1289 lines
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1289 lines
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package raft
import (
// Constants
const (
Stopped = "stopped"
Follower = "follower"
Candidate = "candidate"
Leader = "leader"
Snapshotting = "snapshotting"
const (
MaxLogEntriesPerRequest = 2000
NumberOfLogEntriesAfterSnapshot = 200
const (
DefaultHeartbeatTimeout = 50 * time.Millisecond
DefaultElectionTimeout = 150 * time.Millisecond
var stopValue interface{}
// Errors
var NotLeaderError = errors.New("raft.Server: Not current leader")
var DuplicatePeerError = errors.New("raft.Server: Duplicate peer")
var CommandTimeoutError = errors.New("raft: Command timeout")
// Typedefs
// A server is involved in the consensus protocol and can act as a follower,
// candidate or a leader.
type Server struct {
name string
path string
state string
transporter Transporter
context interface{}
currentTerm uint64
votedFor string
log *Log
leader string
peers map[string]*Peer
mutex sync.RWMutex
syncedPeer map[string]bool
c chan *event
electionTimeout time.Duration
heartbeatTimeout time.Duration
currentSnapshot *Snapshot
lastSnapshot *Snapshot
stateMachine StateMachine
maxLogEntriesPerRequest uint64
confFile *os.File
// An event to be processed by the server's event loop.
type event struct {
target interface{}
returnValue interface{}
c chan error
// Constructor
// Creates a new server with a log at the given path.
func NewServer(name string, path string, transporter Transporter, stateMachine StateMachine, context interface{}) (*Server, error) {
if name == "" {
return nil, errors.New("raft.Server: Name cannot be blank")
if transporter == nil {
panic("raft: Transporter required")
s := &Server{
name: name,
path: path,
transporter: transporter,
stateMachine: stateMachine,
context: context,
state: Stopped,
peers: make(map[string]*Peer),
log: newLog(),
c: make(chan *event, 256),
electionTimeout: DefaultElectionTimeout,
heartbeatTimeout: DefaultHeartbeatTimeout,
maxLogEntriesPerRequest: MaxLogEntriesPerRequest,
// Setup apply function.
s.log.ApplyFunc = func(c Command) (interface{}, error) {
result, err := c.Apply(s)
return result, err
return s, nil
// Accessors
// General
// Retrieves the name of the server.
func (s *Server) Name() string {
return s.name
// Retrieves the storage path for the server.
func (s *Server) Path() string {
return s.path
// The name of the current leader.
func (s *Server) Leader() string {
return s.leader
// Retrieves a copy of the peer data.
func (s *Server) Peers() map[string]*Peer {
defer s.mutex.Unlock()
peers := make(map[string]*Peer)
for name, peer := range s.peers {
peers[name] = peer.clone()
return peers
// Retrieves the object that transports requests.
func (s *Server) Transporter() Transporter {
defer s.mutex.RUnlock()
return s.transporter
func (s *Server) SetTransporter(t Transporter) {
defer s.mutex.Unlock()
s.transporter = t
// Retrieves the context passed into the constructor.
func (s *Server) Context() interface{} {
return s.context
// Retrieves the log path for the server.
func (s *Server) LogPath() string {
return path.Join(s.path, "log")
// Retrieves the current state of the server.
func (s *Server) State() string {
defer s.mutex.RUnlock()
return s.state
// Sets the state of the server.
func (s *Server) setState(state string) {
defer s.mutex.Unlock()
s.state = state
if state == Leader {
s.leader = s.Name()
// Retrieves the current term of the server.
func (s *Server) Term() uint64 {
return s.currentTerm
// Retrieves the current commit index of the server.
func (s *Server) CommitIndex() uint64 {
return s.log.commitIndex
// Retrieves the name of the candidate this server voted for in this term.
func (s *Server) VotedFor() string {
return s.votedFor
// Retrieves whether the server's log has no entries.
func (s *Server) IsLogEmpty() bool {
return s.log.isEmpty()
// A list of all the log entries. This should only be used for debugging purposes.
func (s *Server) LogEntries() []*LogEntry {
return s.log.entries
// A reference to the command name of the last entry.
func (s *Server) LastCommandName() string {
return s.log.lastCommandName()
// Get the state of the server for debugging
func (s *Server) GetState() string {
defer s.mutex.RUnlock()
return fmt.Sprintf("Name: %s, State: %s, Term: %v, CommitedIndex: %v ", s.name, s.state, s.currentTerm, s.log.commitIndex)
// Check if the server is promotable
func (s *Server) promotable() bool {
return s.log.currentIndex() > 0
// Membership
// Retrieves the number of member servers in the consensus.
func (s *Server) MemberCount() int {
defer s.mutex.Unlock()
return len(s.peers) + 1
// Retrieves the number of servers required to make a quorum.
func (s *Server) QuorumSize() int {
return (s.MemberCount() / 2) + 1
// Election timeout
// Retrieves the election timeout.
func (s *Server) ElectionTimeout() time.Duration {
defer s.mutex.RUnlock()
return s.electionTimeout
// Sets the election timeout.
func (s *Server) SetElectionTimeout(duration time.Duration) {
defer s.mutex.Unlock()
s.electionTimeout = duration
// Heartbeat timeout
// Retrieves the heartbeat timeout.
func (s *Server) HeartbeatTimeout() time.Duration {
defer s.mutex.RUnlock()
return s.heartbeatTimeout
// Sets the heartbeat timeout.
func (s *Server) SetHeartbeatTimeout(duration time.Duration) {
defer s.mutex.Unlock()
s.heartbeatTimeout = duration
for _, peer := range s.peers {
// Methods
// Initialization
// Reg the NOPCommand
func init() {
// Start as follow
// If log entries exist then allow promotion to candidate if no AEs received.
// If no log entries exist then wait for AEs from another node.
// If no log entries exist and a self-join command is issued then
// immediately become leader and commit entry.
func (s *Server) Start() error {
// Exit if the server is already running.
if s.state != Stopped {
return errors.New("raft.Server: Server already running")
// Create snapshot directory if not exist
os.Mkdir(path.Join(s.path, "snapshot"), 0700)
// Initialize the log and load it up.
if err := s.log.open(s.LogPath()); err != nil {
s.debugln("raft: Log error: ", err)
return fmt.Errorf("raft: Initialization error: %s", err)
if err := s.readConf(); err != nil {
s.debugln("raft: Conf file error: ", err)
return fmt.Errorf("raft: Initialization error: %s", err)
// Update the term to the last term in the log.
_, s.currentTerm = s.log.lastInfo()
// If no log entries exist then
// 1. wait for AEs from another node
// 2. wait for self-join command
// to set itself promotable
if !s.promotable() {
s.debugln("start as a new raft server")
// If log entries exist then allow promotion to candidate
// if no AEs received.
} else {
s.debugln("start from previous saved state")
go s.loop()
return nil
// Read the configuration for the server.
func (s *Server) readConf() error {
var err error
confPath := path.Join(s.path, "conf")
s.debugln("readConf.open ", confPath)
// open conf file
s.confFile, err = os.OpenFile(confPath, os.O_RDWR, 0600)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
s.confFile, err = os.OpenFile(confPath, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0600)
debugln("readConf.create ", confPath)
if err != nil {
return err
return err
peerNames := make([]string, 0)
for {
var peerName string
_, err = fmt.Fscanf(s.confFile, "%s\n", &peerName)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
s.debugln("server.peer.conf: finish")
return err
s.debugln("server.peer.conf.read: ", peerName)
peerNames = append(peerNames, peerName)
s.confFile.Seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
for _, peerName := range peerNames {
return nil
// Shuts down the server.
func (s *Server) Stop() {
defer s.mutex.Unlock()
// Checks if the server is currently running.
func (s *Server) Running() bool {
defer s.mutex.RUnlock()
return s.state != Stopped
// Term
// Sets the current term for the server. This is only used when an external
// current term is found.
func (s *Server) setCurrentTerm(term uint64, leaderName string, append bool) {
defer s.mutex.Unlock()
// update the term and clear vote for
if term > s.currentTerm {
s.state = Follower
s.currentTerm = term
s.leader = leaderName
s.votedFor = ""
// discover new leader when candidate
// save leader name when follower
if term == s.currentTerm && s.state != Leader && append {
s.state = Follower
s.leader = leaderName
// Event Loop
// ________
// --|Snapshot| timeout
// | -------- ______
// recover | ^ | |
// snapshot / | |snapshot | |
// higher | | v | recv majority votes
// term | -------- timeout ----------- -----------
// |-> |Follower| ----------> | Candidate |--------------------> | Leader |
// -------- ----------- -----------
// ^ higher term/ | higher term |
// | new leader | |
// |_______________________|____________________________________ |
// The main event loop for the server
func (s *Server) loop() {
defer s.debugln("server.loop.end")
for {
state := s.State()
s.debugln("server.loop.run ", state)
switch state {
case Follower:
case Candidate:
case Leader:
case Snapshotting:
case Stopped:
// Sends an event to the event loop to be processed. The function will wait
// until the event is actually processed before returning.
func (s *Server) send(value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
event := s.sendAsync(value)
err := <-event.c
return event.returnValue, err
func (s *Server) sendAsync(value interface{}) *event {
event := &event{target: value, c: make(chan error, 1)}
s.c <- event
return event
// The event loop that is run when the server is in a Follower state.
// Responds to RPCs from candidates and leaders.
// Converts to candidate if election timeout elapses without either:
// 1.Receiving valid AppendEntries RPC, or
// 2.Granting vote to candidate
func (s *Server) followerLoop() {
timeoutChan := afterBetween(s.ElectionTimeout(), s.ElectionTimeout()*2)
for {
var err error
update := false
select {
case e := <-s.c:
if e.target == &stopValue {
} else {
switch req := e.target.(type) {
case JoinCommand:
//If no log entries exist and a self-join command is issued
//then immediately become leader and commit entry.
if s.log.currentIndex() == 0 && req.NodeName() == s.Name() {
s.debugln("selfjoin and promote to leader")
s.processCommand(req, e)
} else {
err = NotLeaderError
case *AppendEntriesRequest:
e.returnValue, update = s.processAppendEntriesRequest(req)
case *RequestVoteRequest:
e.returnValue, update = s.processRequestVoteRequest(req)
case *SnapshotRequest:
e.returnValue = s.processSnapshotRequest(req)
err = NotLeaderError
// Callback to event.
e.c <- err
case <-timeoutChan:
// only allow synced follower to promote to candidate
if s.promotable() {
} else {
update = true
// Converts to candidate if election timeout elapses without either:
// 1.Receiving valid AppendEntries RPC, or
// 2.Granting vote to candidate
if update {
timeoutChan = afterBetween(s.ElectionTimeout(), s.ElectionTimeout()*2)
// Exit loop on state change.
if s.State() != Follower {
// The event loop that is run when the server is in a Candidate state.
func (s *Server) candidateLoop() {
lastLogIndex, lastLogTerm := s.log.lastInfo()
s.leader = ""
for {
// Increment current term, vote for self.
s.votedFor = s.name
// Send RequestVote RPCs to all other servers.
respChan := make(chan *RequestVoteResponse, len(s.peers))
for _, peer := range s.peers {
go peer.sendVoteRequest(newRequestVoteRequest(s.currentTerm, s.name, lastLogIndex, lastLogTerm), respChan)
// Wait for either:
// * Votes received from majority of servers: become leader
// * AppendEntries RPC received from new leader: step down.
// * Election timeout elapses without election resolution: increment term, start new election
// * Discover higher term: step down (§5.1)
votesGranted := 1
timeoutChan := afterBetween(s.ElectionTimeout(), s.ElectionTimeout()*2)
timeout := false
for {
// If we received enough votes then stop waiting for more votes.
s.debugln("server.candidate.votes: ", votesGranted, " quorum:", s.QuorumSize())
if votesGranted >= s.QuorumSize() {
// Collect votes from peers.
select {
case resp := <-respChan:
if resp.VoteGranted {
s.debugln("server.candidate.vote.granted: ", votesGranted)
} else if resp.Term > s.currentTerm {
s.setCurrentTerm(resp.Term, "", false)
} else {
s.debugln("server.candidate.vote: denied")
case e := <-s.c:
var err error
if e.target == &stopValue {
} else {
switch req := e.target.(type) {
case Command:
err = NotLeaderError
case *AppendEntriesRequest:
e.returnValue, _ = s.processAppendEntriesRequest(req)
case *RequestVoteRequest:
e.returnValue, _ = s.processRequestVoteRequest(req)
// Callback to event.
e.c <- err
case <-timeoutChan:
timeout = true
// both process AER and RVR can make the server to follower
// also break when timeout happens
if s.State() != Candidate || timeout {
// break when we are not candidate
if s.State() != Candidate {
// continue when timeout happened
// The event loop that is run when the server is in a Leader state.
func (s *Server) leaderLoop() {
s.syncedPeer = make(map[string]bool)
logIndex, _ := s.log.lastInfo()
// Update the peers prevLogIndex to leader's lastLogIndex and start heartbeat.
s.debugln("leaderLoop.set.PrevIndex to ", logIndex)
for _, peer := range s.peers {
go s.Do(NOPCommand{})
// Begin to collect response from followers
for {
var err error
select {
case e := <-s.c:
if e.target == &stopValue {
} else {
switch req := e.target.(type) {
case Command:
s.processCommand(req, e)
case *AppendEntriesRequest:
e.returnValue, _ = s.processAppendEntriesRequest(req)
case *AppendEntriesResponse:
case *RequestVoteRequest:
e.returnValue, _ = s.processRequestVoteRequest(req)
// Callback to event.
e.c <- err
// Exit loop on state change.
if s.State() != Leader {
// Stop all peers.
for _, peer := range s.peers {
s.syncedPeer = nil
func (s *Server) snapshotLoop() {
for {
var err error
e := <-s.c
if e.target == &stopValue {
} else {
switch req := e.target.(type) {
case Command:
err = NotLeaderError
case *AppendEntriesRequest:
e.returnValue, _ = s.processAppendEntriesRequest(req)
case *RequestVoteRequest:
e.returnValue, _ = s.processRequestVoteRequest(req)
case *SnapshotRecoveryRequest:
e.returnValue = s.processSnapshotRecoveryRequest(req)
// Callback to event.
e.c <- err
// Exit loop on state change.
if s.State() != Snapshotting {
// Commands
// Attempts to execute a command and replicate it. The function will return
// when the command has been successfully committed or an error has occurred.
func (s *Server) Do(command Command) (interface{}, error) {
return s.send(command)
// Processes a command.
func (s *Server) processCommand(command Command, e *event) {
// Create an entry for the command in the log.
entry, err := s.log.createEntry(s.currentTerm, command)
if err != nil {
s.debugln("server.command.log.entry.error:", err)
e.c <- err
if err := s.log.appendEntry(entry); err != nil {
s.debugln("server.command.log.error:", err)
e.c <- err
// Issue a callback for the entry once it's committed.
go func() {
// Wait for the entry to be committed.
select {
case <-entry.commit:
var err error
e.returnValue, err = s.log.getEntryResult(entry, true)
e.c <- err
case <-time.After(time.Second):
e.c <- CommandTimeoutError
// Issue an append entries response for the server.
resp := newAppendEntriesResponse(s.currentTerm, true, s.log.currentIndex(), s.log.CommitIndex())
resp.append = true
resp.peer = s.Name()
// this must be async
// sendAsync is not really async every time
// when the sending speed of the user is larger than
// the processing speed of the server, the buffered channel
// will be full. Then sendAsync will become sync, which will
// cause deadlock here.
// so we use a goroutine to avoid the deadlock
go s.sendAsync(resp)
// Append Entries
// Appends zero or more log entry from the leader to this server.
func (s *Server) AppendEntries(req *AppendEntriesRequest) *AppendEntriesResponse {
ret, _ := s.send(req)
resp, _ := ret.(*AppendEntriesResponse)
return resp
// Processes the "append entries" request.
func (s *Server) processAppendEntriesRequest(req *AppendEntriesRequest) (*AppendEntriesResponse, bool) {
if req.Term < s.currentTerm {
s.debugln("server.ae.error: stale term")
return newAppendEntriesResponse(s.currentTerm, false, s.log.currentIndex(), s.log.CommitIndex()), false
// Update term and leader.
s.setCurrentTerm(req.Term, req.LeaderName, true)
// Reject if log doesn't contain a matching previous entry.
if err := s.log.truncate(req.PrevLogIndex, req.PrevLogTerm); err != nil {
s.debugln("server.ae.truncate.error: ", err)
return newAppendEntriesResponse(s.currentTerm, false, s.log.currentIndex(), s.log.CommitIndex()), true
// Append entries to the log.
if err := s.log.appendEntries(req.Entries); err != nil {
s.debugln("server.ae.append.error: ", err)
return newAppendEntriesResponse(s.currentTerm, false, s.log.currentIndex(), s.log.CommitIndex()), true
// Commit up to the commit index.
if err := s.log.setCommitIndex(req.CommitIndex); err != nil {
s.debugln("server.ae.commit.error: ", err)
return newAppendEntriesResponse(s.currentTerm, false, s.log.currentIndex(), s.log.CommitIndex()), true
// once the server appended and commited all the log entries from the leader
return newAppendEntriesResponse(s.currentTerm, true, s.log.currentIndex(), s.log.CommitIndex()), true
// Processes the "append entries" response from the peer. This is only
// processed when the server is a leader. Responses received during other
// states are dropped.
func (s *Server) processAppendEntriesResponse(resp *AppendEntriesResponse) {
// If we find a higher term then change to a follower and exit.
if resp.Term > s.currentTerm {
s.setCurrentTerm(resp.Term, "", false)
// panic response if it's not successful.
if !resp.Success {
// if one peer successfully append a log from the leader term,
// we add it to the synced list
if resp.append == true {
s.syncedPeer[resp.peer] = true
// Increment the commit count to make sure we have a quorum before committing.
if len(s.syncedPeer) < s.QuorumSize() {
// Determine the committed index that a majority has.
var indices []uint64
indices = append(indices, s.log.currentIndex())
for _, peer := range s.peers {
indices = append(indices, peer.getPrevLogIndex())
// We can commit up to the index which the majority of the members have appended.
commitIndex := indices[s.QuorumSize()-1]
committedIndex := s.log.commitIndex
if commitIndex > committedIndex {
s.debugln("commit index ", commitIndex)
for i := committedIndex; i < commitIndex; i++ {
if entry := s.log.getEntry(i + 1); entry != nil {
// if the leader is a new one and the entry came from the
// old leader, the commit channel will be nil and no go routine
// is waiting from this channel
// if we try to send to it, the new leader will get stuck
if entry.commit != nil {
select {
case entry.commit <- true:
panic("server unable to send signal to commit channel")
// Request Vote
// Requests a vote from a server. A vote can be obtained if the vote's term is
// at the server's current term and the server has not made a vote yet. A vote
// can also be obtained if the term is greater than the server's current term.
func (s *Server) RequestVote(req *RequestVoteRequest) *RequestVoteResponse {
ret, _ := s.send(req)
resp, _ := ret.(*RequestVoteResponse)
return resp
// Processes a "request vote" request.
func (s *Server) processRequestVoteRequest(req *RequestVoteRequest) (*RequestVoteResponse, bool) {
// If the request is coming from an old term then reject it.
if req.Term < s.currentTerm {
s.debugln("server.rv.error: stale term")
return newRequestVoteResponse(s.currentTerm, false), false
s.setCurrentTerm(req.Term, "", false)
// If we've already voted for a different candidate then don't vote for this candidate.
if s.votedFor != "" && s.votedFor != req.CandidateName {
s.debugln("server.rv.error: duplicate vote: ", req.CandidateName,
" already vote for ", s.votedFor)
return newRequestVoteResponse(s.currentTerm, false), false
// If the candidate's log is not at least as up-to-date as our last log then don't vote.
lastIndex, lastTerm := s.log.lastInfo()
if lastIndex > req.LastLogIndex || lastTerm > req.LastLogTerm {
s.debugln("server.rv.error: out of date log: ", req.CandidateName,
"Index :[", lastIndex, "]", " [", req.LastLogIndex, "]",
"Term :[", lastTerm, "]", " [", req.LastLogTerm, "]")
return newRequestVoteResponse(s.currentTerm, false), false
// If we made it this far then cast a vote and reset our election time out.
s.debugln("server.rv.vote: ", s.name, " votes for", req.CandidateName, "at term", req.Term)
s.votedFor = req.CandidateName
return newRequestVoteResponse(s.currentTerm, true), true
// Membership
// Adds a peer to the server.
func (s *Server) AddPeer(name string) error {
s.debugln("server.peer.add: ", name, len(s.peers))
// Do not allow peers to be added twice.
if s.peers[name] != nil {
return nil
// Skip the Peer if it has the same name as the Server
if s.name == name {
return nil
// when loading snapshot s.confFile should be nil
if s.confFile != nil {
_, err := fmt.Fprintln(s.confFile, name)
s.debugln("server.peer.conf.write: ", name)
if err != nil {
return err
peer := newPeer(s, name, s.heartbeatTimeout)
if s.State() == Leader {
s.peers[peer.name] = peer
return nil
// Removes a peer from the server.
func (s *Server) RemovePeer(name string) error {
s.debugln("server.peer.remove: ", name, len(s.peers))
// Ignore removal of the server itself.
if s.name == name {
return nil
// Return error if peer doesn't exist.
peer := s.peers[name]
if peer == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("raft: Peer not found: %s", name)
// TODO: Flush entries to the peer first.
// Stop peer and remove it.
delete(s.peers, name)
s.confFile.Seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
for peer := range s.peers {
_, err := fmt.Fprintln(s.confFile, peer)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Log compaction
// The background snapshot function
func (s *Server) Snapshot() {
for {
// TODO: change this... to something reasonable
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
func (s *Server) takeSnapshot() error {
//TODO put a snapshot mutex
s.debugln("take Snapshot")
if s.currentSnapshot != nil {
return errors.New("handling snapshot")
lastIndex, lastTerm := s.log.commitInfo()
if lastIndex == 0 {
return errors.New("No logs")
path := s.SnapshotPath(lastIndex, lastTerm)
var state []byte
var err error
if s.stateMachine != nil {
state, err = s.stateMachine.Save()
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
state = []byte{0}
var peerNames []string
for _, peer := range s.peers {
peerNames = append(peerNames, peer.Name())
peerNames = append(peerNames, s.Name())
s.currentSnapshot = &Snapshot{lastIndex, lastTerm, peerNames, state, path}
// We keep some log entries after the snapshot
// We do not want to send the whole snapshot
// to the slightly slow machines
if lastIndex-s.log.startIndex > NumberOfLogEntriesAfterSnapshot {
compactIndex := lastIndex - NumberOfLogEntriesAfterSnapshot
compactTerm := s.log.getEntry(compactIndex).Term
s.log.compact(compactIndex, compactTerm)
return nil
// Retrieves the log path for the server.
func (s *Server) saveSnapshot() error {
if s.currentSnapshot == nil {
return errors.New("no snapshot to save")
err := s.currentSnapshot.save()
if err != nil {
return err
tmp := s.lastSnapshot
s.lastSnapshot = s.currentSnapshot
// delete the previous snapshot if there is any change
if tmp != nil && !(tmp.LastIndex == s.lastSnapshot.LastIndex && tmp.LastTerm == s.lastSnapshot.LastTerm) {
s.currentSnapshot = nil
return nil
// Retrieves the log path for the server.
func (s *Server) SnapshotPath(lastIndex uint64, lastTerm uint64) string {
return path.Join(s.path, "snapshot", fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v.ss", lastTerm, lastIndex))
func (s *Server) RequestSnapshot(req *SnapshotRequest) *SnapshotResponse {
ret, _ := s.send(req)
resp, _ := ret.(*SnapshotResponse)
return resp
func (s *Server) processSnapshotRequest(req *SnapshotRequest) *SnapshotResponse {
// If the follower’s log contains an entry at the snapshot’s last index with a term
// that matches the snapshot’s last term
// Then the follower already has all the information found in the snapshot
// and can reply false
entry := s.log.getEntry(req.LastIndex)
if entry != nil && entry.Term == req.LastTerm {
return newSnapshotResponse(false)
return newSnapshotResponse(true)
func (s *Server) SnapshotRecoveryRequest(req *SnapshotRecoveryRequest) *SnapshotRecoveryResponse {
ret, _ := s.send(req)
resp, _ := ret.(*SnapshotRecoveryResponse)
return resp
func (s *Server) processSnapshotRecoveryRequest(req *SnapshotRecoveryRequest) *SnapshotRecoveryResponse {
// clear the peer map
s.peers = make(map[string]*Peer)
// recovery the cluster configuration
for _, peerName := range req.Peers {
//update term and index
s.currentTerm = req.LastTerm
snapshotPath := s.SnapshotPath(req.LastIndex, req.LastTerm)
s.currentSnapshot = &Snapshot{req.LastIndex, req.LastTerm, req.Peers, req.State, snapshotPath}
// clear the previous log entries
s.log.compact(req.LastIndex, req.LastTerm)
return newSnapshotRecoveryResponse(req.LastTerm, true, req.LastIndex)
// Load a snapshot at restart
func (s *Server) LoadSnapshot() error {
dir, err := os.OpenFile(path.Join(s.path, "snapshot"), os.O_RDONLY, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
filenames, err := dir.Readdirnames(-1)
if err != nil {
if len(filenames) == 0 {
return errors.New("no snapshot")
// not sure how many snapshot we should keep
snapshotPath := path.Join(s.path, "snapshot", filenames[len(filenames)-1])
// should not fail
file, err := os.OpenFile(snapshotPath, os.O_RDONLY, 0)
defer file.Close()
if err != nil {
// TODO check checksum first
var snapshotBytes []byte
var checksum uint32
n, err := fmt.Fscanf(file, "%08x\n", &checksum)
if err != nil {
return err
if n != 1 {
return errors.New("Bad snapshot file")
snapshotBytes, _ = ioutil.ReadAll(file)
// Generate checksum.
byteChecksum := crc32.ChecksumIEEE(snapshotBytes)
if uint32(checksum) != byteChecksum {
s.debugln(checksum, " ", byteChecksum)
return errors.New("bad snapshot file")
err = json.Unmarshal(snapshotBytes, &s.lastSnapshot)
if err != nil {
s.debugln("unmarshal error: ", err)
return err
err = s.stateMachine.Recovery(s.lastSnapshot.State)
if err != nil {
s.debugln("recovery error: ", err)
return err
for _, peerName := range s.lastSnapshot.Peers {
s.log.startTerm = s.lastSnapshot.LastTerm
s.log.startIndex = s.lastSnapshot.LastIndex
return err
// Debugging
func (s *Server) debugln(v ...interface{}) {
debugf("[%s Term:%d] %s", s.name, s.currentTerm, fmt.Sprintln(v...))
func (s *Server) traceln(v ...interface{}) {
tracef("[%s] %s", s.name, fmt.Sprintln(v...))