A standard Makefile is used now in all subdirs that run go generate.
Make will only generate the file if its source files changed.
The checkgenerate target runs clean to ensure all targets a generated
This can be done by embedding a httprouter.Router
(a light weight HTTP router that supports variables in the routing pattern and matches against the request method)
Required services should be exported on the struct
// ThingHandler represents an HTTP API handler for things.
typeThingHandlerstruct{// embedded httprouter.Router as a lazy way to implement http.Handler
HTTP Handler Constructor
Routes should be declared in the constructor
// NewThingHandler returns a new instance of ThingHandler.
Route handlers (http.HandlerFuncs)
Each route handler should have an associated request struct and decode function
The decode function should take a context.Context and an *http.Request and return the associated route request struct
Route http.HandlerFuncs should separate the decoding and encoding of HTTP requests/response from actual handler logic
// handlePostThing is the HTTP handler for the POST /api/v2/things route.
func(h*ThingHandler)handlePostThing(whttp.ResponseWriter,r*http.Request){ctx:=r.Context()req,err:=decodePostThingRequest(ctx,r)iferr!=nil{errors.EncodeHTTP(ctx,err,w)return}// Do stuff here
iferr:=h.ThingService.CreateThing(ctx,req.Thing);err!=nil{errors.EncodeHTTP(ctx,err,w)return}iferr:=encodeResponse(ctx,w,http.StatusCreated,req.Thing);err!=nil{h.Logger.Info("encoding response failed",zap.Error(err))return}}
http.HandlerFunc's that require particular encoding of http responses should implement an encode response function