333 lines
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333 lines
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use std::any::Any;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::sync::Arc;
use parking_lot::{MappedMutexGuard, Mutex, MutexGuard};
use super::{Attributes, Instrument, MetricKind, Observation, Reporter};
/// A `Metric` collects `Observation` for each unique set of `Attributes`
/// It is templated by `T: MetricObserver` which determines the type of
/// `Observation` made by this `Metric` along with its semantics
pub struct Metric<T: MetricObserver> {
name: &'static str,
description: &'static str,
shared: Arc<MetricShared<T>>,
struct MetricShared<T: MetricObserver> {
options: T::Options,
values: Mutex<BTreeMap<Attributes, T>>,
/// Manually implement Clone to avoid constraint T: Clone
impl<T: MetricObserver> Clone for Metric<T> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self {
name: self.name,
description: self.description,
shared: Arc::clone(&self.shared),
impl<T: MetricObserver> Metric<T> {
pub(crate) fn new(name: &'static str, description: &'static str, options: T::Options) -> Self {
Self {
shared: Arc::new(MetricShared {
values: Default::default(),
/// Retrieves a type that can be used to report observations for a given set of attributes
/// If this is the first time this method has been called with this set of attributes,
/// it will initialize the corresponding `MetricObserver` with the default observation
/// ```
/// use ::metric::{U64Gauge, Registry, Metric};
/// let registry = Registry::new();
/// let metric: Metric<U64Gauge> = registry.register_metric("metric_name", "description");
/// metric.recorder(&[("foo", "bar")]).set(34);
/// let recorder = metric.recorder(&[("foo", "biz")]);
/// recorder.set(34);
/// ```
pub fn recorder(&self, attributes: impl Into<Attributes>) -> T::Recorder {
/// Retrieves the observer for a given set of attributes
/// If this is the first time this method has been called with this set of attributes,
/// it will initialize the corresponding `MetricObserver` with the default observation
pub fn observer(&self, attributes: impl Into<Attributes>) -> MappedMutexGuard<'_, T> {
MutexGuard::map(self.shared.values.lock(), |values| {
.or_insert_with(|| T::create(&self.shared.options))
/// Gets the observer for a given set of attributes if one has
/// been registered by a call to `Metric::recorder`
/// This is primarily useful for testing
pub fn get_observer(&self, attributes: &Attributes) -> Option<MappedMutexGuard<'_, T>> {
MutexGuard::try_map(self.shared.values.lock(), |values| {
impl<T: MetricObserver> Instrument for Metric<T> {
fn report(&self, reporter: &mut dyn Reporter) {
reporter.start_metric(self.name, self.description, T::kind());
let values = self.shared.values.lock();
for (attributes, metric_value) in values.iter() {
reporter.report_observation(attributes, metric_value.observe())
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
/// Types that wish to be used with `Metric` must implement this trait
/// that exposes the necessary reporting API
/// `Metric` maintains a distinct `MetricObserver` for each unique set of `Attributes`
pub trait MetricObserver: MakeMetricObserver + std::fmt::Debug + Send + 'static {
/// The type that is used to modify the value reported by this MetricObserver
/// Most commonly this will be `Self` but see `CumulativeGauge` for an example
/// of where it is not
type Recorder;
/// The `MetricKind` reported by this `MetricObserver`
fn kind() -> MetricKind;
/// Return a `Self::Recorder` that can be used to mutate the value reported
/// by this `MetricObserver`
fn recorder(&self) -> Self::Recorder;
/// Return the current value for this
fn observe(&self) -> Observation;
/// All `MetricObserver` must also implement `MakeMetricObserver` which defines
/// how to construct new instances of `Self`
/// A blanket impl is provided for types that implement Default
/// See `U64Histogram` for an example of how this is used
pub trait MakeMetricObserver {
type Options: Sized + Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug;
fn create(options: &Self::Options) -> Self;
impl<T: Default> MakeMetricObserver for T {
type Options = ();
fn create(_: &Self::Options) -> Self {
/// In most cases the recorder for a `MetricObserver` is stateless, in fact in many cases
/// `MetricObserver::Recorder = Self`. This means applications wishing to record observations
/// for many different sets of attributes can just use `Metric<T>` and construct reporters
/// dynamically
/// ```
/// use metric::{Registry, Metric, U64Gauge, Attributes};
/// let registry = Registry::new();
/// let metric: Metric<U64Gauge> = registry.register_metric("foo", "description");
/// metric.recorder(&[("foo", "bar")]).set(21);
/// metric.recorder(&[("fiz", "bar")]).set(34);
/// assert_eq!(metric.get_observer(&Attributes::from(&[("foo", "bar")])).unwrap().fetch(), 21);
/// assert_eq!(metric.get_observer(&Attributes::from(&[("fiz", "bar")])).unwrap().fetch(), 34);
/// ```
/// However, some `MetricObserver` are stateful, for example, `CumulativeGauge`. In this case
/// dropping the recorder clears any contribution it made to the metric's total
/// ```
/// use metric::{Registry, Metric, CumulativeGauge, Attributes};
/// let registry = Registry::new();
/// let metric: Metric<CumulativeGauge> = registry.register_metric("foo", "description");
/// metric.recorder(&[("foo", "bar")]).set(21);
/// metric.recorder(&[("fiz", "bar")]).set(34);
/// // Recorders dropped immediately and so they don't record anything!
/// assert_eq!(metric.get_observer(&Attributes::from(&[("foo", "bar")])).unwrap().fetch(), 0);
/// assert_eq!(metric.get_observer(&Attributes::from(&[("fiz", "bar")])).unwrap().fetch(), 0);
/// ```
/// `RecorderCollection` exists to address this situation, as unlike `Metric` it retains the
/// `MetricObserver::Recorder` and ensures they live as long as the `RecorderCollection`
/// ```
/// use metric::{Registry, Metric, CumulativeGauge, RecorderCollection, Attributes};
/// let registry = Registry::new();
/// let metric: Metric<CumulativeGauge> = registry.register_metric("foo", "description");
/// let mut r1 = RecorderCollection::new(metric.clone());
/// let mut r2 = RecorderCollection::new(metric.clone());
/// r1.recorder(&[("foo", "bar")]).set(21);
/// r1.recorder(&[("fiz", "bar")]).set(34);
/// r2.recorder(&[("foo", "bar")]).set(12);
/// assert_eq!(metric.get_observer(&Attributes::from(&[("foo", "bar")])).unwrap().fetch(), 21 + 12);
/// assert_eq!(metric.get_observer(&Attributes::from(&[("fiz", "bar")])).unwrap().fetch(), 34);
/// std::mem::drop(r1);
/// assert_eq!(metric.get_observer(&Attributes::from(&[("foo", "bar")])).unwrap().fetch(), 12);
/// assert_eq!(metric.get_observer(&Attributes::from(&[("fiz", "bar")])).unwrap().fetch(), 0);
/// std::mem::drop(r2);
/// assert_eq!(metric.get_observer(&Attributes::from(&[("foo", "bar")])).unwrap().fetch(), 0);
/// assert_eq!(metric.get_observer(&Attributes::from(&[("fiz", "bar")])).unwrap().fetch(), 0);
/// ```
pub struct RecorderCollection<T: MetricObserver> {
metric: Metric<T>,
recorders: BTreeMap<Attributes, T::Recorder>,
impl<T: MetricObserver> RecorderCollection<T> {
/// Create a new `RecorderCollection` from the provided `Metric`
pub fn new(metric: Metric<T>) -> Self {
Self {
recorders: Default::default(),
/// Create a new unregistered `RecorderCollection` from the provided options
pub fn new_unregistered_options(options: T::Options) -> Self {
Self {
metric: Metric::new("unregistered", "unregistered", options),
recorders: Default::default(),
/// Retrieves a type that can be used to report observations for a given set of attributes
/// The value returned is cached on this `RecorderCollection` and lives as long as it does
pub fn recorder(&mut self, attributes: impl Into<Attributes>) -> &mut T::Recorder {
let metric = &self.metric;
.or_insert_with_key(|key| metric.recorder(key.clone()))
impl<T: MetricObserver> RecorderCollection<T>
T::Options: Default,
/// Create a new unregistered `RecorderCollection` with the default options
pub fn new_unregistered() -> Self {
/// A common grouping of `MetricObserver` for reporting on fallible code paths
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ResultMetric<T> {
pub ok: T,
pub client_error: T,
pub server_error: T,
impl<T> ResultMetric<T>
T: MetricObserver<Recorder = T>,
pub fn new(metric: &Metric<T>, mut attributes: Attributes) -> Self {
attributes.insert("status", "ok");
let ok = metric.recorder(attributes.clone());
attributes.insert("status", "client_error");
let client_error = metric.recorder(attributes.clone());
attributes.insert("status", "server_error");
let server_error = metric.recorder(attributes);
Self {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::U64Counter;
fn test_metric() {
let metric: Metric<U64Counter> = Metric::new("foo", "description", ());
let r1 = metric.recorder(&[("tag1", "val1"), ("tag2", "val2")]);
let r2 = metric.recorder(&[("tag1", "val1")]);
let r3 = metric.recorder(&[("tag1", "val2")]);
let r4 = metric.recorder(&[("tag1", "val1"), ("tag2", "val2")]);
assert_eq!(r1.fetch(), 0);
assert_eq!(r2.fetch(), 0);
assert_eq!(r3.fetch(), 0);
assert_eq!(r4.fetch(), 0);
assert_eq!(r1.fetch(), 0);
assert_eq!(r2.fetch(), 32);
assert_eq!(r3.fetch(), 0);
assert_eq!(r4.fetch(), 0);
assert_eq!(r1.fetch(), 30);
assert_eq!(r2.fetch(), 32);
assert_eq!(r3.fetch(), 0);
assert_eq!(r4.fetch(), 30);
assert_eq!(r1.fetch(), 51);
assert_eq!(r2.fetch(), 32);
assert_eq!(r3.fetch(), 0);
assert_eq!(r4.fetch(), 51);