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157 lines
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Feature: Load Data - Scrapers
As a user I want to Read Create Update and Delete Scrapers
So that I can manage the stores used with Influxdbv2
# Move exercise create scraper popup here
# N.B. can verify scrapers at endpoint http://localhost:8086/api/v2/scrapers
Scenario: Load Initial Scrapers tab
Given I reset the environment
Given run setup over REST "DEFAULT"
When API sign in user "DEFAULT"
When API create a bucket named "Duchamp" for user "DEFAULT"
When open the signin page
When UI sign in user "DEFAULT"
When click nav menu item "LoadData"
When click load data tab "Scrapers"
Then the scrapers tab is loaded
Scenario: Exercise create Scraper popup
When click the create scraper button empty
Then the Create Scraper popup is loaded
When dismiss the Create Scraper popup
Then the Create Scraper popup is no longer present
When click the create scraper button from the header
Then the Create Scraper popup is loaded
When cancel the Create Scraper popup
Then the Create Scraper popup is no longer present
When click the create scraper button empty
Then the Create Scraper popup is loaded
When clear the Scraper Popup name input
Then the form element error message is "Name cannot be empty"
Then a form input error icon is shown
Then the Create Scrapper popup create button is disabled
When enter the name "Mumford" into the Create Scraper popup name input
Then the form element error message is not shown
Then no form input error icon is shown
Then the Create Scrapper popup create button is enabled
When click the Create Scrapper buckets dropdown
Then an item for the bucket "DEFAULT" is an item in the buckets dropdown
Then an item for the bucket "Duchamp" is an item in the buckets dropdown
When click the Create Scrapper buckets dropdown
Then NO items in the buckets dropdown are shown
When clear Scraper Popup the Target Url input
Then the form element error message is "Target URL cannot be empty"
Then a form input error icon is shown
Then the Create Scrapper popup create button is disabled
When enter the value "http://localhost:8086/metrics" into the Create Scraper popup url input
Then the form element error message is not shown
Then no form input error icon is shown
Then the Create Scrapper popup create button is enabled
When dismiss the Create Scraper popup
Then the Create Scraper popup is no longer present
Scenario Outline: Create Scrapers
When click the create scraper button from the header
When clear the Scraper Popup name input
When enter the name "<NAME>" into the Create Scraper popup name input
When click the Create Scrapper buckets dropdown
When select the Scrapper buckets dropdown item "<BUCKET>"
When clear Scraper Popup the Target Url input
When enter the value "<ENDPOINT>" into the Create Scraper popup url input
When click the create scraper create button
Then the success notification contains "Scraper was created successfully"
When close all notifications
Then the create scraper button empty is no longer present
Then there is a scraper card for "<NAME>"
Then the scraper card named "<NAME>" has the bucket "<BUCKET>"
Then the scraper card named "<NAME>" has the endpoint "<ENDPOINT>"
| Melnik | http://localhost:8086/metrics | DEFAULT |
| Morlaix | http://localhost:8086/metrics | Duchamp |
| Brno | http://localhost:10018/bogus | DEFAULT |
| Brest | http://localhost:10018/bogus | Duchamp |
Scenario: Filter Scrapers
Then the scraper name sort order is "Brest,Brno,Melnik,Morlaix"
When enter the value "Br" into the scraper filter
Then the scraper name sort order is "Brest,Brno"
Then the scraper card "Melnik" is no longer present in the list
Then the scraper card "Morlaix" is no longer present in the list
When clear the scraper filter
Then the scraper name sort order is "Brest,Brno,Melnik,Morlaix"
Scenario: Sort Scrapers by Name
When click the sort type dropdown
When click sort by item "Name Desc"
#When click the scraper sort by name button
Then the scraper name sort order is "Morlaix,Melnik,Brno,Brest"
When click the sort type dropdown
When click sort by item "Name Asc"
#When click the scraper sort by name button
Then the scraper name sort order is "Brest,Brno,Melnik,Morlaix"
Scenario: Sort Scrapers by URL
When click the sort type dropdown
When click sort by item "URL Asc"
#When click the scraper sort By URL button
Then the scraper name sort order is "Brno,Brest,Melnik,Morlaix"
When click the sort type dropdown
When click sort by item "URL Desc"
#When click the scraper sort By URL button
Then the scraper name sort order is "Melnik,Morlaix,Brno,Brest"
Scenario: Sort Scrapers by Bucket
When click the sort type dropdown
When click sort by item "Bucket Asc"
#When click the scraper sort By Bucket button
Then the scraper name sort order is "Morlaix,Brest,Melnik,Brno"
When click the sort type dropdown
When click sort by item "Bucket Desc"
#When click the scraper sort By Bucket button
Then the scraper name sort order is "Melnik,Brno,Morlaix,Brest"
Scenario: Rename Scraper
When hover over the scraper card name "Brno"
When click the scraper card name edit control for the card "Brno"
When Enter the value "Plzeň" for the card "Brno"
Then the success notification contains "Scraper "Plzeň" was updated successfully"
Then there is a scraper card for "Plzeň"
Then the scraper card "Brno" is no longer present in the list
Scenario Outline: Verify Scraper data
Then the named query "<NAMED_QUERY>" by user "<USER>" on the bucket "<BUCKET>" contains the values "<EXPECTED_VALUES>"
|DEFAULT| Duchamp | Measurements | boltdb_reads_total,go_info,go_threads,influxdb_info,storage_reads_seeks |
|DEFAULT| DEFAULT | Measurements | boltdb_reads_total,go_info,go_threads,influxdb_info,storage_reads_seeks |
Scenario Outline: Delete Scraper
Then the delete button of the scraper card named "<NAME>" is not present
When hover over scraper card named "<NAME>"
When click the delete button of the scraper card named "<NAME>"
When click the confirm delete button of the scraper card named "<NAME>"
Then the scraper card "<NAME>" is no longer present in the list
| NAME |
| Melnik |
| Morlaix |
| Plzeň |
| Brest |