153 lines
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153 lines
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package cluster
import (
const (
MAX_MAP_RESPONSE_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 1024
// ShardMapper is responsible for providing mappers for requested shards. It is
// responsible for creating those mappers from the local store, or reaching
// out to another node on the cluster.
type ShardMapper struct {
MetaStore interface {
NodeID() uint64
Node(id uint64) (ni *meta.NodeInfo, err error)
TSDBStore interface {
CreateMapper(shardID uint64, query string, chunkSize int) (tsdb.Mapper, error)
// NewShardMapper returns a mapper of local and remote shards.
func NewShardMapper() *ShardMapper {
return &ShardMapper{}
// CreateMapper returns a Mapper for the given shard ID.
func (r *ShardMapper) CreateMapper(sh meta.ShardInfo, stmt string, chunkSize int) (tsdb.Mapper, error) {
var err error
var m tsdb.Mapper
if sh.OwnedBy(r.MetaStore.NodeID()) {
m, err = r.TSDBStore.CreateMapper(sh.ID, stmt, chunkSize)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
rm := NewRemoteMaper(sh.OwnerIDs[0], sh.ID, stmt, chunkSize)
rm.MetaStore = r.MetaStore
m = rm
return m, nil
// RemoteMapper implements the tsdb.Mapper interface. It connects to a remote node,
// sends a query, and interprets the stream of data that comes back.
type RemoteMapper struct {
MetaStore interface {
Node(id uint64) (ni *meta.NodeInfo, err error)
nodeID uint64
shardID uint64
stmt string
chunkSize int
tagsets []string
resp *http.Response
decoder *json.Decoder
buffer tsdb.MapperResponse
bufferSent bool
// NewRemoteMaper returns a new remote mapper.
func NewRemoteMaper(nodeID, shardID uint64, stmt string, chunkSize int) *RemoteMapper {
return &RemoteMapper{
nodeID: nodeID,
shardID: shardID,
stmt: stmt,
chunkSize: chunkSize,
// Open connects to the remote node and starts receiving data.
func (r *RemoteMapper) Open() error {
node, err := r.MetaStore.Node(r.nodeID)
if err != nil {
return err
v := url.Values{}
v.Set("shard", string(r.shardID))
v.Set("q", r.stmt)
if r.chunkSize != 0 {
v.Set("chunksize", strconv.Itoa(r.chunkSize))
u := url.URL{
Scheme: "http",
Host: node.Host,
RawQuery: v.Encode(),
Path: "/shard_mapping",
resp, err := http.Get(u.String())
if err != nil {
return err
r.resp = resp
// Set up the decoder.
lr := io.LimitReader(r.resp.Body, MAX_MAP_RESPONSE_SIZE)
r.decoder = json.NewDecoder(lr)
// Decode the first response to get the TagSets.
err = r.decoder.Decode(&r.buffer)
if err != nil {
return err
r.tagsets = r.buffer.TagSets
return nil
func (r *RemoteMapper) TagSets() []string {
return r.tagsets
// NextChunk returns the next chunk read from the remote node to the client.
func (r *RemoteMapper) NextChunk() (interface{}, error) {
if !r.bufferSent {
r.bufferSent = true
return r.buffer.Data, nil
mr := tsdb.MapperResponse{}
err := r.decoder.Decode(&mr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return mr.Data, nil
// Close the response body
func (r *RemoteMapper) Close() {
if r.resp != nil && r.resp.Body != nil {