864 lines
21 KiB
864 lines
21 KiB
package tsm1
import (
const (
// BlockFloat64 designates a block encodes float64 values.
BlockFloat64 = byte(0)
// BlockInteger designates a block encodes int64 values.
BlockInteger = byte(1)
// BlockBoolean designates a block encodes boolean values.
BlockBoolean = byte(2)
// BlockString designates a block encodes string values.
BlockString = byte(3)
// BlockUnsigned designates a block encodes uint64 values.
BlockUnsigned = byte(4)
// blockUndefined represents an undefined block type value.
blockUndefined = BlockUnsigned + 1
// encodedBlockHeaderSize is the size of the header for an encoded block. There is one
// byte encoding the type of the block.
encodedBlockHeaderSize = 1
func init() {
// Prime the pools with one encoder/decoder for each available CPU.
vals := make([]interface{}, 0, runtime.NumCPU())
for _, p := range []*pool.Generic{
timeEncoderPool, timeDecoderPool,
integerEncoderPool, integerDecoderPool,
floatDecoderPool, floatDecoderPool,
stringEncoderPool, stringEncoderPool,
booleanEncoderPool, booleanDecoderPool,
} {
vals = vals[:0]
// Check one out to force the allocation now and hold onto it
for i := 0; i < runtime.NumCPU(); i++ {
v := p.Get(MaxPointsPerBlock)
vals = append(vals, v)
// Add them all back
for _, v := range vals {
var (
// encoder pools
timeEncoderPool = pool.NewGeneric(runtime.NumCPU(), func(sz int) interface{} {
return NewTimeEncoder(sz)
integerEncoderPool = pool.NewGeneric(runtime.NumCPU(), func(sz int) interface{} {
return NewIntegerEncoder(sz)
floatEncoderPool = pool.NewGeneric(runtime.NumCPU(), func(sz int) interface{} {
return NewFloatEncoder()
stringEncoderPool = pool.NewGeneric(runtime.NumCPU(), func(sz int) interface{} {
return NewStringEncoder(sz)
booleanEncoderPool = pool.NewGeneric(runtime.NumCPU(), func(sz int) interface{} {
return NewBooleanEncoder(sz)
// decoder pools
timeDecoderPool = pool.NewGeneric(runtime.NumCPU(), func(sz int) interface{} {
return &TimeDecoder{}
integerDecoderPool = pool.NewGeneric(runtime.NumCPU(), func(sz int) interface{} {
return &IntegerDecoder{}
floatDecoderPool = pool.NewGeneric(runtime.NumCPU(), func(sz int) interface{} {
return &FloatDecoder{}
stringDecoderPool = pool.NewGeneric(runtime.NumCPU(), func(sz int) interface{} {
return &StringDecoder{}
booleanDecoderPool = pool.NewGeneric(runtime.NumCPU(), func(sz int) interface{} {
return &BooleanDecoder{}
// Encode converts the values to a byte slice. If there are no values,
// this function panics.
func (a Values) Encode(buf []byte) ([]byte, error) {
if len(a) == 0 {
panic("unable to encode block type")
switch a[0].(type) {
case FloatValue:
return encodeFloatBlock(buf, a)
case IntegerValue:
return encodeIntegerBlock(buf, a)
case UnsignedValue:
return encodeUnsignedBlock(buf, a)
case BooleanValue:
return encodeBooleanBlock(buf, a)
case StringValue:
return encodeStringBlock(buf, a)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported value type %T", a[0])
// Contains returns true if values exist for the time interval [min, max]
// inclusive. The values must be sorted before calling Contains or the
// results are undefined.
func (a Values) Contains(min, max int64) bool {
rmin, rmax := a.FindRange(min, max)
if rmin == -1 && rmax == -1 {
return false
// a[rmin].UnixNano() ≥ min
// a[rmax].UnixNano() ≥ max
if a[rmin].UnixNano() == min {
return true
if rmax < a.Len() && a[rmax].UnixNano() == max {
return true
return rmax-rmin > 0
// InfluxQLType returns the influxql.DataType the values map to.
func (a Values) InfluxQLType() (influxql.DataType, error) {
if len(a) == 0 {
return influxql.Unknown, fmt.Errorf("no values to infer type")
switch a[0].(type) {
case FloatValue:
return influxql.Float, nil
case IntegerValue:
return influxql.Integer, nil
case UnsignedValue:
return influxql.Unsigned, nil
case BooleanValue:
return influxql.Boolean, nil
case StringValue:
return influxql.String, nil
return influxql.Unknown, fmt.Errorf("unsupported value type %T", a[0])
// BlockType returns the type of value encoded in a block or an error
// if the block type is unknown.
func BlockType(block []byte) (byte, error) {
blockType := block[0]
switch blockType {
case BlockFloat64, BlockInteger, BlockUnsigned, BlockBoolean, BlockString:
return blockType, nil
return 0, fmt.Errorf("unknown block type: %d", blockType)
// BlockCount returns the number of timestamps encoded in block.
func BlockCount(block []byte) int {
if len(block) <= encodedBlockHeaderSize {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("count of short block: got %v, exp %v", len(block), encodedBlockHeaderSize))
// first byte is the block type
tb, _, err := unpackBlock(block[1:])
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("BlockCount: error unpacking block: %s", err.Error()))
return CountTimestamps(tb)
// DecodeBlock takes a byte slice and decodes it into values of the appropriate type
// based on the block.
func DecodeBlock(block []byte, vals []Value) ([]Value, error) {
if len(block) <= encodedBlockHeaderSize {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("decode of short block: got %v, exp %v", len(block), encodedBlockHeaderSize))
blockType, err := BlockType(block)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch blockType {
case BlockFloat64:
var buf []FloatValue
decoded, err := DecodeFloatBlock(block, &buf)
if len(vals) < len(decoded) {
vals = make([]Value, len(decoded))
for i := range decoded {
vals[i] = decoded[i]
return vals[:len(decoded)], err
case BlockInteger:
var buf []IntegerValue
decoded, err := DecodeIntegerBlock(block, &buf)
if len(vals) < len(decoded) {
vals = make([]Value, len(decoded))
for i := range decoded {
vals[i] = decoded[i]
return vals[:len(decoded)], err
case BlockUnsigned:
var buf []UnsignedValue
decoded, err := DecodeUnsignedBlock(block, &buf)
if len(vals) < len(decoded) {
vals = make([]Value, len(decoded))
for i := range decoded {
vals[i] = decoded[i]
return vals[:len(decoded)], err
case BlockBoolean:
var buf []BooleanValue
decoded, err := DecodeBooleanBlock(block, &buf)
if len(vals) < len(decoded) {
vals = make([]Value, len(decoded))
for i := range decoded {
vals[i] = decoded[i]
return vals[:len(decoded)], err
case BlockString:
var buf []StringValue
decoded, err := DecodeStringBlock(block, &buf)
if len(vals) < len(decoded) {
vals = make([]Value, len(decoded))
for i := range decoded {
vals[i] = decoded[i]
return vals[:len(decoded)], err
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown block type: %d", blockType))
func encodeFloatBlock(buf []byte, values []Value) ([]byte, error) {
if len(values) == 0 {
return nil, nil
// A float block is encoded using different compression strategies
// for timestamps and values.
// Encode values using Gorilla float compression
venc := getFloatEncoder(len(values))
// Encode timestamps using an adaptive encoder that uses delta-encoding,
// frame-or-reference and run length encoding.
tsenc := getTimeEncoder(len(values))
b, err := encodeFloatBlockUsing(buf, values, tsenc, venc)
return b, err
func encodeFloatBlockUsing(buf []byte, values []Value, tsenc TimeEncoder, venc *FloatEncoder) ([]byte, error) {
for _, v := range values {
vv := v.(FloatValue)
// Encoded timestamp values
tb, err := tsenc.Bytes()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Encoded float values
vb, err := venc.Bytes()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Prepend the first timestamp of the block in the first 8 bytes and the block
// in the next byte, followed by the block
return packBlock(buf, BlockFloat64, tb, vb), nil
// DecodeFloatBlock decodes the float block from the byte slice
// and appends the float values to a.
func DecodeFloatBlock(block []byte, a *[]FloatValue) ([]FloatValue, error) {
// Block type is the next block, make sure we actually have a float block
blockType := block[0]
if blockType != BlockFloat64 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid block type: exp %d, got %d", BlockFloat64, blockType)
block = block[1:]
tb, vb, err := unpackBlock(block)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sz := CountTimestamps(tb)
if cap(*a) < sz {
*a = make([]FloatValue, sz)
} else {
*a = (*a)[:sz]
tdec := timeDecoderPool.Get(0).(*TimeDecoder)
vdec := floatDecoderPool.Get(0).(*FloatDecoder)
var i int
err = func(a []FloatValue) error {
// Setup our timestamp and value decoders
err = vdec.SetBytes(vb)
if err != nil {
return err
// Decode both a timestamp and value
j := 0
for j < len(a) && tdec.Next() && vdec.Next() {
a[j] = NewRawFloatValue(tdec.Read(), vdec.Values())
i = j
// Did timestamp decoding have an error?
err = tdec.Error()
if err != nil {
return err
// Did float decoding have an error?
return vdec.Error()
return (*a)[:i], err
func encodeBooleanBlock(buf []byte, values []Value) ([]byte, error) {
if len(values) == 0 {
return nil, nil
// A boolean block is encoded using different compression strategies
// for timestamps and values.
venc := getBooleanEncoder(len(values))
// Encode timestamps using an adaptive encoder
tsenc := getTimeEncoder(len(values))
b, err := encodeBooleanBlockUsing(buf, values, tsenc, venc)
return b, err
func encodeBooleanBlockUsing(buf []byte, values []Value, tenc TimeEncoder, venc BooleanEncoder) ([]byte, error) {
for _, v := range values {
vv := v.(BooleanValue)
// Encoded timestamp values
tb, err := tenc.Bytes()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Encoded float values
vb, err := venc.Bytes()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Prepend the first timestamp of the block in the first 8 bytes and the block
// in the next byte, followed by the block
return packBlock(buf, BlockBoolean, tb, vb), nil
// DecodeBooleanBlock decodes the boolean block from the byte slice
// and appends the boolean values to a.
func DecodeBooleanBlock(block []byte, a *[]BooleanValue) ([]BooleanValue, error) {
// Block type is the next block, make sure we actually have a float block
blockType := block[0]
if blockType != BlockBoolean {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid block type: exp %d, got %d", BlockBoolean, blockType)
block = block[1:]
tb, vb, err := unpackBlock(block)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sz := CountTimestamps(tb)
if cap(*a) < sz {
*a = make([]BooleanValue, sz)
} else {
*a = (*a)[:sz]
tdec := timeDecoderPool.Get(0).(*TimeDecoder)
vdec := booleanDecoderPool.Get(0).(*BooleanDecoder)
var i int
err = func(a []BooleanValue) error {
// Setup our timestamp and value decoders
// Decode both a timestamp and value
j := 0
for j < len(a) && tdec.Next() && vdec.Next() {
a[j] = NewRawBooleanValue(tdec.Read(), vdec.Read())
i = j
// Did timestamp decoding have an error?
err = tdec.Error()
if err != nil {
return err
// Did boolean decoding have an error?
return vdec.Error()
return (*a)[:i], err
func encodeIntegerBlock(buf []byte, values []Value) ([]byte, error) {
tenc := getTimeEncoder(len(values))
venc := getIntegerEncoder(len(values))
b, err := encodeIntegerBlockUsing(buf, values, tenc, venc)
return b, err
func encodeIntegerBlockUsing(buf []byte, values []Value, tenc TimeEncoder, venc IntegerEncoder) ([]byte, error) {
for _, v := range values {
vv := v.(IntegerValue)
// Encoded timestamp values
tb, err := tenc.Bytes()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Encoded int64 values
vb, err := venc.Bytes()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Prepend the first timestamp of the block in the first 8 bytes
return packBlock(buf, BlockInteger, tb, vb), nil
// DecodeIntegerBlock decodes the integer block from the byte slice
// and appends the integer values to a.
func DecodeIntegerBlock(block []byte, a *[]IntegerValue) ([]IntegerValue, error) {
blockType := block[0]
if blockType != BlockInteger {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid block type: exp %d, got %d", BlockInteger, blockType)
block = block[1:]
// The first 8 bytes is the minimum timestamp of the block
tb, vb, err := unpackBlock(block)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sz := CountTimestamps(tb)
if cap(*a) < sz {
*a = make([]IntegerValue, sz)
} else {
*a = (*a)[:sz]
tdec := timeDecoderPool.Get(0).(*TimeDecoder)
vdec := integerDecoderPool.Get(0).(*IntegerDecoder)
var i int
err = func(a []IntegerValue) error {
// Setup our timestamp and value decoders
// Decode both a timestamp and value
j := 0
for j < len(a) && tdec.Next() && vdec.Next() {
a[j] = NewRawIntegerValue(tdec.Read(), vdec.Read())
i = j
// Did timestamp decoding have an error?
err = tdec.Error()
if err != nil {
return err
// Did int64 decoding have an error?
return vdec.Error()
return (*a)[:i], err
func encodeUnsignedBlock(buf []byte, values []Value) ([]byte, error) {
tenc := getTimeEncoder(len(values))
venc := getUnsignedEncoder(len(values))
b, err := encodeUnsignedBlockUsing(buf, values, tenc, venc)
return b, err
func encodeUnsignedBlockUsing(buf []byte, values []Value, tenc TimeEncoder, venc IntegerEncoder) ([]byte, error) {
for _, v := range values {
vv := v.(UnsignedValue)
// Encoded timestamp values
tb, err := tenc.Bytes()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Encoded int64 values
vb, err := venc.Bytes()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Prepend the first timestamp of the block in the first 8 bytes
return packBlock(buf, BlockUnsigned, tb, vb), nil
// DecodeUnsignedBlock decodes the unsigned integer block from the byte slice
// and appends the unsigned integer values to a.
func DecodeUnsignedBlock(block []byte, a *[]UnsignedValue) ([]UnsignedValue, error) {
blockType := block[0]
if blockType != BlockUnsigned {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid block type: exp %d, got %d", BlockUnsigned, blockType)
block = block[1:]
// The first 8 bytes is the minimum timestamp of the block
tb, vb, err := unpackBlock(block)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sz := CountTimestamps(tb)
if cap(*a) < sz {
*a = make([]UnsignedValue, sz)
} else {
*a = (*a)[:sz]
tdec := timeDecoderPool.Get(0).(*TimeDecoder)
vdec := integerDecoderPool.Get(0).(*IntegerDecoder)
var i int
err = func(a []UnsignedValue) error {
// Setup our timestamp and value decoders
// Decode both a timestamp and value
j := 0
for j < len(a) && tdec.Next() && vdec.Next() {
a[j] = NewRawUnsignedValue(tdec.Read(), uint64(vdec.Read()))
i = j
// Did timestamp decoding have an error?
err = tdec.Error()
if err != nil {
return err
// Did int64 decoding have an error?
return vdec.Error()
return (*a)[:i], err
func encodeStringBlock(buf []byte, values []Value) ([]byte, error) {
tenc := getTimeEncoder(len(values))
venc := getStringEncoder(len(values) * len(values[0].(StringValue).RawValue()))
b, err := encodeStringBlockUsing(buf, values, tenc, venc)
return b, err
func encodeStringBlockUsing(buf []byte, values []Value, tenc TimeEncoder, venc StringEncoder) ([]byte, error) {
for _, v := range values {
vv := v.(StringValue)
// Encoded timestamp values
tb, err := tenc.Bytes()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Encoded string values
vb, err := venc.Bytes()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Prepend the first timestamp of the block in the first 8 bytes
return packBlock(buf, BlockString, tb, vb), nil
// DecodeStringBlock decodes the string block from the byte slice
// and appends the string values to a.
func DecodeStringBlock(block []byte, a *[]StringValue) ([]StringValue, error) {
blockType := block[0]
if blockType != BlockString {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid block type: exp %d, got %d", BlockString, blockType)
block = block[1:]
// The first 8 bytes is the minimum timestamp of the block
tb, vb, err := unpackBlock(block)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sz := CountTimestamps(tb)
if cap(*a) < sz {
*a = make([]StringValue, sz)
} else {
*a = (*a)[:sz]
tdec := timeDecoderPool.Get(0).(*TimeDecoder)
vdec := stringDecoderPool.Get(0).(*StringDecoder)
var i int
err = func(a []StringValue) error {
// Setup our timestamp and value decoders
err = vdec.SetBytes(vb)
if err != nil {
return err
// Decode both a timestamp and value
j := 0
for j < len(a) && tdec.Next() && vdec.Next() {
a[j] = NewRawStringValue(tdec.Read(), vdec.Read())
i = j
// Did timestamp decoding have an error?
err = tdec.Error()
if err != nil {
return err
// Did string decoding have an error?
return vdec.Error()
return (*a)[:i], err
func packBlock(buf []byte, typ byte, ts []byte, values []byte) []byte {
// We encode the length of the timestamp block using a variable byte encoding.
// This allows small byte slices to take up 1 byte while larger ones use 2 or more.
sz := 1 + binary.MaxVarintLen64 + len(ts) + len(values)
if cap(buf) < sz {
buf = make([]byte, sz)
b := buf[:sz]
b[0] = typ
i := binary.PutUvarint(b[1:1+binary.MaxVarintLen64], uint64(len(ts)))
i += 1
// block is <len timestamp bytes>, <ts bytes>, <value bytes>
copy(b[i:], ts)
// We don't encode the value length because we know it's the rest of the block after
// the timestamp block.
copy(b[i+len(ts):], values)
return b[:i+len(ts)+len(values)]
func unpackBlock(buf []byte) (ts, values []byte, err error) {
// Unpack the timestamp block length
tsLen, i := binary.Uvarint(buf)
if i <= 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("unpackBlock: unable to read timestamp block length")
// Unpack the timestamp bytes
tsIdx := int(i) + int(tsLen)
if tsIdx > len(buf) {
err = fmt.Errorf("unpackBlock: not enough data for timestamp")
ts = buf[int(i):tsIdx]
// Unpack the value bytes
values = buf[tsIdx:]
// ZigZagEncode converts a int64 to a uint64 by zig zagging negative and positive values
// across even and odd numbers. Eg. [0,-1,1,-2] becomes [0, 1, 2, 3].
func ZigZagEncode(x int64) uint64 {
return uint64(uint64(x<<1) ^ uint64((int64(x) >> 63)))
// ZigZagDecode converts a previously zigzag encoded uint64 back to a int64.
func ZigZagDecode(v uint64) int64 {
return int64((v >> 1) ^ uint64((int64(v&1)<<63)>>63))
func getTimeEncoder(sz int) TimeEncoder {
x := timeEncoderPool.Get(sz).(TimeEncoder)
return x
func putTimeEncoder(enc TimeEncoder) { timeEncoderPool.Put(enc) }
func getIntegerEncoder(sz int) IntegerEncoder {
x := integerEncoderPool.Get(sz).(IntegerEncoder)
return x
func putIntegerEncoder(enc IntegerEncoder) { integerEncoderPool.Put(enc) }
func getUnsignedEncoder(sz int) IntegerEncoder {
x := integerEncoderPool.Get(sz).(IntegerEncoder)
return x
func putUnsignedEncoder(enc IntegerEncoder) { integerEncoderPool.Put(enc) }
func getFloatEncoder(sz int) *FloatEncoder {
x := floatEncoderPool.Get(sz).(*FloatEncoder)
return x
func putFloatEncoder(enc *FloatEncoder) { floatEncoderPool.Put(enc) }
func getStringEncoder(sz int) StringEncoder {
x := stringEncoderPool.Get(sz).(StringEncoder)
return x
func putStringEncoder(enc StringEncoder) { stringEncoderPool.Put(enc) }
func getBooleanEncoder(sz int) BooleanEncoder {
x := booleanEncoderPool.Get(sz).(BooleanEncoder)
return x
func putBooleanEncoder(enc BooleanEncoder) { booleanEncoderPool.Put(enc) }
// BlockTypeName returns a string name for the block type.
func BlockTypeName(typ byte) string {
switch typ {
case BlockFloat64:
return "float64"
case BlockInteger:
return "integer"
case BlockBoolean:
return "boolean"
case BlockString:
return "string"
case BlockUnsigned:
return "unsigned"
return fmt.Sprintf("unknown(%d)", typ)