
416 lines
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package backend
// The tooling needed to correctly run go generate is managed by the Makefile.
// Run `make` from the project root to ensure these generate commands execute correctly.
//go:generate protoc -I ../../internal -I . --plugin ../../scripts/protoc-gen-gogofaster --gogofaster_out=plugins=grpc:. ./meta.proto
import (
var (
// ErrTaskNotFound indicates no task could be found for given parameters.
ErrTaskNotFound = errors.New("task not found")
// ErrUserNotFound is an error for when we can't find a user
ErrUserNotFound = errors.New("user not found")
// ErrOrgNotFound is an error for when we can't find an org
ErrOrgNotFound = errors.New("org not found")
// ErrManualQueueFull is returned when a manual run request cannot be completed.
ErrManualQueueFull = errors.New("manual queue at capacity")
// ErrRunNotFound is returned when searching for a run that doesn't exist.
ErrRunNotFound = errors.New("run not found")
// ErrRunNotFinished is returned when a retry is invalid due to the run not being finished yet.
ErrRunNotFinished = errors.New("run is still in progress")
type TaskStatus string
const (
TaskActive TaskStatus = "active"
TaskInactive TaskStatus = "inactive"
DefaultTaskStatus TaskStatus = TaskActive
// validate returns an error if s is not a known task status.
func (s TaskStatus) validate(allowEmpty bool) error {
if allowEmpty && s == "" {
return nil
if s == TaskActive || s == TaskInactive {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("invalid task status: %q", s)
type RunStatus int
const (
RunStarted RunStatus = iota
func (r RunStatus) String() string {
switch r {
case RunStarted:
return "started"
case RunSuccess:
return "success"
case RunFail:
return "failed"
case RunCanceled:
return "canceled"
case RunScheduled:
return "scheduled"
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown RunStatus: %d", r))
// RunNotYetDueError is returned from CreateNextRun if a run is not yet due.
type RunNotYetDueError struct {
// DueAt is the unix timestamp of when the next run is due.
DueAt int64
func (e RunNotYetDueError) Error() string {
return "run not due until " + time.Unix(e.DueAt, 0).UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
// RequestStillQueuedError is returned when attempting to retry a run which has not yet completed.
type RequestStillQueuedError struct {
// Unix timestamps matching existing request's start and end.
Start, End int64
const fmtRequestStillQueued = "previous retry for start=%s end=%s has not yet finished"
func (e RequestStillQueuedError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(fmtRequestStillQueued,
time.Unix(e.Start, 0).UTC().Format(time.RFC3339),
time.Unix(e.End, 0).UTC().Format(time.RFC3339),
// ParseRequestStillQueuedError attempts to parse a RequestStillQueuedError from msg.
// If msg is formatted correctly, the resultant error is returned; otherwise it returns nil.
func ParseRequestStillQueuedError(msg string) *RequestStillQueuedError {
var s, e string
n, err := fmt.Sscanf(msg, fmtRequestStillQueued, &s, &e)
if err != nil || n != 2 {
return nil
start, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, s)
if err != nil {
return nil
end, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, e)
if err != nil {
return nil
return &RequestStillQueuedError{Start: start.Unix(), End: end.Unix()}
// RunCreation is returned by CreateNextRun.
type RunCreation struct {
Created QueuedRun
// Unix timestamp for when the next run is due.
NextDue int64
// Whether there are any manual runs queued for this task.
// If so, the scheduler should begin executing them after handling real-time tasks.
HasQueue bool
// CreateTaskRequest encapsulates state of a new task to be created.
type CreateTaskRequest struct {
// Owners.
Org, User platform.ID
// Script content of the task.
Script string
// Unix timestamp (seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 UTC).
// The first run of the task will be run according to the earliest time after ScheduleAfter,
// matching the task's schedul via its cron or every option.
ScheduleAfter int64
// The initial task status.
// If empty, will be treated as DefaultTaskStatus.
Status TaskStatus
// UpdateTaskRequest encapsulates requested changes to a task.
type UpdateTaskRequest struct {
// ID of the task.
ID platform.ID
// New script content of the task.
// If empty, do not modify the existing script.
Script string
// The new desired task status.
// If empty, do not modify the existing status.
Status TaskStatus
// UpdateTaskResult describes the result of modifying a single task.
// Having the content returned from ModifyTask makes it much simpler for callers
// to decide how to notify on status changes, etc.
type UpdateTaskResult struct {
OldScript string
OldStatus TaskStatus
NewTask StoreTask
NewMeta StoreTaskMeta
// Store is the interface around persisted tasks.
type Store interface {
// CreateTask creates a task with from the given CreateTaskRequest.
// If the task is created successfully, the ID of the new task is returned.
CreateTask(ctx context.Context, req CreateTaskRequest) (platform.ID, error)
// UpdateTask updates an existing task.
// It returns an error if there was no task matching the given ID.
// If the returned error is not nil, the returned result should not be inspected.
UpdateTask(ctx context.Context, req UpdateTaskRequest) (UpdateTaskResult, error)
// ListTasks lists the tasks in the store that match the search params.
ListTasks(ctx context.Context, params TaskSearchParams) ([]StoreTaskWithMeta, error)
// FindTaskByID returns the task with the given ID.
// If no task matches the ID, the returned task is nil and ErrTaskNotFound is returned.
FindTaskByID(ctx context.Context, id platform.ID) (*StoreTask, error)
// FindTaskMetaByID returns the metadata about a task.
// If no task meta matches the ID, the returned meta is nil and ErrTaskNotFound is returned.
FindTaskMetaByID(ctx context.Context, id platform.ID) (*StoreTaskMeta, error)
// FindTaskByIDWithMeta combines finding the task and the meta into a single call.
FindTaskByIDWithMeta(ctx context.Context, id platform.ID) (*StoreTask, *StoreTaskMeta, error)
// DeleteTask returns whether an entry matching the given ID was deleted.
// If err is non-nil, deleted is false.
// If err is nil, deleted is false if no entry matched the ID,
// or deleted is true if there was a matching entry and it was deleted.
DeleteTask(ctx context.Context, id platform.ID) (deleted bool, err error)
// CreateNextRun creates the earliest needed run scheduled no later than the given Unix timestamp now.
// Internally, the Store should rely on the underlying task's StoreTaskMeta to create the next run.
CreateNextRun(ctx context.Context, taskID platform.ID, now int64) (RunCreation, error)
// FinishRun removes runID from the list of running tasks and if its `now` is later then last completed update it.
FinishRun(ctx context.Context, taskID, runID platform.ID) error
// ManuallyRunTimeRange enqueues a request to run the task with the given ID for all schedules no earlier than start and no later than end (Unix timestamps).
// requestedAt is the Unix timestamp when the request was initiated.
// ManuallyRunTimeRange must delegate to an underlying StoreTaskMeta's ManuallyRunTimeRange method.
ManuallyRunTimeRange(ctx context.Context, taskID platform.ID, start, end, requestedAt int64) (*StoreTaskMetaManualRun, error)
// DeleteOrg deletes the org.
DeleteOrg(ctx context.Context, orgID platform.ID) error
// DeleteUser deletes a user with userID.
DeleteUser(ctx context.Context, userID platform.ID) error
// Close closes the store for usage and cleans up running processes.
Close() error
// RunLogBase is the base information for a logs about an individual run.
type RunLogBase struct {
// The parent task that owns the run.
Task *StoreTask
// The ID of the run.
RunID platform.ID
// The Unix timestamp indicating the run's scheduled time.
RunScheduledFor int64
// When the log is requested, should be ignored when it is zero.
RequestedAt int64
// LogWriter writes task logs and task state changes to a store.
type LogWriter interface {
// UpdateRunState sets the run state and the respective time.
UpdateRunState(ctx context.Context, base RunLogBase, when time.Time, state RunStatus) error
// AddRunLog adds a log line to the run.
AddRunLog(ctx context.Context, base RunLogBase, when time.Time, log string) error
// NopLogWriter is a LogWriter that doesn't do anything when its methods are called.
// This is useful for test, but not much else.
type NopLogWriter struct{}
func (NopLogWriter) UpdateRunState(context.Context, RunLogBase, time.Time, RunStatus) error {
return nil
func (NopLogWriter) AddRunLog(context.Context, RunLogBase, time.Time, string) error {
return nil
// LogReader reads log information and log data from a store.
type LogReader interface {
// ListRuns returns a list of runs belonging to a task.
ListRuns(ctx context.Context, runFilter platform.RunFilter) ([]*platform.Run, error)
// FindRunByID finds a run given a orgID and runID.
// orgID is necessary to look in the correct system bucket.
FindRunByID(ctx context.Context, orgID, runID platform.ID) (*platform.Run, error)
// ListLogs lists logs for a task or a specified run of a task.
ListLogs(ctx context.Context, logFilter platform.LogFilter) ([]platform.Log, error)
// NopLogWriter is a LogWriter that doesn't do anything when its methods are called.
// This is useful for test, but not much else.
type NopLogReader struct{}
func (NopLogReader) ListRuns(ctx context.Context, runFilter platform.RunFilter) ([]*platform.Run, error) {
return nil, nil
func (NopLogReader) FindRunByID(ctx context.Context, orgID, runID platform.ID) (*platform.Run, error) {
return nil, nil
func (NopLogReader) ListLogs(ctx context.Context, logFilter platform.LogFilter) ([]platform.Log, error) {
return nil, nil
// TaskSearchParams is used when searching or listing tasks.
type TaskSearchParams struct {
// Return tasks belonging to this exact organization ID. May be nil.
Org platform.ID
// Return tasks belonging to this exact user ID. May be nil.
User platform.ID
// Return tasks starting after this ID.
After platform.ID
// Size of each page. Must be non-negative.
// If zero, the implementation picks an appropriate default page size.
// Valid page sizes are implementation-dependent.
PageSize int
// StoreTask is a stored representation of a Task.
type StoreTask struct {
ID platform.ID
// IDs for the owning organization and user.
Org, User platform.ID
// The user-supplied name of the Task.
Name string
// The script content of the task.
Script string
// StoreTaskWithMeta is a single struct with a StoreTask and a StoreTaskMeta.
type StoreTaskWithMeta struct {
Task StoreTask
Meta StoreTaskMeta
// StoreValidator is a package-level StoreValidation, so that you can write
// backend.StoreValidator.CreateArgs(...)
var StoreValidator StoreValidation
// StoreValidation is used for namespacing the store validation methods.
type StoreValidation struct{}
// CreateArgs returns the script's parsed options,
// and an error if any of the provided fields are invalid for creating a task.
func (StoreValidation) CreateArgs(req CreateTaskRequest) (options.Options, error) {
var missing []string
var o options.Options
if req.Script == "" {
missing = append(missing, "script")
} else {
var err error
o, err = options.FromScript(req.Script)
if err != nil {
return o, err
if !req.Org.Valid() {
missing = append(missing, "organization ID")
if !req.User.Valid() {
missing = append(missing, "user ID")
if len(missing) > 0 {
return o, fmt.Errorf("missing required fields to create task: %s", strings.Join(missing, ", "))
if err := req.Status.validate(true); err != nil {
return o, err
return o, nil
// UpdateArgs validates the UpdateTaskRequest.
// If the update only includes a new status (i.e. req.Script is empty), the returned options are zero.
// If the update contains neither a new script nor a new status, or if the script is invalid, an error is returned.
func (StoreValidation) UpdateArgs(req UpdateTaskRequest) (options.Options, error) {
var missing []string
var o options.Options
if req.Script == "" && req.Status == "" {
missing = append(missing, "script or status")
} else {
if req.Script != "" {
var err error
o, err = options.FromScript(req.Script)
if err != nil {
return o, err
if err := req.Status.validate(true); err != nil {
return o, err
if !req.ID.Valid() {
missing = append(missing, "task ID")
if len(missing) > 0 {
return o, fmt.Errorf("missing required fields to modify task: %s", strings.Join(missing, ", "))
return o, nil