* Introduce Kapacitor and InfluxDB as command line options If omitted, their values will be null at runtime. If supplied, e.g.: chronograf --kapacitor https://path.to.my:1/kapacitor/instance --influxdb https://path.to.my:1/influxdb/instance Their values will be accessible via Server.Kapacitor Server.InfluxDB * MultiSourcesStore will hold Bolt and config’d sources * Delegate to db.SourcesStore for now * Add Username/Password tags for InfluxDB and Kapacitor * Builders for MultiSourceStore and MultiLayoutStore * Store Kapacitor and InfluxDB configs in memory * Typo * Update CHANGELOG * Move StoreBuilders to server/builders.go * Correct these assertions by reversing them * Kapacitor -> KapacitorURL; InfluxDB -> InfluxDBURL |
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kapacitors.go | ||
kapacitors_test.go | ||
sources.go | ||
sources_test.go |