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Feature: Monitoring - Alerts - History
As a user I want to setup alerts
So that I can be notified of important changes in the data
Scenario: Load Initial Alerts view
Given I reset the environment
Given run setup over REST "DEFAULT"
When API sign in user "DEFAULT"
When start live data generator
# It seems 5s is the quickest we can use stably given default values in create check controls
# Tried 1s, but need to use agg function like mean so the checks do not seem to match
{ "pulse": 5000, "model": "count10" }
When wait "10" seconds
When create check over API from file "etc/test-data/test_threshold_check.json" for user "DEFAULT"
When create check over API from file "etc/test-data/test_deadman_crit_check.json" for user "DEFAULT"
When open the signin page
When UI sign in user "DEFAULT"
When click nav menu item "Alerting"
Then the Alerting page is loaded
# Need to create events for toggle markers
When wait "60" seconds
# Exercise controls
Scenario: Exercise Event History Controls
When hover over the name of the check card "Threshold Check from File"
When click open history of the check card "Threshold Check from File"
When click open history confirm of the check card "Threshold Check from File"
When click event history filter input
Then the event history examples dropdown is visible
When click the alert history title
Then the event history examples dropdown is not visible
When get events history graph area
When get event marker types and locations
When zoom into event markers
Then the event marker locations have changed
Then the events history graph has changed
Then the event toggle "OK" is off
Then the event toggle "CRIT" is on
When get events history graph area
When get event marker types and locations
When double click history graph area
Then the event marker locations have changed
Then the events history graph has changed
Then the event toggle "OK" is off
Then the event toggle "CRIT" is on
# Toggle markers
#incl. hover bars and heads
# Filter - N.B. clear filter shows all checks