420 lines
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// Package options provides ways to extract the task-related options from a Flux script.
package options
import (
cron "gopkg.in/robfig/cron.v2"
const maxConcurrency = 100
const maxRetry = 10
// Options are the task-related options that can be specified in a Flux script.
type Options struct {
// Name is a non optional name designator for each task.
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// Cron is a cron style time schedule that can be used in place of Every.
Cron string `json:"cron,omitempty"`
// Every represents a fixed period to repeat execution.
// this can be unmarshaled from json as a string i.e.: "1d" will unmarshal as 1 day
Every Duration `json:"every,omitempty"`
// Offset represents a delay before execution.
// this can be unmarshaled from json as a string i.e.: "1d" will unmarshal as 1 day
Offset *Duration `json:"offset,omitempty"`
Concurrency *int64 `json:"concurrency,omitempty"`
Retry *int64 `json:"retry,omitempty"`
// Duration is a time span that supports the same units as the flux parser's time duration, as well as negative length time spans.
type Duration struct {
Node ast.DurationLiteral
func (a Duration) String() string {
return ast.Format(&a.Node)
// Parse parses a string into a Duration.
func (a *Duration) Parse(s string) error {
q, err := parseSignedDuration(s)
if err != nil {
return err
a.Node = *q
return nil
// MustParseDuration parses a string and returns a duration. It panics if there is an error.
func MustParseDuration(s string) (dur *Duration) {
dur = &Duration{}
if err := dur.Parse(s); err != nil {
return dur
// parseSignedDuration is a helper wrapper around parser.ParseSignedDuration.
// We use it because we need to clear the basenode, but flux does not.
func parseSignedDuration(text string) (*ast.DurationLiteral, error) {
q, err := parser.ParseSignedDuration(text)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
q.BaseNode = ast.BaseNode{}
return q, err
// UnmarshalText unmarshals text into a Duration.
func (a *Duration) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
q, err := parseSignedDuration(string(text))
if err != nil {
return err
a.Node = *q
return nil
// UnmarshalText marshals text into a Duration.
func (a Duration) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(a.String()), nil
// IsZero checks if each segment of the duration is zero, it doesn't check if the Duration sums to zero, just if each internal duration is zero.
func (a *Duration) IsZero() bool {
for i := range a.Node.Values {
if a.Node.Values[i].Magnitude != 0 {
return false
return true
// DurationFrom gives us a time.Duration from a time.
// Currently because of how flux works, this is just an approfimation for any time unit larger than hours.
func (a *Duration) DurationFrom(t time.Time) (time.Duration, error) {
return ast.DurationFrom(&a.Node, t)
// Add adds the duration to a time.
func (a *Duration) Add(t time.Time) (time.Time, error) {
d, err := ast.DurationFrom(&a.Node, t)
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
return t.Add(d), nil
// Clear clears out all options in the options struct, it us useful if you wish to reuse it.
func (o *Options) Clear() {
o.Name = ""
o.Cron = ""
o.Every = Duration{}
o.Offset = nil
o.Concurrency = nil
o.Retry = nil
// IsZero tells us if the options has been zeroed out.
func (o *Options) IsZero() bool {
return o.Name == "" &&
o.Cron == "" &&
o.Every.IsZero() &&
o.Offset == nil &&
o.Concurrency == nil &&
o.Retry == nil
// All the task option names we accept.
const (
optName = "name"
optCron = "cron"
optEvery = "every"
optOffset = "offset"
optConcurrency = "concurrency"
optRetry = "retry"
// contains is a helper function to see if an array of strings contains a string
func contains(s []string, e string) bool {
for i := range s {
if s[i] == e {
return true
return false
func grabTaskOptionAST(p *ast.Package, keys ...string) map[string]ast.Expression {
res := make(map[string]ast.Expression, 2) // we preallocate two keys for the map, as that is how many we will use at maximum (offset and every)
for i := range p.Files {
for j := range p.Files[i].Body {
if p.Files[i].Body[j].Type() != "OptionStatement" {
opt := (p.Files[i].Body[j]).(*ast.OptionStatement)
if opt.Assignment.Type() != "VariableAssignment" {
asmt, ok := opt.Assignment.(*ast.VariableAssignment)
if !ok {
if asmt.ID.Key() != "task" {
ae, ok := asmt.Init.(*ast.ObjectExpression)
if !ok {
for k := range ae.Properties {
prop := ae.Properties[k]
if key := prop.Key.Key(); prop != nil && contains(keys, key) {
res[key] = prop.Value
return res
return res
// FromScript extracts Options from a Flux script.
func FromScript(script string) (Options, error) {
opt := Options{Retry: pointer.Int64(1), Concurrency: pointer.Int64(1)}
fluxAST, err := flux.Parse(script)
if err != nil {
return opt, err
durTypes := grabTaskOptionAST(fluxAST, optEvery, optOffset)
_, scope, err := flux.EvalAST(fluxAST)
if err != nil {
return opt, err
// pull options from the program scope
task, ok := scope.Lookup("task")
if !ok {
return opt, ErrMissingRequiredTaskOption("task")
// check to make sure task is an object
if err := checkNature(task.PolyType().Nature(), semantic.Object); err != nil {
return opt, err
optObject := task.Object()
if err := validateOptionNames(optObject); err != nil {
return opt, err
nameVal, ok := optObject.Get(optName)
if !ok {
return opt, ErrMissingRequiredTaskOption("name")
if err := checkNature(nameVal.PolyType().Nature(), semantic.String); err != nil {
return opt, err
opt.Name = nameVal.Str()
crVal, cronOK := optObject.Get(optCron)
everyVal, everyOK := optObject.Get(optEvery)
if cronOK && everyOK {
return opt, ErrDuplicateIntervalField
if !cronOK && !everyOK {
return opt, ErrMissingRequiredTaskOption("cron or every is required")
if cronOK {
if err := checkNature(crVal.PolyType().Nature(), semantic.String); err != nil {
return opt, err
opt.Cron = crVal.Str()
if everyOK {
if err := checkNature(everyVal.PolyType().Nature(), semantic.Duration); err != nil {
return opt, err
dur, ok := durTypes["every"]
if !ok || dur == nil {
return opt, ErrParseTaskOptionField("every")
durNode, err := parseSignedDuration(dur.Location().Source)
if err != nil {
return opt, err
if !ok || durNode == nil {
return opt, ErrParseTaskOptionField("every")
durNode.BaseNode = ast.BaseNode{}
opt.Every.Node = *durNode
if offsetVal, ok := optObject.Get(optOffset); ok {
if err := checkNature(offsetVal.PolyType().Nature(), semantic.Duration); err != nil {
return opt, err
dur, ok := durTypes["offset"]
if !ok || dur == nil {
return opt, ErrParseTaskOptionField("offset")
durNode, err := parseSignedDuration(dur.Location().Source)
if err != nil {
return opt, err
if !ok || durNode == nil {
return opt, ErrParseTaskOptionField("offset")
durNode.BaseNode = ast.BaseNode{}
opt.Offset = &Duration{}
opt.Offset.Node = *durNode
if concurrencyVal, ok := optObject.Get(optConcurrency); ok {
if err := checkNature(concurrencyVal.PolyType().Nature(), semantic.Int); err != nil {
return opt, err
opt.Concurrency = pointer.Int64(concurrencyVal.Int())
if retryVal, ok := optObject.Get(optRetry); ok {
if err := checkNature(retryVal.PolyType().Nature(), semantic.Int); err != nil {
return opt, err
opt.Retry = pointer.Int64(retryVal.Int())
if err := opt.Validate(); err != nil {
return opt, err
return opt, nil
// Validate returns an error if the options aren't valid.
func (o *Options) Validate() error {
now := time.Now()
var errs []string
if o.Name == "" {
errs = append(errs, "name required")
cronPresent := o.Cron != ""
everyPresent := !o.Every.IsZero()
if cronPresent == everyPresent {
// They're both present or both missing.
errs = append(errs, "must specify exactly one of either cron or every")
} else if cronPresent {
_, err := cron.Parse(o.Cron)
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, "cron invalid: "+err.Error())
} else if everyPresent {
every, err := o.Every.DurationFrom(now)
if err != nil {
return err
if every < time.Second {
errs = append(errs, "every option must be at least 1 second")
} else if every.Truncate(time.Second) != every {
errs = append(errs, "every option must be expressible as whole seconds")
if o.Offset != nil {
offset, err := o.Offset.DurationFrom(now)
if err != nil {
return err
if offset.Truncate(time.Second) != offset {
// For now, allowing negative offset delays. Maybe they're useful for forecasting?
errs = append(errs, "offset option must be expressible as whole seconds")
if o.Concurrency != nil {
if *o.Concurrency < 1 {
errs = append(errs, "concurrency must be at least 1")
} else if *o.Concurrency > maxConcurrency {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("concurrency exceeded max of %d", maxConcurrency))
if o.Retry != nil {
if *o.Retry < 1 {
errs = append(errs, "retry must be at least 1")
} else if *o.Retry > maxRetry {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("retry exceeded max of %d", maxRetry))
if len(errs) == 0 {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("invalid options: %s", strings.Join(errs, ", "))
// EffectiveCronString returns the effective cron string of the options.
// If the cron option was specified, it is returned.
// If the every option was specified, it is converted into a cron string using "@every".
// Otherwise, the empty string is returned.
// The value of the offset option is not considered.
// TODO(docmerlin): create an EffectiveCronStringFrom(t time.Time) string,
// that works from a unit of time.
// Do not use this if you haven't checked for validity already.
func (o *Options) EffectiveCronString() string {
if o.Cron != "" {
return o.Cron
every, _ := o.Every.DurationFrom(time.Now()) // we can ignore errors here because we have alreach checked for validity.
if every > 0 {
return "@every " + o.Every.String()
return ""
// checkNature returns a clean error of got and expected dont match.
func checkNature(got, exp semantic.Nature) error {
if got != exp {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected kind: got %q expected %q", got, exp)
return nil
// validateOptionNames returns an error if any keys in the option object o
// do not match an expected option name.
func validateOptionNames(o values.Object) error {
var unexpected []string
o.Range(func(name string, _ values.Value) {
switch name {
case optName, optCron, optEvery, optOffset, optConcurrency, optRetry:
// Known option. Nothing to do.
unexpected = append(unexpected, name)
if len(unexpected) > 0 {
u := strings.Join(unexpected, ", ")
v := strings.Join([]string{optName, optCron, optEvery, optOffset, optConcurrency, optRetry}, ", ")
return fmt.Errorf("unknown task option(s): %s. valid options are %s", u, v)
return nil