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153 lines
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package httpc
import (
// ClientOptFn are options to set different parameters on the Client.
type ClientOptFn func(*clientOpt) error
type clientOpt struct {
addr string
insecureSkipVerify bool
doer doer
headers http.Header
authFn func(*http.Request)
respFn func(*http.Response) error
statusFn func(*http.Response) error
writerFns []WriteCloserFn
// WithAddr sets the host address on the client.
func WithAddr(addr string) ClientOptFn {
return func(opt *clientOpt) error {
opt.addr = addr
return nil
// WithAuth provides a means to set a custom auth that doesn't match
// the provided auth types here.
func WithAuth(fn func(r *http.Request)) ClientOptFn {
return func(opt *clientOpt) error {
opt.authFn = fn
return nil
// WithAuthToken provides token auth for requests.
func WithAuthToken(token string) ClientOptFn {
return func(opts *clientOpt) error {
fn := func(r *http.Request) {
r.Header.Set("Authorization", "Token "+token)
return WithAuth(fn)(opts)
// WithContentType sets the content type that will be applied to the requests created
// by the Client.
func WithContentType(ct string) ClientOptFn {
return func(opt *clientOpt) error {
return WithHeader(headerContentType, ct)(opt)
func withDoer(d doer) ClientOptFn {
return func(opt *clientOpt) error {
opt.doer = d
return nil
// WithHeader sets a default header that will be applied to all requests created
// by the client.
func WithHeader(header, val string) ClientOptFn {
return func(opt *clientOpt) error {
if opt.headers == nil {
opt.headers = make(http.Header)
opt.headers.Add(header, val)
return nil
// WithHTTPClient sets the raw http client on the httpc Client.
func WithHTTPClient(c *http.Client) ClientOptFn {
return func(opt *clientOpt) error {
opt.doer = c
return nil
// WithInsecureSkipVerify sets the insecure skip verify on the http client's htp transport.
func WithInsecureSkipVerify(b bool) ClientOptFn {
return func(opts *clientOpt) error {
opts.insecureSkipVerify = b
return nil
// WithRespFn sets the default resp fn for the client that will be applied to all requests
// generated from it.
func WithRespFn(fn func(*http.Response) error) ClientOptFn {
return func(opt *clientOpt) error {
opt.respFn = fn
return nil
// WithStatusFn sets the default status fn for the client that will be applied to all requests
// generated from it.
func WithStatusFn(fn func(*http.Response) error) ClientOptFn {
return func(opt *clientOpt) error {
opt.statusFn = fn
return nil
// WithWriterFn applies the provided writer behavior to all the request bodies'
// generated from the client.
func WithWriterFn(fn WriteCloserFn) ClientOptFn {
return func(opt *clientOpt) error {
opt.writerFns = append(opt.writerFns, fn)
return nil
// WithWriterGZIP gzips the request body generated from this client.
func WithWriterGZIP() ClientOptFn {
return func(opt *clientOpt) error {
fn := func(w io.WriteCloser) (string, string, io.WriteCloser) {
return headerContentEncoding, "gzip", gzip.NewWriter(w)
return WithWriterFn(fn)(opt)
func defaultHTTPClient(scheme string, insecure bool) *http.Client {
tr := http.Transport{
Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
DialContext: (&net.Dialer{
Timeout: 30 * time.Second,
KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second,
DualStack: true,
MaxIdleConns: 100,
IdleConnTimeout: 90 * time.Second,
TLSHandshakeTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
ExpectContinueTimeout: 1 * time.Second,
if scheme == "https" && insecure {
tr.TLSClientConfig = &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}
return &http.Client{
Transport: &tr,