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package tsi1
import (
// ErrCompactionInterrupted is returned if compactions are disabled or
// an index is closed while a compaction is occurring.
var ErrCompactionInterrupted = errors.New("tsi1: compaction interrupted")
func init() {
if os.Getenv("INFLUXDB_EXP_TSI_PARTITIONS") != "" {
i, err := strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv("INFLUXDB_EXP_TSI_PARTITIONS"))
if err != nil {
DefaultPartitionN = uint64(i)
// DefaultPartitionN determines how many shards the index will be partitioned into.
// NOTE: Currently, this must not be change once a database is created. Further,
// it must also be a power of 2.
var DefaultPartitionN uint64 = 8
// An IndexOption is a functional option for changing the configuration of
// an Index.
type IndexOption func(i *Index)
// WithPath sets the root path of the Index
var WithPath = func(path string) IndexOption {
return func(i *Index) {
i.path = path
// DisableCompactions disables compactions on the Index.
var DisableCompactions = func() IndexOption {
return func(i *Index) {
i.disableCompactions = true
// DisableFsync disables flushing and syncing of underlying files. Primarily this
// impacts the LogFiles. This option can be set when working with the index in
// an offline manner, for cases where a hard failure can be overcome by re-running the tooling.
var DisableFsync = func() IndexOption {
return func(i *Index) {
i.disableFsync = true
// WithLogFileBufferSize sets the size of the buffer used within LogFiles.
// Typically appending an entry to a LogFile involves writing 11 or 12 bytes, so
// depending on how many new series are being created within a batch, it may
// be appropriate to set this.
var WithLogFileBufferSize = func(sz int) IndexOption {
return func(i *Index) {
if sz > 1<<17 { // 128K
sz = 1 << 17
} else if sz < 1<<12 {
sz = 1 << 12 // 4K (runtime default)
i.logfileBufferSize = sz
// DisableMetrics ensures that activity is not collected via the prometheus metrics.
// DisableMetrics must be called before Open.
var DisableMetrics = func() IndexOption {
return func(i *Index) {
i.metricsEnabled = false
// Index represents a collection of layered index files and WAL.
type Index struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
partitions []*Partition
res lifecycle.Resource
defaultLabels prometheus.Labels
tagValueCache *TagValueSeriesIDCache
partitionMetrics *partitionMetrics // Maintain a single set of partition metrics to be shared by partition.
metricsEnabled bool
// The following may be set when initializing an Index.
path string // Root directory of the index partitions.
disableCompactions bool // Initially disables compactions on the index.
maxLogFileSize int64 // Maximum size of a LogFile before it's compacted.
logfileBufferSize int // The size of the buffer used by the LogFile.
disableFsync bool // Disables flushing buffers and fsyning files. Used when working with indexes offline.
logger *zap.Logger // Index's logger.
config Config // The index configuration
// The following must be set when initializing an Index.
sfile *tsdb.SeriesFile // series lookup file
// Index's version.
version int
// Cardinality stats caching time-to-live.
StatsTTL time.Duration
// Number of partitions used by the index.
PartitionN uint64
func (i *Index) UniqueReferenceID() uintptr {
return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(i))
// NewIndex returns a new instance of Index.
func NewIndex(sfile *tsdb.SeriesFile, c Config, options ...IndexOption) *Index {
idx := &Index{
tagValueCache: NewTagValueSeriesIDCache(c.SeriesIDSetCacheSize),
partitionMetrics: newPartitionMetrics(nil),
metricsEnabled: true,
maxLogFileSize: int64(c.MaxIndexLogFileSize),
logger: zap.NewNop(),
version: Version,
config: c,
sfile: sfile,
StatsTTL: c.StatsTTL,
PartitionN: DefaultPartitionN,
for _, option := range options {
return idx
// SetDefaultMetricLabels sets the default labels on the trackers.
func (i *Index) SetDefaultMetricLabels(labels prometheus.Labels) {
i.defaultLabels = make(prometheus.Labels, len(labels))
for k, v := range labels {
i.defaultLabels[k] = v
// Bytes estimates the memory footprint of this Index, in bytes.
func (i *Index) Bytes() int {
var b int
b += 24 // mu RWMutex is 24 bytes
b += int(unsafe.Sizeof(i.partitions))
for _, p := range i.partitions {
b += int(unsafe.Sizeof(p)) + p.bytes()
b += int(unsafe.Sizeof(i.res))
b += int(unsafe.Sizeof(i.path)) + len(i.path)
b += int(unsafe.Sizeof(i.disableCompactions))
b += int(unsafe.Sizeof(i.maxLogFileSize))
b += int(unsafe.Sizeof(i.logger))
b += int(unsafe.Sizeof(i.sfile))
// Do not count SeriesFile because it belongs to the code that constructed this Index.
b += int(unsafe.Sizeof(i.version))
b += int(unsafe.Sizeof(i.PartitionN))
return b
// WithLogger sets the logger on the index after it's been created.
// It's not safe to call WithLogger after the index has been opened, or before
// it has been closed.
func (i *Index) WithLogger(l *zap.Logger) {
i.logger = l.With(zap.String("index", "tsi"))
// SeriesFile returns the series file attached to the index.
func (i *Index) SeriesFile() *tsdb.SeriesFile { return i.sfile }
// SeriesIDSet returns the set of series ids associated with series in this
// index. Any series IDs for series no longer present in the index are filtered out.
func (i *Index) SeriesIDSet() *tsdb.SeriesIDSet {
seriesIDSet := tsdb.NewSeriesIDSet()
others := make([]*tsdb.SeriesIDSet, 0, i.PartitionN)
for _, p := range i.partitions {
others = append(others, p.seriesIDSet)
return seriesIDSet
// Open opens the index.
func (i *Index) Open(ctx context.Context) error {
defer i.mu.Unlock()
if i.res.Opened() {
return errors.New("index already open")
span, _ := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx)
defer span.Finish()
// Ensure root exists.
if err := os.MkdirAll(i.path, 0777); err != nil {
return err
if cms == nil && i.metricsEnabled {
cms = newCacheMetrics(i.defaultLabels)
if pms == nil && i.metricsEnabled {
pms = newPartitionMetrics(i.defaultLabels)
// Set the correct shared metrics on the cache
i.tagValueCache.tracker = newCacheTracker(cms, i.defaultLabels)
i.tagValueCache.tracker.enabled = i.metricsEnabled
// Initialize index partitions.
i.partitions = make([]*Partition, i.PartitionN)
for j := 0; j < len(i.partitions); j++ {
p := NewPartition(i.sfile, filepath.Join(i.path, fmt.Sprint(j)))
p.MaxLogFileSize = i.maxLogFileSize
p.StatsTTL = i.StatsTTL
p.nosync = i.disableFsync
p.logbufferSize = i.logfileBufferSize
p.logger = i.logger.With(zap.String("tsi1_partition", fmt.Sprint(j+1)))
// Each of the trackers needs to be given slightly different default
// labels to ensure the correct partition ids are set as labels.
labels := make(prometheus.Labels, len(i.defaultLabels))
for k, v := range i.defaultLabels {
labels[k] = v
labels["index_partition"] = fmt.Sprint(j)
p.tracker = newPartitionTracker(pms, labels)
p.tracker.enabled = i.metricsEnabled
i.partitions[j] = p
// Open all the Partitions in parallel.
partitionN := len(i.partitions)
n := i.availableThreads()
// Store results.
errC := make(chan error, partitionN)
// Run fn on each partition using a fixed number of goroutines.
var pidx uint32 // Index of maximum Partition being worked on.
for k := 0; k < n; k++ {
go func(k int) {
for {
idx := int(atomic.AddUint32(&pidx, 1) - 1) // Get next partition to work on.
if idx >= partitionN {
return // No more work.
err := i.partitions[idx].Open()
errC <- err
// Check for error. Be sure to read from every partition so that we can
// clean up appropriately in the case of errors.
var err error
for i := 0; i < partitionN; i++ {
if perr := <-errC; err == nil {
err = perr
if err != nil {
for _, p := range i.partitions {
return err
// Mark opened.
i.logger.Info("Index opened", zap.Int("partitions", partitionN))
return nil
// Acquire returns a reference to the index that causes it to be unable to be
// closed until the reference is released.
func (i *Index) Acquire() (*lifecycle.Reference, error) {
return i.res.Acquire()
// Compact requests a compaction of partitions.
func (i *Index) Compact() {
defer i.mu.Unlock()
for _, p := range i.partitions {
// EnableCompactions allows compactions to proceed again.
func (i *Index) EnableCompactions() {
for _, p := range i.partitions {
// DisableCompactions stops any ongoing compactions and waits for them to finish.
func (i *Index) DisableCompactions() {
for _, p := range i.partitions {
// Wait blocks until all outstanding compactions have completed.
func (i *Index) Wait() {
for _, p := range i.partitions {
// Close closes the index.
func (i *Index) Close() error {
// Lock index and close partitions.
defer i.mu.Unlock()
// Wait for any references to the index before closing
// the partitions.
for _, p := range i.partitions {
if err := p.Close(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Path returns the path the index was opened with.
func (i *Index) Path() string { return i.path }
// PartitionAt returns the partition by index.
func (i *Index) PartitionAt(index int) *Partition {
return i.partitions[index]
// partition returns the appropriate Partition for a provided series key.
func (i *Index) partition(key []byte) *Partition {
return i.partitions[int(xxhash.Sum64(key)&(i.PartitionN-1))]
// partitionIdx returns the index of the partition that key belongs in.
func (i *Index) partitionIdx(key []byte) int {
return int(xxhash.Sum64(key) & (i.PartitionN - 1))
// availableThreads returns the minimum of GOMAXPROCS and the number of
// partitions in the Index.
func (i *Index) availableThreads() int {
n := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)
if len(i.partitions) < n {
return len(i.partitions)
return n
// ForEachMeasurementName iterates over all measurement names in the index,
// applying fn. It returns the first error encountered, if any.
// ForEachMeasurementName does not call fn on each partition concurrently so the
// call may provide a non-goroutine safe fn.
func (i *Index) ForEachMeasurementName(fn func(name []byte) error) error {
itr, err := i.MeasurementIterator()
if err != nil {
return err
} else if itr == nil {
return nil
defer itr.Close()
// Iterate over all measurements.
for {
e, err := itr.Next()
if err != nil {
return err
} else if e == nil {
if err := fn(e); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// MeasurementExists returns true if a measurement exists.
func (i *Index) MeasurementExists(name []byte) (bool, error) {
n := i.availableThreads()
// Store errors
var found uint32 // Use this to signal we found the measurement.
errC := make(chan error, i.PartitionN)
// Check each partition for the measurement concurrently.
var pidx uint32 // Index of maximum Partition being worked on.
for k := 0; k < n; k++ {
go func() {
for {
idx := int(atomic.AddUint32(&pidx, 1) - 1) // Get next partition to check
if idx >= len(i.partitions) {
return // No more work.
// Check if the measurement has been found. If it has don't
// need to check this partition and can just move on.
if atomic.LoadUint32(&found) == 1 {
errC <- nil
b, err := i.partitions[idx].MeasurementExists(name)
if b {
atomic.StoreUint32(&found, 1)
errC <- err
// Check for error
for i := 0; i < cap(errC); i++ {
if err := <-errC; err != nil {
return false, err
// Check if we found the measurement.
return atomic.LoadUint32(&found) == 1, nil
// MeasurementHasSeries returns true if a measurement has non-tombstoned series.
func (i *Index) MeasurementHasSeries(name []byte) (bool, error) {
for _, p := range i.partitions {
if v, err := p.MeasurementHasSeries(name); err != nil {
return false, err
} else if v {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// fetchByteValues is a helper for gathering values from each partition in the index,
// based on some criteria.
// fn is a function that works on partition idx and calls into some method on
// the partition that returns some ordered values.
func (i *Index) fetchByteValues(fn func(idx int) ([][]byte, error)) ([][]byte, error) {
n := i.availableThreads()
// Store results.
names := make([][][]byte, i.PartitionN)
errC := make(chan error, i.PartitionN)
var pidx uint32 // Index of maximum Partition being worked on.
for k := 0; k < n; k++ {
go func() {
for {
idx := int(atomic.AddUint32(&pidx, 1) - 1) // Get next partition to work on.
if idx >= len(i.partitions) {
return // No more work.
pnames, err := fn(idx)
// This is safe since there are no readers on names until all
// the writers are done.
names[idx] = pnames
errC <- err
// Check for error
for i := 0; i < cap(errC); i++ {
if err := <-errC; err != nil {
return nil, err
// It's now safe to read from names.
return slices.MergeSortedBytes(names[:]...), nil
// MeasurementIterator returns an iterator over all measurements.
func (i *Index) MeasurementIterator() (tsdb.MeasurementIterator, error) {
itrs := make([]tsdb.MeasurementIterator, 0, len(i.partitions))
for _, p := range i.partitions {
itr, err := p.MeasurementIterator()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if itr != nil {
itrs = append(itrs, itr)
return tsdb.MergeMeasurementIterators(itrs...), nil
func (i *Index) MeasurementSeriesByExprIterator(name []byte, expr influxql.Expr) (tsdb.SeriesIDIterator, error) {
return i.measurementSeriesByExprIterator(name, expr)
// measurementSeriesByExprIterator returns a series iterator for a measurement
// that is filtered by expr. See MeasurementSeriesByExprIterator for more details.
// measurementSeriesByExprIterator guarantees to never take any locks on the
// series file.
func (i *Index) measurementSeriesByExprIterator(name []byte, expr influxql.Expr) (tsdb.SeriesIDIterator, error) {
// Return all series for the measurement if there are no tag expressions.
if expr == nil {
itr, err := i.measurementSeriesIDIterator(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return tsdb.FilterUndeletedSeriesIDIterator(i.sfile, itr)
itr, err := i.seriesByExprIterator(name, expr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return tsdb.FilterUndeletedSeriesIDIterator(i.sfile, itr)
// MeasurementSeriesIDIterator returns an iterator over all non-tombstoned series
// for the provided measurement.
func (i *Index) MeasurementSeriesIDIterator(name []byte) (tsdb.SeriesIDIterator, error) {
itr, err := i.measurementSeriesIDIterator(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return tsdb.FilterUndeletedSeriesIDIterator(i.sfile, itr)
// measurementSeriesIDIterator returns an iterator over all series in a measurement.
func (i *Index) measurementSeriesIDIterator(name []byte) (tsdb.SeriesIDIterator, error) {
itrs := make([]tsdb.SeriesIDIterator, 0, len(i.partitions))
for _, p := range i.partitions {
itr, err := p.MeasurementSeriesIDIterator(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if itr != nil {
itrs = append(itrs, itr)
return tsdb.MergeSeriesIDIterators(itrs...), nil
// MeasurementNamesByRegex returns measurement names for the provided regex.
func (i *Index) MeasurementNamesByRegex(re *regexp.Regexp) ([][]byte, error) {
return i.fetchByteValues(func(idx int) ([][]byte, error) {
return i.partitions[idx].MeasurementNamesByRegex(re)
// DropMeasurement deletes a measurement from the index. It returns the first
// error encountered, if any.
func (i *Index) DropMeasurement(name []byte) error {
n := i.availableThreads()
// Store results.
errC := make(chan error, i.PartitionN)
var pidx uint32 // Index of maximum Partition being worked on.
for k := 0; k < n; k++ {
go func() {
for {
idx := int(atomic.AddUint32(&pidx, 1) - 1) // Get next partition to work on.
if idx >= len(i.partitions) {
return // No more work.
errC <- i.partitions[idx].DropMeasurement(name)
// Remove any cached bitmaps for the measurement.
// Check for error
for i := 0; i < cap(errC); i++ {
if err := <-errC; err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreateSeriesListIfNotExists creates a list of series if they doesn't exist in bulk.
func (i *Index) CreateSeriesListIfNotExists(collection *tsdb.SeriesCollection) error {
// Create the series list on the series file first. This validates all of the types for
// the collection.
err := i.sfile.CreateSeriesListIfNotExists(collection)
if err != nil {
return err
// We need to move different series into collections for each partition
// to process.
pCollections := make([]tsdb.SeriesCollection, i.PartitionN)
// Determine partition for series using each series key.
for iter := collection.Iterator(); iter.Next(); {
pCollection := &pCollections[i.partitionIdx(iter.Key())]
pCollection.Names = append(pCollection.Names, iter.Name())
pCollection.Tags = append(pCollection.Tags, iter.Tags())
pCollection.SeriesIDs = append(pCollection.SeriesIDs, iter.SeriesID())
// Process each subset of series on each partition.
n := i.availableThreads()
// Store errors.
errC := make(chan error, i.PartitionN)
var pidx uint32 // Index of maximum Partition being worked on.
for k := 0; k < n; k++ {
go func() {
partitionN := len(i.partitions)
for {
idx := int(atomic.AddUint32(&pidx, 1) - 1) // Get next partition to work on.
if idx >= partitionN {
return // No more work.
partition := i.partitions[idx]
ids, err := partition.createSeriesListIfNotExists(&pCollections[idx])
if len(ids) == 0 {
errC <- err
// Some cached bitset results may need to be updated.
for j, id := range ids {
if id.IsZero() {
name := pCollections[idx].Names[j]
tags := pCollections[idx].Tags[j]
if i.tagValueCache.measurementContainsSets(name) {
for _, pair := range tags {
// TODO(edd): It's not clear to me yet whether it will be better to take a lock
// on every series id set, or whether to gather them all up under the cache rlock
// and then take the cache lock and update them all at once (without invoking a lock
// on each series id set).
// Taking the cache lock will block all queries, but is one lock. Taking each series set
// lock might be many lock/unlocks but will only block a query that needs that particular set.
// Need to think on it, but I think taking a lock on each series id set is the way to go.
// One other option here is to take a lock on the series id set when we first encounter it
// and then keep it locked until we're done with all the ids.
// Note: this will only add `id` to the set if it exists.
i.tagValueCache.addToSet(name, pair.Key, pair.Value, id) // Takes a lock on the series id set
errC <- err
// Check for error
for i := 0; i < cap(errC); i++ {
if err := <-errC; err != nil {
return err
return nil
// InitializeSeries is a no-op. This only applies to the in-memory index.
func (i *Index) InitializeSeries(*tsdb.SeriesCollection) error {
return nil
// DropSeries drops the provided series from the index. If cascade is true
// and this is the last series to the measurement, the measurment will also be dropped.
func (i *Index) DropSeries(seriesID tsdb.SeriesID, key []byte, cascade bool) error {
// Remove from partition.
if err := i.partition(key).DropSeries(seriesID); err != nil {
return err
if !cascade {
return nil
// Extract measurement name & tags.
name, tags := models.ParseKeyBytes(key)
// If there are cached sets for any of the tag pairs, they will need to be
// updated with the series id.
if i.tagValueCache.measurementContainsSets(name) {
for _, pair := range tags {
i.tagValueCache.delete(name, pair.Key, pair.Value, seriesID) // Takes a lock on the series id set
// Check if that was the last series for the measurement in the entire index.
if ok, err := i.MeasurementHasSeries(name); err != nil {
return err
} else if ok {
return nil
// If no more series exist in the measurement then delete the measurement.
if err := i.DropMeasurement(name); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// DropSeriesGlobal is a no-op on the tsi1 index.
func (i *Index) DropSeriesGlobal(key []byte) error { return nil }
// DropMeasurementIfSeriesNotExist drops a measurement only if there are no more
// series for the measurment.
func (i *Index) DropMeasurementIfSeriesNotExist(name []byte) error {
// Check if that was the last series for the measurement in the entire index.
if ok, err := i.MeasurementHasSeries(name); err != nil {
return err
} else if ok {
return nil
// If no more series exist in the measurement then delete the measurement.
return i.DropMeasurement(name)
// SeriesN returns the series cardinality in the index. It is the sum of all
// partition cardinalities.
func (i *Index) SeriesN() int64 {
var total int64
for _, p := range i.partitions {
total += int64(p.seriesIDSet.Cardinality())
return total
// HasTagKey returns true if tag key exists. It returns the first error
// encountered if any.
func (i *Index) HasTagKey(name, key []byte) (bool, error) {
n := i.availableThreads()
// Store errors
var found uint32 // Use this to signal we found the tag key.
errC := make(chan error, i.PartitionN)
// Check each partition for the tag key concurrently.
var pidx uint32 // Index of maximum Partition being worked on.
for k := 0; k < n; k++ {
go func() {
for {
idx := int(atomic.AddUint32(&pidx, 1) - 1) // Get next partition to check
if idx >= len(i.partitions) {
return // No more work.
// Check if the tag key has already been found. If it has, we
// don't need to check this partition and can just move on.
if atomic.LoadUint32(&found) == 1 {
errC <- nil
b, err := i.partitions[idx].HasTagKey(name, key)
if b {
atomic.StoreUint32(&found, 1)
errC <- err
// Check for error
for i := 0; i < cap(errC); i++ {
if err := <-errC; err != nil {
return false, err
// Check if we found the tag key.
return atomic.LoadUint32(&found) == 1, nil
// HasTagValue returns true if tag value exists.
func (i *Index) HasTagValue(name, key, value []byte) (bool, error) {
n := i.availableThreads()
// Store errors
var found uint32 // Use this to signal we found the tag key.
errC := make(chan error, i.PartitionN)
// Check each partition for the tag key concurrently.
var pidx uint32 // Index of maximum Partition being worked on.
for k := 0; k < n; k++ {
go func() {
for {
idx := int(atomic.AddUint32(&pidx, 1) - 1) // Get next partition to check
if idx >= len(i.partitions) {
return // No more work.
// Check if the tag key has already been found. If it has, we
// don't need to check this partition and can just move on.
if atomic.LoadUint32(&found) == 1 {
errC <- nil
b, err := i.partitions[idx].HasTagValue(name, key, value)
if b {
atomic.StoreUint32(&found, 1)
errC <- err
// Check for error
for i := 0; i < cap(errC); i++ {
if err := <-errC; err != nil {
return false, err
// Check if we found the tag key.
return atomic.LoadUint32(&found) == 1, nil
// TagKeyIterator returns an iterator for all keys across a single measurement.
func (i *Index) TagKeyIterator(name []byte) (tsdb.TagKeyIterator, error) {
a := make([]tsdb.TagKeyIterator, 0, len(i.partitions))
for _, p := range i.partitions {
itr, err := p.TagKeyIterator(name)
if err != nil {
for _, itr := range a {
return nil, err
} else if itr != nil {
a = append(a, itr)
return tsdb.MergeTagKeyIterators(a...), nil
// TagValueIterator returns an iterator for all values across a single key.
func (i *Index) TagValueIterator(name, key []byte) (tsdb.TagValueIterator, error) {
a := make([]tsdb.TagValueIterator, 0, len(i.partitions))
for _, p := range i.partitions {
itr, err := p.TagValueIterator(name, key)
if err != nil {
for _, itr := range a {
return nil, err
} else if itr != nil {
a = append(a, itr)
return tsdb.MergeTagValueIterators(a...), nil
// TagKeySeriesIDIterator returns a series iterator for all values across a single key.
func (i *Index) TagKeySeriesIDIterator(name, key []byte) (tsdb.SeriesIDIterator, error) {
itr, err := i.tagKeySeriesIDIterator(name, key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return tsdb.FilterUndeletedSeriesIDIterator(i.sfile, itr)
// tagKeySeriesIDIterator returns a series iterator for all values across a single key.
func (i *Index) tagKeySeriesIDIterator(name, key []byte) (tsdb.SeriesIDIterator, error) {
a := make([]tsdb.SeriesIDIterator, 0, len(i.partitions))
for _, p := range i.partitions {
itr, err := p.TagKeySeriesIDIterator(name, key)
if err != nil {
for _, itr := range a {
return nil, err
} else if itr != nil {
a = append(a, itr)
return tsdb.MergeSeriesIDIterators(a...), nil
// TagValueSeriesIDIterator returns a series iterator for a single tag value.
func (i *Index) TagValueSeriesIDIterator(name, key, value []byte) (tsdb.SeriesIDIterator, error) {
itr, err := i.tagValueSeriesIDIterator(name, key, value)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return tsdb.FilterUndeletedSeriesIDIterator(i.sfile, itr)
// tagValueSeriesIDIterator returns a series iterator for a single tag value.
func (i *Index) tagValueSeriesIDIterator(name, key, value []byte) (tsdb.SeriesIDIterator, error) {
// Check series ID set cache...
if i.config.SeriesIDSetCacheSize > 0 { // Cache enabled.
if ss := i.tagValueCache.Get(name, key, value); ss != nil {
// Return a clone because the set is mutable.
return tsdb.NewSeriesIDSetIterator(ss.Clone()), nil
a := make([]tsdb.SeriesIDIterator, 0, len(i.partitions))
for _, p := range i.partitions {
itr, err := p.TagValueSeriesIDIterator(name, key, value)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if itr != nil {
a = append(a, itr)
itr := tsdb.MergeSeriesIDIterators(a...)
if i.config.SeriesIDSetCacheSize == 0 { // Cache disabled.
return itr, nil
// Check if the iterator contains only series id sets. Cache them...
if ssitr, ok := itr.(tsdb.SeriesIDSetIterator); ok {
ss := ssitr.SeriesIDSet()
i.tagValueCache.Put(name, key, value, ss)
return itr, nil
func (i *Index) TagSets(name []byte, opt query.IteratorOptions) ([]*query.TagSet, error) {
itr, err := i.MeasurementSeriesByExprIterator(name, opt.Condition)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if itr == nil {
return nil, nil
defer itr.Close()
// measurementSeriesByExprIterator filters deleted series IDs; no need to
// do so here.
var dims []string
if len(opt.Dimensions) > 0 {
dims = make([]string, len(opt.Dimensions))
copy(dims, opt.Dimensions)
// For every series, get the tag values for the requested tag keys i.e.
// dimensions. This is the TagSet for that series. Series with the same
// TagSet are then grouped together, because for the purpose of GROUP BY
// they are part of the same composite series.
tagSets := make(map[string]*query.TagSet, 64)
var seriesN, maxSeriesN int
if opt.MaxSeriesN > 0 {
maxSeriesN = opt.MaxSeriesN
} else {
maxSeriesN = int(^uint(0) >> 1)
// The tag sets require a string for each series key in the set, The series
// file formatted keys need to be parsed into models format. Since they will
// end up as strings we can re-use an intermediate buffer for this process.
var keyBuf []byte
var tagsBuf models.Tags // Buffer for tags. Tags are not needed outside of each loop iteration.
for {
se, err := itr.Next()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if se.SeriesID.IsZero() {
// Skip if the series has been tombstoned.
key := i.sfile.SeriesKey(se.SeriesID)
if len(key) == 0 {
if seriesN&0x3fff == 0x3fff {
// check every 16384 series if the query has been canceled
select {
case <-opt.InterruptCh:
return nil, query.ErrQueryInterrupted
if seriesN > maxSeriesN {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("max-select-series limit exceeded: (%d/%d)", seriesN, opt.MaxSeriesN)
// NOTE - must not escape this loop iteration.
_, tagsBuf = tsdb.ParseSeriesKeyInto(key, tagsBuf)
var tagsAsKey []byte
if len(dims) > 0 {
tagsAsKey = tsdb.MakeTagsKey(dims, tagsBuf)
tagSet, ok := tagSets[string(tagsAsKey)]
if !ok {
// This TagSet is new, create a new entry for it.
tagSet = &query.TagSet{
Tags: nil,
Key: tagsAsKey,
// Associate the series and filter with the Tagset.
keyBuf = models.AppendMakeKey(keyBuf, name, tagsBuf)
tagSet.AddFilter(string(keyBuf), se.Expr)
keyBuf = keyBuf[:0]
// Ensure it's back in the map.
tagSets[string(tagsAsKey)] = tagSet
// Sort the series in each tag set.
for _, t := range tagSets {
// The TagSets have been created, as a map of TagSets. Just send
// the values back as a slice, sorting for consistency.
sortedTagsSets := make([]*query.TagSet, 0, len(tagSets))
for _, v := range tagSets {
sortedTagsSets = append(sortedTagsSets, v)
return sortedTagsSets, nil
// MeasurementTagKeysByExpr extracts the tag keys wanted by the expression.
func (i *Index) MeasurementTagKeysByExpr(name []byte, expr influxql.Expr) (map[string]struct{}, error) {
n := i.availableThreads()
// Store results.
keys := make([]map[string]struct{}, i.PartitionN)
errC := make(chan error, i.PartitionN)
var pidx uint32 // Index of maximum Partition being worked on.
for k := 0; k < n; k++ {
go func() {
for {
idx := int(atomic.AddUint32(&pidx, 1) - 1) // Get next partition to work on.
if idx >= len(i.partitions) {
return // No more work.
// This is safe since there are no readers on keys until all
// the writers are done.
tagKeys, err := i.partitions[idx].MeasurementTagKeysByExpr(name, expr)
keys[idx] = tagKeys
errC <- err
// Check for error
for i := 0; i < cap(errC); i++ {
if err := <-errC; err != nil {
return nil, err
// Merge into single map.
result := keys[0]
for k := 1; k < len(i.partitions); k++ {
for k := range keys[k] {
result[k] = struct{}{}
return result, nil
// DiskSizeBytes returns the size of the index on disk.
func (i *Index) DiskSizeBytes() int64 {
fs, err := i.FileSet()
if err != nil {
i.logger.Warn("Index is closing down")
return 0
defer fs.Release()
var manifestSize int64
// Get MANIFEST sizes from each partition.
for _, p := range i.partitions {
manifestSize += p.manifestSize
return fs.Size() + manifestSize
// TagKeyCardinality always returns zero.
// It is not possible to determine cardinality of tags across index files, and
// thus it cannot be done across partitions.
func (i *Index) TagKeyCardinality(name, key []byte) int {
return 0
// FileSet returns the set of all files across all partitions. It must be released.
func (i *Index) FileSet() (*FileSet, error) {
defer i.mu.RUnlock()
// Keep track of all of the file sets returned from the partitions temporarily.
// Keeping them alive keeps all of their underlying files alive. We release
// whatever we have when we return.
fss := make([]*FileSet, 0, len(i.partitions))
defer func() {
for _, fs := range fss {
// Collect the set of files from each partition.
var files []File
for _, p := range i.partitions {
fs, err := p.FileSet()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fss = append(fss, fs)
files = append(files, fs.files...)
// Construct a new file set from the set of files. This acquires references to
// each of the files, so we can release all of the file sets returned from the
// partitions, which happens automatically during the defer.
return NewFileSet(i.sfile, files)
// SetFieldName is a no-op on this index.
func (i *Index) SetFieldName(measurement []byte, name string) {}
// Rebuild rebuilds an index. It's a no-op for this index.
func (i *Index) Rebuild() {}
// MeasurementCardinalityStats returns cardinality stats for all measurements.
func (i *Index) MeasurementCardinalityStats() (MeasurementCardinalityStats, error) {
defer i.mu.RUnlock()
stats := NewMeasurementCardinalityStats()
for _, p := range i.partitions {
pstats, err := p.MeasurementCardinalityStats()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return stats, nil
func (i *Index) seriesByExprIterator(name []byte, expr influxql.Expr) (tsdb.SeriesIDIterator, error) {
switch expr := expr.(type) {
case *influxql.BinaryExpr:
switch expr.Op {
case influxql.AND, influxql.OR:
// Get the series IDs and filter expressions for the LHS.
litr, err := i.seriesByExprIterator(name, expr.LHS)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Get the series IDs and filter expressions for the RHS.
ritr, err := i.seriesByExprIterator(name, expr.RHS)
if err != nil {
if litr != nil {
return nil, err
// Intersect iterators if expression is "AND".
if expr.Op == influxql.AND {
return tsdb.IntersectSeriesIDIterators(litr, ritr), nil
// Union iterators if expression is "OR".
return tsdb.UnionSeriesIDIterators(litr, ritr), nil
return i.seriesByBinaryExprIterator(name, expr)
case *influxql.ParenExpr:
return i.seriesByExprIterator(name, expr.Expr)
case *influxql.BooleanLiteral:
if expr.Val {
return i.measurementSeriesIDIterator(name)
return nil, nil
return nil, nil
// seriesByBinaryExprIterator returns a series iterator and a filtering expression.
func (i *Index) seriesByBinaryExprIterator(name []byte, n *influxql.BinaryExpr) (tsdb.SeriesIDIterator, error) {
// If this binary expression has another binary expression, then this
// is some expression math and we should just pass it to the underlying query.
if _, ok := n.LHS.(*influxql.BinaryExpr); ok {
itr, err := i.measurementSeriesIDIterator(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return tsdb.NewSeriesIDExprIterator(itr, n), nil
} else if _, ok := n.RHS.(*influxql.BinaryExpr); ok {
itr, err := i.measurementSeriesIDIterator(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return tsdb.NewSeriesIDExprIterator(itr, n), nil
// Retrieve the variable reference from the correct side of the expression.
key, ok := n.LHS.(*influxql.VarRef)
value := n.RHS
if !ok {
key, ok = n.RHS.(*influxql.VarRef)
if !ok {
// This is an expression we do not know how to evaluate. Let the
// query engine take care of this.
itr, err := i.measurementSeriesIDIterator(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return tsdb.NewSeriesIDExprIterator(itr, n), nil
value = n.LHS
// For fields, return all series from this measurement.
if key.Val != "_name" && (key.Type == influxql.AnyField || (key.Type != influxql.Tag && key.Type != influxql.Unknown)) {
itr, err := i.measurementSeriesIDIterator(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return tsdb.NewSeriesIDExprIterator(itr, n), nil
} else if value, ok := value.(*influxql.VarRef); ok {
// Check if the RHS is a variable and if it is a field.
if value.Val != "_name" && (key.Type == influxql.AnyField || (value.Type != influxql.Tag && value.Type != influxql.Unknown)) {
itr, err := i.measurementSeriesIDIterator(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return tsdb.NewSeriesIDExprIterator(itr, n), nil
// Create iterator based on value type.
switch value := value.(type) {
case *influxql.StringLiteral:
return i.seriesByBinaryExprStringIterator(name, []byte(key.Val), []byte(value.Val), n.Op)
case *influxql.RegexLiteral:
return i.seriesByBinaryExprRegexIterator(name, []byte(key.Val), value.Val, n.Op)
case *influxql.VarRef:
return i.seriesByBinaryExprVarRefIterator(name, []byte(key.Val), value, n.Op)
// We do not know how to evaluate this expression so pass it
// on to the query engine.
itr, err := i.measurementSeriesIDIterator(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return tsdb.NewSeriesIDExprIterator(itr, n), nil
func (i *Index) seriesByBinaryExprStringIterator(name, key, value []byte, op influxql.Token) (tsdb.SeriesIDIterator, error) {
// Special handling for "_name" to match measurement name.
if bytes.Equal(key, []byte("_name")) {
if (op == influxql.EQ && bytes.Equal(value, name)) || (op == influxql.NEQ && !bytes.Equal(value, name)) {
return i.measurementSeriesIDIterator(name)
return nil, nil
if op == influxql.EQ {
// Match a specific value.
if len(value) != 0 {
return i.tagValueSeriesIDIterator(name, key, value)
mitr, err := i.measurementSeriesIDIterator(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
kitr, err := i.tagKeySeriesIDIterator(name, key)
if err != nil {
if mitr != nil {
return nil, err
// Return all measurement series that have no values from this tag key.
return tsdb.DifferenceSeriesIDIterators(mitr, kitr), nil
// Return all measurement series without this tag value.
if len(value) != 0 {
mitr, err := i.measurementSeriesIDIterator(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vitr, err := i.tagValueSeriesIDIterator(name, key, value)
if err != nil {
if mitr != nil {
return nil, err
return tsdb.DifferenceSeriesIDIterators(mitr, vitr), nil
// Return all series across all values of this tag key.
return i.tagKeySeriesIDIterator(name, key)
func (i *Index) seriesByBinaryExprRegexIterator(name, key []byte, value *regexp.Regexp, op influxql.Token) (tsdb.SeriesIDIterator, error) {
// Special handling for "_name" to match measurement name.
if bytes.Equal(key, []byte("_name")) {
match := value.Match(name)
if (op == influxql.EQREGEX && match) || (op == influxql.NEQREGEX && !match) {
mitr, err := i.measurementSeriesIDIterator(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return tsdb.NewSeriesIDExprIterator(mitr, &influxql.BooleanLiteral{Val: true}), nil
return nil, nil
return i.matchTagValueSeriesIDIterator(name, key, value, op == influxql.EQREGEX)
func (i *Index) seriesByBinaryExprVarRefIterator(name, key []byte, value *influxql.VarRef, op influxql.Token) (tsdb.SeriesIDIterator, error) {
itr0, err := i.tagKeySeriesIDIterator(name, key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
itr1, err := i.tagKeySeriesIDIterator(name, []byte(value.Val))
if err != nil {
if itr0 != nil {
return nil, err
if op == influxql.EQ {
return tsdb.IntersectSeriesIDIterators(itr0, itr1), nil
return tsdb.DifferenceSeriesIDIterators(itr0, itr1), nil
// MatchTagValueSeriesIDIterator returns a series iterator for tags which match value.
// If matches is false, returns iterators which do not match value.
func (i *Index) MatchTagValueSeriesIDIterator(name, key []byte, value *regexp.Regexp, matches bool) (tsdb.SeriesIDIterator, error) {
itr, err := i.matchTagValueSeriesIDIterator(name, key, value, matches)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return tsdb.FilterUndeletedSeriesIDIterator(i.sfile, itr)
// matchTagValueSeriesIDIterator returns a series iterator for tags which match
// value. See MatchTagValueSeriesIDIterator for more details.
// It guarantees to never take any locks on the underlying series file.
func (i *Index) matchTagValueSeriesIDIterator(name, key []byte, value *regexp.Regexp, matches bool) (tsdb.SeriesIDIterator, error) {
matchEmpty := value.MatchString("")
if matches {
if matchEmpty {
return i.matchTagValueEqualEmptySeriesIDIterator(name, key, value)
return i.matchTagValueEqualNotEmptySeriesIDIterator(name, key, value)
if matchEmpty {
return i.matchTagValueNotEqualEmptySeriesIDIterator(name, key, value)
return i.matchTagValueNotEqualNotEmptySeriesIDIterator(name, key, value)
func (i *Index) matchTagValueEqualEmptySeriesIDIterator(name, key []byte, value *regexp.Regexp) (tsdb.SeriesIDIterator, error) {
vitr, err := i.TagValueIterator(name, key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if vitr == nil {
return i.measurementSeriesIDIterator(name)
defer vitr.Close()
var itrs []tsdb.SeriesIDIterator
if err := func() error {
for {
e, err := vitr.Next()
if err != nil {
return err
} else if e == nil {
if !value.Match(e) {
itr, err := i.tagValueSeriesIDIterator(name, key, e)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if itr != nil {
itrs = append(itrs, itr)
return nil
}(); err != nil {
return nil, err
mitr, err := i.measurementSeriesIDIterator(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return tsdb.DifferenceSeriesIDIterators(mitr, tsdb.MergeSeriesIDIterators(itrs...)), nil
func (i *Index) matchTagValueEqualNotEmptySeriesIDIterator(name, key []byte, value *regexp.Regexp) (tsdb.SeriesIDIterator, error) {
vitr, err := i.TagValueIterator(name, key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if vitr == nil {
return nil, nil
defer vitr.Close()
var itrs []tsdb.SeriesIDIterator
for {
e, err := vitr.Next()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if e == nil {
if value.Match(e) {
itr, err := i.tagValueSeriesIDIterator(name, key, e)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if itr != nil {
itrs = append(itrs, itr)
return tsdb.MergeSeriesIDIterators(itrs...), nil
func (i *Index) matchTagValueNotEqualEmptySeriesIDIterator(name, key []byte, value *regexp.Regexp) (tsdb.SeriesIDIterator, error) {
vitr, err := i.TagValueIterator(name, key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if vitr == nil {
return nil, nil
defer vitr.Close()
var itrs []tsdb.SeriesIDIterator
for {
e, err := vitr.Next()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if e == nil {
if !value.Match(e) {
itr, err := i.tagValueSeriesIDIterator(name, key, e)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if itr != nil {
itrs = append(itrs, itr)
return tsdb.MergeSeriesIDIterators(itrs...), nil
func (i *Index) matchTagValueNotEqualNotEmptySeriesIDIterator(name, key []byte, value *regexp.Regexp) (tsdb.SeriesIDIterator, error) {
vitr, err := i.TagValueIterator(name, key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if vitr == nil {
return i.measurementSeriesIDIterator(name)
defer vitr.Close()
var itrs []tsdb.SeriesIDIterator
for {
e, err := vitr.Next()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if e == nil {
if value.Match(e) {
itr, err := i.tagValueSeriesIDIterator(name, key, e)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if itr != nil {
itrs = append(itrs, itr)
mitr, err := i.measurementSeriesIDIterator(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return tsdb.DifferenceSeriesIDIterators(mitr, tsdb.MergeSeriesIDIterators(itrs...)), nil
// IsIndexDir returns true if directory contains at least one partition directory.
func IsIndexDir(path string) (bool, error) {
fis, err := ioutil.ReadDir(path)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, fi := range fis {
if !fi.IsDir() {
} else if ok, err := IsPartitionDir(filepath.Join(path, fi.Name())); err != nil {
return false, err
} else if ok {
return true, nil
return false, nil