153 lines
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153 lines
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Feature: Settings - Labels
As a user I want to Read Create Update and Delete Labels
So that I can manage the tag items used with Influxdbv2
Scenario: Open Labels Tab
Given I reset the environment
Given run setup over REST "DEFAULT"
When open the signin page
When UI sign in user "DEFAULT"
When click nav menu item "Settings"
When click the settings tab "Labels"
Then the labels Tab is loaded
Scenario: Exercise Create Label Popup
When I click the empty state Create Label button
Then the create Label popup is loaded
When dismiss the popup
Then popup is not loaded
When I click the header Create Label button
Then the create Label popup is loaded
When cancel the create label popup
Then popup is not loaded
When I click the header Create Label button
Then the color input color matches the preview color
Then the preview label pill contains "Name this Label"
When enter the value "Etiketa" into the label popup name input
Then the preview label pill contains "Etiketa"
When clear the label popup color input
Then the form element error message is "Please enter a hexcode"
When enter the value "#" into the label popup color input
Then the form element error message is "Must be 7 characters"
When clear the label popup color input
When enter the value "#FFC0CB" into the label popup color input
Then the color input color matches the preview color
When click the color select button I'm feeling lucky
Then the value in the label popup color input is not "#FFC0CB"
Then the color input color matches the preview color
When click the label popup color swatch "Ruby"
Then the value in the label popup color input is "#BF3D5E"
Then the color input color matches the preview color
Then the label popup preview text color is "#FFFFFF"
When click the label popup color swatch "Onyx"
Then the value in the label popup color input is "#31313d"
Then the color input color matches the preview color
Then the label popup preview text color is "#FFFFFF"
When click the label popup color swatch "Laser"
Then the value in the label popup color input is "#00C9FF"
Then the color input color matches the preview color
Then the label popup preview text color is "#202028"
When dismiss the popup
Then popup is not loaded
Scenario Outline: Create Label
When I click the header Create Label button
When clear the label popup name input
When enter the value "<NAME>" into the label popup name input
When clear the label popup description input
When enter the value "<DESCRIPTION>" into the label popup description input
When set the color in the label popup to "<COLOR>"
When click the label popup Create Label button
Then there is a label card named "<NAME>" in the labels list
Then the label card "<NAME>" has a pill colored "<COLOR>"
Then the label card "<NAME>" has description "<DESCRIPTION>"
| Buk | Fagus sylvatica | Topaz |
| Habr | Carpinus betulus | #D2691E |
| Jilm | Ulmus laevis | Thunder |
| Javor | Acer pseudoplatanus | #924544 |
| Bouleau | Betula verrucosa | #F5EAD5 |
Scenario: Edit Label
When I click the Label Card Pill "Bouleau"
Then the edit label popup is loaded
When clear the label popup name input
When enter the value "Briza" into the label popup name input
When clear the label popup description input
When enter the value "Betula pendula" into the label popup description input
When set the color in the label popup to "#ECFC31"
Then the color input color matches the preview color
When click the label popup Save Changes button
Then there is a label card named "Briza" in the labels list
Then the label card "Briza" has a pill colored "#ECFC31"
Then the label card "Briza" has description "Betula pendula"
Scenario: Sort By Name
Then the first labels are sorted as "Briza,Buk,Habr,Javor,Jilm"
When click the sort type dropdown
When click sort by item "Name Desc"
Then the first labels are sorted as "Jilm,Javor,Habr,Buk,Briza"
When click the sort type dropdown
When click sort by item "Name Asc"
Then the first labels are sorted as "Briza,Buk,Habr,Javor,Jilm"
Scenario: Sort By Description
When click the sort type dropdown
When click sort by item "Properties.Description Asc"
#When click sort label by description
Then the first labels are sorted as "Javor,Briza,Habr,Buk,Jilm"
When click the sort type dropdown
When click sort by item "Properties.Description Desc"
#When click sort label by description
Then the first labels are sorted as "Jilm,Buk,Habr,Briza,Javor"
Scenario: Filter Labels
When clear the labels filter input
When enter the value "J" into the label filter
Then the first labels are sorted as "Jilm,Javor"
Then the labels "Briza,Buk,Habr" are not present
When enter the value "AV" into the label filter
Then the first labels are sorted as "Javor"
Then the labels "Briza,Buk,Habr,Jilm" are not present
When clear the labels filter input
When enter the value "betul" into the label filter
Then the first labels are sorted as "Habr,Briza"
Then the labels "Buk,Javor,Jilm" are not present
When click the sort type dropdown
When click sort by item "Name Desc"
# There is a third neutral phase to the toggle - not anymore
#When click sort label by name
Then the first labels are sorted as "Habr,Briza"
When click the sort type dropdown
When click sort by item "Name Asc"
Then the first labels are sorted as "Briza,Habr"
When clear the labels filter input
Then the first labels are sorted as "Briza,Buk,Habr,Javor,Jilm"
Scenario Outline: Delete Label
When hover over label card "<NAME>"
When click delete for the label card "<NAME>"
When click delete confirm for the label card "<NAME>"
Then the labels "<NAME>" are not present
| NAME |
| Briza |
| Buk |
| Habr |
| Javor |
| Jilm |