476 lines
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476 lines
12 KiB
package parser
import (
// this file provides the high level api of the query object
func uniq(slice []string) []string {
// TODO: optimize this, maybe ?
uniqueMap := map[string]bool{}
for _, name := range slice {
uniqueMap[name] = true
slice = []string{}
for name := range uniqueMap {
slice = append(slice, name)
return slice
func (self *SelectDeleteCommonQuery) WillReturnSingleSeries() bool {
fromClause := self.GetFromClause()
if fromClause.Type != FromClauseArray {
return false
if len(fromClause.Names) > 1 {
return false
if _, ok := fromClause.Names[0].Name.GetCompiledRegex(); ok {
return false
return true
func (self *SelectDeleteCommonQuery) GetTableAliases(name string) []string {
names := self.GetFromClause().Names
if len(names) == 1 && names[0].Name.Type == ValueRegex {
return []string{name}
aliases := []string{}
for _, fromName := range names {
if fromName.Name.Name != name {
if fromName.Alias == "" {
aliases = append(aliases, name)
aliases = append(aliases, fromName.Alias)
return aliases
func (self *SelectQuery) revertAlias(mapping map[string][]string) {
fromClause := self.GetFromClause()
if fromClause.Type != FromClauseInnerJoin {
columns := make(map[string]map[string]bool)
for _, table := range fromClause.Names {
name := table.Name.Name
alias := name
if table.Alias != "" {
alias = table.Alias
for _, column := range mapping[alias] {
tableColumns := columns[name]
if tableColumns == nil {
tableColumns = make(map[string]bool)
columns[name] = tableColumns
tableColumns[column] = true
delete(mapping, alias)
for table, tableColumns := range columns {
mapping[table] = []string{}
for column := range tableColumns {
mapping[table] = append(mapping[table], column)
// Returns true if the query has aggregate functions applied to the
// columns
func (self *SelectQuery) HasAggregates() bool {
for _, column := range self.GetColumnNames() {
if column.IsFunctionCall() {
return true
return false
// Returns a mapping from the time series names (or regex) to the
// column names that are references
func (self *SelectQuery) GetReferencedColumns() map[*Value][]string {
return self.getColumns(true)
func (self *SelectQuery) GetResultColumns() map[*Value][]string {
return self.getColumns(false)
func (self *SelectQuery) getColumns(includeWhereClause bool) map[*Value][]string {
mapping := make(map[string][]string)
notPrefixedColumns := []string{}
for _, value := range self.GetColumnNames() {
if value.Name == "time" || value.Name == "sequence_number" {
notPrefixedColumns = append(notPrefixedColumns, getReferencedColumnsFromValue(value, mapping)...)
if !self.IsSinglePointQuery() {
if condition := self.GetWhereCondition(); condition != nil && includeWhereClause {
notPrefixedColumns = append(notPrefixedColumns, getReferencedColumnsFromCondition(condition, mapping)...)
for _, groupBy := range self.groupByClause.Elems {
notPrefixedColumns = append(notPrefixedColumns, getReferencedColumnsFromValue(groupBy, mapping)...)
notPrefixedColumns = uniq(notPrefixedColumns)
addedTables := make(map[string]bool)
returnedMapping := make(map[*Value][]string)
for _, tableName := range self.GetFromClause().Names {
value := tableName.Name
if _, ok := value.GetCompiledRegex(); ok {
// this is a regex table, cannot be referenced, only unreferenced
// columns will be attached to regex table names
returnedMapping[value] = notPrefixedColumns
name := value.Name
if addedTables[name] {
addedTables[name] = true
returnedMapping[value] = uniq(append(mapping[name], notPrefixedColumns...))
if len(returnedMapping[value]) > 1 && returnedMapping[value][0] == "*" {
returnedMapping[value] = returnedMapping[value][:1]
delete(mapping, name)
if len(mapping) == 0 {
return returnedMapping
// if `mapping` still have some mappings, then we have mistaken a
// column name with dots with a prefix.column, see issue #240
for prefix, columnNames := range mapping {
for _, columnName := range columnNames {
for table, columns := range returnedMapping {
if len(returnedMapping[table]) > 1 && returnedMapping[table][0] == "*" {
returnedMapping[table] = append(columns, prefix+"."+columnName)
delete(mapping, prefix)
return returnedMapping
// Returns the start time of the query. Queries can only have
// one condition of the form time > start_time
func (self *BasicQuery) GetStartTime() time.Time {
return self.startTime
func (self *BasicQuery) IsStartTimeSpecified() bool {
return self.startTimeSpecified
// Returns the start time of the query. Queries can only have
// one condition of the form time > start_time
func (self *BasicQuery) GetEndTime() time.Time {
return self.endTime
// parse time that matches the following format:
// 2006-01-02 [15[:04[:05[.000]]]]
// notice, hour, minute and seconds are optional
var timeRegex *regexp.Regexp
func init() {
var err error
timeRegex, err = regexp.Compile(
"^([0-9]{4}|[0-9]{2})-[0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{1,2}( [0-9]{1,2}(:[0-9]{1,2}(:[0-9]{1,2}?(\\.[0-9]+)?)?)?)?$")
if err != nil {
func parseTimeString(t string) (*time.Time, error) {
submatches := timeRegex.FindStringSubmatch(t)
if len(submatches) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s isn't a valid time string", t)
if submatches[5] != "" || submatches[4] != "" {
t, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05", t)
return &t, err
if submatches[3] != "" {
t, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04", t)
return &t, err
if submatches[2] != "" {
t, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15", t)
return &t, err
_t, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02", t)
return &_t, err
func parseTimeWithoutSuffix(value string) (int64, error) {
var err error
var f float64
var i int64
if strings.Contains(value, ".") {
f, err = strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
i = int64(f)
} else {
i, err = strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return i, nil
// parse time expressions, e.g. now() - 1d
func parseTime(value *Value) (int64, error) {
if value.Type != ValueExpression {
if value.IsFunctionCall() && strings.ToLower(value.Name) == "now" {
return time.Now().UTC().UnixNano(), nil
if value.IsFunctionCall() {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("Invalid use of function %s", value.Name)
if value.Type == ValueString {
t, err := parseTimeString(value.Name)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return t.UnixNano(), err
return common.ParseTimeDuration(value.Name)
leftValue, err := parseTime(value.Elems[0])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
rightValue, err := parseTime(value.Elems[1])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
switch value.Name {
case "+":
return leftValue + rightValue, nil
case "-":
return leftValue - rightValue, nil
return 0, fmt.Errorf("Cannot use '%s' in a time expression", value.Name)
func getReferencedColumnsFromValue(v *Value, mapping map[string][]string) (notAssigned []string) {
switch v.Type {
case ValueSimpleName, ValueTableName:
if idx := strings.LastIndex(v.Name, "."); idx != -1 {
tableName := v.Name[:idx]
columnName := v.Name[idx+1:]
mapping[tableName] = append(mapping[tableName], columnName)
notAssigned = append(notAssigned, v.Name)
case ValueWildcard:
notAssigned = append(notAssigned, "*")
case ValueExpression, ValueFunctionCall:
for _, value := range v.Elems {
newNotAssignedColumns := getReferencedColumnsFromValue(value, mapping)
if len(newNotAssignedColumns) > 0 && newNotAssignedColumns[0] == "*" {
newNotAssignedColumns = newNotAssignedColumns[1:]
notAssigned = append(notAssigned, newNotAssignedColumns...)
func getReferencedColumnsFromCondition(condition *WhereCondition, mapping map[string][]string) (notPrefixed []string) {
if left, ok := condition.GetLeftWhereCondition(); ok {
notPrefixed = append(notPrefixed, getReferencedColumnsFromCondition(left, mapping)...)
notPrefixed = append(notPrefixed, getReferencedColumnsFromCondition(condition.Right, mapping)...)
expr, _ := condition.GetBoolExpression()
notPrefixed = append(notPrefixed, getReferencedColumnsFromValue(expr, mapping)...)
func isNumericValue(value *Value) bool {
switch value.Type {
case ValueDuration, ValueFloat, ValueInt, ValueString:
return true
return false
// parse the start time or end time from the where conditions and return the new condition
// without the time clauses, or nil if there are no where conditions left
func getTime(condition *WhereCondition, isParsingStartTime bool) (*WhereCondition, *time.Time, error) {
if condition == nil {
return nil, nil, nil
if expr, ok := condition.GetBoolExpression(); ok {
switch expr.Type {
case ValueDuration, ValueFloat, ValueInt, ValueString, ValueWildcard:
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid where expression: %v", expr)
if expr.Type == ValueFunctionCall {
return condition, nil, nil
leftValue := expr.Elems[0]
isTimeOnLeft := leftValue.Type != ValueExpression && leftValue.Type != ValueFunctionCall
rightValue := expr.Elems[1]
isTimeOnRight := rightValue.Type != ValueExpression && rightValue.Type != ValueFunctionCall
// this can only be the case if the where condition
// is of the form `"time" > 123456789`, so let's see
// which side is a float value
if isTimeOnLeft && isTimeOnRight {
if isNumericValue(rightValue) {
isTimeOnRight = false
} else {
isTimeOnLeft = false
// if this expression isn't "time > xxx" or "xxx < time" then return
// TODO: we should do a check to make sure "time" doesn't show up in
// either expressions
if !isTimeOnLeft && !isTimeOnRight {
return condition, nil, nil
var timeExpression *Value
if !isTimeOnRight {
if leftValue.Name != "time" {
return condition, nil, nil
timeExpression = rightValue
} else if !isTimeOnLeft {
if rightValue.Name != "time" {
return condition, nil, nil
timeExpression = leftValue
} else {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid time condition %v", condition)
switch expr.Name {
case ">":
if isParsingStartTime && !isTimeOnLeft || !isParsingStartTime && !isTimeOnRight {
return condition, nil, nil
case "<":
if !isParsingStartTime && !isTimeOnLeft || isParsingStartTime && !isTimeOnRight {
return condition, nil, nil
case "=":
nanoseconds, err := parseTime(timeExpression)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
t := time.Unix(nanoseconds/int64(time.Second), nanoseconds%int64(time.Second)).UTC()
return condition, &t, nil
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot use time with '%s'", expr.Name)
nanoseconds, err := parseTime(timeExpression)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
t := time.Unix(nanoseconds/int64(time.Second), nanoseconds%int64(time.Second)).UTC()
return nil, &t, nil
leftCondition, _ := condition.GetLeftWhereCondition()
newLeftCondition, timeLeft, err := getTime(leftCondition, isParsingStartTime)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
newRightCondition, timeRight, err := getTime(condition.Right, isParsingStartTime)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if condition.Operation == "OR" && (timeLeft != nil || timeRight != nil) {
// we can't have two start times or'd together
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid where clause, time must appear twice to specify start and end time")
newCondition := condition
if newLeftCondition == nil {
newCondition = newRightCondition
} else if newRightCondition == nil {
newCondition = newLeftCondition
} else {
newCondition.Left = newLeftCondition
newCondition.Right = newRightCondition
if timeLeft == nil {
return newCondition, timeRight, nil
if timeRight == nil {
return newCondition, timeLeft, nil
if isParsingStartTime && timeLeft.Unix() < timeRight.Unix() {
return newCondition, timeLeft, nil
if !isParsingStartTime && timeLeft.Unix() > timeRight.Unix() {
return newCondition, timeLeft, nil
return newCondition, timeRight, nil