228 lines
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228 lines
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package v1tests
import (
icontext "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/v2/context"
func OpenServer(t *testing.T, extra ...launcher.OptSetter) *tests.DefaultPipeline {
defaults := []launcher.OptSetter{
func(o *launcher.InfluxdOpts) {
o.LogLevel = zapcore.ErrorLevel
p := tests.NewDefaultPipeline(t, append(defaults, extra...)...)
return p
type Query struct {
name string
command string
params url.Values
exp, got string
skip string
skipOthers bool // set to true to only run this test
repeat int
once bool
// Execute runs the command and returns an err if it fails
func (q *Query) Execute(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, db string, c *tests.Client) (err error) {
params := [][2]string{{"q", q.command}}
if qdb := q.params.Get("db"); len(qdb) > 0 {
params = append(params, [2]string{"db", qdb})
if epoch := q.params.Get("epoch"); len(epoch) > 0 {
params = append(params, [2]string{"epoch", epoch})
if parameters := q.params.Get("params"); len(parameters) > 0 {
params = append(params, [2]string{"params", parameters})
if chunked := q.params.Get("chunked"); len(chunked) > 0 {
params = append(params, [2]string{"chunked", chunked})
if chunkSize := q.params.Get("chunk_size"); len(chunkSize) > 0 {
params = append(params, [2]string{"chunk_size", chunkSize})
err = c.Client.Get("/query").
Header("Accept", "application/json").
RespFn(func(resp *http.Response) error {
require.Equal(t, "application/json", resp.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
q.got = strings.TrimSpace(string(b))
return err
type Write struct {
data string
type Writes []*Write
type Test struct {
orgID influxdb.ID
bucketID influxdb.ID
db string
rp string
writes Writes
queries []*Query
noDefaultMapping bool
noWrites bool
func NewTest(db, rp string) Test {
return Test{
db: db,
rp: rp,
// NewEmptyTest creates an empty test without a default database and retention policy mapping or
// any expected writes.
func NewEmptyTest() Test {
return Test{noDefaultMapping: true, noWrites: true}
func (qt *Test) Run(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, p *tests.DefaultPipeline) {
fx, auth := qt.init(ctx, t, p)
ctx = icontext.SetAuthorizer(ctx, auth)
skipOthers := false
for _, query := range qt.queries {
skipOthers = skipOthers || query.skipOthers
var queries []*Query
if skipOthers {
queries = make([]*Query, 0, len(qt.queries))
for _, query := range qt.queries {
if query.skipOthers {
queries = append(queries, query)
} else {
queries = qt.queries
for _, query := range queries {
t.Run(query.name, func(t *testing.T) {
if query.skip != "" {
t.Skipf("SKIP:: %s", query.skip)
err := query.Execute(ctx, t, qt.db, fx.Admin)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, query.exp, query.got,
"%s: unexpected results\nquery: %s\nparams: %v\nexp: %s\nactual: %s\n",
query.name, query.command, query.params, query.exp, query.got)
func (qt *Test) addQueries(q ...*Query) {
qt.queries = append(qt.queries, q...)
func (qt *Test) init(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, p *tests.DefaultPipeline) (fx pipeline.BaseFixture, auth *influxdb.Authorization) {
qt.orgID = p.DefaultOrgID
qt.bucketID = p.DefaultBucketID
fx = pipeline.NewBaseFixture(t, p.Pipeline, qt.orgID, qt.bucketID)
if !qt.noWrites {
require.Greater(t, len(qt.writes), 0)
qt.writeTestData(ctx, t, fx.Admin)
auth = tests.MakeAuthorization(qt.orgID, p.DefaultUserID, influxdb.OperPermissions())
if !qt.noDefaultMapping {
ctx = icontext.SetAuthorizer(ctx, auth)
err := p.Launcher.
Create(ctx, &influxdb.DBRPMappingV2{
Database: qt.db,
RetentionPolicy: qt.rp,
Default: true,
OrganizationID: qt.orgID,
BucketID: qt.bucketID,
require.NoError(t, err)
func (qt *Test) writeTestData(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, c *tests.Client) {
for _, w := range qt.writes {
err := c.Write(ctx, qt.orgID, qt.bucketID, strings.NewReader(w.data))
require.NoError(t, err)
func maxInt64() string {
maxInt64, _ := json.Marshal(^int64(0))
return string(maxInt64)
func now() time.Time {
return time.Now().UTC()
func yesterday() time.Time {
return now().Add(-1 * time.Hour * 24)
func mustParseTime(layout, value string) time.Time {
tm, err := time.Parse(layout, value)
if err != nil {
return tm
func mustParseLocation(tzname string) *time.Location {
loc, err := time.LoadLocation(tzname)
if err != nil {
return loc
var LosAngeles = mustParseLocation("America/Los_Angeles")