feat(http): add prometheus counters for tracking write/query usage
feat(http/metric): add metric recoder for recording http metrics
feat(prometheus): implement metric.Recorder for prometheus metrics
fix(prometheus): remove erroneous fmt.Printlns
feat(http): add prometheus registry to API backend
This was done as exposing prometheus metrics to a higher level was quite
difficult. It was much simple to simply pass the registry down to
anything that needs it.
feat(cmd/influxd/launcher): pass prom registry in on api backend
feat(http): collect metrics for write and query endpoints
This was much messier than I would have preferred. Future work is
outlined in TODOs.
review(influxdb): rename metric.Metric to metric.Event
This can be done by embedding a httprouter.Router
(a light weight HTTP router that supports variables in the routing pattern and matches against the request method)
Required services should be exported on the struct
// ThingHandler represents an HTTP API handler for things.
typeThingHandlerstruct{// embedded httprouter.Router as a lazy way to implement http.Handler
HTTP Handler Constructor
Routes should be declared in the constructor
// NewThingHandler returns a new instance of ThingHandler.
Route handlers (http.HandlerFuncs)
Each route handler should have an associated request struct and decode function
The decode function should take a context.Context and an *http.Request and return the associated route request struct
Route http.HandlerFuncs should separate the decoding and encoding of HTTP requests/response from actual handler logic
// handlePostThing is the HTTP handler for the POST /api/v2/things route.
func(h*ThingHandler)handlePostThing(whttp.ResponseWriter,r*http.Request){ctx:=r.Context()req,err:=decodePostThingRequest(ctx,r)iferr!=nil{errors.EncodeHTTP(ctx,err,w)return}// Do stuff here
iferr:=h.ThingService.CreateThing(ctx,req.Thing);err!=nil{errors.EncodeHTTP(ctx,err,w)return}iferr:=encodeResponse(ctx,w,http.StatusCreated,req.Thing);err!=nil{h.Logger.Info("encoding response failed",zap.Error(err))return}}
http.HandlerFunc's that require particular encoding of http responses should implement an encode response function