1661 lines
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1661 lines
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package tsm1
import (
// ErrFileInUse is returned when attempting to remove or close a TSM file that is still being used.
var ErrFileInUse = fmt.Errorf("file still in use")
// nilOffset is the value written to the offsets to indicate that position is deleted. The value is the max
// uint32 which is an invalid position. We don't use 0 as 0 is actually a valid position.
var nilOffset = []byte{255, 255, 255, 255}
// TSMReader is a reader for a TSM file.
type TSMReader struct {
// refs is the count of active references to this reader.
refs int64
refsWG sync.WaitGroup
madviseWillNeed bool // Hint to the kernel with MADV_WILLNEED.
mu sync.RWMutex
// accessor provides access and decoding of blocks for the reader.
accessor blockAccessor
// index is the index of all blocks.
index TSMIndex
// tombstoner ensures tombstoned keys are not available by the index.
tombstoner *Tombstoner
// size is the size of the file on disk.
size int64
// lastModified is the last time this file was modified on disk
lastModified int64
// deleteMu limits concurrent deletes
deleteMu sync.Mutex
// TSMIndex represent the index section of a TSM file. The index records all
// blocks, their locations, sizes, min and max times.
type TSMIndex interface {
// Delete removes the given keys from the index.
Delete(keys [][]byte)
// DeleteRange removes the given keys with data between minTime and maxTime from the index.
DeleteRange(keys [][]byte, minTime, maxTime int64)
// ContainsKey returns true if the given key may exist in the index. This func is faster than
// Contains but, may return false positives.
ContainsKey(key []byte) bool
// Contains return true if the given key exists in the index.
Contains(key []byte) bool
// ContainsValue returns true if key and time might exist in this file. This function could
// return true even though the actual point does not exists. For example, the key may
// exist in this file, but not have a point exactly at time t.
ContainsValue(key []byte, timestamp int64) bool
// Entries returns all index entries for a key.
Entries(key []byte) []IndexEntry
// ReadEntries reads the index entries for key into entries.
ReadEntries(key []byte, entries *[]IndexEntry) []IndexEntry
// Entry returns the index entry for the specified key and timestamp. If no entry
// matches the key and timestamp, nil is returned.
Entry(key []byte, timestamp int64) *IndexEntry
// Key returns the key in the index at the given position, using entries to avoid allocations.
Key(index int, entries *[]IndexEntry) ([]byte, byte, []IndexEntry)
// KeyAt returns the key in the index at the given position.
KeyAt(index int) ([]byte, byte)
// KeyCount returns the count of unique keys in the index.
KeyCount() int
// Seek returns the position in the index where key <= value in the index.
Seek(key []byte) int
// OverlapsTimeRange returns true if the time range of the file intersect min and max.
OverlapsTimeRange(min, max int64) bool
// OverlapsKeyRange returns true if the min and max keys of the file overlap the arguments min and max.
OverlapsKeyRange(min, max []byte) bool
// Size returns the size of the current index in bytes.
Size() uint32
// TimeRange returns the min and max time across all keys in the file.
TimeRange() (int64, int64)
// TombstoneRange returns ranges of time that are deleted for the given key.
TombstoneRange(key []byte) []TimeRange
// KeyRange returns the min and max keys in the file.
KeyRange() ([]byte, []byte)
// Type returns the block type of the values stored for the key. Returns one of
// BlockFloat64, BlockInt64, BlockBool, BlockString. If key does not exist,
// an error is returned.
Type(key []byte) (byte, error)
// UnmarshalBinary populates an index from an encoded byte slice
// representation of an index.
UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
// Close closes the index and releases any resources.
Close() error
// BlockIterator allows iterating over each block in a TSM file in order. It provides
// raw access to the block bytes without decoding them.
type BlockIterator struct {
r *TSMReader
// i is the current key index
i int
// n is the total number of keys
n int
key []byte
cache []IndexEntry
entries []IndexEntry
err error
typ byte
// PeekNext returns the next key to be iterated or an empty string.
func (b *BlockIterator) PeekNext() []byte {
if len(b.entries) > 1 {
return b.key
} else if b.n-b.i > 1 {
key, _ := b.r.KeyAt(b.i + 1)
return key
return nil
// Next returns true if there are more blocks to iterate through.
func (b *BlockIterator) Next() bool {
if b.err != nil {
return false
if b.n-b.i == 0 && len(b.entries) == 0 {
return false
if len(b.entries) > 0 {
b.entries = b.entries[1:]
if len(b.entries) > 0 {
return true
if b.n-b.i > 0 {
b.key, b.typ, b.entries = b.r.Key(b.i, &b.cache)
// If there were deletes on the TSMReader, then our index is now off and we
// can't proceed. What we just read may not actually the next block.
if b.n != b.r.KeyCount() {
b.err = fmt.Errorf("delete during iteration")
return false
if len(b.entries) > 0 {
return true
return false
// Read reads information about the next block to be iterated.
func (b *BlockIterator) Read() (key []byte, minTime int64, maxTime int64, typ byte, checksum uint32, buf []byte, err error) {
if b.err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, nil, b.err
checksum, buf, err = b.r.ReadBytes(&b.entries[0], nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, nil, err
return b.key, b.entries[0].MinTime, b.entries[0].MaxTime, b.typ, checksum, buf, err
// Err returns any errors encounter during iteration.
func (b *BlockIterator) Err() error {
return b.err
type tsmReaderOption func(*TSMReader)
// WithMadviseWillNeed is an option for specifying whether to provide a MADV_WILL need hint to the kernel.
var WithMadviseWillNeed = func(willNeed bool) tsmReaderOption {
return func(r *TSMReader) {
r.madviseWillNeed = willNeed
// NewTSMReader returns a new TSMReader from the given file.
func NewTSMReader(f *os.File, options ...tsmReaderOption) (*TSMReader, error) {
t := &TSMReader{}
for _, option := range options {
stat, err := f.Stat()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
t.size = stat.Size()
t.lastModified = stat.ModTime().UnixNano()
t.accessor = &mmapAccessor{
f: f,
mmapWillNeed: t.madviseWillNeed,
index, err := t.accessor.init()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
t.index = index
t.tombstoner = NewTombstoner(t.Path(), index.ContainsKey)
if err := t.applyTombstones(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return t, nil
// WithObserver sets the observer for the TSM reader.
func (t *TSMReader) WithObserver(obs FileStoreObserver) {
if obs == nil {
obs = noFileStoreObserver{}
func (t *TSMReader) applyTombstones() error {
var cur, prev Tombstone
batch := make([][]byte, 0, 4096)
if err := t.tombstoner.Walk(func(ts Tombstone) error {
cur = ts
if len(batch) > 0 {
if prev.Min != cur.Min || prev.Max != cur.Max {
t.index.DeleteRange(batch, prev.Min, prev.Max)
batch = batch[:0]
// Copy the tombstone key and re-use the buffers to avoid allocations
n := len(batch)
batch = batch[:n+1]
if cap(batch[n]) < len(ts.Key) {
batch[n] = make([]byte, len(ts.Key))
} else {
batch[n] = batch[n][:len(ts.Key)]
copy(batch[n], ts.Key)
if len(batch) >= 4096 {
t.index.DeleteRange(batch, prev.Min, prev.Max)
batch = batch[:0]
prev = ts
return nil
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("init: read tombstones: %v", err)
if len(batch) > 0 {
t.index.DeleteRange(batch, cur.Min, cur.Max)
return nil
func (t *TSMReader) Free() error {
defer t.mu.RUnlock()
return t.accessor.free()
// Path returns the path of the file the TSMReader was initialized with.
func (t *TSMReader) Path() string {
p := t.accessor.path()
return p
// Key returns the key and the underlying entry at the numeric index.
func (t *TSMReader) Key(index int, entries *[]IndexEntry) ([]byte, byte, []IndexEntry) {
return t.index.Key(index, entries)
// KeyAt returns the key and key type at position idx in the index.
func (t *TSMReader) KeyAt(idx int) ([]byte, byte) {
return t.index.KeyAt(idx)
func (t *TSMReader) Seek(key []byte) int {
return t.index.Seek(key)
// ReadAt returns the values corresponding to the given index entry.
func (t *TSMReader) ReadAt(entry *IndexEntry, vals []Value) ([]Value, error) {
v, err := t.accessor.readBlock(entry, vals)
return v, err
// Read returns the values corresponding to the block at the given key and timestamp.
func (t *TSMReader) Read(key []byte, timestamp int64) ([]Value, error) {
v, err := t.accessor.read(key, timestamp)
return v, err
// ReadAll returns all values for a key in all blocks.
func (t *TSMReader) ReadAll(key []byte) ([]Value, error) {
v, err := t.accessor.readAll(key)
return v, err
func (t *TSMReader) ReadBytes(e *IndexEntry, b []byte) (uint32, []byte, error) {
n, v, err := t.accessor.readBytes(e, b)
return n, v, err
// Type returns the type of values stored at the given key.
func (t *TSMReader) Type(key []byte) (byte, error) {
return t.index.Type(key)
// MeasurementStats returns the on-disk measurement stats for this file, if available.
func (t *TSMReader) MeasurementStats() (MeasurementStats, error) {
f, err := os.Open(StatsFilename(t.Path()))
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return make(MeasurementStats), nil
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer f.Close()
stats := make(MeasurementStats)
if _, err := stats.ReadFrom(bufio.NewReader(f)); err != nil {
return nil, err
return stats, err
// Close closes the TSMReader.
func (t *TSMReader) Close() error {
defer t.mu.Unlock()
if err := t.accessor.close(); err != nil {
return err
return t.index.Close()
// Ref records a usage of this TSMReader. If there are active references
// when the reader is closed or removed, the reader will remain open until
// there are no more references.
func (t *TSMReader) Ref() {
atomic.AddInt64(&t.refs, 1)
// Unref removes a usage record of this TSMReader. If the Reader was closed
// by another goroutine while there were active references, the file will
// be closed and remove
func (t *TSMReader) Unref() {
atomic.AddInt64(&t.refs, -1)
// InUse returns whether the TSMReader currently has any active references.
func (t *TSMReader) InUse() bool {
refs := atomic.LoadInt64(&t.refs)
return refs > 0
// Remove removes any underlying files stored on disk for this reader.
func (t *TSMReader) Remove() error {
defer t.mu.Unlock()
return t.remove()
// Rename renames the underlying file to the new path.
func (t *TSMReader) Rename(path string) error {
defer t.mu.Unlock()
return t.accessor.rename(path)
// Remove removes any underlying files stored on disk for this reader.
func (t *TSMReader) remove() error {
path := t.accessor.path()
if t.InUse() {
return ErrFileInUse
if path != "" {
if err := os.RemoveAll(path); err != nil {
return err
} else if err := os.RemoveAll(StatsFilename(path)); err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
if err := t.tombstoner.Delete(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Contains returns whether the given key is present in the index.
func (t *TSMReader) Contains(key []byte) bool {
return t.index.Contains(key)
// ContainsValue returns true if key and time might exists in this file. This function could
// return true even though the actual point does not exist. For example, the key may
// exist in this file, but not have a point exactly at time t.
func (t *TSMReader) ContainsValue(key []byte, ts int64) bool {
return t.index.ContainsValue(key, ts)
// DeleteRange removes the given points for keys between minTime and maxTime. The series
// keys passed in must be sorted.
func (t *TSMReader) DeleteRange(keys [][]byte, minTime, maxTime int64) error {
if len(keys) == 0 {
return nil
batch := t.BatchDelete()
if err := batch.DeleteRange(keys, minTime, maxTime); err != nil {
return err
return batch.Commit()
// Delete deletes blocks indicated by keys.
func (t *TSMReader) Delete(keys [][]byte) error {
if err := t.tombstoner.Add(keys); err != nil {
return err
if err := t.tombstoner.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// OverlapsTimeRange returns true if the time range of the file intersect min and max.
func (t *TSMReader) OverlapsTimeRange(min, max int64) bool {
return t.index.OverlapsTimeRange(min, max)
// OverlapsKeyRange returns true if the key range of the file intersect min and max.
func (t *TSMReader) OverlapsKeyRange(min, max []byte) bool {
return t.index.OverlapsKeyRange(min, max)
// TimeRange returns the min and max time across all keys in the file.
func (t *TSMReader) TimeRange() (int64, int64) {
return t.index.TimeRange()
// KeyRange returns the min and max key across all keys in the file.
func (t *TSMReader) KeyRange() ([]byte, []byte) {
return t.index.KeyRange()
// KeyCount returns the count of unique keys in the TSMReader.
func (t *TSMReader) KeyCount() int {
return t.index.KeyCount()
// Entries returns all index entries for key.
func (t *TSMReader) Entries(key []byte) []IndexEntry {
return t.index.Entries(key)
// ReadEntries reads the index entries for key into entries.
func (t *TSMReader) ReadEntries(key []byte, entries *[]IndexEntry) []IndexEntry {
return t.index.ReadEntries(key, entries)
// IndexSize returns the size of the index in bytes.
func (t *TSMReader) IndexSize() uint32 {
return t.index.Size()
// Size returns the size of the underlying file in bytes.
func (t *TSMReader) Size() uint32 {
size := t.size
return uint32(size)
// LastModified returns the last time the underlying file was modified.
func (t *TSMReader) LastModified() int64 {
lm := t.lastModified
for _, ts := range t.tombstoner.TombstoneFiles() {
if ts.LastModified > lm {
lm = ts.LastModified
return lm
// HasTombstones return true if there are any tombstone entries recorded.
func (t *TSMReader) HasTombstones() bool {
b := t.tombstoner.HasTombstones()
return b
// TombstoneFiles returns any tombstone files associated with this TSM file.
func (t *TSMReader) TombstoneFiles() []FileStat {
fs := t.tombstoner.TombstoneFiles()
return fs
// TombstoneRange returns ranges of time that are deleted for the given key.
func (t *TSMReader) TombstoneRange(key []byte) []TimeRange {
tr := t.index.TombstoneRange(key)
return tr
// Stats returns the FileStat for the TSMReader's underlying file.
func (t *TSMReader) Stats() FileStat {
minTime, maxTime := t.index.TimeRange()
minKey, maxKey := t.index.KeyRange()
return FileStat{
Path: t.Path(),
Size: t.Size(),
LastModified: t.LastModified(),
MinTime: minTime,
MaxTime: maxTime,
MinKey: minKey,
MaxKey: maxKey,
HasTombstone: t.tombstoner.HasTombstones(),
// BlockIterator returns a BlockIterator for the underlying TSM file.
func (t *TSMReader) BlockIterator() *BlockIterator {
return &BlockIterator{
r: t,
n: t.index.KeyCount(),
type BatchDeleter interface {
DeleteRange(keys [][]byte, min, max int64) error
Commit() error
Rollback() error
type batchDelete struct {
r *TSMReader
func (b *batchDelete) DeleteRange(keys [][]byte, minTime, maxTime int64) error {
if len(keys) == 0 {
return nil
// If the keys can't exist in this TSM file, skip it.
minKey, maxKey := keys[0], keys[len(keys)-1]
if !b.r.index.OverlapsKeyRange(minKey, maxKey) {
return nil
// If the timerange can't exist in this TSM file, skip it.
if !b.r.index.OverlapsTimeRange(minTime, maxTime) {
return nil
if err := b.r.tombstoner.AddRange(keys, minTime, maxTime); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (b *batchDelete) Commit() error {
defer b.r.deleteMu.Unlock()
if err := b.r.tombstoner.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
return b.r.applyTombstones()
func (b *batchDelete) Rollback() error {
defer b.r.deleteMu.Unlock()
return b.r.tombstoner.Rollback()
// BatchDelete returns a BatchDeleter. Only a single goroutine may run a BatchDelete at a time.
// Callers must either Commit or Rollback the operation.
func (r *TSMReader) BatchDelete() BatchDeleter {
return &batchDelete{r: r}
type BatchDeleters []BatchDeleter
func (a BatchDeleters) DeleteRange(keys [][]byte, min, max int64) error {
errC := make(chan error, len(a))
for _, b := range a {
go func(b BatchDeleter) { errC <- b.DeleteRange(keys, min, max) }(b)
var err error
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
dErr := <-errC
if dErr != nil {
err = dErr
return err
func (a BatchDeleters) Commit() error {
errC := make(chan error, len(a))
for _, b := range a {
go func(b BatchDeleter) { errC <- b.Commit() }(b)
var err error
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
dErr := <-errC
if dErr != nil {
err = dErr
return err
func (a BatchDeleters) Rollback() error {
errC := make(chan error, len(a))
for _, b := range a {
go func(b BatchDeleter) { errC <- b.Rollback() }(b)
var err error
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
dErr := <-errC
if dErr != nil {
err = dErr
return err
// indirectIndex is a TSMIndex that uses a raw byte slice representation of an index. This
// implementation can be used for indexes that may be MMAPed into memory.
type indirectIndex struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
// indirectIndex works a follows. Assuming we have an index structure in memory as
// the diagram below:
// ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
// │ Index │
// ├─┬──────────────────────┬──┬───────────────────────┬───┬────────────┘
// │0│ │62│ │145│
// ├─┴───────┬─────────┬────┼──┴──────┬─────────┬──────┼───┴─────┬──────┐
// │Key 1 Len│ Key │... │Key 2 Len│ Key 2 │ ... │ Key 3 │ ... │
// │ 2 bytes │ N bytes │ │ 2 bytes │ N bytes │ │ 2 bytes │ │
// └─────────┴─────────┴────┴─────────┴─────────┴──────┴─────────┴──────┘
// We would build an `offsets` slices where each element pointers to the byte location
// for the first key in the index slice.
// ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
// │ Offsets │
// ├────┬────┬────┬─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
// │ 0 │ 62 │145 │
// └────┴────┴────┘
// Using this offset slice we can find `Key 2` by doing a binary search
// over the offsets slice. Instead of comparing the value in the offsets
// (e.g. `62`), we use that as an index into the underlying index to
// retrieve the key at postion `62` and perform our comparisons with that.
// When we have identified the correct position in the index for a given
// key, we could perform another binary search or a linear scan. This
// should be fast as well since each index entry is 28 bytes and all
// contiguous in memory. The current implementation uses a linear scan since the
// number of block entries is expected to be < 100 per key.
// b is the underlying index byte slice. This could be a copy on the heap or an MMAP
// slice reference
b []byte
// offsets contains the positions in b for each key. It points to the 2 byte length of
// key.
offsets []byte
// minKey, maxKey are the minium and maximum (lexicographically sorted) contained in the
// file
minKey, maxKey []byte
// minTime, maxTime are the minimum and maximum times contained in the file across all
// series.
minTime, maxTime int64
// tombstones contains only the tombstoned keys with subset of time values deleted. An
// entry would exist here if a subset of the points for a key were deleted and the file
// had not be re-compacted to remove the points on disk.
tombstones map[string][]TimeRange
// TimeRange holds a min and max timestamp.
type TimeRange struct {
Min, Max int64
func (t TimeRange) Overlaps(min, max int64) bool {
return t.Min <= max && t.Max >= min
// NewIndirectIndex returns a new indirect index.
func NewIndirectIndex() *indirectIndex {
return &indirectIndex{
tombstones: make(map[string][]TimeRange),
func (d *indirectIndex) offset(i int) int {
if i < 0 || i+4 > len(d.offsets) {
return -1
return int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(d.offsets[i*4 : i*4+4]))
func (d *indirectIndex) Seek(key []byte) int {
defer d.mu.RUnlock()
return d.searchOffset(key)
// searchOffset searches the offsets slice for key and returns the position in
// offsets where key would exist.
func (d *indirectIndex) searchOffset(key []byte) int {
// We use a binary search across our indirect offsets (pointers to all the keys
// in the index slice).
i := bytesutil.SearchBytesFixed(d.offsets, 4, func(x []byte) bool {
// i is the position in offsets we are at so get offset it points to
offset := int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(x))
// It's pointing to the start of the key which is a 2 byte length
keyLen := int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(d.b[offset : offset+2]))
// See if it matches
return bytes.Compare(d.b[offset+2:offset+2+keyLen], key) >= 0
// See if we might have found the right index
if i < len(d.offsets) {
return int(i / 4)
// The key is not in the index. i is the index where it would be inserted so return
// a value outside our offset range.
return int(len(d.offsets)) / 4
// search returns the byte position of key in the index. If key is not
// in the index, len(index) is returned.
func (d *indirectIndex) search(key []byte) int {
if !d.ContainsKey(key) {
return len(d.b)
// We use a binary search across our indirect offsets (pointers to all the keys
// in the index slice).
// TODO(sgc): this should be inlined to `indirectIndex` as it is only used here
i := bytesutil.SearchBytesFixed(d.offsets, 4, func(x []byte) bool {
// i is the position in offsets we are at so get offset it points to
offset := int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(x))
// It's pointing to the start of the key which is a 2 byte length
keyLen := int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(d.b[offset : offset+2]))
// See if it matches
return bytes.Compare(d.b[offset+2:offset+2+keyLen], key) >= 0
// See if we might have found the right index
if i < len(d.offsets) {
ofs := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(d.offsets[i : i+4])
_, k := readKey(d.b[ofs:])
// The search may have returned an i == 0 which could indicated that the value
// searched should be inserted at postion 0. Make sure the key in the index
// matches the search value.
if !bytes.Equal(key, k) {
return len(d.b)
return int(ofs)
// The key is not in the index. i is the index where it would be inserted so return
// a value outside our offset range.
return len(d.b)
// ContainsKey returns true of key may exist in this index.
func (d *indirectIndex) ContainsKey(key []byte) bool {
return bytes.Compare(key, d.minKey) >= 0 && bytes.Compare(key, d.maxKey) <= 0
// Entries returns all index entries for a key.
func (d *indirectIndex) Entries(key []byte) []IndexEntry {
return d.ReadEntries(key, nil)
func (d *indirectIndex) readEntriesAt(ofs int, entries *[]IndexEntry) ([]byte, []IndexEntry) {
n, k := readKey(d.b[ofs:])
// Read and return all the entries
ofs += n
var ie indexEntries
if entries != nil {
ie.entries = *entries
if _, err := readEntries(d.b[ofs:], &ie); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("error reading entries: %v", err))
if entries != nil {
*entries = ie.entries
return k, ie.entries
// ReadEntries returns all index entries for a key.
func (d *indirectIndex) ReadEntries(key []byte, entries *[]IndexEntry) []IndexEntry {
defer d.mu.RUnlock()
ofs := d.search(key)
if ofs < len(d.b) {
k, entries := d.readEntriesAt(ofs, entries)
// The search may have returned an i == 0 which could indicated that the value
// searched should be inserted at position 0. Make sure the key in the index
// matches the search value.
if !bytes.Equal(key, k) {
return nil
return entries
// The key is not in the index. i is the index where it would be inserted.
return nil
// Entry returns the index entry for the specified key and timestamp. If no entry
// matches the key an timestamp, nil is returned.
func (d *indirectIndex) Entry(key []byte, timestamp int64) *IndexEntry {
entries := d.Entries(key)
for _, entry := range entries {
if entry.Contains(timestamp) {
return &entry
return nil
// Key returns the key in the index at the given position.
func (d *indirectIndex) Key(idx int, entries *[]IndexEntry) ([]byte, byte, []IndexEntry) {
defer d.mu.RUnlock()
if idx < 0 || idx*4+4 > len(d.offsets) {
return nil, 0, nil
ofs := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(d.offsets[idx*4 : idx*4+4])
n, key := readKey(d.b[ofs:])
typ := d.b[int(ofs)+n]
var ie indexEntries
if entries != nil {
ie.entries = *entries
if _, err := readEntries(d.b[int(ofs)+n:], &ie); err != nil {
return nil, 0, nil
if entries != nil {
*entries = ie.entries
return key, typ, ie.entries
// KeyAt returns the key in the index at the given position.
func (d *indirectIndex) KeyAt(idx int) ([]byte, byte) {
if idx < 0 || idx*4+4 > len(d.offsets) {
return nil, 0
ofs := int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(d.offsets[idx*4 : idx*4+4]))
n, key := readKey(d.b[ofs:])
ofs = ofs + int32(n)
typ := d.b[ofs]
return key, typ
// KeyCount returns the count of unique keys in the index.
func (d *indirectIndex) KeyCount() int {
n := len(d.offsets) / 4
return n
// Delete removes the given keys from the index.
func (d *indirectIndex) Delete(keys [][]byte) {
if len(keys) == 0 {
if !bytesutil.IsSorted(keys) {
// Both keys and offsets are sorted. Walk both in order and skip
// any keys that exist in both.
start := d.searchOffset(keys[0])
for i := start * 4; i+4 <= len(d.offsets) && len(keys) > 0; i += 4 {
offset := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(d.offsets[i : i+4])
_, indexKey := readKey(d.b[offset:])
for len(keys) > 0 && bytes.Compare(keys[0], indexKey) < 0 {
keys = keys[1:]
if len(keys) > 0 && bytes.Equal(keys[0], indexKey) {
keys = keys[1:]
copy(d.offsets[i:i+4], nilOffset[:])
d.offsets = bytesutil.Pack(d.offsets, 4, 255)
// DeleteRange removes the given keys with data between minTime and maxTime from the index.
func (d *indirectIndex) DeleteRange(keys [][]byte, minTime, maxTime int64) {
// No keys, nothing to do
if len(keys) == 0 {
if !bytesutil.IsSorted(keys) {
// If we're deleting the max time range, just use tombstoning to remove the
// key from the offsets slice
if minTime == math.MinInt64 && maxTime == math.MaxInt64 {
// Is the range passed in outside of the time range for the file?
min, max := d.TimeRange()
if minTime > max || maxTime < min {
fullKeys := make([][]byte, 0, len(keys))
tombstones := map[string][]TimeRange{}
var ie []IndexEntry
for i := d.searchOffset(keys[0]); len(keys) > 0 && i < d.KeyCount(); i++ {
k, entries := d.readEntriesAt(d.offset(i), &ie)
// Skip any keys that don't exist. These are less than the current key.
for len(keys) > 0 && bytes.Compare(keys[0], k) < 0 {
keys = keys[1:]
// No more keys to delete, we're done.
if len(keys) == 0 {
// If the current key is greater than the index one, continue to the next
// index key.
if len(keys) > 0 && bytes.Compare(keys[0], k) > 0 {
// If multiple tombstones are saved for the same key
if len(entries) == 0 {
// Is the time range passed outside of the time range we've have stored for this key?
min, max := entries[0].MinTime, entries[len(entries)-1].MaxTime
if minTime > max || maxTime < min {
// Does the range passed in cover every value for the key?
if minTime <= min && maxTime >= max {
fullKeys = append(fullKeys, keys[0])
keys = keys[1:]
existing := d.tombstones[string(k)]
// Append the new tombonstes to the existing ones
newTs := append(existing, append(tombstones[string(k)], TimeRange{minTime, maxTime})...)
fn := func(i, j int) bool {
a, b := newTs[i], newTs[j]
if a.Min == b.Min {
return a.Max <= b.Max
return a.Min < b.Min
// Sort the updated tombstones if necessary
if len(newTs) > 1 && !sort.SliceIsSorted(newTs, fn) {
sort.Slice(newTs, fn)
tombstones[string(k)] = newTs
// We need to see if all the tombstones end up deleting the entire series. This
// could happen if their is one tombstore with min,max time spanning all the block
// time ranges or from multiple smaller tombstones the delete segments. To detect
// this cases, we use a window starting at the first tombstone and grow it be each
// tombstone that is immediately adjacent to the current window or if it overlaps.
// If there are any gaps, we abort.
minTs, maxTs := newTs[0].Min, newTs[0].Max
for j := 1; j < len(newTs); j++ {
prevTs := newTs[j-1]
ts := newTs[j]
// Make sure all the tombstone line up for a continuous range. We don't
// want to have two small deletes on each edges end up causing us to
// remove the full key.
if prevTs.Max != ts.Min-1 && !prevTs.Overlaps(ts.Min, ts.Max) {
minTs, maxTs = int64(math.MaxInt64), int64(math.MinInt64)
if ts.Min < minTs {
minTs = ts.Min
if ts.Max > maxTs {
maxTs = ts.Max
// If we have a fully deleted series, delete it all of it.
if minTs <= min && maxTs >= max {
fullKeys = append(fullKeys, keys[0])
keys = keys[1:]
// Delete all the keys that fully deleted in bulk
if len(fullKeys) > 0 {
if len(tombstones) == 0 {
for k, v := range tombstones {
d.tombstones[k] = v
// TombstoneRange returns ranges of time that are deleted for the given key.
func (d *indirectIndex) TombstoneRange(key []byte) []TimeRange {
r := d.tombstones[string(key)]
return r
// Contains return true if the given key exists in the index.
func (d *indirectIndex) Contains(key []byte) bool {
return len(d.Entries(key)) > 0
// ContainsValue returns true if key and time might exist in this file.
func (d *indirectIndex) ContainsValue(key []byte, timestamp int64) bool {
entry := d.Entry(key, timestamp)
if entry == nil {
return false
tombstones := d.tombstones[string(key)]
for _, t := range tombstones {
if t.Min <= timestamp && t.Max >= timestamp {
return false
return true
// Type returns the block type of the values stored for the key.
func (d *indirectIndex) Type(key []byte) (byte, error) {
defer d.mu.RUnlock()
ofs := d.search(key)
if ofs < len(d.b) {
n, _ := readKey(d.b[ofs:])
ofs += n
return d.b[ofs], nil
return 0, fmt.Errorf("key does not exist: %s", key)
// OverlapsTimeRange returns true if the time range of the file intersect min and max.
func (d *indirectIndex) OverlapsTimeRange(min, max int64) bool {
return d.minTime <= max && d.maxTime >= min
// OverlapsKeyRange returns true if the min and max keys of the file overlap the arguments min and max.
func (d *indirectIndex) OverlapsKeyRange(min, max []byte) bool {
return bytes.Compare(d.minKey, max) <= 0 && bytes.Compare(d.maxKey, min) >= 0
// KeyRange returns the min and max keys in the index.
func (d *indirectIndex) KeyRange() ([]byte, []byte) {
return d.minKey, d.maxKey
// TimeRange returns the min and max time across all keys in the index.
func (d *indirectIndex) TimeRange() (int64, int64) {
return d.minTime, d.maxTime
// MarshalBinary returns a byte slice encoded version of the index.
func (d *indirectIndex) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
defer d.mu.RUnlock()
return d.b, nil
// UnmarshalBinary populates an index from an encoded byte slice
// representation of an index.
func (d *indirectIndex) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error {
defer d.mu.Unlock()
// Keep a reference to the actual index bytes
d.b = b
if len(b) == 0 {
return nil
//var minKey, maxKey []byte
var minTime, maxTime int64 = math.MaxInt64, 0
// To create our "indirect" index, we need to find the location of all the keys in
// the raw byte slice. The keys are listed once each (in sorted order). Following
// each key is a time ordered list of index entry blocks for that key. The loop below
// basically skips across the slice keeping track of the counter when we are at a key
// field.
var i int32
var offsets []int32
iMax := int32(len(b))
for i < iMax {
offsets = append(offsets, i)
// Skip to the start of the values
// key length value (2) + type (1) + length of key
if i+2 >= iMax {
return fmt.Errorf("indirectIndex: not enough data for key length value")
i += 3 + int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(b[i:i+2]))
// count of index entries
if i+indexCountSize >= iMax {
return fmt.Errorf("indirectIndex: not enough data for index entries count")
count := int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(b[i : i+indexCountSize]))
i += indexCountSize
// Find the min time for the block
if i+8 >= iMax {
return fmt.Errorf("indirectIndex: not enough data for min time")
minT := int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(b[i : i+8]))
if minT < minTime {
minTime = minT
i += (count - 1) * indexEntrySize
// Find the max time for the block
if i+16 >= iMax {
return fmt.Errorf("indirectIndex: not enough data for max time")
maxT := int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(b[i+8 : i+16]))
if maxT > maxTime {
maxTime = maxT
i += indexEntrySize
firstOfs := offsets[0]
_, key := readKey(b[firstOfs:])
d.minKey = key
lastOfs := offsets[len(offsets)-1]
_, key = readKey(b[lastOfs:])
d.maxKey = key
d.minTime = minTime
d.maxTime = maxTime
var err error
d.offsets, err = mmap(nil, 0, len(offsets)*4)
if err != nil {
return err
for i, v := range offsets {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(d.offsets[i*4:i*4+4], uint32(v))
return nil
// Size returns the size of the current index in bytes.
func (d *indirectIndex) Size() uint32 {
defer d.mu.RUnlock()
return uint32(len(d.b))
func (d *indirectIndex) Close() error {
// Windows doesn't use the anonymous map for the offsets index
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
return nil
return munmap(d.offsets[:cap(d.offsets)])
// mmapAccess is mmap based block accessor. It access blocks through an
// MMAP file interface.
type mmapAccessor struct {
accessCount uint64 // Counter incremented everytime the mmapAccessor is accessed
freeCount uint64 // Counter to determine whether the accessor can free its resources
mmapWillNeed bool // If true then mmap advise value MADV_WILLNEED will be provided the kernel for b.
mu sync.RWMutex
b []byte
f *os.File
index *indirectIndex
func (m *mmapAccessor) init() (*indirectIndex, error) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if err := verifyVersion(m.f); err != nil {
return nil, err
var err error
if _, err := m.f.Seek(0, 0); err != nil {
return nil, err
stat, err := m.f.Stat()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
m.b, err = mmap(m.f, 0, int(stat.Size()))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(m.b) < 8 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("mmapAccessor: byte slice too small for indirectIndex")
// Hint to the kernel that we will be reading the file. It would be better to hint
// that we will be reading the index section, but that's not been
// implemented as yet.
if m.mmapWillNeed {
if err := madviseWillNeed(m.b); err != nil {
return nil, err
indexOfsPos := len(m.b) - 8
indexStart := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(m.b[indexOfsPos : indexOfsPos+8])
if indexStart >= uint64(indexOfsPos) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("mmapAccessor: invalid indexStart")
m.index = NewIndirectIndex()
if err := m.index.UnmarshalBinary(m.b[indexStart:indexOfsPos]); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Allow resources to be freed immediately if requested
atomic.StoreUint64(&m.freeCount, 1)
return m.index, nil
func (m *mmapAccessor) free() error {
accessCount := atomic.LoadUint64(&m.accessCount)
freeCount := atomic.LoadUint64(&m.freeCount)
// Already freed everything.
if freeCount == 0 && accessCount == 0 {
return nil
// Were there accesses after the last time we tried to free?
// If so, don't free anything and record the access count that we
// see now for the next check.
if accessCount != freeCount {
atomic.StoreUint64(&m.freeCount, accessCount)
return nil
// Reset both counters to zero to indicate that we have freed everything.
atomic.StoreUint64(&m.accessCount, 0)
atomic.StoreUint64(&m.freeCount, 0)
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
return madviseDontNeed(m.b)
func (m *mmapAccessor) incAccess() {
atomic.AddUint64(&m.accessCount, 1)
func (m *mmapAccessor) rename(path string) error {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
err := munmap(m.b)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := m.f.Close(); err != nil {
return err
if err := file.RenameFile(m.f.Name(), path); err != nil {
return err
m.f, err = os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return err
if _, err := m.f.Seek(0, 0); err != nil {
return err
stat, err := m.f.Stat()
if err != nil {
return err
m.b, err = mmap(m.f, 0, int(stat.Size()))
if err != nil {
return err
if m.mmapWillNeed {
return madviseWillNeed(m.b)
return nil
func (m *mmapAccessor) read(key []byte, timestamp int64) ([]Value, error) {
entry := m.index.Entry(key, timestamp)
if entry == nil {
return nil, nil
return m.readBlock(entry, nil)
func (m *mmapAccessor) readBlock(entry *IndexEntry, values []Value) ([]Value, error) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
if int64(len(m.b)) < entry.Offset+int64(entry.Size) {
return nil, ErrTSMClosed
//TODO: Validate checksum
var err error
values, err = DecodeBlock(m.b[entry.Offset+4:entry.Offset+int64(entry.Size)], values)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return values, nil
func (m *mmapAccessor) readBytes(entry *IndexEntry, b []byte) (uint32, []byte, error) {
if int64(len(m.b)) < entry.Offset+int64(entry.Size) {
return 0, nil, ErrTSMClosed
// return the bytes after the 4 byte checksum
crc, block := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(m.b[entry.Offset:entry.Offset+4]), m.b[entry.Offset+4:entry.Offset+int64(entry.Size)]
return crc, block, nil
// readAll returns all values for a key in all blocks.
func (m *mmapAccessor) readAll(key []byte) ([]Value, error) {
blocks := m.index.Entries(key)
if len(blocks) == 0 {
return nil, nil
tombstones := m.index.TombstoneRange(key)
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
var temp []Value
var err error
var values []Value
for _, block := range blocks {
var skip bool
for _, t := range tombstones {
// Should we skip this block because it contains points that have been deleted
if t.Min <= block.MinTime && t.Max >= block.MaxTime {
skip = true
if skip {
//TODO: Validate checksum
temp = temp[:0]
// The +4 is the 4 byte checksum length
temp, err = DecodeBlock(m.b[block.Offset+4:block.Offset+int64(block.Size)], temp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Filter out any values that were deleted
for _, t := range tombstones {
temp = Values(temp).Exclude(t.Min, t.Max)
values = append(values, temp...)
return values, nil
func (m *mmapAccessor) path() string {
path := m.f.Name()
return path
func (m *mmapAccessor) close() error {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.b == nil {
return nil
err := munmap(m.b)
if err != nil {
return err
m.b = nil
return m.f.Close()
type indexEntries struct {
Type byte
entries []IndexEntry
func (a *indexEntries) Len() int { return len(a.entries) }
func (a *indexEntries) Swap(i, j int) { a.entries[i], a.entries[j] = a.entries[j], a.entries[i] }
func (a *indexEntries) Less(i, j int) bool {
return a.entries[i].MinTime < a.entries[j].MinTime
func (a *indexEntries) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
buf := make([]byte, len(a.entries)*indexEntrySize)
for i, entry := range a.entries {
return buf, nil
func (a *indexEntries) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (total int64, err error) {
var buf [indexEntrySize]byte
var n int
for _, entry := range a.entries {
n, err = w.Write(buf[:])
total += int64(n)
if err != nil {
return total, err
return total, nil
func readKey(b []byte) (n int, key []byte) {
// 2 byte size of key
n, size := 2, int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(b[:2]))
// N byte key
key = b[n : n+size]
n += len(key)
func readEntries(b []byte, entries *indexEntries) (n int, err error) {
if len(b) < 1+indexCountSize {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("readEntries: data too short for headers")
// 1 byte block type
entries.Type = b[n]
// 2 byte count of index entries
count := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(b[n : n+indexCountSize]))
n += indexCountSize
if cap(entries.entries) < count {
entries.entries = make([]IndexEntry, count)
} else {
entries.entries = entries.entries[:count]
b = b[indexCountSize+indexTypeSize:]
for i := 0; i < len(entries.entries); i++ {
if err = entries.entries[i].UnmarshalBinary(b); err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("readEntries: unmarshal error: %v", err)
b = b[indexEntrySize:]
n += count * indexEntrySize