
1000 lines
22 KiB

package pkger
import (
icheck ""
type identity struct {
name *references
displayName *references
shouldRemove bool
func (i *identity) Name() string {
if displayName := i.displayName.String(); displayName != "" {
return displayName
func (i *identity) PkgName() string {
const (
fieldAPIVersion = "apiVersion"
fieldAssociations = "associations"
fieldDescription = "description"
fieldEvery = "every"
fieldKey = "key"
fieldKind = "kind"
fieldLanguage = "language"
fieldLevel = "level"
fieldMin = "min"
fieldMax = "max"
fieldMetadata = "metadata"
fieldName = "name"
fieldOffset = "offset"
fieldOperator = "operator"
fieldPrefix = "prefix"
fieldQuery = "query"
fieldSuffix = "suffix"
fieldSpec = "spec"
fieldStatus = "status"
fieldType = "type"
fieldValue = "value"
fieldValues = "values"
const (
fieldBucketRetentionRules = "retentionRules"
const bucketNameMinLength = 2
type bucket struct {
Description string
RetentionRules retentionRules
labels sortedLabels
func (b *bucket) summarize() SummaryBucket {
return SummaryBucket{
Name: b.Name(),
PkgName: b.PkgName(),
Description: b.Description,
RetentionPeriod: b.RetentionRules.RP(),
LabelAssociations: toSummaryLabels(b.labels...),
func (b *bucket) ResourceType() influxdb.ResourceType {
return KindBucket.ResourceType()
func (b *bucket) valid() []validationErr {
var vErrs []validationErr
if err, ok := isValidName(b.Name(), bucketNameMinLength); !ok {
vErrs = append(vErrs, err)
vErrs = append(vErrs, b.RetentionRules.valid()...)
if len(vErrs) == 0 {
return nil
return []validationErr{
objectValidationErr(fieldSpec, vErrs...),
const (
retentionRuleTypeExpire = "expire"
type retentionRule struct {
Type string `json:"type" yaml:"type"`
Seconds int `json:"everySeconds" yaml:"everySeconds"`
func newRetentionRule(d time.Duration) retentionRule {
return retentionRule{
Type: retentionRuleTypeExpire,
Seconds: int(d.Round(time.Second) / time.Second),
func (r retentionRule) valid() []validationErr {
const hour = 3600
var ff []validationErr
if r.Seconds < hour {
ff = append(ff, validationErr{
Field: fieldRetentionRulesEverySeconds,
Msg: "seconds must be a minimum of " + strconv.Itoa(hour),
if r.Type != retentionRuleTypeExpire {
ff = append(ff, validationErr{
Field: fieldType,
Msg: `type must be "expire"`,
return ff
const (
fieldRetentionRulesEverySeconds = "everySeconds"
type retentionRules []retentionRule
func (r retentionRules) RP() time.Duration {
// TODO: this feels very odd to me, will need to follow up with
// team to better understand this
for _, rule := range r {
return time.Duration(rule.Seconds) * time.Second
return 0
func (r retentionRules) valid() []validationErr {
var failures []validationErr
for i, rule := range r {
if ff := rule.valid(); len(ff) > 0 {
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: fieldBucketRetentionRules,
Index: intPtr(i),
Nested: ff,
return failures
type checkKind int
const (
checkKindDeadman checkKind = iota + 1
const (
fieldCheckAllValues = "allValues"
fieldCheckReportZero = "reportZero"
fieldCheckStaleTime = "staleTime"
fieldCheckStatusMessageTemplate = "statusMessageTemplate"
fieldCheckTags = "tags"
fieldCheckThresholds = "thresholds"
fieldCheckTimeSince = "timeSince"
const checkNameMinLength = 1
type check struct {
kind checkKind
description string
every time.Duration
level string
offset time.Duration
query string
reportZero bool
staleTime time.Duration
status string
statusMessage string
tags []struct{ k, v string }
timeSince time.Duration
thresholds []threshold
labels sortedLabels
func (c *check) Labels() []*label {
return c.labels
func (c *check) ResourceType() influxdb.ResourceType {
return KindCheck.ResourceType()
func (c *check) Status() influxdb.Status {
status := influxdb.Status(c.status)
if status == "" {
status = influxdb.Active
return status
func (c *check) summarize() SummaryCheck {
base := icheck.Base{
Name: c.Name(),
Description: c.description,
Every: toNotificationDuration(c.every),
Offset: toNotificationDuration(c.offset),
StatusMessageTemplate: c.statusMessage,
base.Query.Text = c.query
for _, tag := range c.tags {
base.Tags = append(base.Tags, influxdb.Tag{Key: tag.k, Value: tag.v})
sum := SummaryCheck{
PkgName: c.PkgName(),
Status: c.Status(),
LabelAssociations: toSummaryLabels(c.labels...),
switch c.kind {
case checkKindThreshold:
sum.Check = &icheck.Threshold{
Base: base,
Thresholds: toInfluxThresholds(c.thresholds...),
case checkKindDeadman:
sum.Check = &icheck.Deadman{
Base: base,
Level: notification.ParseCheckLevel(strings.ToUpper(c.level)),
ReportZero: c.reportZero,
StaleTime: toNotificationDuration(c.staleTime),
TimeSince: toNotificationDuration(c.timeSince),
return sum
func (c *check) valid() []validationErr {
var vErrs []validationErr
if err, ok := isValidName(c.Name(), checkNameMinLength); !ok {
vErrs = append(vErrs, err)
if c.every == 0 {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldEvery,
Msg: "duration value must be provided that is >= 5s (seconds)",
if c.query == "" {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldQuery,
Msg: "must provide a non zero value",
if c.statusMessage == "" {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldCheckStatusMessageTemplate,
Msg: `must provide a template; ex. "Check: ${ r._check_name } is: ${ r._level }"`,
if status := c.Status(); status != influxdb.Active && status != influxdb.Inactive {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldStatus,
Msg: "must be 1 of [active, inactive]",
switch c.kind {
case checkKindThreshold:
if len(c.thresholds) == 0 {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldCheckThresholds,
Msg: "must provide at least 1 threshold entry",
for i, th := range c.thresholds {
for _, fail := range th.valid() {
fail.Index = intPtr(i)
vErrs = append(vErrs, fail)
if len(vErrs) > 0 {
return []validationErr{
objectValidationErr(fieldSpec, vErrs...),
return nil
type assocMapKey struct {
resType influxdb.ResourceType
name string
type assocMapVal struct {
exists bool
v interface{}
func (l assocMapVal) ID() influxdb.ID {
if t, ok := l.v.(labelAssociater); ok {
return t.ID()
return 0
func (l assocMapVal) PkgName() string {
t, ok := l.v.(interface{ PkgName() string })
if ok {
return t.PkgName()
return ""
type associationMapping struct {
mappings map[assocMapKey][]assocMapVal
func (l *associationMapping) setMapping(v interface {
ResourceType() influxdb.ResourceType
Name() string
}, exists bool) {
if l == nil {
if l.mappings == nil {
l.mappings = make(map[assocMapKey][]assocMapVal)
k := assocMapKey{
resType: v.ResourceType(),
name: v.Name(),
val := assocMapVal{
exists: exists,
v: v,
existing, ok := l.mappings[k]
if !ok {
l.mappings[k] = []assocMapVal{val}
for i, ex := range existing {
if ex.v == v {
existing[i].exists = exists
l.mappings[k] = append(l.mappings[k], val)
const (
fieldLabelColor = "color"
const labelNameMinLength = 2
type label struct {
id influxdb.ID
Color string
Description string
// exists provides context for a resource that already
// exists in the platform. If a resource already exists(exists=true)
// then the ID should be populated.
existing *influxdb.Label
func (l *label) summarize() SummaryLabel {
return SummaryLabel{
PkgName: l.PkgName(),
Name: l.Name(),
Properties: struct {
Color string `json:"color"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Color: l.Color,
Description: l.Description,
func (l *label) mappingSummary() []SummaryLabelMapping {
var mappings []SummaryLabelMapping
for resource, vals := range l.mappings {
for _, v := range vals {
status := StateStatusNew
if v.exists {
status = StateStatusExists
mappings = append(mappings, SummaryLabelMapping{
exists: v.exists,
Status: status,
ResourceID: SafeID(v.ID()),
ResourcePkgName: v.PkgName(),
ResourceType: resource.resType,
LabelID: SafeID(l.ID()),
LabelPkgName: l.PkgName(),
LabelName: l.Name(),
return mappings
func (l *label) ID() influxdb.ID {
if != 0 {
if l.existing != nil {
return l.existing.ID
return 0
func (l *label) valid() []validationErr {
var vErrs []validationErr
if err, ok := isValidName(l.Name(), labelNameMinLength); !ok {
vErrs = append(vErrs, err)
if len(vErrs) == 0 {
return nil
return []validationErr{
objectValidationErr(fieldSpec, vErrs...),
func toSummaryLabels(labels ...*label) []SummaryLabel {
iLabels := make([]SummaryLabel, 0, len(labels))
for _, l := range labels {
iLabels = append(iLabels, l.summarize())
return iLabels
type sortedLabels []*label
func (s sortedLabels) Len() int {
return len(s)
func (s sortedLabels) Less(i, j int) bool {
return s[i].Name() < s[j].Name()
func (s sortedLabels) Swap(i, j int) {
s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]
type thresholdType string
const (
thresholdTypeGreater thresholdType = "greater"
thresholdTypeLesser thresholdType = "lesser"
thresholdTypeInsideRange thresholdType = "inside_range"
thresholdTypeOutsideRange thresholdType = "outside_range"
var thresholdTypes = map[thresholdType]bool{
thresholdTypeGreater: true,
thresholdTypeLesser: true,
thresholdTypeInsideRange: true,
thresholdTypeOutsideRange: true,
type threshold struct {
threshType thresholdType
allVals bool
level string
val float64
min, max float64
func (t threshold) valid() []validationErr {
var vErrs []validationErr
if notification.ParseCheckLevel(t.level) == notification.Unknown {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldLevel,
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("must be 1 in [CRIT, WARN, INFO, OK]; got=%q", t.level),
if !thresholdTypes[t.threshType] {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldType,
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("must be 1 in [Lesser, Greater, Inside_Range, Outside_Range]; got=%q", t.threshType),
if t.min > t.max {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldMin,
Msg: "min must be < max",
return vErrs
func toInfluxThresholds(thresholds ...threshold) []icheck.ThresholdConfig {
var iThresh []icheck.ThresholdConfig
for _, th := range thresholds {
base := icheck.ThresholdConfigBase{
AllValues: th.allVals,
Level: notification.ParseCheckLevel(th.level),
switch th.threshType {
case thresholdTypeGreater:
iThresh = append(iThresh, icheck.Greater{
ThresholdConfigBase: base,
Value: th.val,
case thresholdTypeLesser:
iThresh = append(iThresh, icheck.Lesser{
ThresholdConfigBase: base,
Value: th.val,
case thresholdTypeInsideRange, thresholdTypeOutsideRange:
iThresh = append(iThresh, icheck.Range{
ThresholdConfigBase: base,
Max: th.max,
Min: th.min,
Within: th.threshType == thresholdTypeInsideRange,
return iThresh
type notificationEndpointKind int
const (
notificationKindHTTP notificationEndpointKind = iota + 1
const (
notificationHTTPAuthTypeBasic = "basic"
notificationHTTPAuthTypeBearer = "bearer"
notificationHTTPAuthTypeNone = "none"
const (
fieldNotificationEndpointHTTPMethod = "method"
fieldNotificationEndpointPassword = "password"
fieldNotificationEndpointRoutingKey = "routingKey"
fieldNotificationEndpointToken = "token"
fieldNotificationEndpointURL = "url"
fieldNotificationEndpointUsername = "username"
type notificationEndpoint struct {
kind notificationEndpointKind
description string
method string
password *references
routingKey *references
status string
token *references
httpType string
url string
username *references
labels sortedLabels
func (n *notificationEndpoint) Labels() []*label {
return n.labels
func (n *notificationEndpoint) ResourceType() influxdb.ResourceType {
return KindNotificationEndpointSlack.ResourceType()
func (n *notificationEndpoint) base() endpoint.Base {
return endpoint.Base{
Name: n.Name(),
Description: n.description,
Status: n.influxStatus(),
func (n *notificationEndpoint) summarize() SummaryNotificationEndpoint {
base := n.base()
sum := SummaryNotificationEndpoint{
PkgName: n.PkgName(),
LabelAssociations: toSummaryLabels(n.labels...),
switch n.kind {
case notificationKindHTTP:
e := &endpoint.HTTP{
Base: base,
URL: n.url,
Method: n.method,
switch n.httpType {
case notificationHTTPAuthTypeBasic:
e.AuthMethod = notificationHTTPAuthTypeBasic
e.Password = n.password.SecretField()
e.Username = n.username.SecretField()
case notificationHTTPAuthTypeBearer:
e.AuthMethod = notificationHTTPAuthTypeBearer
e.Token = n.token.SecretField()
case notificationHTTPAuthTypeNone:
e.AuthMethod = notificationHTTPAuthTypeNone
sum.NotificationEndpoint = e
case notificationKindPagerDuty:
sum.NotificationEndpoint = &endpoint.PagerDuty{
Base: base,
ClientURL: n.url,
RoutingKey: n.routingKey.SecretField(),
case notificationKindSlack:
sum.NotificationEndpoint = &endpoint.Slack{
Base: base,
URL: n.url,
Token: n.token.SecretField(),
return sum
func (n *notificationEndpoint) influxStatus() influxdb.Status {
status := influxdb.Active
if n.status != "" {
status = influxdb.Status(n.status)
return status
var validEndpointHTTPMethods = map[string]bool{
"DELETE": true,
"GET": true,
"HEAD": true,
"OPTIONS": true,
"PATCH": true,
"POST": true,
"PUT": true,
func (n *notificationEndpoint) valid() []validationErr {
var failures []validationErr
if _, err := url.Parse(n.url); err != nil || n.url == "" {
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: fieldNotificationEndpointURL,
Msg: "must be valid url",
status := influxdb.Status(n.status)
if status != "" && influxdb.Inactive != status && influxdb.Active != status {
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: fieldStatus,
Msg: "not a valid status; valid statues are one of [active, inactive]",
switch n.kind {
case notificationKindPagerDuty:
if !n.routingKey.hasValue() {
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: fieldNotificationEndpointRoutingKey,
Msg: "must be provide",
case notificationKindHTTP:
if !validEndpointHTTPMethods[n.method] {
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: fieldNotificationEndpointHTTPMethod,
Msg: "http method must be a valid HTTP verb",
switch n.httpType {
case notificationHTTPAuthTypeBasic:
if !n.password.hasValue() {
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: fieldNotificationEndpointPassword,
Msg: "must provide non empty string",
if !n.username.hasValue() {
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: fieldNotificationEndpointUsername,
Msg: "must provide non empty string",
case notificationHTTPAuthTypeBearer:
if !n.token.hasValue() {
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: fieldNotificationEndpointToken,
Msg: "must provide non empty string",
case notificationHTTPAuthTypeNone:
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: fieldType,
Msg: fmt.Sprintf(
"invalid type provided %q; valid type is 1 in [%s, %s, %s]",
if len(failures) > 0 {
return []validationErr{
objectValidationErr(fieldSpec, failures...),
return nil
const (
fieldTaskCron = "cron"
type task struct {
cron string
description string
every time.Duration
offset time.Duration
query string
status string
labels sortedLabels
func (t *task) Labels() []*label {
return t.labels
func (t *task) ResourceType() influxdb.ResourceType {
return KindTask.ResourceType()
func (t *task) Status() influxdb.Status {
if t.status == "" {
return influxdb.Active
return influxdb.Status(t.status)
func (t *task) flux() string {
translator := taskFluxTranslation{
name: t.Name(),
cron: t.cron,
every: t.every,
offset: t.offset,
rawQuery: t.query,
return translator.flux()
func (t *task) summarize() SummaryTask {
return SummaryTask{
PkgName: t.PkgName(),
Name: t.Name(),
Cron: t.cron,
Description: t.description,
Every: durToStr(t.every),
Offset: durToStr(t.offset),
Query: t.query,
Status: t.Status(),
LabelAssociations: toSummaryLabels(t.labels...),
func (t *task) valid() []validationErr {
var vErrs []validationErr
if t.cron == "" && t.every == 0 {
vErrs = append(vErrs,
Field: fieldEvery,
Msg: "must provide if cron field is not provided",
Field: fieldTaskCron,
Msg: "must provide if every field is not provided",
if t.query == "" {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldQuery,
Msg: "must provide a non zero value",
if status := t.Status(); status != influxdb.Active && status != influxdb.Inactive {
vErrs = append(vErrs, validationErr{
Field: fieldStatus,
Msg: "must be 1 of [active, inactive]",
if len(vErrs) > 0 {
return []validationErr{
objectValidationErr(fieldSpec, vErrs...),
return nil
var fluxRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`import\s+\".*\"`)
type taskFluxTranslation struct {
name string
cron string
every time.Duration
offset time.Duration
rawQuery string
func (tft taskFluxTranslation) flux() string {
var sb strings.Builder
writeLine := func(s string) {
sb.WriteString(s + "\n")
imports, queryBody := tft.separateQueryImports()
if imports != "" {
writeLine(imports + "\n")
return sb.String()
func (tft taskFluxTranslation) separateQueryImports() (imports string, querySansImports string) {
if indices := fluxRegex.FindAllIndex([]byte(tft.rawQuery), -1); len(indices) > 0 {
lastImportIdx := indices[len(indices)-1][1]
return tft.rawQuery[:lastImportIdx], tft.rawQuery[lastImportIdx:]
return "", tft.rawQuery
func (tft taskFluxTranslation) generateTaskOption() string {
taskOpts := []string{fmt.Sprintf("name: %q",}
if tft.cron != "" {
taskOpts = append(taskOpts, fmt.Sprintf("cron: %q", tft.cron))
if tft.every > 0 {
taskOpts = append(taskOpts, fmt.Sprintf("every: %s", tft.every))
if tft.offset > 0 {
taskOpts = append(taskOpts, fmt.Sprintf("offset: %s", tft.offset))
// this is required by the API, super nasty. Will be super challenging for
// anyone outside org to figure out how to do this within an hour of looking
// at the API :sadpanda:. Would be ideal to let the API translate the arguments
// into this required form instead of forcing that complexity on the caller.
return fmt.Sprintf("option task = { %s }", strings.Join(taskOpts, ", "))
const (
fieldArgTypeConstant = "constant"
fieldArgTypeMap = "map"
fieldArgTypeQuery = "query"
type variable struct {
Description string
Type string
Query string
Language string
ConstValues []string
MapValues map[string]string
labels sortedLabels
func (v *variable) Labels() []*label {
return v.labels
func (v *variable) ResourceType() influxdb.ResourceType {
return KindVariable.ResourceType()
func (v *variable) summarize() SummaryVariable {
return SummaryVariable{
PkgName: v.PkgName(),
Name: v.Name(),
Description: v.Description,
Arguments: v.influxVarArgs(),
LabelAssociations: toSummaryLabels(v.labels...),
func (v *variable) influxVarArgs() *influxdb.VariableArguments {
// this zero value check is for situations where we want to marshal/unmarshal
// a variable and not have the invalid args blow up during unmarshaling. When
// that validation is decoupled from the unmarshaling, we can clean this up.
if v.Type == "" {
return nil
args := &influxdb.VariableArguments{
Type: v.Type,
switch args.Type {
case "query":
args.Values = influxdb.VariableQueryValues{
Query: v.Query,
Language: v.Language,
case "constant":
args.Values = influxdb.VariableConstantValues(v.ConstValues)
case "map":
args.Values = influxdb.VariableMapValues(v.MapValues)
return args
func (v *variable) valid() []validationErr {
var failures []validationErr
switch v.Type {
case "map":
if len(v.MapValues) == 0 {
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: fieldValues,
Msg: "map variable must have at least 1 key/val pair",
case "constant":
if len(v.ConstValues) == 0 {
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: fieldValues,
Msg: "constant variable must have a least 1 value provided",
case "query":
if v.Query == "" {
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: fieldQuery,
Msg: "query variable must provide a query string",
if v.Language != "influxql" && v.Language != "flux" {
failures = append(failures, validationErr{
Field: fieldLanguage,
Msg: fmt.Sprintf(`query variable language must be either "influxql" or "flux"; got %q`, v.Language),
if len(failures) > 0 {
return []validationErr{
objectValidationErr(fieldSpec, failures...),
return nil