
288 lines
6.4 KiB

package tsm1
import (
{{range .}}
// {{.Name}}Values represents a slice of {{.Name}} values.
type {{.Name}}Values []{{.Name}}Value
{{if ne .Name ""}}
func New{{.Name}}ArrayFromValues(v {{.Name}}Values) *tsdb.{{.Name}}Array {
a := tsdb.New{{.Name}}ArrayLen(len(v))
for i, val := range v {
a.Timestamps[i] = val.unixnano
a.Values[i] = val.value
return a
func (a {{.Name}}Values) MinTime() int64 {
return a[0].UnixNano()
func (a {{.Name}}Values) MaxTime() int64 {
return a[len(a)-1].UnixNano()
func (a {{.Name}}Values) Size() int {
sz := 0
for _, v := range a {
sz += v.Size()
return sz
// Deduplicate returns a new slice with any values that have the same timestamp removed.
// The Value that appears last in the slice is the one that is kept. The returned
// Values are sorted if necessary.
func (a {{.Name}}Values) Deduplicate() {{.Name}}Values {
if len(a) <= 1 {
return a
// See if we're already sorted and deduped
var needSort bool
for i := 1; i < len(a); i++ {
if a[i-1].UnixNano() >= a[i].UnixNano() {
needSort = true
if !needSort {
return a
var i int
for j := 1; j < len(a); j++ {
v := a[j]
if v.UnixNano() != a[i].UnixNano() {
a[i] = v
return a[:i+1]
// Exclude returns the subset of values not in [min, max]. The values must
// be deduplicated and sorted before calling Exclude or the results are undefined.
func (a {{.Name}}Values) Exclude(min, max int64) {{.Name}}Values {
rmin, rmax := a.FindRange(min, max)
if rmin == -1 && rmax == -1 {
return a
// a[rmin].UnixNano() ≥ min
// a[rmax].UnixNano() ≥ max
if rmax < len(a) {
if a[rmax].UnixNano() == max {
rest := len(a)-rmax
if rest > 0 {
b := a[:rmin+rest]
copy(b[rmin:], a[rmax:])
return b
return a[:rmin]
// Include returns the subset values between min and max inclusive. The values must
// be deduplicated and sorted before calling Exclude or the results are undefined.
func (a {{.Name}}Values) Include(min, max int64) {{.Name}}Values {
rmin, rmax := a.FindRange(min, max)
if rmin == -1 && rmax == -1 {
return nil
// a[rmin].UnixNano() ≥ min
// a[rmax].UnixNano() ≥ max
if rmax < len(a) && a[rmax].UnixNano() == max {
if rmin > -1 {
b := a[:rmax-rmin]
copy(b, a[rmin:rmax])
return b
return a[:rmax]
// search performs a binary search for UnixNano() v in a
// and returns the position, i, where v would be inserted.
// An additional check of a[i].UnixNano() == v is necessary
// to determine if the value v exists.
func (a {{.Name}}Values) search(v int64) int {
// Define: f(x) → a[x].UnixNano() < v
// Define: f(-1) == true, f(n) == false
// Invariant: f(lo-1) == true, f(hi) == false
lo := 0
hi := len(a)
for lo < hi {
mid := int(uint(lo+hi) >> 1)
if a[mid].UnixNano() < v {
lo = mid + 1 // preserves f(lo-1) == true
} else {
hi = mid // preserves f(hi) == false
// lo == hi
return lo
// FindRange returns the positions where min and max would be
// inserted into the array. If a[0].UnixNano() > max or
// a[len-1].UnixNano() < min then FindRange returns (-1, -1)
// indicating the array is outside the [min, max]. The values must
// be deduplicated and sorted before calling Exclude or the results
// are undefined.
func (a {{.Name}}Values) FindRange(min, max int64) (int, int) {
if len(a) == 0 || min > max {
return -1, -1
minVal := a[0].UnixNano()
maxVal := a[len(a)-1].UnixNano()
if maxVal < min || minVal > max {
return -1, -1
// Merge overlays b to top of a. If two values conflict with
// the same timestamp, b is used. Both a and b must be sorted
// in ascending order.
func (a {{.Name}}Values) Merge(b {{.Name}}Values) {{.Name}}Values {
if len(a) == 0 {
return b
if len(b) == 0 {
return a
// Normally, both a and b should not contain duplicates. Due to a bug in older versions, it's
// possible stored blocks might contain duplicate values. Remove them if they exists before
// merging.
a = a.Deduplicate()
b = b.Deduplicate()
if a[len(a)-1].UnixNano() < b[0].UnixNano() {
return append(a, b...)
if b[len(b)-1].UnixNano() < a[0].UnixNano() {
return append(b, a...)
out := make({{.Name}}Values, 0, len(a)+len(b))
for len(a) > 0 && len(b) > 0 {
if a[0].UnixNano() < b[0].UnixNano() {
out, a = append(out, a[0]), a[1:]
} else if len(b) > 0 && a[0].UnixNano() == b[0].UnixNano() {
a = a[1:]
} else {
out, b = append(out, b[0]), b[1:]
if len(a) > 0 {
return append(out, a...)
return append(out, b...)
{{ if ne .Name "" }}
func (a {{.Name}}Values) Encode(buf []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return encode{{.Name}}ValuesBlock(buf, a)
func Encode{{ .Name }}ArrayBlock(a *tsdb.{{ .Name }}Array, b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
if a.Len() == 0 {
return nil, nil
// TODO(edd): These need to be pooled.
var vb []byte
var tb []byte
var err error
if vb, err = {{ .Name }}ArrayEncodeAll(a.Values, vb); err != nil {
return nil, err
if tb, err = TimeArrayEncodeAll(a.Timestamps, tb); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Prepend the first timestamp of the block in the first 8 bytes and the block
// in the next byte, followed by the block
return packBlock(b, {{ .Type }}, tb, vb), nil
func encode{{ .Name }}ValuesBlock(buf []byte, values []{{.Name}}Value) ([]byte, error) {
if len(values) == 0 {
return nil, nil
venc := get{{ .Name }}Encoder(len(values))
tsenc := getTimeEncoder(len(values))
var b []byte
err := func() error {
for _, v := range values {
venc.Write({{if .CastType}}{{.CastType}}(v.value){{else}}v.value{{end}})
// Encoded timestamp values
tb, err := tsenc.Bytes()
if err != nil {
return err
// Encoded values
vb, err := venc.Bytes()
if err != nil {
return err
// Prepend the first timestamp of the block in the first 8 bytes and the block
// in the next byte, followed by the block
b = packBlock(buf, {{ .Type }}, tb, vb)
return nil
return b, err
{{ end }}
// Sort methods
func (a {{.Name}}Values) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a {{.Name}}Values) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a {{.Name}}Values) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].UnixNano() < a[j].UnixNano() }
{{ end }}