500 lines
13 KiB
500 lines
13 KiB
package tsi1
import (
// IndexFileVersion is the current TSI1 index file version.
const IndexFileVersion = 1
// FileSignature represents a magic number at the header of the index file.
const FileSignature = "TSI1"
// IndexFile field size constants.
const (
// IndexFile trailer fields
IndexFileVersionSize = 2
// IndexFileTrailerSize is the size of the trailer. Currently 82 bytes.
IndexFileTrailerSize = IndexFileVersionSize +
8 + 8 + // measurement block offset + size
8 + 8 + // series id set offset + size
8 + 8 + // tombstone series id set offset + size
// legacy sketch info. we used to have HLL sketches, but they were
// removed. we keep the offset and length bytes in the trailer so
// that we don't have to do a migration, but they are unused.
8 + 8 + 8 + 8 +
// IndexFile errors.
var (
ErrInvalidIndexFile = errors.New("invalid index file")
ErrUnsupportedIndexFileVersion = errors.New("unsupported index file version")
// IndexFile represents a collection of measurement, tag, and series data.
type IndexFile struct {
data []byte
// Lifecycle tracking
res lifecycle.Resource
// Components
sfile *tsdb.SeriesFile
sfileref *lifecycle.Reference
tblks map[string]*TagBlock // tag blocks by measurement name
mblk MeasurementBlock
// Raw series set data.
seriesIDSetData []byte
tombstoneSeriesIDSetData []byte
// Sortable identifier & filepath to the log file.
level int
id int
mu sync.RWMutex
// Compaction tracking.
compacting bool
// Path to data file.
path string
// NewIndexFile returns a new instance of IndexFile.
func NewIndexFile(sfile *tsdb.SeriesFile) *IndexFile {
return &IndexFile{
sfile: sfile,
// bytes estimates the memory footprint of this IndexFile, in bytes.
func (f *IndexFile) bytes() int {
var b int
// Do not count f.data contents because it is mmap'd
b += int(unsafe.Sizeof(f.data))
b += int(unsafe.Sizeof(f.res))
b += int(unsafe.Sizeof(f.sfile))
b += int(unsafe.Sizeof(f.sfileref))
// Do not count SeriesFile because it belongs to the code that constructed this IndexFile.
b += int(unsafe.Sizeof(f.tblks))
for k, v := range f.tblks {
// Do not count TagBlock contents, they all reference f.data
b += int(unsafe.Sizeof(k)) + len(k)
b += int(unsafe.Sizeof(*v))
b += int(unsafe.Sizeof(f.mblk)) + f.mblk.bytes()
b += int(unsafe.Sizeof(f.seriesIDSetData) + unsafe.Sizeof(f.tombstoneSeriesIDSetData))
// Do not count contents of seriesIDSetData or tombstoneSeriesIDSetData: references f.data
b += int(unsafe.Sizeof(f.level) + unsafe.Sizeof(f.id))
b += 24 // mu RWMutex is 24 bytes
b += int(unsafe.Sizeof(f.compacting))
b += int(unsafe.Sizeof(f.path)) + len(f.path)
return b
// Open memory maps the data file at the file's path.
func (f *IndexFile) Open() (err error) {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("[Index file: %s] %v", f.path, err)
// Try to acquire a reference to the series file.
f.sfileref, err = f.sfile.Acquire()
if err != nil {
return err
// Extract identifier from path name.
f.id, f.level = ParseFilename(f.Path())
data, err := mmap.Map(f.Path(), 0)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := f.UnmarshalBinary(data); err != nil {
return err
// The resource is now open
return nil
// Close unmaps the data file.
func (f *IndexFile) Close() error {
// Close the resource and wait for any references.
if f.sfileref != nil {
f.sfileref = nil
f.sfile = nil
f.tblks = nil
f.mblk = MeasurementBlock{}
return mmap.Unmap(f.data)
// ID returns the file sequence identifier.
func (f *IndexFile) ID() int { return f.id }
// Path returns the file path.
func (f *IndexFile) Path() string { return f.path }
// SetPath sets the file's path.
func (f *IndexFile) SetPath(path string) { f.path = path }
// Level returns the compaction level for the file.
func (f *IndexFile) Level() int { return f.level }
// Acquire adds a reference count to the file.
func (f *IndexFile) Acquire() (*lifecycle.Reference, error) {
return f.res.Acquire()
// Size returns the size of the index file, in bytes.
func (f *IndexFile) Size() int64 { return int64(len(f.data)) }
// Compacting returns true if the file is being compacted.
func (f *IndexFile) Compacting() bool {
v := f.compacting
return v
// UnmarshalBinary opens an index from data.
// The byte slice is retained so it must be kept open.
func (f *IndexFile) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
// Ensure magic number exists at the beginning.
if len(data) < len(FileSignature) {
return io.ErrShortBuffer
} else if !bytes.Equal(data[:len(FileSignature)], []byte(FileSignature)) {
return ErrInvalidIndexFile
// Read index file trailer.
t, err := ReadIndexFileTrailer(data)
if err != nil {
return err
// Slice series set data.
f.seriesIDSetData = data[t.SeriesIDSet.Offset : t.SeriesIDSet.Offset+t.SeriesIDSet.Size]
f.tombstoneSeriesIDSetData = data[t.TombstoneSeriesIDSet.Offset : t.TombstoneSeriesIDSet.Offset+t.TombstoneSeriesIDSet.Size]
// Unmarshal measurement block.
if err := f.mblk.UnmarshalBinary(data[t.MeasurementBlock.Offset:][:t.MeasurementBlock.Size]); err != nil {
return err
// Unmarshal each tag block.
f.tblks = make(map[string]*TagBlock)
itr := f.mblk.Iterator()
for m := itr.Next(); m != nil; m = itr.Next() {
e := m.(*MeasurementBlockElem)
// Slice measurement block data.
buf := data[e.tagBlock.offset:]
buf = buf[:e.tagBlock.size]
// Unmarshal measurement block.
var tblk TagBlock
if err := tblk.UnmarshalBinary(buf); err != nil {
return err
f.tblks[string(e.name)] = &tblk
// Save reference to entire data block.
f.data = data
return nil
func (f *IndexFile) SeriesIDSet() (*tsdb.SeriesIDSet, error) {
ss := tsdb.NewSeriesIDSet()
if err := ss.UnmarshalBinary(f.seriesIDSetData); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ss, nil
func (f *IndexFile) TombstoneSeriesIDSet() (*tsdb.SeriesIDSet, error) {
ss := tsdb.NewSeriesIDSet()
if err := ss.UnmarshalBinaryUnsafe(f.tombstoneSeriesIDSetData); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ss, nil
// Measurement returns a measurement element.
func (f *IndexFile) Measurement(name []byte) MeasurementElem {
e, ok := f.mblk.Elem(name)
if !ok {
return nil
return &e
// MeasurementN returns the number of measurements in the file.
func (f *IndexFile) MeasurementN() (n uint64) {
mitr := f.mblk.Iterator()
for me := mitr.Next(); me != nil; me = mitr.Next() {
return n
// MeasurementHasSeries returns true if a measurement has any non-tombstoned series.
func (f *IndexFile) MeasurementHasSeries(ss *tsdb.SeriesIDSet, name []byte) (ok bool) {
e, ok := f.mblk.Elem(name)
if !ok {
return false
var exists bool
e.ForEachSeriesID(func(id tsdb.SeriesID) error {
if ss.Contains(id) {
exists = true
return errors.New("done")
return nil
return exists
// TagValueIterator returns a value iterator for a tag key and a flag
// indicating if a tombstone exists on the measurement or key.
func (f *IndexFile) TagValueIterator(name, key []byte) TagValueIterator {
tblk := f.tblks[string(name)]
if tblk == nil {
return nil
// Find key element.
ke := tblk.TagKeyElem(key)
if ke == nil {
return nil
// Merge all value series iterators together.
return ke.TagValueIterator()
// TagKeySeriesIDIterator returns a series iterator for a tag key and a flag
// indicating if a tombstone exists on the measurement or key.
func (f *IndexFile) TagKeySeriesIDIterator(name, key []byte) tsdb.SeriesIDIterator {
tblk := f.tblks[string(name)]
if tblk == nil {
return nil
// Find key element.
ke := tblk.TagKeyElem(key)
if ke == nil {
return nil
// Merge all value series iterators together.
vitr := ke.TagValueIterator()
var itrs []tsdb.SeriesIDIterator
for ve := vitr.Next(); ve != nil; ve = vitr.Next() {
sitr := &rawSeriesIDIterator{data: ve.(*TagBlockValueElem).series.data}
itrs = append(itrs, sitr)
return tsdb.MergeSeriesIDIterators(itrs...)
// TagValueSeriesIDSet returns a series id set for a tag value.
func (f *IndexFile) TagValueSeriesIDSet(name, key, value []byte) (*tsdb.SeriesIDSet, error) {
tblk := f.tblks[string(name)]
if tblk == nil {
return nil, nil
// Find value element.
var valueElem TagBlockValueElem
if !tblk.DecodeTagValueElem(key, value, &valueElem) {
return nil, nil
} else if valueElem.SeriesN() == 0 {
return nil, nil
return valueElem.SeriesIDSet()
// TagKey returns a tag key.
func (f *IndexFile) TagKey(name, key []byte) TagKeyElem {
tblk := f.tblks[string(name)]
if tblk == nil {
return nil
return tblk.TagKeyElem(key)
// TagValue returns a tag value.
func (f *IndexFile) TagValue(name, key, value []byte) TagValueElem {
tblk := f.tblks[string(name)]
if tblk == nil {
return nil
return tblk.TagValueElem(key, value)
// HasSeries returns flags indicating if the series exists and if it is tombstoned.
func (f *IndexFile) HasSeries(name []byte, tags models.Tags, buf []byte) (exists, tombstoned bool) {
return f.sfile.HasSeries(name, tags, buf), false // TODO(benbjohnson): series tombstone
// TagValueElem returns an element for a measurement/tag/value.
func (f *IndexFile) TagValueElem(name, key, value []byte) TagValueElem {
tblk, ok := f.tblks[string(name)]
if !ok {
return nil
return tblk.TagValueElem(key, value)
// MeasurementIterator returns an iterator over all measurements.
func (f *IndexFile) MeasurementIterator() MeasurementIterator {
return f.mblk.Iterator()
// TagKeyIterator returns an iterator over all tag keys for a measurement.
func (f *IndexFile) TagKeyIterator(name []byte) TagKeyIterator {
blk := f.tblks[string(name)]
if blk == nil {
return nil
return blk.TagKeyIterator()
// MeasurementSeriesIDIterator returns an iterator over a measurement's series.
func (f *IndexFile) MeasurementSeriesIDIterator(name []byte) tsdb.SeriesIDIterator {
return f.mblk.SeriesIDIterator(name)
// ReadIndexFileTrailer returns the index file trailer from data.
func ReadIndexFileTrailer(data []byte) (IndexFileTrailer, error) {
var t IndexFileTrailer
// Read version.
t.Version = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data[len(data)-IndexFileVersionSize:]))
if t.Version != IndexFileVersion {
return t, ErrUnsupportedIndexFileVersion
// Slice trailer data.
buf := data[len(data)-IndexFileTrailerSize:]
// Read measurement block info.
t.MeasurementBlock.Offset, buf = int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(buf[0:8])), buf[8:]
t.MeasurementBlock.Size, buf = int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(buf[0:8])), buf[8:]
// Read series id set info.
t.SeriesIDSet.Offset, buf = int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(buf[0:8])), buf[8:]
t.SeriesIDSet.Size, buf = int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(buf[0:8])), buf[8:]
// Read series tombstone id set info.
t.TombstoneSeriesIDSet.Offset, buf = int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(buf[0:8])), buf[8:]
t.TombstoneSeriesIDSet.Size, buf = int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(buf[0:8])), buf[8:]
// Skip over any legacy sketch data.
buf = buf[8*4:]
if len(buf) != 2 { // Version field still in buffer.
return t, fmt.Errorf("unread %d bytes left unread in trailer", len(buf)-2)
return t, nil
// IndexFileTrailer represents meta data written to the end of the index file.
type IndexFileTrailer struct {
Version int
MeasurementBlock struct {
Offset int64
Size int64
SeriesIDSet struct {
Offset int64
Size int64
TombstoneSeriesIDSet struct {
Offset int64
Size int64
// WriteTo writes the trailer to w.
func (t *IndexFileTrailer) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error) {
// Write measurement block info.
if err := writeUint64To(w, uint64(t.MeasurementBlock.Offset), &n); err != nil {
return n, err
} else if err := writeUint64To(w, uint64(t.MeasurementBlock.Size), &n); err != nil {
return n, err
// Write series id set info.
if err := writeUint64To(w, uint64(t.SeriesIDSet.Offset), &n); err != nil {
return n, err
} else if err := writeUint64To(w, uint64(t.SeriesIDSet.Size), &n); err != nil {
return n, err
// Write tombstone series id set info.
if err := writeUint64To(w, uint64(t.TombstoneSeriesIDSet.Offset), &n); err != nil {
return n, err
} else if err := writeUint64To(w, uint64(t.TombstoneSeriesIDSet.Size), &n); err != nil {
return n, err
// Write legacy sketch info.
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
if err := writeUint64To(w, 0, &n); err != nil {
return n, err
// Write index file encoding version.
if err := writeUint16To(w, IndexFileVersion, &n); err != nil {
return n, err
return n, nil
// FormatIndexFileName generates an index filename for the given index.
func FormatIndexFileName(id, level int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("L%d-%08d%s", level, id, IndexFileExt)