation's flag. */
shortText?: string
/** A longer description of the annotation which will appear when the user hovers over it. */
text?: string
* Specify in place of shortText to mark the annotation with an image rather than text.
* If you specify this, you must specify width and height.
icon?: string
/* Width (in pixels) of the annotation flag or icon. */
width?: number
/** Height (in pixels) of the annotation flag or icon. */
height?: number
/* CSS class to use for styling the annotation. */
cssClass?: string
/* Height of the tick mark (in pixels) connecting the point to its flag or icon. */
tickHeight?: number
/* If true, attach annotations to the x-axis, rather than to actual points. */
attachAtBottom?: boolean
div?: HTMLDivElement
/** This function is called whenever the user clicks on this annotation. */
clickHandler?: (
annotation: dygraphs.Annotation,
point: Point,
dygraph: Dygraph,
event: MouseEvent<Element>
) => any
/** This function is called whenever the user mouses over this annotation. */
mouseOverHandler?: (
annotation: dygraphs.Annotation,
point: Point,
dygraph: Dygraph,
event: MouseEvent<Element>
) => any
/** This function is called whenever the user mouses out of this annotation. */
mouseOutHandler?: (
annotation: dygraphs.Annotation,
point: Point,
dygraph: Dygraph,
event: MouseEvent<Element>
) => any
/** this function is called whenever the user double-clicks on this annotation. */
dblClickHandler?: (
annotation: dygraphs.Annotation,
point: Point,
dygraph: Dygraph,
event: MouseEvent<Element>
) => any
type Axis = 'x' | 'y' | 'y2'
declare class DygraphClass {
// Tick granularities (passed to ticker).
public static SECONDLY: number
public static TWO_SECONDLY: number
public static FIVE_SECONDLY: number
public static TEN_SECONDLY: number
public static THIRTY_SECONDLY: number
public static MINUTELY: number
public static TWO_MINUTELY: number
public static FIVE_MINUTELY: number
public static TEN_MINUTELY: number
public static THIRTY_MINUTELY: number
public static HOURLY: number
public static TWO_HOURLY: number
public static SIX_HOURLY: number
public static DAILY: number
public static TWO_DAILY: number
public static WEEKLY: number
public static MONTHLY: number
public static QUARTERLY: number
public static BIANNUAL: number
public static ANNUAL: number
public static DECADAL: number
public static CENTENNIAL: number
public static NUM_GRANULARITIES: number
public static defaultInteractionModel: any
public static DOTTED_LINE: number[]
public static DASHED_LINE: number[]
public static DOT_DASH_LINE: number[]
public static Plotters: {
errorPlotter: any
linePlotter: any
fillPlotter: any
// tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name
public width_: number
public graphDiv: HTMLElement
container: HTMLElement | string,
data: DygraphData | (() => DygraphData),
options?: Options
* Returns the zoomed status of the chart for one or both axes.
* Axis is an optional parameter. Can be set to 'x' or 'y'.
* The zoomed status for an axis is set whenever a user zooms using the mouse
* or when the dateWindow or valueRange are updated (unless the
* isZoomedIgnoreProgrammaticZoom option is also specified).
public isZoomed(axis?: 'x' | 'y'): boolean
public predraw_(): () => void
public resizeElements_(): () => void
* Returns information about the Dygraph object, including its containing ID.
public toString(): string
* Returns the current value for an option, as set in the constructor or via
* updateOptions. You may pass in an (optional) series name to get per-series
* values for the option.
* All values returned by this method should be considered immutable. If you
* modify them, there is no guarantee that the changes will be honored or that
* dygraphs will remain in a consistent state. If you want to modify an option,
* use updateOptions() instead.
* @param {string} name The name of the option (e.g. 'strokeWidth')
* @param {string=} opt_seriesName Series name to get per-series values.
* @return {*} The value of the option.
public getOption(name: string, seriesName?: string): any
* Get the value of an option on a per-axis basis.
public getOptionForAxis(name: string, axis: dygraphs.Axis): any
* Returns the current rolling period, as set by the user or an option.
public rollPeriod(): number
* Returns the currently-visible x-range. This can be affected by zooming,
* panning or a call to updateOptions.
* Returns a two-element array: [left, right].
* If the Dygraph has dates on the x-axis, these will be millis since epoch.
public xAxisRange(): [number, number]
* Returns the lower- and upper-bound x-axis values of the data set.
public xAxisExtremes(): [number, number]
* Returns the currently-visible y-range for an axis. This can be affected by
* zooming, panning or a call to updateOptions. Axis indices are zero-based. If
* called with no arguments, returns the range of the first axis.
* Returns a two-element array: [bottom, top].
public yAxisRange(idx?: number): [number, number]
* Returns the currently-visible y-ranges for each axis. This can be affected by
* zooming, panning, calls to updateOptions, etc.
* Returns an array of [bottom, top] pairs, one for each y-axis.
public yAxisRanges(): Array<[number, number]>
* Convert from data coordinates to canvas/div X/Y coordinates.
* If specified, do this conversion for the coordinate system of a particular
* axis. Uses the first axis by default.
* Returns a two-element array: [X, Y]
* Note: use toDomXCoord instead of toDomCoords(x, null) and use toDomYCoord
* instead of toDomCoords(null, y, axis).
public toDomCoords(x: number, y: number, axis?: number): [number, number]
* Convert from data x coordinates to canvas/div X coordinate.
* If specified, do this conversion for the coordinate system of a particular
* axis.
* Returns a single value or null if x is null.
public toDomXCoord(x: number): number
* Convert from data y coordinates to canvas/div Y coordinate and optional
* axis. Uses the first axis by default.
* returns a single value or null if y is null.
public toDomYCoord(y: number, axis?: number): number
* Convert from canvas/div coords to data coordinates.
* If specified, do this conversion for the coordinate system of a particular
* axis. Uses the first axis by default.
* Returns a two-element array: [X, Y].
* Note: use toDataXCoord instead of toDataCoords(x, null) and use toDataYCoord
* instead of toDataCoords(null, y, axis).
public toDataCoords(x: number, y: number, axis?: number): [number, number]
* Convert from canvas/div x coordinate to data coordinate.
* If x is null, this returns null.
public toDataXCoord(x: number): number
* Convert from canvas/div y coord to value.
* If y is null, this returns null.
* if axis is null, this uses the first axis.
public toDataYCoord(y: number, axis?: number): number
* Converts a y for an axis to a percentage from the top to the
* bottom of the drawing area.
* If the coordinate represents a value visible on the canvas, then
* the value will be between 0 and 1, where 0 is the top of the canvas.
* However, this method will return values outside the range, as
* values can fall outside the canvas.
* If y is null, this returns null.
* if axis is null, this uses the first axis.
* @param {number} y The data y-coordinate.
* @param {number} [axis] The axis number on which the data coordinate lives.
* @return {number} A fraction in [0, 1] where 0 = the top edge.
public toPercentYCoord(y: number, axis?: number): number
* Converts an x value to a percentage from the left to the right of
* the drawing area.
* If the coordinate represents a value visible on the canvas, then
* the value will be between 0 and 1, where 0 is the left of the canvas.
* However, this method will return values outside the range, as
* values can fall outside the canvas.
* If x is null, this returns null.
* @param {number} x The data x-coordinate.
* @return {number} A fraction in [0, 1] where 0 = the left edge.
public toPercentXCoord(x: number): number
* Returns the number of columns (including the independent variable).
public numColumns(): number
* Returns the number of rows (excluding any header/label row).
public numRows(): number
* Returns the value in the given row and column. If the row and column exceed
* the bounds on the data, returns null. Also returns null if the value is
* missing.
* @param {number} row The row number of the data (0-based). Row 0 is the
* first row of data, not a header row.
* @param {number} col The column number of the data (0-based)
* @return {number} The value in the specified cell or null if the row/col
* were out of range.
public getValue(row: number, col: number): number
* Detach DOM elements in the dygraph and null out all data references.
* Calling this when you're done with a dygraph can dramatically reduce memory
* usage. See, e.g., the tests/perf.html example.
public destroy(): void
* Return the list of colors. This is either the list of colors passed in the
* attributes or the autogenerated list of rgb(r,g,b) strings.
* This does not return colors for invisible series.
* @return {Array.<string>} The list of colors.
public getColors(): string[]
* Returns a few attributes of a series, i.e. its color, its visibility, which
* axis it's assigned to, and its column in the original data.
* Returns null if the series does not exist.
* Otherwise, returns an object with column, visibility, color and axis properties.
* The "axis" property will be set to 1 for y1 and 2 for y2.
* The "column" property can be fed back into getValue(row, column) to get
* values for this series.
public getPropertiesForSeries(seriesName: string): dygraphs.SeriesProperties
* Reset the zoom to the original view coordinates. This is the same as
* double-clicking on the graph.
public resetZoom(): void
* Get the current graph's area object.
public getArea(): dygraphs.Area
* Convert a mouse event to DOM coordinates relative to the graph origin.
* Returns a two-element array: [X, Y].
public eventToDomCoords(event: MouseEvent<Element>): [number, number]
* Manually set the selected points and display information about them in the
* legend. The selection can be cleared using clearSelection() and queried
* using getSelection().
* @param {number} row Row number that should be highlighted (i.e. appear with
* hover dots on the chart).
* @param {seriesName} optional series name to highlight that series with the
* the highlightSeriesOpts setting.
* @param { locked } optional If true, keep seriesName selected when mousing
* over the graph, disabling closest-series highlighting. Call clearSelection()
* to unlock it.
public setSelection(
row: number | boolean,
seriesName?: string,
locked?: boolean
): void
* Clears the current selection (i.e. points that were highlighted by moving
* the mouse over the chart).
public clearSelection(): void
* Returns the number of the currently selected row. To get data for this row,
* you can use the getValue method.
* @return {number} row number, or -1 if nothing is selected
public getSelection(): number
* Returns the name of the currently-highlighted series.
* Only available when the highlightSeriesOpts option is in use.
public getHighlightSeries(): string
* Returns true if the currently-highlighted series was locked
* via setSelection(..., seriesName, true).
public isSeriesLocked(): boolean
* Returns the number of y-axes on the chart.
public numAxes(): number
* Changes various properties of the graph. These can include:
* <ul>
* <li>file: changes the source data for the graph</li>
* <li>errorBars: changes whether the data contains stddev</li>
* </ul>
* There's a huge variety of options that can be passed to this method. For a
* full list, see http://dygraphs.com/options.html.
* @param {Object} input_attrs The new properties and values
* @param {boolean} block_redraw Usually the chart is redrawn after every
* call to updateOptions(). If you know better, you can pass true to
* explicitly block the redraw. This can be useful for chaining
* updateOptions() calls, avoiding the occasional infinite loop and
* preventing redraws when it's not necessary (e.g. when updating a
* callback).
public updateOptions(inputAttrs: Options, blockRedraw?: boolean): void
* Resizes the dygraph. If no parameters are specified, resizes to fill the
* containing div (which has presumably changed size since the dygraph was
* instantiated. If the width/height are specified, the div will be resized.
* This is far more efficient than destroying and re-instantiating a
* Dygraph, since it doesn't have to reparse the underlying data.
* @param {number} width Width (in pixels)
* @param {number} height Height (in pixels)
public resize(width?: number, height?: number): void
* Adjusts the number of points in the rolling average. Updates the graph to
* reflect the new averaging period.
* @param {number} length Number of points over which to average the data.
public adjustRoll(length: number): void
* Returns a boolean array of visibility statuses.
public visibility(): boolean[]
* Changes the visiblity of a series.
* @param {number} num the series index
* @param {boolean} value true or false, identifying the visibility.
public setVisibility(num: number, value: boolean): void
* Update the list of annotations and redraw the chart.
* See dygraphs.com/annotations.html for more info on how to use annotations.
* @param ann {Array} An array of annotation objects.
* @param suppressDraw {Boolean} Set to "true" to block chart redraw (optional).
public setAnnotations(
ann: dygraphs.Annotation[],
suppressDraw?: boolean
): void
* Return the list of annotations.
public annotations(): dygraphs.Annotation[]
* Get the list of label names for this graph. The first column is the
* x-axis, so the data series names start at index 1.
* Returns null when labels have not yet been defined.
public getLabels(): string[]
* Get the index of a series (column) given its name. The first column is the
* x-axis, so the data series start with index 1.
public indexFromSetName(name: string): number
* Trigger a callback when the dygraph has drawn itself and is ready to be
* manipulated. This is primarily useful when dygraphs has to do an XHR for the
* data (i.e. a URL is passed as the data source) and the chart is drawn
* asynchronously. If the chart has already drawn, the callback will fire
* immediately.
* This is a good place to call setAnnotations().
public ready(callback: (g: Dygraph) => any): void
export interface Options extends PerSeriesOptions, PerAxisOptions {
* Set this option to animate the transition between zoom windows. Applies to programmatic
* and interactive zooms. Note that if you also set a drawCallback, it will be called several
* times on each zoom. If you set a zoomCallback, it will only be called after the animation
* is complete.
animatedZooms?: boolean
* If provided, this function is called whenever the user clicks on an annotation.
annotationClickHandler?: (
annotation: dygraphs.Annotation,
point: Point,
dygraph: Dygraph,
event: MouseEvent<Element>
) => any
* If provided, this function is called whenever the user double-clicks on an annotation.
annotationDblClickHandler?: (
annotation: dygraphs.Annotation,
point: Point,
dygraph: Dygraph,
event: MouseEvent<Element>
) => any
* If provided, this function is called whenever the user mouses out of an annotation.
annotationMouseOutHandler?: (
annotation: dygraphs.Annotation,
point: Point,
dygraph: Dygraph,
event: MouseEvent<Element>
) => any
* If provided, this function is called whenever the user mouses over an annotation.
annotationMouseOverHandler?: (
annotation: dygraphs.Annotation,
point: Point,
dygraph: Dygraph,
event: MouseEvent<Element>
) => any
* Defines per-axis options. Valid keys are 'x', 'y' and 'y2'. Only some options may be set
* on a per-axis basis. If an option may be set in this way, it will be noted on this page.
* See also documentation on <a href='http://dygraphs.com/per-axis.html'>per-series and
* per-axis options</a>.
axes?: {
x?: PerAxisOptions
y?: PerAxisOptions
y2?: PerAxisOptions
* A function to call when the canvas is clicked.
clickCallback?: (
e: MouseEvent<Element>,
xval: number,
points: Point[]
) => any
* If <strong>colors</strong> is not specified, saturation of the automatically-generated
* data series colors. (0.0-1.0).
colorSaturation?: number
* If colors is not specified, value of the data series colors, as in hue/saturation/value.
* (0.0-1.0, default 0.5)
colorValue?: number
* List of colors for the data series. These can be of the form "#AABBCC" or
* "rgb(255,100,200)" or "yellow", etc. If not specified, equally-spaced points around a
* color wheel are used. Overridden by the 'color' option.
colors?: string[]
* Usually, when Dygraphs encounters a missing value in a data series, it interprets this as
* a gap and draws it as such. If, instead, the missing values represents an x-value for
* which only a different series has data, then you'll want to connect the dots by setting
* this to true. To explicitly include a gap with this option set, use a value of NaN.
connectSeparatedPoints?: boolean
* When set, parse each CSV cell as "low;middle;high". Error bars will be drawn for each
* point between low and high, with the series itself going through middle.
customBars?: boolean
* Custom DataHandler. This is an advanced customization. See http://bit.ly/151E7Aq.
dataHandler?: any
* Initially zoom in on a section of the graph. Is of the form [earliest, latest], where
* earliest/latest are milliseconds since epoch. If the data for the x-axis is numeric, the
* values in dateWindow must also be numbers.
dateWindow?: number[]
* The delimiter to look for when separating fields of a CSV file. Setting this to a tab is
* not usually necessary, since tab-delimited data is auto-detected.
delimiter?: string
* Unless it's run in scientific mode (see the <code>sigFigs</code> option), dygraphs
* displays numbers with <code>digitsAfterDecimal</code> digits after the decimal point.
* Trailing zeros are not displayed, so with a value of 2 you'll get '0', '0.1', '0.12',
* '123.45' but not '123.456' (it will be rounded to '123.46'). Numbers with absolute value
* less than 0.1^digitsAfterDecimal (i.e. those which would show up as '0.00') will be
* displayed in scientific notation.
digitsAfterDecimal?: number
* Only applies when Dygraphs is used as a GViz chart. Causes string columns following a data
* series to be interpreted as annotations on points in that series. This is the same format
* used by Google's AnnotatedTimeLine chart.
displayAnnotations?: boolean
* When set, draw the X axis at the Y=0 position and the Y axis at the X=0 position if those
* positions are inside the graph's visible area. Otherwise, draw the axes at the bottom or
* left graph edge as usual.
drawAxesAtZero?: boolean
* When set, this callback gets called every time the dygraph is drawn. This includes the
* initial draw, after zooming and repeatedly while panning.
// tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name
drawCallback?: (dygraph: Dygraph, is_initial: boolean) => any
* Draw points at the edges of gaps in the data. This improves visibility of small data
* segments or other data irregularities.
drawGapEdgePoints?: boolean
* Draw a custom item when a point is highlighted. Default is a small dot matching the
* series color. This method should constrain drawing to within pointSize pixels from (cx,
* cy) Also see <a href='#drawPointCallback'>drawPointCallback</a>
drawHighlightPointCallback?: (
g: Dygraph,
seriesName: string,
canvasContext: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
cx: number,
cy: number,
color: string,
pointSize: number
) => any
* Draw a custom item when drawPoints is enabled. Default is a small dot matching the series
* color. This method should constrain drawing to within pointSize pixels from (cx, cy).
* Also see <a href='#drawHighlightPointCallback'>drawHighlightPointCallback</a>
drawPointCallback?: (
g: Dygraph,
seriesName: string,
canvasContext: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
cx: number,
cy: number,
color: string,
pointSize: number
) => any
* Does the data contain standard deviations? Setting this to true alters the input format.
errorBars?: boolean
* Sets the data being displayed in the chart. This can only be set when calling
* updateOptions; it cannot be set from the constructor. For a full description of valid data
* formats, see the <a href='http://dygraphs.com/data.html'>Data Formats</a> page.
file?: Data
* When set, attempt to parse each cell in the CSV file as "a/b", where a and b are integers.
* The ratio will be plotted. This allows computation of Wilson confidence intervals (see
* below).
fractions?: boolean
* Height, in pixels, of the chart. If the container div has been explicitly sized, this will
* be ignored.
height?: number
* Whether to hide the legend when the mouse leaves the chart area.
hideOverlayOnMouseOut?: boolean
* When set, this callback gets called every time a new point is highlighted.
highlightCallback?: (
event: MouseEvent<Element>,
xval: number,
points: Point[],
row: number,
seriesName: string
) => any
* Fade the background while highlighting series. 1=fully visible background (disable
* fading), 0=hiddden background (show highlighted series only).
highlightSeriesBackgroundAlpha?: number
* Sets the background color used to fade out the series in conjunction with 'highlightSeriesBackgroundAlpha'.
* Default: rgb(255, 255, 255)
highlightSeriesBackgroundColor?: string
* When set, the options from this object are applied to the timeseries closest to the mouse
* pointer for interactive highlighting. See also 'highlightCallback'. Example:
* highlightSeriesOpts: { strokeWidth: 3 }.
highlightSeriesOpts?: PerSeriesOptions
* Usually, dygraphs will use the range of the data plus some padding to set the range of the
* y-axis. If this option is set, the y-axis will always include zero, typically as the
* lowest value. This can be used to avoid exaggerating the variance in the data
includeZero?: boolean
interactionModel?: any
* When this option is passed to updateOptions() along with either the
* <code>dateWindow</code> or <code>valueRange</code> options, the zoom flags are not changed
* to reflect a zoomed state. This is primarily useful for when the display area of a chart
* is changed programmatically and also where manual zooming is allowed and use is made of
* the <code>isZoomed</code> method to determine this.
isZoomedIgnoreProgrammaticZoom?: boolean
* A name for each data series, including the independent (X) series. For CSV files and
* DataTable objections, this is determined by context. For raw data, this must be specified.
* If it is not, default values are supplied and a warning is logged.
labels?: string[]
* Show data labels in an external div, rather than on the graph. This value can either be a
* div element or a div id.
labelsDiv?: string | HTMLElement
* Additional styles to apply to the currently-highlighted points div. For example, {
* 'fontWeight': 'bold' } will make the labels bold. In general, it is better to use CSS to
* style the .dygraph-legend class than to use this property.
labelsDivStyles?: {[cssProperty: string]: string}
* Width (in pixels) of the div which shows information on the currently-highlighted points.
labelsDivWidth?: number
* Put <code><br/></code> between lines in the label string. Often used in conjunction
* with <strong>labelsDiv</strong>.
labelsSeparateLines?: boolean
* Show zero value labels in the labelsDiv.
labelsShowZeroValues?: boolean
* Show date/time labels according to UTC (instead of local time).
labelsUTC?: boolean
* When to display the legend. By default, it only appears when a user mouses over the chart.
* Set it to "always" to always display a legend of some sort. When set to "follow", legend
* follows highlighted points. If set to 'never' then it will not appear at all.
legend?: 'always' | 'follow' | 'onmouseover' | 'never'
* for details see https://github.com/danvk/dygraphs/pull/683
legendFormatter?: (legendData: LegendData) => string
* A value representing the farthest a graph may be panned, in percent of the display. For
* example, a value of 0.1 means that the graph can only be panned 10% pased the edges of the
* displayed values. null means no bounds.
panEdgeFraction?: number
* A function (or array of functions) which plot each data series on the chart.
* TODO(danvk): more details! May be set per-series.
plotter?: any
* Defines per-graph plugins. Useful for per-graph customization
plugins?: any[]
* A function to call when a data point is clicked. and the point that was clicked.
pointClickCallback?: (e: MouseEvent<Element>, point: Point) => any
* Height, in pixels, of the range selector widget. This option can only be specified at
* Dygraph creation time.
rangeSelectorHeight?: number
* The range selector mini plot fill color. This can be of the form "#AABBCC" or
* "rgb(255,100,200)" or "yellow". You can also specify null or "" to turn off fill.
rangeSelectorPlotFillColor?: string
* The range selector mini plot stroke color. This can be of the form "#AABBCC" or
* "rgb(255,100,200)" or "yellow". You can also specify null or "" to turn off stroke.
rangeSelectorPlotStrokeColor?: string
* Number of pixels to leave blank at the right edge of the Dygraph. This makes it easier to
* highlight the right-most data point.
rightGap?: number
* Number of days over which to average data. Discussed extensively above.
rollPeriod?: number
* Defines per-series options. Its keys match the y-axis label names, and the values are
* dictionaries themselves that contain options specific to that series. When this option is
* missing, it falls back on the old-style of per-series options comingled with global
* options.
series?: {
[seriesName: string]: PerSeriesOptions
* Whether to show the legend upon mouseover.
showLabelsOnHighlight?: boolean
* Show or hide the range selector widget.
showRangeSelector?: boolean
* If the rolling average period text box should be shown.
showRoller?: boolean
* When errorBars is set, shade this many standard deviations above/below each point.
sigma?: number
* If set, stack series on top of one another rather than drawing them independently. The
* first series specified in the input data will wind up on top of the chart and the last
* will be on bottom. NaN values are drawn as white areas without a line on top, see
* stackedGraphNaNFill for details.
stackedGraph?: boolean
* Controls handling of NaN values inside a stacked graph. NaN values are
* interpolated/extended for stacking purposes, but the actual point value remains NaN in the
* legend display. Valid option values are "all" (interpolate internally, repeat leftmost and
* rightmost value as needed), "inside" (interpolate internally only, use zero outside
* leftmost and rightmost value), and "none" (treat NaN as zero everywhere).
stackedGraphNaNFill?: string
* Text to display above the chart. You can supply any HTML for this value, not just text. If
* you wish to style it using CSS, use the 'dygraph-label' or 'dygraph-title' classes.
title?: string
* Height of the chart title, in pixels. This also controls the default font size of the
* title. If you style the title on your own, this controls how much space is set aside above
* the chart for the title's div.
titleHeight?: number
* When set, this callback gets called before the chart is drawn. It details on how to use
* this.
underlayCallback?: (
context: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
area: dygraphs.Area,
dygraph: Dygraph
) => any
* When set, this callback gets called every time the user stops highlighting any point by
* mousing out of the graph.
unhighlightCallback?: (event: MouseEvent<Element>) => any
* Which series should initially be visible? Once the Dygraph has been constructed, you can
* access and modify the visibility of each series using the <code>visibility</code> and
* <code>setVisibility</code> methods.
visibility?: boolean[]
* Width, in pixels, of the chart. If the container div has been explicitly sized, this will
* be ignored.
width?: number
* Use in conjunction with the "fractions" option. Instead of plotting +/- N standard
* deviations, dygraphs will compute a Wilson confidence interval and plot that. This has
* more reasonable behavior for ratios close to 0 or 1.
wilsonInterval?: boolean
* Height, in pixels, of the x-axis. If not set explicitly, this is computed based on
* axisLabelFontSize and axisTickSize.
xAxisHeight?: number
* Height of the x-axis label, in pixels. This also controls the default font size of the
* x-axis label. If you style the label on your own, this controls how much space is set
* aside below the chart for the x-axis label's div.
xLabelHeight?: number
* Add the specified amount of extra space (in pixels) around the X-axis value range to
* ensure points at the edges remain visible.
xRangePad?: number
* A function which parses x-values (i.e. the dependent series). Must return a number, even
* when the values are dates. In this case, millis since epoch are used. This is used
* primarily for parsing CSV data. *=Dygraphs is slightly more accepting in the dates which
* it will parse. See code for details.
xValueParser?: (val: string) => number
* Text to display below the chart's x-axis. You can supply any HTML for this value, not just
* text. If you wish to style it using CSS, use the 'dygraph-label' or 'dygraph-xlabel'
* classes.
xlabel?: string
* Text to display to the right of the chart's secondary y-axis. This label is only displayed
* if a secondary y-axis is present. See <a
* href='http://dygraphs.com/tests/two-axes.html'>this test</a> for an example of how to do
* this. The comments for the 'ylabel' option generally apply here as well. This label gets a
* 'dygraph-y2label' instead of a 'dygraph-ylabel' class.
y2label?: string
* Width of the div which contains the y-axis label. Since the y-axis label appears rotated
* 90 degrees, this actually affects the height of its div.
yLabelWidth?: number
* If set, add the specified amount of extra space (in pixels) around the Y-axis value range
* to ensure points at the edges remain visible. If unset, use the traditional Y padding
* algorithm.
yRangePad?: number
* Text to display to the left of the chart's y-axis. You can supply any HTML for this value,
* not just text. If you wish to style it using CSS, use the 'dygraph-label' or
* 'dygraph-ylabel' classes. The text will be rotated 90 degrees by default, so CSS rules may
* behave in unintuitive ways. No additional space is set aside for a y-axis label. If you
* need more space, increase the width of the y-axis tick labels using the yAxisLabelWidth
* option. If you need a wider div for the y-axis label, either style it that way with CSS
* (but remember that it's rotated, so width is controlled by the 'height' property) or set
* the yLabelWidth option.
ylabel?: string
* A function to call when the zoom window is changed (either by zooming in or out).
zoomCallback?: (
minDate: number,
maxDate: number,
yRanges: Array<[number, number]>
) => any
export default DygraphClass