184 lines
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184 lines
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Feature: Load Data - Tokens
Scenario: Load Initial Tokens tab
Given I reset the environment
Given run setup over REST "DEFAULT"
When API sign in user "DEFAULT"
When API create a bucket named "Duchamp" for user "DEFAULT"
When API create a bucket named "Courbet" for user "DEFAULT"
When API create a bucket named "Corot" for user "DEFAULT"
When open the signin page
When UI sign in user "DEFAULT"
When click nav menu item "LoadData"
When click load data tab "Tokens"
Then the tokens tab is loaded
Then the tokens list contains the token described as "admin's Token"
Scenario: Exercise Create Read/Write Token Popup
When click the generate token dropdown
When click the generate token item "read-write"
Then the generate read-write token popup is loaded
When click the "Read" radio button "All Buckets"
Then the "Read" panel shows the empty state text
Then the bucket selector for the "Read" panel is not present
When click the "Write" radio button "All Buckets"
Then the "Write" panel shows the empty state text
Then the bucket selector for the "Write" panel is not present
When click the "Read" radio button "Scoped"
Then the "Read" panel empty state text is not present
Then the "Read" panel bucket selector is present
When click the "Write" radio button "Scoped"
Then the "Write" panel empty state text is not present
Then the "Write" panel bucket selector is present
Then the "Read" panel bucket list contains "DEFAULT,Corot,Courbet,Duchamp"
Then the "Write" panel bucket list contains "DEFAULT,Corot,Courbet,Duchamp"
When filter the "Read" panel bucket selector with "Co"
Then the "Read" panel bucket list contains "Corot,Courbet"
Then the "Read" panel bucket list does not contain "DEFAULT,Duchamp"
When clear the "Read" panel bucket selector
Then the "Read" panel bucket list contains "DEFAULT,Corot,Courbet,Duchamp"
When filter the "Write" panel bucket selector with "Co"
Then the "Write" panel bucket list contains "Corot,Courbet"
Then the "Write" panel bucket list does not contain "DEFAULT,Duchamp"
When clear the "Write" panel bucket selector
Then the "Write" panel bucket list contains "DEFAULT,Corot,Courbet,Duchamp"
When click "Read" panel select all buckets
Then the "Read" panel buckets "DEFAULT,Corot,Courbet,Duchamp" are selected
When click "Read" panel deselect all buckets
Then the "Read" panel buckets "DEFAULT,Corot,Courbet,Duchamp" are not selected
When click the "Read" panel bucket "Courbet"
Then the "Read" panel buckets "Courbet" are selected
Then the "Read" panel buckets "DEFAULT,Corot,Duchamp" are not selected
When click the "Read" panel bucket "Courbet"
Then the "Read" panel buckets "DEFAULT,Corot,Courbet,Duchamp" are not selected
When click "Write" panel select all buckets
Then the "Write" panel buckets "DEFAULT,Corot,Courbet,Duchamp" are selected
When click "Write" panel deselect all buckets
Then the "Write" panel buckets "DEFAULT,Corot,Courbet,Duchamp" are not selected
When click the "Write" panel bucket "Courbet"
Then the "Write" panel buckets "Courbet" are selected
Then the "Write" panel buckets "DEFAULT,Corot,Duchamp" are not selected
When click the "Write" panel bucket "Courbet"
Then the "Write" panel buckets "DEFAULT,Corot,Courbet,Duchamp" are not selected
When dismiss the popup
Then popup is not loaded
When click the generate token dropdown
When click the generate token item "read-write"
Then the generate read-write token popup is loaded
When click popup cancel button
Then popup is not loaded
Scenario: Exercise Create All Access Token Popup
When click the generate token dropdown
When click the generate token item "all-access"
Then the generate all-access token popup is loaded
When dismiss the popup
Then popup is not loaded
When click the generate token dropdown
When click the generate token item "all-access"
When click all-access token popup cancel
Then popup is not loaded
Scenario Outline: Create Token
When click the generate token dropdown
When select token type based on <PRIVILEGES> type
When set token description for <PRIVILEGES> as <DESCR>
When set token privileges for <BUCKET> as <PRIVILEGES>
When click popup save based on <PRIVILEGES>
Then the success notification contains "Token was created successfully"
When close all notifications
Then the tokens list contains the token described as "<DESCR>"
| Un enterrement a Ornans | Courbet | RW |
| Nu descendant un escalier | Duchamp | R |
| La Femme a la perle | Corot | RW |
| Dismaland | DEFAULT | R |
| Cambpells Soup | All | RW |
| La Jocande | ALL |ALL |
Scenario Outline: Disable Token
When disable the token described as <DESCR>
Then the token described as <DESCR> is disabled
| Dismaland |
| Nu descendant un escalier |
| Cambpells Soup |
# Scenario: Sort By Status # not working see issue 15301
Scenario: Sort By Name
Then the first tokens are sorted by description as "admin's Token, Campbells Soup, Dismaland, La Femme a la perle, La Jocande"
When click the tokens sorter button
When click the tokens sorter item "Description Asc"
Then the first tokens are sorted by description as "Un enterrement a Ornans, Nu descendant un escalier, La Jocande, La Femme a la perle, Dismaland"
When click the tokens sorter button
When click the tokens sorter item "Description Desc"
Then the first tokens are sorted by description as "admin's Token, Campbells Soup, Dismaland, La Femme a la perle, La Jocande"
Scenario: Edit Description
When hover over the token description "La Jocande"
When click the token description toggle for "La Jocande"
When clear the edit input for description "La Jocande"
When set the new description of "La Jocande" to "La Dame a l hermine"
Then the success notification contains "Token was updated successfully"
Then the tokens list contains the token described as "La Dame a l hermine"
Then the tokens list does not contain the token described as "La Jocande"
When close all notifications
Scenario: Enable Token
When enable the token described as "Nu descendant un escalier"
Then the token described as "Nu descendant un escalier" is enabled
Then the success notification contains "Token was updated successfully"
When close all notifications
Scenario Outline: Review Token
When click on the token described as "<DESCR>"
Then the review token popup is loaded
Then the review token popup matches "<BUCKETS>" and "<PRIVILEGES>"
When dismiss the popup
Then popup is not loaded
| Un enterrement a Ornans | Courbet | read,write |
| Nu descendant un escalier | Duchamp | read |
| Cambpells Soup | All | read,write |
| La Dame a l hermine | ALL |ALL |
Scenario Outline: Delete Token
When hover over token card described as "<DESCR>"
When click the delete button of the token card described as "<DESCR>"
When click delete confirm of the token card described as "<DESCR>"
#When click token card popover delete confirm
Then the success notification contains "Token was deleted successfully"
Then the tokens list does not contain the token described as "<DESCR>"
Then close all notifications
| Un enterrement a Ornans |
| Nu descendant un escalier |
| La Femme a la perle |
| Dismaland |
| Cambpells Soup |
| La Dame a l hermine |