584 lines
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584 lines
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package tsdb
import (
var (
ErrSeriesFileClosed = errors.New("tsdb: series file closed")
ErrInvalidSeriesPartitionID = errors.New("tsdb: invalid series partition id")
const (
// SeriesFilePartitionN is the number of partitions a series file is split into.
SeriesFilePartitionN = 8
// SeriesFile represents the section of the index that holds series data.
type SeriesFile struct {
mu sync.Mutex // protects concurrent open and close
res lifecycle.Resource
path string
partitions []*SeriesPartition
// N.B we have many partitions, but they must share the same metrics, so the
// metrics are managed in a single shared package variable and
// each partition decorates the same metric measurements with different
// partition id label values.
defaultMetricLabels prometheus.Labels
metricsEnabled bool
LargeWriteThreshold int
Logger *zap.Logger
// NewSeriesFile returns a new instance of SeriesFile.
func NewSeriesFile(path string) *SeriesFile {
return &SeriesFile{
path: path,
metricsEnabled: true,
Logger: zap.NewNop(),
LargeWriteThreshold: DefaultLargeSeriesWriteThreshold,
// WithLogger sets the logger on the SeriesFile and all underlying partitions. It must be called before Open.
func (f *SeriesFile) WithLogger(log *zap.Logger) {
f.Logger = log.With(zap.String("service", "series-file"))
// SetDefaultMetricLabels sets the default labels for metrics on the Series File.
// It must be called before the SeriesFile is opened.
func (f *SeriesFile) SetDefaultMetricLabels(labels prometheus.Labels) {
f.defaultMetricLabels = make(prometheus.Labels, len(labels))
for k, v := range labels {
f.defaultMetricLabels[k] = v
// DisableMetrics ensures that activity is not collected via the prometheus metrics.
// DisableMetrics must be called before Open.
func (f *SeriesFile) DisableMetrics() {
f.metricsEnabled = false
// Open memory maps the data file at the file's path.
func (f *SeriesFile) Open(ctx context.Context) error {
defer f.mu.Unlock()
if f.res.Opened() {
return errors.New("series file already opened")
span, ctx := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx)
defer span.Finish()
_, logEnd := logger.NewOperation(ctx, f.Logger, "Opening Series File", "series_file_open", zap.String("path", f.path))
defer logEnd()
// Create path if it doesn't exist.
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(f.path), 0777); err != nil {
return err
// Initialise metrics for trackers.
if sms == nil && f.metricsEnabled {
sms = newSeriesFileMetrics(f.defaultMetricLabels)
if ims == nil && f.metricsEnabled {
// Make a copy of the default labels so that another label can be provided.
labels := make(prometheus.Labels, len(f.defaultMetricLabels))
for k, v := range f.defaultMetricLabels {
labels[k] = v
labels["series_file_partition"] = "" // All partitions have this label.
ims = rhh.NewMetrics(namespace, seriesFileSubsystem+"_index", labels)
// Open partitions.
f.partitions = make([]*SeriesPartition, 0, SeriesFilePartitionN)
for i := 0; i < SeriesFilePartitionN; i++ {
// TODO(edd): These partition initialisation should be moved up to NewSeriesFile.
p := NewSeriesPartition(i, f.SeriesPartitionPath(i))
p.LargeWriteThreshold = f.LargeWriteThreshold
p.Logger = f.Logger.With(zap.Int("partition", p.ID()))
// For each series file index, rhh trackers are used to track the RHH Hashmap.
// Each of the trackers needs to be given slightly different default
// labels to ensure the correct partition_ids are set as labels.
labels := make(prometheus.Labels, len(f.defaultMetricLabels))
for k, v := range f.defaultMetricLabels {
labels[k] = v
labels["series_file_partition"] = fmt.Sprint(p.ID())
p.index.rhhMetrics = ims
p.index.rhhLabels = labels
p.index.rhhMetricsEnabled = f.metricsEnabled
// Set the metric trackers on the partition with any injected default labels.
p.tracker = newSeriesPartitionTracker(sms, labels)
p.tracker.enabled = f.metricsEnabled
if err := p.Open(); err != nil {
return err
f.partitions = append(f.partitions, p)
// The resource is now open.
return nil
// Close unmaps the data file.
func (f *SeriesFile) Close() (err error) {
defer f.mu.Unlock()
// Close the resource and wait for any outstanding references.
for _, p := range f.partitions {
if e := p.Close(); e != nil && err == nil {
err = e
return err
// Path returns the path to the file.
func (f *SeriesFile) Path() string { return f.path }
// SeriesPartitionPath returns the path to a given partition.
func (f *SeriesFile) SeriesPartitionPath(i int) string {
return filepath.Join(f.path, fmt.Sprintf("%02x", i))
// Partitions returns all partitions.
func (f *SeriesFile) Partitions() []*SeriesPartition { return f.partitions }
// Acquire ensures that the series file won't be closed until after the reference
// has been released.
func (f *SeriesFile) Acquire() (*lifecycle.Reference, error) {
return f.res.Acquire()
// EnableCompactions allows compactions to run.
func (f *SeriesFile) EnableCompactions() {
for _, p := range f.partitions {
// DisableCompactions prevents new compactions from running.
func (f *SeriesFile) DisableCompactions() {
for _, p := range f.partitions {
// CreateSeriesListIfNotExists creates a list of series in bulk if they don't exist. It overwrites
// the collection's Keys and SeriesIDs fields. The collection's SeriesIDs slice will have IDs for
// every name+tags, creating new series IDs as needed. If any SeriesID is zero, then a type
// conflict has occurred for that series.
func (f *SeriesFile) CreateSeriesListIfNotExists(collection *SeriesCollection) error {
collection.SeriesKeys = GenerateSeriesKeys(collection.Names, collection.Tags)
collection.SeriesIDs = make([]SeriesID, len(collection.SeriesKeys))
keyPartitionIDs := f.SeriesKeysPartitionIDs(collection.SeriesKeys)
var g errgroup.Group
for i := range f.partitions {
p := f.partitions[i]
g.Go(func() error {
return p.CreateSeriesListIfNotExists(collection, keyPartitionIDs)
if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// DeleteSeriesID flags a series as permanently deleted.
// If the series is reintroduced later then it must create a new id.
func (f *SeriesFile) DeleteSeriesID(id SeriesID) error {
p := f.SeriesIDPartition(id)
if p == nil {
return ErrInvalidSeriesPartitionID
return p.DeleteSeriesID(id)
// IsDeleted returns true if the ID has been deleted before.
func (f *SeriesFile) IsDeleted(id SeriesID) bool {
p := f.SeriesIDPartition(id)
if p == nil {
return false
return p.IsDeleted(id)
// SeriesKey returns the series key for a given id.
func (f *SeriesFile) SeriesKey(id SeriesID) []byte {
if id.IsZero() {
return nil
p := f.SeriesIDPartition(id)
if p == nil {
return nil
return p.SeriesKey(id)
// SeriesKeyName returns the measurement name for a series id.
func (f *SeriesFile) SeriesKeyName(id SeriesID) []byte {
if id.IsZero() {
return nil
data := f.SeriesIDPartition(id).SeriesKey(id)
if data == nil {
return nil
_, data = ReadSeriesKeyLen(data)
name, _ := ReadSeriesKeyMeasurement(data)
return name
// SeriesKeys returns a list of series keys from a list of ids.
func (f *SeriesFile) SeriesKeys(ids []SeriesID) [][]byte {
keys := make([][]byte, len(ids))
for i := range ids {
keys[i] = f.SeriesKey(ids[i])
return keys
// Series returns the parsed series name and tags for an offset.
func (f *SeriesFile) Series(id SeriesID) ([]byte, models.Tags) {
key := f.SeriesKey(id)
if key == nil {
return nil, nil
return ParseSeriesKey(key)
// SeriesID returns the series id for the series.
func (f *SeriesFile) SeriesID(name []byte, tags models.Tags, buf []byte) SeriesID {
return f.SeriesIDTyped(name, tags, buf).SeriesID()
// SeriesIDTyped returns the typed series id for the series.
func (f *SeriesFile) SeriesIDTyped(name []byte, tags models.Tags, buf []byte) SeriesIDTyped {
key := AppendSeriesKey(buf[:0], name, tags)
return f.SeriesIDTypedBySeriesKey(key)
// SeriesIDTypedBySeriesKey returns the typed series id for the series.
func (f *SeriesFile) SeriesIDTypedBySeriesKey(key []byte) SeriesIDTyped {
keyPartition := f.SeriesKeyPartition(key)
if keyPartition == nil {
return SeriesIDTyped{}
return keyPartition.FindIDTypedBySeriesKey(key)
// HasSeries return true if the series exists.
func (f *SeriesFile) HasSeries(name []byte, tags models.Tags, buf []byte) bool {
return !f.SeriesID(name, tags, buf).IsZero()
// SeriesCount returns the number of series.
func (f *SeriesFile) SeriesCount() uint64 {
var n uint64
for _, p := range f.partitions {
n += p.SeriesCount()
return n
// SeriesIterator returns an iterator over all the series.
func (f *SeriesFile) SeriesIDIterator() SeriesIDIterator {
var ids []SeriesID
for _, p := range f.partitions {
ids = p.AppendSeriesIDs(ids)
sort.Slice(ids, func(i, j int) bool { return ids[i].Less(ids[j]) })
return NewSeriesIDSliceIterator(ids)
func (f *SeriesFile) SeriesIDPartitionID(id SeriesID) int {
return int((id.RawID() - 1) % SeriesFilePartitionN)
func (f *SeriesFile) SeriesIDPartition(id SeriesID) *SeriesPartition {
partitionID := f.SeriesIDPartitionID(id)
if partitionID >= len(f.partitions) {
return nil
return f.partitions[partitionID]
func (f *SeriesFile) SeriesKeysPartitionIDs(keys [][]byte) []int {
partitionIDs := make([]int, len(keys))
for i := range keys {
partitionIDs[i] = f.SeriesKeyPartitionID(keys[i])
return partitionIDs
func (f *SeriesFile) SeriesKeyPartitionID(key []byte) int {
return int(xxhash.Sum64(key) % SeriesFilePartitionN)
func (f *SeriesFile) SeriesKeyPartition(key []byte) *SeriesPartition {
partitionID := f.SeriesKeyPartitionID(key)
if partitionID >= len(f.partitions) {
return nil
return f.partitions[partitionID]
// AppendSeriesKey serializes name and tags to a byte slice.
// The total length is prepended as a uvarint.
func AppendSeriesKey(dst []byte, name []byte, tags models.Tags) []byte {
buf := make([]byte, binary.MaxVarintLen64)
origLen := len(dst)
// The tag count is variable encoded, so we need to know ahead of time what
// the size of the tag count value will be.
tcBuf := make([]byte, binary.MaxVarintLen64)
tcSz := binary.PutUvarint(tcBuf, uint64(len(tags)))
// Size of name/tags. Does not include total length.
size := 0 + //
2 + // size of measurement
len(name) + // measurement
tcSz + // size of number of tags
(4 * len(tags)) + // length of each tag key and value
tags.Size() // size of tag keys/values
// Variable encode length.
totalSz := binary.PutUvarint(buf, uint64(size))
// If caller doesn't provide a buffer then pre-allocate an exact one.
if dst == nil {
dst = make([]byte, 0, size+totalSz)
// Append total length.
dst = append(dst, buf[:totalSz]...)
// Append name.
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(buf, uint16(len(name)))
dst = append(dst, buf[:2]...)
dst = append(dst, name...)
// Append tag count.
dst = append(dst, tcBuf[:tcSz]...)
// Append tags.
for _, tag := range tags {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(buf, uint16(len(tag.Key)))
dst = append(dst, buf[:2]...)
dst = append(dst, tag.Key...)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(buf, uint16(len(tag.Value)))
dst = append(dst, buf[:2]...)
dst = append(dst, tag.Value...)
// Verify that the total length equals the encoded byte count.
if got, exp := len(dst)-origLen, size+totalSz; got != exp {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("series key encoding does not match calculated total length: actual=%d, exp=%d, key=%x", got, exp, dst))
return dst
// ReadSeriesKey returns the series key from the beginning of the buffer.
func ReadSeriesKey(data []byte) (key, remainder []byte) {
sz, n := binary.Uvarint(data)
return data[:int(sz)+n], data[int(sz)+n:]
func ReadSeriesKeyLen(data []byte) (sz int, remainder []byte) {
sz64, i := binary.Uvarint(data)
return int(sz64), data[i:]
func ReadSeriesKeyMeasurement(data []byte) (name, remainder []byte) {
n, data := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data), data[2:]
return data[:n], data[n:]
func ReadSeriesKeyTagN(data []byte) (n int, remainder []byte) {
n64, i := binary.Uvarint(data)
return int(n64), data[i:]
func ReadSeriesKeyTag(data []byte) (key, value, remainder []byte) {
n, data := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data), data[2:]
key, data = data[:n], data[n:]
n, data = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data), data[2:]
value, data = data[:n], data[n:]
return key, value, data
// ParseSeriesKey extracts the name & tags from a series key.
func ParseSeriesKey(data []byte) (name []byte, tags models.Tags) {
return parseSeriesKey(data, nil)
// ParseSeriesKeyInto extracts the name and tags for data, parsing the tags into
// dstTags, which is then returened.
// The returned dstTags may have a different length and capacity.
func ParseSeriesKeyInto(data []byte, dstTags models.Tags) ([]byte, models.Tags) {
return parseSeriesKey(data, dstTags)
// parseSeriesKey extracts the name and tags from data, attempting to re-use the
// provided tags value rather than allocating. The returned tags may have a
// different length and capacity to those provided.
func parseSeriesKey(data []byte, dst models.Tags) ([]byte, models.Tags) {
var name []byte
_, data = ReadSeriesKeyLen(data)
name, data = ReadSeriesKeyMeasurement(data)
tagN, data := ReadSeriesKeyTagN(data)
dst = dst[:cap(dst)] // Grow dst to use full capacity
if got, want := len(dst), tagN; got < want {
dst = append(dst, make(models.Tags, want-got)...)
} else if got > want {
dst = dst[:want]
dst = dst[:tagN]
for i := 0; i < tagN; i++ {
var key, value []byte
key, value, data = ReadSeriesKeyTag(data)
dst[i].Key, dst[i].Value = key, value
return name, dst
func CompareSeriesKeys(a, b []byte) int {
// Handle 'nil' keys.
if len(a) == 0 && len(b) == 0 {
return 0
} else if len(a) == 0 {
return -1
} else if len(b) == 0 {
return 1
// Read total size.
_, a = ReadSeriesKeyLen(a)
_, b = ReadSeriesKeyLen(b)
// Read names.
name0, a := ReadSeriesKeyMeasurement(a)
name1, b := ReadSeriesKeyMeasurement(b)
// Compare names, return if not equal.
if cmp := bytes.Compare(name0, name1); cmp != 0 {
return cmp
// Read tag counts.
tagN0, a := ReadSeriesKeyTagN(a)
tagN1, b := ReadSeriesKeyTagN(b)
// Compare each tag in order.
for i := 0; ; i++ {
// Check for EOF.
if i == tagN0 && i == tagN1 {
return 0
} else if i == tagN0 {
return -1
} else if i == tagN1 {
return 1
// Read keys.
var key0, key1, value0, value1 []byte
key0, value0, a = ReadSeriesKeyTag(a)
key1, value1, b = ReadSeriesKeyTag(b)
// Compare keys & values.
if cmp := bytes.Compare(key0, key1); cmp != 0 {
return cmp
} else if cmp := bytes.Compare(value0, value1); cmp != 0 {
return cmp
// GenerateSeriesKeys generates series keys for a list of names & tags using
// a single large memory block.
func GenerateSeriesKeys(names [][]byte, tagsSlice []models.Tags) [][]byte {
buf := make([]byte, 0, SeriesKeysSize(names, tagsSlice))
keys := make([][]byte, len(names))
for i := range names {
offset := len(buf)
buf = AppendSeriesKey(buf, names[i], tagsSlice[i])
keys[i] = buf[offset:]
return keys
// SeriesKeysSize returns the number of bytes required to encode a list of name/tags.
func SeriesKeysSize(names [][]byte, tagsSlice []models.Tags) int {
var n int
for i := range names {
n += SeriesKeySize(names[i], tagsSlice[i])
return n
// SeriesKeySize returns the number of bytes required to encode a series key.
func SeriesKeySize(name []byte, tags models.Tags) int {
var n int
n += 2 + len(name)
n += binaryutil.UvarintSize(uint64(len(tags)))
for _, tag := range tags {
n += 2 + len(tag.Key)
n += 2 + len(tag.Value)
n += binaryutil.UvarintSize(uint64(n))
return n