
212 lines
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package tsdb
import (
var (
// ErrUnknownEngineFormat is returned when the engine format is
// unknown. ErrUnknownEngineFormat is currently returned if a format
// other than tsm1 is encountered.
ErrUnknownEngineFormat = errors.New("unknown engine format")
// Engine represents a swappable storage engine for the shard.
type Engine interface {
Open() error
Close() error
SetEnabled(enabled bool)
SetCompactionsEnabled(enabled bool)
ScheduleFullCompaction() error
LoadMetadataIndex(shardID uint64, index Index) error
CreateSnapshot() (string, error)
Backup(w io.Writer, basePath string, since time.Time) error
Export(w io.Writer, basePath string, start time.Time, end time.Time) error
Restore(r io.Reader, basePath string) error
Import(r io.Reader, basePath string) error
Digest() (io.ReadCloser, int64, error)
CreateIterator(ctx context.Context, measurement string, opt query.IteratorOptions) (query.Iterator, error)
CreateCursorIterator(ctx context.Context) (CursorIterator, error)
IteratorCost(measurement string, opt query.IteratorOptions) (query.IteratorCost, error)
WritePoints(points []models.Point) error
CreateSeriesIfNotExists(key, name []byte, tags models.Tags, typ models.FieldType) error
CreateSeriesListIfNotExists(collection *SeriesCollection) error
DeleteSeriesRange(itr SeriesIterator, min, max int64) error
DeleteSeriesRangeWithPredicate(itr SeriesIterator, predicate func(name []byte, tags models.Tags) (int64, int64, bool)) error
MeasurementsSketches() (estimator.Sketch, estimator.Sketch, error)
SeriesSketches() (estimator.Sketch, estimator.Sketch, error)
SeriesN() int64
MeasurementExists(name []byte) (bool, error)
MeasurementNamesByRegex(re *regexp.Regexp) ([][]byte, error)
MeasurementFieldSet() *MeasurementFieldSet
MeasurementFields(measurement []byte) *MeasurementFields
ForEachMeasurementName(fn func(name []byte) error) error
DeleteMeasurement(name []byte) error
HasTagKey(name, key []byte) (bool, error)
MeasurementTagKeysByExpr(name []byte, expr influxql.Expr) (map[string]struct{}, error)
TagKeyCardinality(name, key []byte) int
// Statistics will return statistics relevant to this engine.
Statistics(tags map[string]string) []models.Statistic
LastModified() time.Time
DiskSize() int64
IsIdle() bool
Free() error
// SeriesIDSets provides access to the total set of series IDs
type SeriesIDSets interface {
ForEach(f func(ids *SeriesIDSet)) error
// NewEngineFunc creates a new engine.
type NewEngineFunc func(id uint64, i Index, path string, walPath string, sfile *SeriesFile, options EngineOptions) Engine
// newEngineFuncs is a lookup of engine constructors by name.
var newEngineFuncs = make(map[string]NewEngineFunc)
// RegisterEngine registers a storage engine initializer by name.
func RegisterEngine(name string, fn NewEngineFunc) {
if _, ok := newEngineFuncs[name]; ok {
panic("engine already registered: " + name)
newEngineFuncs[name] = fn
// RegisteredEngines returns the slice of currently registered engines.
func RegisteredEngines() []string {
a := make([]string, 0, len(newEngineFuncs))
for k := range newEngineFuncs {
a = append(a, k)
return a
// NewEngine returns an instance of an engine based on its format.
// If the path does not exist then the DefaultFormat is used.
func NewEngine(id uint64, i Index, path string, sfile *SeriesFile, options EngineOptions) (Engine, error) {
// Create a new engine
if _, err := os.Stat(path); os.IsNotExist(err) {
// TODO(jeff): remove walPath argument
engine := newEngineFuncs[options.EngineVersion](id, i, path, "", sfile, options)
if options.OnNewEngine != nil {
return engine, nil
// If it's a dir then it's a tsm1 engine
format := DefaultEngine
if fi, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if !fi.Mode().IsDir() {
return nil, ErrUnknownEngineFormat
} else {
format = "tsm1"
// Lookup engine by format.
fn := newEngineFuncs[format]
if fn == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid engine format: %q", format)
// TODO(jeff): remove walPath argument
engine := fn(id, i, path, "", sfile, options)
if options.OnNewEngine != nil {
return engine, nil
// EngineOptions represents the options used to initialize the engine.
type EngineOptions struct {
EngineVersion string
ShardID uint64
// Limits the concurrent number of TSM files that can be loaded at once.
OpenLimiter limiter.Fixed
// CompactionDisabled specifies shards should not schedule compactions.
// This option is intended for offline tooling.
CompactionDisabled bool
CompactionPlannerCreator CompactionPlannerCreator
CompactionLimiter limiter.Fixed
CompactionThroughputLimiter limiter.Rate
MonitorDisabled bool
// DatabaseFilter is a predicate controlling which databases may be opened.
// If no function is set, all databases will be opened.
DatabaseFilter func(database string) bool
// RetentionPolicyFilter is a predicate controlling which combination of database and retention policy may be opened.
// nil will allow all combinations to pass.
RetentionPolicyFilter func(database, rp string) bool
// ShardFilter is a predicate controlling which combination of database, retention policy and shard group may be opened.
// nil will allow all combinations to pass.
ShardFilter func(database, rp string, id uint64) bool
Config Config
SeriesIDSets SeriesIDSets
FieldValidator FieldValidator
OnNewEngine func(Engine)
FileStoreObserver FileStoreObserver
// NewEngineOptions constructs an EngineOptions object with safe default values.
// This should only be used in tests; production environments should read from a config file.
func NewEngineOptions() EngineOptions {
return EngineOptions{
EngineVersion: DefaultEngine,
Config: NewConfig(),
OpenLimiter: limiter.NewFixed(runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)),
CompactionLimiter: limiter.NewFixed(1),
// NewInmemIndex returns a new "inmem" index type.
var NewInmemIndex func(name string, sfile *SeriesFile) (interface{}, error)
type CompactionPlannerCreator func(cfg Config) interface{}
// FileStoreObserver is passed notifications before the file store adds or deletes files. In this way, it can
// be sure to observe every file that is added or removed even in the presence of process death.
type FileStoreObserver interface {
// FileFinishing is called before a file is renamed to it's final name.
FileFinishing(path string) error
// FileUnlinking is called before a file is unlinked.
FileUnlinking(path string) error