
181 lines
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package testing
var FluxEndToEndSkipList = map[string]map[string]string{
"universe": {
// TODO(adam) determine the reason for these test failures.
"cov": "Reason TBD",
"covariance": "Reason TBD",
"cumulative_sum": "Reason TBD",
"cumulative_sum_default": "Reason TBD",
"cumulative_sum_noop": "Reason TBD",
"drop_non_existent": "Reason TBD",
"first": "Reason TBD",
"highestAverage": "Reason TBD",
"highestMax": "Reason TBD",
"histogram": "Reason TBD",
"histogram_normalize": "Reason TBD",
"histogram_quantile": "Reason TBD",
"join": "Reason TBD",
"join_across_measurements": "Reason TBD",
"join_agg": "Reason TBD",
"keep_non_existent": "Reason TBD",
"key_values": "Reason TBD",
"key_values_host_name": "Reason TBD",
"last": "Reason TBD",
"lowestAverage": "Reason TBD",
"max": "Reason TBD",
"min": "Reason TBD",
"sample": "Reason TBD",
"selector_preserve_time": "Reason TBD",
"shift": "Reason TBD",
"shift_negative_duration": "Reason TBD",
"task_per_line": "Reason TBD",
"top": "Reason TBD",
"union": "Reason TBD",
"union_heterogeneous": "Reason TBD",
"unique": "Reason TBD",
"distinct": "Reason TBD",
// it appears these occur when writing the input data. `to` may not be null safe.
"fill_bool": "failed to read meta data: panic: interface conversion: interface {} is nil, not uint64",
"fill_float": "failed to read meta data: panic: interface conversion: interface {} is nil, not uint64",
"fill_int": "failed to read meta data: panic: interface conversion: interface {} is nil, not uint64",
"fill_string": "failed to read meta data: panic: interface conversion: interface {} is nil, not uint64",
"fill_time": "failed to read meta data: panic: interface conversion: interface {} is nil, not uint64",
"fill_uint": "failed to read meta data: panic: interface conversion: interface {} is nil, not uint64",
"window_null": "failed to read meta data: panic: interface conversion: interface {} is nil, not float64",
// these may just be missing calls to range() in the tests. easy to fix in a new PR.
"group_nulls": "unbounded test",
"integral": "unbounded test",
"integral_columns": "unbounded test",
"map": "unbounded test",
"join_missing_on_col": "unbounded test",
"join_use_previous": "unbounded test (",
"join_panic": "unbounded test (",
"rowfn_with_import": "unbounded test",
// the following tests have a difference between the CSV-decoded input table, and the storage-retrieved version of that table
"columns": "group key mismatch",
"set": "column order mismatch",
"simple_max": "_stop missing from expected output",
"derivative": "time bounds mismatch (engine uses now() instead of bounds on input table)",
"difference_columns": "data write/read path loses columns x and y",
"keys": "group key mismatch",
// failed to read meta data errors: the CSV encoding is incomplete probably due to data schema errors. needs more detailed investigation to find root cause of error
// "filter_by_regex": "failed to read metadata",
// "filter_by_tags": "failed to read metadata",
"group": "failed to read metadata",
"group_except": "failed to read metadata",
"group_ungroup": "failed to read metadata",
"pivot_mean": "failed to read metadata",
"histogram_quantile_minvalue": "failed to read meta data: no column with label _measurement exists",
"increase": "failed to read meta data: table has no _value column",
"string_max": "error: invalid use of function: *functions.MaxSelector has no implementation for type string (",
"null_as_value": "null not supported as value in influxql (",
"string_interp": "string interpolation not working as expected in flux (",
"to": "to functions are not supported in the testing framework (",
"covariance_missing_column_1": "need to support known errors in new test framework (",
"covariance_missing_column_2": "need to support known errors in new test framework (",
"drop_before_rename": "need to support known errors in new test framework (",
"drop_referenced": "need to support known errors in new test framework (",
"yield": "yield requires special test case (",
"window_group_mean_ungroup": "window trigger optimization modifies sort order of its output tables (",
"median_column": "failing in different ways (",
"dynamic_query": "tableFind does not work in e2e tests:",
"to_int": "dateTime conversion issue:",
"to_uint": "dateTime conversion issue:",
"holt_winters_panic": "Expected output is an empty table which breaks the testing framework (",
"map_nulls": "to cannot write null values",
"array": {
"from": "test not meant to be consumed by influxdb",
"from_group": "test not meant to be consumed by influxdb",
"experimental": {
"set": "Reason TBD",
"join": "unbounded test",
"alignTime": "unbounded test",
"histogram_quantile": "mis-named columns for storage",
"distinct": "failing test",
"fill": "failing test",
"histogram": "failing test",
"unique": "failing test",
"experimental/oee": {
"apq": "failing test",
"computeapq": "failing test",
"experimental/geo": {
"filterRowsNotStrict": "tableFind does not work in e2e tests:",
"filterRowsStrict": "tableFind does not work in e2e tests:",
"gridFilterLevel": "tableFind does not work in e2e tests:",
"gridFilter": "tableFind does not work in e2e tests:",
"groupByArea": "tableFind does not work in e2e tests:",
"filterRowsPivoted": "tableFind does not work in e2e tests:",
"shapeDataWithFilter": "tableFind does not work in e2e tests:",
"shapeData": "test run before to() is finished:",
"regexp": {
"replaceAllString": "Reason TBD",
"http": {
"http_endpoint": "need ability to test side effects in e2e tests: (",
"influxdata/influxdb/schema": {
"show_tag_keys": "failing due to bug in test, unskip this after upgrading from Flux v0.91.0",
"influxdata/influxdb/monitor": {
"state_changes_big_any_to_any": "unbounded test",
"state_changes_big_info_to_ok": "unbounded test",
"state_changes_big_ok_to_info": "unbounded test",
"state_changes_any_to_any": "test run before to() is finished:",
"state_changes_info_to_any": "test run before to() is finished:",
"state_changes_invalid_any_to_any": "test run before to() is finished:",
"state_changes": "test run before to() is finished:",
"influxdata/influxdb/secrets": {
"secrets": "Cannot inject custom deps into the test framework so the secrets don't lookup correctly",
"internal/promql": {
"join": "unbounded test",
"testing/chronograf": {
"buckets": "unbounded test",
"aggregate_window_count": "flakey test:",
"testing/kapacitor": {
"fill_default": "unknown field type for f1",
"testing/pandas": {
"extract_regexp_findStringIndex": "pandas. map does not correctly handled returned arrays (",
"partition_strings_splitN": "pandas. map does not correctly handled returned arrays (",
"testing/promql": {
"emptyTable": "tests a source",
"year": "flakey test:",
"extrapolatedRate_counter_rate": "option \"testing.loadStorage\" reassigned:",
"extrapolatedRate_nocounter": "option \"testing.loadStorage\" reassigned:",
"extrapolatedRate_norate": "option \"testing.loadStorage\" reassigned:",
"linearRegression_nopredict": "option \"testing.loadStorage\" reassigned:",
"linearRegression_predict": "option \"testing.loadStorage\" reassigned:",
"testing/influxql": {
"cumulative_sum": "invalid test data requires loadStorage to be overridden. See",
"elapsed": "failing since split with Flux upgrade:",
"contrib/RohanSreerama5/naiveBayesClassifier": {
"bayes": "error calling tableFind: ",
type PerTestFeatureFlagMap = map[string]map[string]map[string]string
var FluxEndToEndFeatureFlags = PerTestFeatureFlagMap{}