403 lines
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403 lines
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package testing
import (
// NowFunc is a function which returns a time
type NowFunc func() time.Time
// Migrator tests a migrator against a provided store.
// The migrator is constructed via a provided constructor function which takes
// a logger and a now function used to derive time.
func Migrator(t *testing.T, store kv.SchemaStore, newMigrator func(*testing.T, *zap.Logger, kv.SchemaStore, NowFunc) *migration.Migrator) {
var (
ctx = context.TODO()
logger = zap.NewNop()
migrationOne = newMigration("migration one")
migrationTwo = newMigration("migration two")
migrationThree = newMigration("migration three")
migrationFour = newMigration("migration four")
// mocking now time
timestamp = int64(0)
now = func() time.Time {
return time.Unix(timestamp, 0).In(time.UTC)
// ts returns a point to a time at N unix seconds.
ts = func(n int64) *time.Time {
t := time.Unix(n, 0).In(time.UTC)
return &t
migrator = newMigrator(t, logger, store, now)
// all migrations excluding number four (for now)
t.Run("List() shows all migrations in down state", func(t *testing.T) {
migrations, err := migrator.List(ctx)
if err != nil {
if expected := []migration.Migration{
ID: platform.ID(1),
Name: "migration one",
State: migration.DownMigrationState,
ID: platform.ID(2),
Name: "migration two",
State: migration.DownMigrationState,
ID: platform.ID(3),
Name: "migration three",
State: migration.DownMigrationState,
}; !reflect.DeepEqual(expected, migrations) {
t.Errorf("expected %#v, found %#v", expected, migrations)
t.Run("Up() runs each migration in turn", func(t *testing.T) {
// apply all migrations
if err := migrator.Up(ctx); err != nil {
// list migration again
migrations, err := migrator.List(ctx)
if err != nil {
if expected := []migration.Migration{
ID: platform.ID(1),
Name: "migration one",
State: migration.UpMigrationState,
StartedAt: ts(1),
FinishedAt: ts(2),
ID: platform.ID(2),
Name: "migration two",
State: migration.UpMigrationState,
StartedAt: ts(3),
FinishedAt: ts(4),
ID: platform.ID(3),
Name: "migration three",
State: migration.UpMigrationState,
StartedAt: ts(5),
FinishedAt: ts(6),
}; !reflect.DeepEqual(expected, migrations) {
t.Errorf("expected %#v, found %#v", expected, migrations)
// assert each migration was called
migrationOne.assertUpCalled(t, 1)
migrationTwo.assertUpCalled(t, 1)
migrationThree.assertUpCalled(t, 1)
t.Run("List() after adding new migration it reports as expected", func(t *testing.T) {
// list migration again
migrations, err := migrator.List(ctx)
if err != nil {
if expected := []migration.Migration{
ID: platform.ID(1),
Name: "migration one",
State: migration.UpMigrationState,
StartedAt: ts(1),
FinishedAt: ts(2),
ID: platform.ID(2),
Name: "migration two",
State: migration.UpMigrationState,
StartedAt: ts(3),
FinishedAt: ts(4),
ID: platform.ID(3),
Name: "migration three",
State: migration.UpMigrationState,
StartedAt: ts(5),
FinishedAt: ts(6),
ID: platform.ID(4),
Name: "migration four",
State: migration.DownMigrationState,
}; !reflect.DeepEqual(expected, migrations) {
t.Errorf("expected %#v, found %#v", expected, migrations)
t.Run("Up() only applies the single down migration", func(t *testing.T) {
// apply all migrations
if err := migrator.Up(ctx); err != nil {
// list migration again
migrations, err := migrator.List(ctx)
if err != nil {
if expected := []migration.Migration{
ID: platform.ID(1),
Name: "migration one",
State: migration.UpMigrationState,
StartedAt: ts(1),
FinishedAt: ts(2),
ID: platform.ID(2),
Name: "migration two",
State: migration.UpMigrationState,
StartedAt: ts(3),
FinishedAt: ts(4),
ID: platform.ID(3),
Name: "migration three",
State: migration.UpMigrationState,
StartedAt: ts(5),
FinishedAt: ts(6),
ID: platform.ID(4),
Name: "migration four",
State: migration.UpMigrationState,
StartedAt: ts(7),
FinishedAt: ts(8),
}; !reflect.DeepEqual(expected, migrations) {
t.Errorf("expected %#v, found %#v", expected, migrations)
// assert each migration was called only once
migrationOne.assertUpCalled(t, 1)
migrationTwo.assertUpCalled(t, 1)
migrationThree.assertUpCalled(t, 1)
migrationFour.assertUpCalled(t, 1)
t.Run("Down() calls down for each migration", func(t *testing.T) {
// apply all migrations
if err := migrator.Down(ctx, 0); err != nil {
// list migration again
migrations, err := migrator.List(ctx)
if err != nil {
if expected := []migration.Migration{
ID: platform.ID(1),
Name: "migration one",
State: migration.DownMigrationState,
ID: platform.ID(2),
Name: "migration two",
State: migration.DownMigrationState,
ID: platform.ID(3),
Name: "migration three",
State: migration.DownMigrationState,
ID: platform.ID(4),
Name: "migration four",
State: migration.DownMigrationState,
}; !reflect.DeepEqual(expected, migrations) {
t.Errorf("expected %#v, found %#v", expected, migrations)
// assert each migration was called only once
migrationOne.assertDownCalled(t, 1)
migrationTwo.assertDownCalled(t, 1)
migrationThree.assertDownCalled(t, 1)
migrationFour.assertDownCalled(t, 1)
t.Run("Up() re-applies all migrations", func(t *testing.T) {
// apply all migrations
if err := migrator.Up(ctx); err != nil {
// list migration again
migrations, err := migrator.List(ctx)
if err != nil {
if expected := []migration.Migration{
ID: platform.ID(1),
Name: "migration one",
State: migration.UpMigrationState,
StartedAt: ts(9),
FinishedAt: ts(10),
ID: platform.ID(2),
Name: "migration two",
State: migration.UpMigrationState,
StartedAt: ts(11),
FinishedAt: ts(12),
ID: platform.ID(3),
Name: "migration three",
State: migration.UpMigrationState,
StartedAt: ts(13),
FinishedAt: ts(14),
ID: platform.ID(4),
Name: "migration four",
State: migration.UpMigrationState,
StartedAt: ts(15),
FinishedAt: ts(16),
}; !reflect.DeepEqual(expected, migrations) {
t.Errorf("expected %#v, found %#v", expected, migrations)
// assert each migration up was called for a second time
migrationOne.assertUpCalled(t, 2)
migrationTwo.assertUpCalled(t, 2)
migrationThree.assertUpCalled(t, 2)
migrationFour.assertUpCalled(t, 2)
t.Run("Down() calls down on a subset of migrations", func(t *testing.T) {
if err := migrator.Down(ctx, 2); err != nil {
// list migration again
migrations, err := migrator.List(ctx)
if err != nil {
if expected := []migration.Migration{
ID: platform.ID(1),
Name: "migration one",
State: migration.UpMigrationState,
StartedAt: ts(9),
FinishedAt: ts(10),
ID: platform.ID(2),
Name: "migration two",
State: migration.UpMigrationState,
StartedAt: ts(11),
FinishedAt: ts(12),
ID: platform.ID(3),
Name: "migration three",
State: migration.DownMigrationState,
ID: platform.ID(4),
Name: "migration four",
State: migration.DownMigrationState,
}; !reflect.DeepEqual(expected, migrations) {
t.Errorf("expected %#v, found %#v", expected, migrations)
t.Run("List() missing migration spec errors as expected", func(t *testing.T) {
// remove all but first specification from migration list
migrator.Specs = migrator.Specs[:1]
// list migration again
_, err := migrator.List(ctx)
if !errors.Is(err, migration.ErrMigrationSpecNotFound) {
t.Errorf("expected migration spec error, found %v", err)
func newMigration(name string) *spyMigrationSpec {
return &spyMigrationSpec{name: name}
type spyMigrationSpec struct {
name string
upCalled int
downCalled int
func (s *spyMigrationSpec) MigrationName() string {
return s.name
func (s *spyMigrationSpec) assertUpCalled(t *testing.T, times int) {
if s.upCalled != times {
t.Errorf("expected Up() to be called %d times, instead found %d times", times, s.upCalled)
func (s *spyMigrationSpec) Up(ctx context.Context, _ migration.Store) error {
return nil
func (s *spyMigrationSpec) assertDownCalled(t *testing.T, times int) {
if s.downCalled != times {
t.Errorf("expected Down() to be called %d times, instead found %d times", times, s.downCalled)
func (s *spyMigrationSpec) Down(ctx context.Context, _ migration.Store) error {
return nil