2221 lines
57 KiB
2221 lines
57 KiB
package service
import (
influxdb "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/v2"
const (
oneID = "020f755c3c082000"
twoID = "020f755c3c082001"
threeID = "020f755c3c082002"
fourID = "020f755c3c082003"
fiveID = "020f755c3c082004"
sixID = "020f755c3c082005"
var (
fakeDate = time.Date(2006, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC)
fakeGenerator = mock.TimeGenerator{FakeValue: fakeDate}
timeGen1 = mock.TimeGenerator{FakeValue: time.Date(2006, time.July, 13, 4, 19, 10, 0, time.UTC)}
timeGen2 = mock.TimeGenerator{FakeValue: time.Date(2006, time.July, 14, 5, 23, 53, 10, time.UTC)}
time3 = time.Date(2006, time.July, 15, 5, 23, 53, 10, time.UTC)
// NotificationRuleFields includes prepopulated data for mapping tests.
type NotificationRuleFields struct {
IDGenerator influxdb.IDGenerator
TimeGenerator influxdb.TimeGenerator
NotificationRules []influxdb.NotificationRule
Orgs []*influxdb.Organization
Tasks []influxdb.TaskCreate
Endpoints []influxdb.NotificationEndpoint
var notificationRuleCmpOptions = cmp.Options{
cmpopts.IgnoreFields(rule.Base{}, "TaskID"),
cmp.Transformer("Sort", func(in []influxdb.NotificationRule) []influxdb.NotificationRule {
out := append([]influxdb.NotificationRule(nil), in...)
sort.Slice(out, func(i, j int) bool {
return out[i].GetID() > out[j].GetID()
return out
var taskCmpOptions = cmp.Options{
cmp.Comparer(func(x, y []byte) bool {
return bytes.Equal(x, y)
// skip comparing permissions
cmp.Transformer("Sort", func(in []*influxdb.Task) []*influxdb.Task {
out := append([]*influxdb.Task{}, in...) // Copy input to avoid mutating it
sort.Slice(out, func(i, j int) bool {
return out[i].ID > out[j].ID
return out
type notificationRuleFactory func(NotificationRuleFields, *testing.T) (influxdb.NotificationRuleStore, influxdb.TaskService, func())
// NotificationRuleStore tests all the service functions.
func NotificationRuleStore(
init notificationRuleFactory, t *testing.T,
) {
tests := []struct {
name string
fn func(notificationRuleFactory, *testing.T)
name: "CreateNotificationRule",
fn: CreateNotificationRule,
name: "FindNotificationRuleByID",
fn: FindNotificationRuleByID,
name: "FindNotificationRules",
fn: FindNotificationRules,
name: "UpdateNotificationRule",
fn: UpdateNotificationRule,
name: "PatchNotificationRule",
fn: PatchNotificationRule,
name: "DeleteNotificationRule",
fn: DeleteNotificationRule,
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
tt.fn(init, t)
// CreateNotificationRule testing.
func CreateNotificationRule(
init notificationRuleFactory,
t *testing.T,
) {
type args struct {
notificationRule influxdb.NotificationRule
userID influxdb.ID
type wants struct {
err error
notificationRule influxdb.NotificationRule
task *influxdb.Task
tests := []struct {
name string
fields NotificationRuleFields
args args
wants wants
name: "basic create notification rule",
fields: NotificationRuleFields{
IDGenerator: mock.NewIDGenerator(twoID, t),
TimeGenerator: fakeGenerator,
Orgs: []*influxdb.Organization{
Name: "org",
ID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
Endpoints: []influxdb.NotificationEndpoint{
URL: "http://localhost:7777",
Token: influxdb.SecretField{
// TODO(desa): not sure why this has to end in token, but it does
Key: "020f755c3c082001-token",
Value: pointer.String("abc123"),
Base: endpoint.Base{
OrgID: MustIDBase16Ptr(fourID),
Name: "foo",
Status: influxdb.Active,
NotificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
Name: "name1",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink1",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
StatusRules: []notification.StatusRule{
CurrentLevel: notification.Critical,
TagRules: []notification.TagRule{
Tag: influxdb.Tag{
Key: "k1",
Value: "v1",
Operator: influxdb.NotEqual,
Tag: influxdb.Tag{
Key: "k2",
Value: "v2",
Operator: influxdb.RegexEqual,
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
Channel: "channel1",
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
args: args{
userID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
notificationRule: &rule.Slack{
Base: rule.Base{
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
Name: "name2",
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink1",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
StatusRules: []notification.StatusRule{
CurrentLevel: notification.Critical,
TagRules: []notification.TagRule{
Tag: influxdb.Tag{
Key: "k1",
Value: "v1",
Operator: influxdb.NotEqual,
Tag: influxdb.Tag{
Key: "k2",
Value: "v2",
Operator: influxdb.RegexEqual,
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
wants: wants{
notificationRule: &rule.Slack{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
Name: "name2",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink1",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
StatusRules: []notification.StatusRule{
CurrentLevel: notification.Critical,
TagRules: []notification.TagRule{
Tag: influxdb.Tag{
Key: "k1",
Value: "v1",
Operator: influxdb.NotEqual,
Tag: influxdb.Tag{
Key: "k2",
Value: "v2",
Operator: influxdb.RegexEqual,
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: fakeDate,
UpdatedAt: fakeDate,
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
task: &influxdb.Task{
ID: MustIDBase16("020f755c3c082001"),
Type: "slack",
OrganizationID: MustIDBase16("020f755c3c082003"),
Organization: "org",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16("020f755c3c082005"),
Name: "name2",
Status: "active",
Flux: "package main\n// name2\nimport \"influxdata/influxdb/monitor\"\nimport \"slack\"\nimport \"influxdata/influxdb/secrets\"\nimport \"experimental\"\n\noption task = {name: \"name2\", every: 1h}\n\nslack_secret = secrets[\"get\"](key: \"020f755c3c082001-token\")\nslack_endpoint = slack[\"endpoint\"](token: slack_secret, url: \"http://localhost:7777\")\nnotification = {\n\t_notification_rule_id: \"020f755c3c082001\",\n\t_notification_rule_name: \"name2\",\n\t_notification_endpoint_id: \"020f755c3c082001\",\n\t_notification_endpoint_name: \"foo\",\n}\nstatuses = monitor[\"from\"](start: -2h, fn: (r) =>\n\t(r[\"k1\"] == \"v1\" and r[\"k2\"] == \"v2\"))\ncrit = statuses\n\t|> filter(fn: (r) =>\n\t\t(r[\"_level\"] == \"crit\"))\nall_statuses = crit\n\t|> filter(fn: (r) =>\n\t\t(r[\"_time\"] >= experimental[\"subDuration\"](from: now(), d: 1h)))\n\nall_statuses\n\t|> monitor[\"notify\"](data: notification, endpoint: slack_endpoint(mapFn: (r) =>\n\t\t({channel: \"\", text: \"msg1\", color: if r[\"_level\"] == \"crit\" then \"danger\" else if r[\"_level\"] == \"warn\" then \"warning\" else \"good\"})))",
Every: "1h",
name: "invalid tag rule value",
fields: NotificationRuleFields{
IDGenerator: mock.NewIDGenerator(twoID, t),
TimeGenerator: fakeGenerator,
Orgs: []*influxdb.Organization{
Name: "org",
ID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
Endpoints: []influxdb.NotificationEndpoint{
URL: "http://localhost:7777",
Token: influxdb.SecretField{
// TODO(desa): not sure why this has to end in token, but it does
Key: "020f755c3c082001-token",
Value: pointer.String("abc123"),
Base: endpoint.Base{
OrgID: MustIDBase16Ptr(fourID),
Name: "foo",
Status: influxdb.Active,
NotificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
Name: "name1",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink1",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
StatusRules: []notification.StatusRule{
CurrentLevel: notification.Critical,
TagRules: []notification.TagRule{
Tag: influxdb.Tag{
Key: "k1",
Value: "v1",
Operator: influxdb.NotEqual,
Tag: influxdb.Tag{
Key: "k2",
Value: "v2",
Operator: influxdb.RegexEqual,
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
Channel: "channel1",
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
args: args{
userID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
notificationRule: &rule.Slack{
Base: rule.Base{
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
Name: "name2",
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink1",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
StatusRules: []notification.StatusRule{
CurrentLevel: notification.Critical,
TagRules: []notification.TagRule{
Tag: influxdb.Tag{
Key: "k1",
Value: "v1",
Operator: influxdb.NotEqual,
Tag: influxdb.Tag{
Key: "k2",
// empty tag value to trigger validation error
Value: "",
Operator: influxdb.RegexEqual,
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
wants: wants{
err: &influxdb.Error{
Code: influxdb.EInvalid,
Msg: "tag must contain a key and a value",
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
s, tasks, done := init(tt.fields, t)
defer done()
ctx := context.Background()
nrc := influxdb.NotificationRuleCreate{
NotificationRule: tt.args.notificationRule,
Status: influxdb.Active,
err := s.CreateNotificationRule(ctx, nrc, tt.args.userID)
if tt.wants.err != nil {
// expected error case
if !reflect.DeepEqual(tt.wants.err, err) {
t.Fatalf("expected error '%v' got '%v'", tt.wants.err, err)
// ensure no rules can be located
_, n, err := s.FindNotificationRules(ctx, influxdb.NotificationRuleFilter{})
if err != nil {
if existing := len(tt.fields.NotificationRules); n > existing {
t.Errorf("expected no rules to be created, found %d", n-existing)
} else {
nr, err := s.FindNotificationRuleByID(ctx, tt.args.notificationRule.GetID())
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to retrieve notification rules: %v", err)
if diff := cmp.Diff(nr, tt.wants.notificationRule, notificationRuleCmpOptions...); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("notificationRules are different -got/+want\ndiff %s", diff)
if tt.wants.task == nil || !tt.wants.task.ID.Valid() {
// if not tasks or a task with an invalid ID is provided (0) then assume
// no tasks should be persisted
_, n, err := tasks.FindTasks(ctx, influxdb.TaskFilter{})
if err != nil {
if n > 0 {
t.Errorf("expected zero tasks to be created, instead found %d", n)
task, err := tasks.FindTaskByID(ctx, tt.wants.task.ID)
if err != nil {
if diff := cmp.Diff(task, tt.wants.task, taskCmpOptions...); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("task is different -got/+want\ndiff %s", diff)
// FindNotificationRuleByID testing.
func FindNotificationRuleByID(
init notificationRuleFactory,
t *testing.T,
) {
type args struct {
id influxdb.ID
type wants struct {
err error
notificationRule influxdb.NotificationRule
tests := []struct {
name string
fields NotificationRuleFields
args args
wants wants
name: "bad id",
fields: NotificationRuleFields{
NotificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
Name: "name1",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink1",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
Channel: "channel1",
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
Name: "name2",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink2",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
MessageTemplate: "msg",
args: args{
id: influxdb.ID(0),
wants: wants{
err: &influxdb.Error{
Code: influxdb.EInvalid,
Msg: "provided notification rule ID has invalid format",
name: "not found",
fields: NotificationRuleFields{
NotificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
Name: "name1",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink1",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
Channel: "channel1",
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
Name: "name2",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink2",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
MessageTemplate: "msg",
args: args{
id: MustIDBase16(threeID),
wants: wants{
err: &influxdb.Error{
Code: influxdb.ENotFound,
Msg: "notification rule not found",
name: "basic find telegraf config by id",
fields: NotificationRuleFields{
NotificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
Name: "name1",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink1",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
Channel: "channel1",
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
Name: "name2",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink2",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
MessageTemplate: "msg",
args: args{
id: MustIDBase16(twoID),
wants: wants{
notificationRule: &rule.Slack{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
Name: "name2",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink2",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
MessageTemplate: "msg",
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
s, _, done := init(tt.fields, t)
defer done()
ctx := context.Background()
nr, err := s.FindNotificationRuleByID(ctx, tt.args.id)
ErrorsEqual(t, err, tt.wants.err)
if diff := cmp.Diff(nr, tt.wants.notificationRule, notificationRuleCmpOptions...); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("notification rule is different -got/+want\ndiff %s", diff)
// FindNotificationRules testing
func FindNotificationRules(
init notificationRuleFactory,
t *testing.T,
) {
type args struct {
filter influxdb.NotificationRuleFilter
opts influxdb.FindOptions
type wants struct {
notificationRules []influxdb.NotificationRule
err error
tests := []struct {
name string
fields NotificationRuleFields
args args
wants wants
name: "find nothing (empty set)",
fields: NotificationRuleFields{
NotificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{},
args: args{
filter: influxdb.NotificationRuleFilter{},
wants: wants{
notificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{},
name: "find all notification rules",
fields: NotificationRuleFields{
NotificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
Name: "name1",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink1",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
Channel: "channel1",
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
Name: "name2",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink2",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
MessageTemplate: "msg",
args: args{
filter: influxdb.NotificationRuleFilter{},
wants: wants{
notificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
Name: "name1",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink1",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
Channel: "channel1",
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
Name: "name2",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink2",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
MessageTemplate: "msg",
name: "filter by organization id only",
fields: NotificationRuleFields{
Orgs: []*influxdb.Organization{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
Name: "org1",
ID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
Name: "org4",
NotificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: 1,
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
Name: "nr1",
Channel: "ch1",
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: 1,
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
Name: "nr2",
MessageTemplate: "body2",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
EndpointID: 1,
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
Name: "nr3",
MessageTemplate: "msg",
args: args{
filter: influxdb.NotificationRuleFilter{
OrgID: MustIDBase16Ptr(oneID),
wants: wants{
notificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
EndpointID: 1,
Name: "nr3",
MessageTemplate: "msg",
name: "filter by organization name only",
fields: NotificationRuleFields{
Orgs: []*influxdb.Organization{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
Name: "org1",
ID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
Name: "org4",
NotificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
EndpointID: 1,
Name: "nr1",
Channel: "ch1",
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
EndpointID: 1,
Name: "nr2",
MessageTemplate: "body2",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
EndpointID: 1,
Name: "nr3",
MessageTemplate: "msg",
args: args{
filter: influxdb.NotificationRuleFilter{
Organization: pointer.String("org4"),
wants: wants{
notificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: 1,
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
Name: "nr1",
Channel: "ch1",
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: 1,
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
Name: "nr2",
MessageTemplate: "body2",
name: "look for organization not bound to any notification rule",
fields: NotificationRuleFields{
Orgs: []*influxdb.Organization{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
Name: "org1",
ID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
Name: "org4",
NotificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: 1,
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
Name: "nr1",
Channel: "ch1",
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
EndpointID: 1,
Name: "nr2",
MessageTemplate: "body2",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
EndpointID: 1,
Name: "nr3",
MessageTemplate: "msg",
args: args{
filter: influxdb.NotificationRuleFilter{
OrgID: MustIDBase16Ptr(oneID),
wants: wants{
notificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{},
name: "find options limit",
fields: NotificationRuleFields{
Orgs: []*influxdb.Organization{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
Name: "org1",
ID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
Name: "org4",
NotificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
EndpointID: 1,
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
Name: "nr1",
Channel: "ch1",
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
EndpointID: 1,
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
Name: "nr2",
MessageTemplate: "body2",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
EndpointID: 1,
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
Name: "nr3",
MessageTemplate: "msg",
args: args{
filter: influxdb.NotificationRuleFilter{
OrgID: idPtr(MustIDBase16(oneID)),
opts: influxdb.FindOptions{
Limit: 2,
wants: wants{
notificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
EndpointID: 1,
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
Name: "nr1",
Channel: "ch1",
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
EndpointID: 1,
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
Name: "nr2",
MessageTemplate: "body2",
name: "find options offset",
fields: NotificationRuleFields{
Orgs: []*influxdb.Organization{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
Name: "org1",
ID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
Name: "org4",
NotificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
EndpointID: 1,
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
Name: "nr1",
Channel: "ch1",
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
EndpointID: 1,
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
Name: "nr2",
MessageTemplate: "body2",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
EndpointID: 1,
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
Name: "nr3",
MessageTemplate: "msg",
args: args{
filter: influxdb.NotificationRuleFilter{
OrgID: idPtr(MustIDBase16(oneID)),
opts: influxdb.FindOptions{
Offset: 1,
wants: wants{
notificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
EndpointID: 1,
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
Name: "nr2",
MessageTemplate: "body2",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
EndpointID: 1,
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
Name: "nr3",
MessageTemplate: "msg",
name: "find nothing",
fields: NotificationRuleFields{
Orgs: []*influxdb.Organization{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
Name: "org1",
ID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
Name: "org4",
NotificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
EndpointID: 1,
Name: "nr1",
Channel: "ch1",
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
EndpointID: 1,
Name: "nr2",
MessageTemplate: "body2",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
EndpointID: 1,
Name: "nr3",
MessageTemplate: "msg",
args: args{
filter: influxdb.NotificationRuleFilter{
OrgID: MustIDBase16Ptr(threeID),
wants: wants{},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
s, _, done := init(tt.fields, t)
defer done()
ctx := context.Background()
nrs, n, err := s.FindNotificationRules(ctx, tt.args.filter, tt.args.opts)
ErrorsEqual(t, err, tt.wants.err)
if n != len(tt.wants.notificationRules) {
t.Fatalf("notification rules length is different got %d, want %d", n, len(tt.wants.notificationRules))
if diff := cmp.Diff(nrs, tt.wants.notificationRules, notificationRuleCmpOptions...); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("notification rules are different -got/+want\ndiff %s", diff)
// UpdateNotificationRule testing.
func UpdateNotificationRule(
init notificationRuleFactory,
t *testing.T,
) {
type args struct {
userID influxdb.ID
id influxdb.ID
notificationRule influxdb.NotificationRule
type wants struct {
notificationRule influxdb.NotificationRule
err error
tests := []struct {
name string
fields NotificationRuleFields
args args
wants wants
name: "can't find the id",
fields: NotificationRuleFields{
TimeGenerator: fakeGenerator,
NotificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
Name: "name1",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink1",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
Channel: "channel1",
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
Name: "name2",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink2",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
MessageTemplate: "msg",
args: args{
userID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
id: MustIDBase16(fourID),
notificationRule: &rule.Slack{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
Name: "name2",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink3",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("2h"),
MessageTemplate: "msg2",
wants: wants{
err: &influxdb.Error{
Code: influxdb.ENotFound,
Msg: "notification rule not found",
name: "regular update",
fields: NotificationRuleFields{
TimeGenerator: fakeGenerator,
IDGenerator: mock.NewIDGenerator(twoID, t),
Tasks: []influxdb.TaskCreate{
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrganizationID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
Flux: `from(bucket: "foo") |> range(start: -1m)
option task = {name: "bar", every: 1m}
Endpoints: []influxdb.NotificationEndpoint{
URL: "http://localhost:7777",
Token: influxdb.SecretField{
// TODO(desa): not sure why this has to end in token, but it does
Key: "020f755c3c082001-token",
Value: pointer.String("abc123"),
Base: endpoint.Base{
OrgID: MustIDBase16Ptr(fourID),
Name: "foo",
Status: influxdb.Active,
Orgs: []*influxdb.Organization{
ID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
Name: "foo",
NotificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
Name: "name1",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
StatusRules: []notification.StatusRule{
CurrentLevel: notification.Info,
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
TaskID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink1",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
Channel: "channel1",
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
Name: "name2",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
StatusRules: []notification.StatusRule{
CurrentLevel: notification.Info,
TaskID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink2",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
MessageTemplate: "msg",
args: args{
userID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
id: MustIDBase16(twoID),
notificationRule: &rule.Slack{
Base: rule.Base{
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
Name: "name3",
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
StatusRules: []notification.StatusRule{
CurrentLevel: notification.Info,
RunbookLink: "runbooklink3",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("2h"),
MessageTemplate: "msg2",
wants: wants{
notificationRule: &rule.Slack{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
Name: "name3",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
TaskID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
StatusRules: []notification.StatusRule{
CurrentLevel: notification.Info,
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink3",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("2h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: fakeDate,
MessageTemplate: "msg2",
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
s, _, done := init(tt.fields, t)
defer done()
ctx := context.Background()
nrc := influxdb.NotificationRuleCreate{
NotificationRule: tt.args.notificationRule,
Status: influxdb.Active,
tc, err := s.UpdateNotificationRule(ctx, tt.args.id,
nrc, tt.args.userID)
ErrorsEqual(t, err, tt.wants.err)
if diff := cmp.Diff(tc, tt.wants.notificationRule, notificationRuleCmpOptions...); tt.wants.err == nil && diff != "" {
t.Errorf("notificationRules are different -got/+want\ndiff %s", diff)
// PatchNotificationRule testing.
func PatchNotificationRule(
init notificationRuleFactory,
t *testing.T,
) {
name3 := "name2"
status3 := influxdb.Inactive
type args struct {
//userID influxdb.ID
id influxdb.ID
upd influxdb.NotificationRuleUpdate
type wants struct {
notificationRule influxdb.NotificationRule
err error
tests := []struct {
name string
fields NotificationRuleFields
args args
wants wants
name: "can't find the id",
fields: NotificationRuleFields{
TimeGenerator: fakeGenerator,
NotificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
Name: "name1",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink1",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
Channel: "channel1",
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
Name: "name2",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink2",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
MessageTemplate: "msg",
args: args{
id: MustIDBase16(fourID),
upd: influxdb.NotificationRuleUpdate{
Name: &name3,
Status: &status3,
wants: wants{
err: &influxdb.Error{
Code: influxdb.ENotFound,
Msg: "notification rule not found",
name: "patch without status",
fields: NotificationRuleFields{
TimeGenerator: fakeGenerator,
IDGenerator: mock.NewIDGenerator(twoID, t),
Tasks: []influxdb.TaskCreate{
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrganizationID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
Flux: `from(bucket: "foo") |> range(start: -1m)
option task = {name: "bar", every: 1m}
Endpoints: []influxdb.NotificationEndpoint{
URL: "http://localhost:7777",
Token: influxdb.SecretField{
// TODO(desa): not sure why this has to end in token, but it does
Key: "020f755c3c082001-token",
Value: pointer.String("abc123"),
Base: endpoint.Base{
OrgID: MustIDBase16Ptr(fourID),
Name: "foo",
Status: influxdb.Active,
NotificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
Name: "name1",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink1",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
StatusRules: []notification.StatusRule{
CurrentLevel: notification.Critical,
CurrentLevel: notification.Info,
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
Channel: "channel1",
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
Name: "name2",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
TaskID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
StatusRules: []notification.StatusRule{
CurrentLevel: notification.Critical,
CurrentLevel: notification.Info,
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink2",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
MessageTemplate: "msg",
Orgs: []*influxdb.Organization{
ID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
Name: "foo",
args: args{
id: MustIDBase16(twoID),
upd: influxdb.NotificationRuleUpdate{
Name: &name3,
wants: wants{
notificationRule: &rule.Slack{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
Name: name3,
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
TaskID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
StatusRules: []notification.StatusRule{
CurrentLevel: notification.Critical,
CurrentLevel: notification.Info,
RunbookLink: "runbooklink2",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: fakeDate,
MessageTemplate: "msg",
name: "regular patch",
fields: NotificationRuleFields{
TimeGenerator: fakeGenerator,
IDGenerator: mock.NewIDGenerator(twoID, t),
Tasks: []influxdb.TaskCreate{
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrganizationID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
Flux: `from(bucket: "foo") |> range(start: -1m)
option task = {name: "bar", every: 1m}
Endpoints: []influxdb.NotificationEndpoint{
URL: "http://localhost:7777",
Token: influxdb.SecretField{
// TODO(desa): not sure why this has to end in token, but it does
Key: "020f755c3c082001-token",
Value: pointer.String("abc123"),
Base: endpoint.Base{
OrgID: MustIDBase16Ptr(fourID),
Name: "foo",
Status: influxdb.Active,
NotificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
Name: "name1",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink1",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
StatusRules: []notification.StatusRule{
CurrentLevel: notification.Critical,
CurrentLevel: notification.Info,
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
Channel: "channel1",
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
Name: "name2",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
TaskID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
StatusRules: []notification.StatusRule{
CurrentLevel: notification.Critical,
CurrentLevel: notification.Info,
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink2",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
MessageTemplate: "msg",
Orgs: []*influxdb.Organization{
ID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
Name: "foo",
args: args{
id: MustIDBase16(twoID),
upd: influxdb.NotificationRuleUpdate{
Name: &name3,
Status: &status3,
wants: wants{
notificationRule: &rule.Slack{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
Name: name3,
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
TaskID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
StatusRules: []notification.StatusRule{
CurrentLevel: notification.Critical,
CurrentLevel: notification.Info,
RunbookLink: "runbooklink2",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: fakeDate,
MessageTemplate: "msg",
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
s, _, done := init(tt.fields, t)
defer done()
ctx := context.Background()
tc, err := s.PatchNotificationRule(ctx, tt.args.id, tt.args.upd)
ErrorsEqual(t, err, tt.wants.err)
if diff := cmp.Diff(tc, tt.wants.notificationRule, notificationRuleCmpOptions...); tt.wants.err == nil && diff != "" {
t.Errorf("notificationRules are different -got/+want\ndiff %s", diff)
// DeleteNotificationRule testing.
func DeleteNotificationRule(
init notificationRuleFactory,
t *testing.T,
) {
type args struct {
id influxdb.ID
orgID influxdb.ID
type wants struct {
notificationRules []influxdb.NotificationRule
err error
tests := []struct {
name string
fields NotificationRuleFields
args args
wants wants
name: "bad id",
fields: NotificationRuleFields{
NotificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
Name: "name1",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink1",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
Channel: "channel1",
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
Name: "name2",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink2",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
MessageTemplate: "msg",
args: args{
id: influxdb.ID(0),
orgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
wants: wants{
err: &influxdb.Error{
Code: influxdb.EInvalid,
Msg: "provided notification rule ID has invalid format",
notificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
Name: "name1",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink1",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
Channel: "channel1",
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
Name: "name2",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink2",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
MessageTemplate: "msg",
name: "none existing config",
fields: NotificationRuleFields{
IDGenerator: mock.NewIDGenerator(twoID, t),
Tasks: []influxdb.TaskCreate{
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrganizationID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
Flux: `from(bucket: "foo") |> range(start: -1m)
option task = {name: "bar", every: 1m}
Orgs: []*influxdb.Organization{
ID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
Name: "foo",
NotificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
Name: "name1",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink1",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
Channel: "channel1",
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
Name: "name2",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
TaskID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink2",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
MessageTemplate: "msg",
args: args{
id: MustIDBase16(fourID),
orgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
wants: wants{
err: &influxdb.Error{
Code: influxdb.ENotFound,
Msg: "notification rule not found",
notificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
Name: "name1",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink1",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
Channel: "channel1",
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
Name: "name2",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink2",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
MessageTemplate: "msg",
name: "regular delete",
fields: NotificationRuleFields{
Tasks: []influxdb.TaskCreate{
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrganizationID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
Flux: `from(bucket: "foo") |> range(start: -1m)
option task = {name: "bar", every: 1m}
IDGenerator: mock.NewIDGenerator(twoID, t),
Orgs: []*influxdb.Organization{
ID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
Name: "foo",
NotificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
Name: "name1",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
TaskID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink1",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
Channel: "channel1",
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
Name: "name2",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
TaskID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink2",
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
MessageTemplate: "msg",
args: args{
id: MustIDBase16(twoID),
orgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
wants: wants{
notificationRules: []influxdb.NotificationRule{
Base: rule.Base{
ID: MustIDBase16(oneID),
Name: "name1",
OwnerID: MustIDBase16(sixID),
OrgID: MustIDBase16(fourID),
TaskID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
EndpointID: MustIDBase16(twoID),
RunbookLink: "runbooklink1",
SleepUntil: &time3,
Every: mustDuration("1h"),
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{
CreatedAt: timeGen1.Now(),
UpdatedAt: timeGen2.Now(),
Channel: "channel1",
MessageTemplate: "msg1",
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
s, _, done := init(tt.fields, t)
defer done()
ctx := context.Background()
err := s.DeleteNotificationRule(ctx, tt.args.id)
ErrorsEqual(t, err, tt.wants.err)
filter := influxdb.NotificationRuleFilter{
OrgID: &tt.args.orgID,
nrs, n, err := s.FindNotificationRules(ctx, filter)
if err != nil && tt.wants.err == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected errors to be nil got '%v'", err)
if err != nil && tt.wants.err != nil {
if want, got := tt.wants.err.Error(), err.Error(); want != got {
t.Fatalf("expected error '%v' got '%v'", tt.wants.err, err)
if n != len(tt.wants.notificationRules) {
t.Fatalf("notification rules length is different got %d, want %d", n, len(tt.wants.notificationRules))
if diff := cmp.Diff(nrs, tt.wants.notificationRules, notificationRuleCmpOptions...); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("notification rules are different -got/+want\ndiff %s", diff)
// MustIDBase16 is an helper to ensure a correct ID is built during testing.
func MustIDBase16(s string) influxdb.ID {
id, err := influxdb.IDFromString(s)
if err != nil {
return *id
// MustIDBase16Ptr is an helper to ensure a correct *ID is built during testing.
func MustIDBase16Ptr(s string) *influxdb.ID {
id := MustIDBase16(s)
return &id
// ErrorsEqual checks to see if the provided errors are equivalent.
func ErrorsEqual(t *testing.T, actual, expected error) {
if expected == nil && actual == nil {
if expected == nil && actual != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error %s", actual.Error())
if expected != nil && actual == nil {
t.Errorf("expected error %s but received nil", expected.Error())
if influxdb.ErrorCode(expected) != influxdb.ErrorCode(actual) {
t.Logf("\nexpected: %v\nactual: %v\n\n", expected, actual)
t.Errorf("expected error code %q but received %q", influxdb.ErrorCode(expected), influxdb.ErrorCode(actual))
if influxdb.ErrorMessage(expected) != influxdb.ErrorMessage(actual) {
t.Logf("\nexpected: %v\nactual: %v\n\n", expected, actual)
t.Errorf("expected error message %q but received %q", influxdb.ErrorMessage(expected), influxdb.ErrorMessage(actual))
func idPtr(id influxdb.ID) *influxdb.ID {
return &id
func mustDuration(d string) *notification.Duration {
dur, err := time.ParseDuration(d)
if err != nil {
ndur, err := notification.FromTimeDuration(dur)
if err != nil {
// Filter out the zero values from the duration.
durs := make([]ast.Duration, 0, len(ndur.Values))
for _, d := range ndur.Values {
if d.Magnitude != 0 {
durs = append(durs, d)
ndur.Values = durs
return &ndur