1373 lines
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1373 lines
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// Package tsm1 provides a TSDB in the Time Structured Merge tree format.
package tsm1 // import "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/tsdb/tsm1"
import (
//go:generate env GO111MODULE=on go run github.com/benbjohnson/tmpl -data=@array_cursor.gen.go.tmpldata array_cursor.gen.go.tmpl array_cursor_iterator.gen.go.tmpl
//go:generate env GO111MODULE=on go run github.com/influxdata/influxdb/tools/tmpl -i -data=file_store.gen.go.tmpldata file_store.gen.go.tmpl=file_store.gen.go
//go:generate env GO111MODULE=on go run github.com/influxdata/influxdb/tools/tmpl -i -d isArray=y -data=file_store.gen.go.tmpldata file_store.gen.go.tmpl=file_store_array.gen.go
//go:generate env GO111MODULE=on go run github.com/benbjohnson/tmpl -data=@encoding.gen.go.tmpldata encoding.gen.go.tmpl
//go:generate env GO111MODULE=on go run github.com/benbjohnson/tmpl -data=@compact.gen.go.tmpldata compact.gen.go.tmpl
//go:generate env GO111MODULE=on go run github.com/benbjohnson/tmpl -data=@reader.gen.go.tmpldata reader.gen.go.tmpl
//go:generate stringer -type=CacheStatus
var (
// Static objects to prevent small allocs.
KeyFieldSeparatorBytes = []byte(keyFieldSeparator)
var (
tsmGroup = metrics.MustRegisterGroup("platform-tsm1")
numberOfRefCursorsCounter = metrics.MustRegisterCounter("cursors_ref", metrics.WithGroup(tsmGroup))
// NewContextWithMetricsGroup creates a new context with a tsm1 metrics.Group for tracking
// various metrics when accessing TSM data.
func NewContextWithMetricsGroup(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
group := metrics.NewGroup(tsmGroup)
return metrics.NewContextWithGroup(ctx, group)
// MetricsGroupFromContext returns the tsm1 metrics.Group associated with the context
// or nil if no group has been assigned.
func MetricsGroupFromContext(ctx context.Context) *metrics.Group {
return metrics.GroupFromContext(ctx)
const (
// keyFieldSeparator separates the series key from the field name in the composite key
// that identifies a specific field in series
keyFieldSeparator = "#!~#"
// MaxPointsPerBlock is the maximum number of points in an encoded block in a TSM file
MaxPointsPerBlock = 1000
// An EngineOption is a functional option for changing the configuration of
// an Engine.
type EngineOption func(i *Engine)
// WithCompactionPlanner sets the compaction planner for the engine.
func WithCompactionPlanner(planner CompactionPlanner) EngineOption {
return func(e *Engine) {
e.CompactionPlan = planner
// Snapshotter allows upward signaling of the tsm1 engine to the storage engine. Hopefully
// it can be removed one day. The weird interface is due to the weird inversion of locking
// that has to happen.
type Snapshotter interface {
AcquireSegments(context.Context, func(segments []string) error) error
CommitSegments(ctx context.Context, segments []string, fn func() error) error
type noSnapshotter struct{}
func (noSnapshotter) AcquireSegments(_ context.Context, fn func([]string) error) error { return fn(nil) }
func (noSnapshotter) CommitSegments(_ context.Context, _ []string, fn func() error) error { return fn() }
// WithSnapshotter sets the callbacks for the engine to use when creating snapshots.
func WithSnapshotter(snapshotter Snapshotter) EngineOption {
return func(e *Engine) {
e.snapshotter = snapshotter
// Engine represents a storage engine with compressed blocks.
type Engine struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
index *tsi1.Index
indexref *lifecycle.Reference
// The following group of fields is used to track the state of level compactions within the
// Engine. The WaitGroup is used to monitor the compaction goroutines, the 'done' channel is
// used to signal those goroutines to shutdown. Every request to disable level compactions will
// call 'Wait' on 'wg', with the first goroutine to arrive (levelWorkers == 0 while holding the
// lock) will close the done channel and re-assign 'nil' to the variable. Re-enabling will
// decrease 'levelWorkers', and when it decreases to zero, level compactions will be started
// back up again.
wg *sync.WaitGroup // waitgroup for active level compaction goroutines
done chan struct{} // channel to signal level compactions to stop
levelWorkers int // Number of "workers" that expect compactions to be in a disabled state
snapDone chan struct{} // channel to signal snapshot compactions to stop
snapWG *sync.WaitGroup // waitgroup for running snapshot compactions
path string
sfile *tsdb.SeriesFile
sfileref *lifecycle.Reference
logger *zap.Logger // Logger to be used for important messages
Cache *Cache
Compactor *Compactor
CompactionPlan CompactionPlanner
FileStore *FileStore
MaxPointsPerBlock int
// CacheFlushMemorySizeThreshold specifies the minimum size threshold for
// the cache when the engine should write a snapshot to a TSM file
CacheFlushMemorySizeThreshold uint64
// CacheFlushAgeDurationThreshold specified the maximum age a cache can reach
// before it is snapshotted, regardless of its size.
CacheFlushAgeDurationThreshold time.Duration
// CacheFlushWriteColdDuration specifies the length of time after which if
// no writes have been committed to the WAL, the engine will write
// a snapshot of the cache to a TSM file
CacheFlushWriteColdDuration time.Duration
// Invoked when creating a backup file "as new".
formatFileName FormatFileNameFunc
// Controls whether to enabled compactions when the engine is open
enableCompactionsOnOpen bool
compactionTracker *compactionTracker // Used to track state of compactions.
defaultMetricLabels prometheus.Labels // N.B this must not be mutated after Open is called.
// Limiter for concurrent compactions.
compactionLimiter limiter.Fixed
scheduler *scheduler
snapshotter Snapshotter
// NewEngine returns a new instance of Engine.
func NewEngine(path string, idx *tsi1.Index, config Config, options ...EngineOption) *Engine {
fs := NewFileStore(path)
fs.openLimiter = limiter.NewFixed(config.MaxConcurrentOpens)
fs.tsmMMAPWillNeed = config.MADVWillNeed
cache := NewCache(uint64(config.Cache.MaxMemorySize))
c := NewCompactor()
c.Dir = path
c.FileStore = fs
c.RateLimit = limiter.NewRate(
// determine max concurrent compactions informed by the system
maxCompactions := config.Compaction.MaxConcurrent
if maxCompactions == 0 {
maxCompactions = runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) / 2 // Default to 50% of cores for compactions
// On systems with more cores, cap at 4 to reduce disk utilization.
if maxCompactions > 4 {
maxCompactions = 4
if maxCompactions < 1 {
maxCompactions = 1
// Don't allow more compactions to run than cores.
if maxCompactions > runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) {
maxCompactions = runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)
logger := zap.NewNop()
e := &Engine{
path: path,
index: idx,
sfile: idx.SeriesFile(),
logger: logger,
Cache: cache,
FileStore: fs,
Compactor: c,
CompactionPlan: NewDefaultPlanner(fs,
CacheFlushMemorySizeThreshold: uint64(config.Cache.SnapshotMemorySize),
CacheFlushWriteColdDuration: time.Duration(config.Cache.SnapshotWriteColdDuration),
CacheFlushAgeDurationThreshold: time.Duration(config.Cache.SnapshotAgeDuration),
enableCompactionsOnOpen: true,
formatFileName: DefaultFormatFileName,
compactionLimiter: limiter.NewFixed(maxCompactions),
scheduler: newScheduler(maxCompactions),
snapshotter: new(noSnapshotter),
for _, option := range options {
return e
func (e *Engine) WithFormatFileNameFunc(formatFileNameFunc FormatFileNameFunc) {
e.formatFileName = formatFileNameFunc
func (e *Engine) WithParseFileNameFunc(parseFileNameFunc ParseFileNameFunc) {
func (e *Engine) WithFileStoreObserver(obs FileStoreObserver) {
func (e *Engine) WithCompactionPlanner(planner CompactionPlanner) {
e.CompactionPlan = planner
// SetDefaultMetricLabels sets the default labels for metrics on the engine.
// It must be called before the Engine is opened.
func (e *Engine) SetDefaultMetricLabels(labels prometheus.Labels) {
e.defaultMetricLabels = labels
// SetEnabled sets whether the engine is enabled.
func (e *Engine) SetEnabled(enabled bool) {
e.enableCompactionsOnOpen = enabled
// SetCompactionsEnabled enables compactions on the engine. When disabled
// all running compactions are aborted and new compactions stop running.
func (e *Engine) SetCompactionsEnabled(enabled bool) {
if enabled {
} else {
// enableLevelCompactions will request that level compactions start back up again
// 'wait' signifies that a corresponding call to disableLevelCompactions(true) was made at some
// point, and the associated task that required disabled compactions is now complete
func (e *Engine) enableLevelCompactions(wait bool) {
// If we don't need to wait, see if we're already enabled
if !wait {
if e.done != nil {
if wait {
e.levelWorkers -= 1
if e.levelWorkers != 0 || e.done != nil {
// still waiting on more workers or already enabled
// last one to enable, start things back up
e.done = make(chan struct{})
wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
e.wg = wg
go func() { defer wg.Done(); e.compact(wg) }()
// disableLevelCompactions will stop level compactions before returning.
// If 'wait' is set to true, then a corresponding call to enableLevelCompactions(true) will be
// required before level compactions will start back up again.
func (e *Engine) disableLevelCompactions(wait bool) {
old := e.levelWorkers
if wait {
e.levelWorkers += 1
// Hold onto the current done channel so we can wait on it if necessary
waitCh := e.done
wg := e.wg
if old == 0 && e.done != nil {
// It's possible we have closed the done channel and released the lock and another
// goroutine has attempted to disable compactions. We're current in the process of
// disabling them so check for this and wait until the original completes.
select {
case <-e.done:
// Prevent new compactions from starting
// Stop all background compaction goroutines
// Signal that all goroutines have exited.
e.done = nil
// Compaction were already disabled.
if waitCh == nil {
// We were not the first caller to disable compactions and they were in the process
// of being disabled. Wait for them to complete before returning.
func (e *Engine) enableSnapshotCompactions() {
// Check if already enabled under read lock
if e.snapDone != nil {
// Check again under write lock
if e.snapDone != nil {
e.snapDone = make(chan struct{})
wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
e.snapWG = wg
go func() { defer wg.Done(); e.compactCache() }()
func (e *Engine) disableSnapshotCompactions() {
if e.snapDone == nil {
// We may be in the process of stopping snapshots. See if the channel
// was closed.
select {
case <-e.snapDone:
// first one here, disable and wait for completion
wg := e.snapWG
// Wait for the snapshot goroutine to exit.
// Signal that the goroutines are exit and everything is stopped by setting
// snapDone to nil.
e.snapDone = nil
// ScheduleFullCompaction will force the engine to fully compact all data stored.
// This will cancel and running compactions and snapshot any data in the cache to
// TSM files. This is an expensive operation.
func (e *Engine) ScheduleFullCompaction(ctx context.Context) error {
// Snapshot any data in the cache
if err := e.WriteSnapshot(ctx); err != nil {
return err
// Cancel running compactions
// Ensure compactions are restarted
defer e.SetCompactionsEnabled(true)
// Force the planner to only create a full plan.
return nil
// Path returns the path the engine was opened with.
func (e *Engine) Path() string { return e.path }
func (e *Engine) SetFieldName(measurement []byte, name string) {
e.index.SetFieldName(measurement, name)
func (e *Engine) MeasurementExists(name []byte) (bool, error) {
return e.index.MeasurementExists(name)
func (e *Engine) MeasurementNamesByRegex(re *regexp.Regexp) ([][]byte, error) {
return e.index.MeasurementNamesByRegex(re)
func (e *Engine) HasTagKey(name, key []byte) (bool, error) {
return e.index.HasTagKey(name, key)
func (e *Engine) MeasurementTagKeysByExpr(name []byte, expr influxql.Expr) (map[string]struct{}, error) {
return e.index.MeasurementTagKeysByExpr(name, expr)
func (e *Engine) TagKeyCardinality(name, key []byte) int {
return e.index.TagKeyCardinality(name, key)
// SeriesN returns the unique number of series in the index.
func (e *Engine) SeriesN() int64 {
return e.index.SeriesN()
// MeasurementStats returns the current measurement stats for the engine.
func (e *Engine) MeasurementStats() (MeasurementStats, error) {
return e.FileStore.MeasurementStats()
func (e *Engine) initTrackers() {
defer mmu.Unlock()
if bms == nil {
// Initialise metrics if an engine has not done so already.
bms = newBlockMetrics(e.defaultMetricLabels)
// Propagate prometheus metrics down into trackers.
e.compactionTracker = newCompactionTracker(bms.compactionMetrics, e.defaultMetricLabels)
e.FileStore.tracker = newFileTracker(bms.fileMetrics, e.defaultMetricLabels)
e.Cache.tracker = newCacheTracker(bms.cacheMetrics, e.defaultMetricLabels)
// Open opens and initializes the engine.
func (e *Engine) Open(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
span, ctx := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx)
defer span.Finish()
defer func() {
if err != nil {
e.indexref, err = e.index.Acquire()
if err != nil {
return err
e.sfileref, err = e.sfile.Acquire()
if err != nil {
return err
if err := os.MkdirAll(e.path, 0777); err != nil {
return err
if err := e.cleanup(); err != nil {
return err
if err := e.FileStore.Open(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if e.enableCompactionsOnOpen {
return nil
// Close closes the engine. Subsequent calls to Close are a nop.
func (e *Engine) Close() error {
// Lock now and close everything else down.
defer e.mu.Unlock()
// Ensures that the channel will not be closed again.
e.done = nil
if err := e.FileStore.Close(); err != nil {
return err
// Release our references.
if e.sfileref != nil {
e.sfileref = nil
if e.indexref != nil {
e.indexref = nil
return nil
// WithLogger sets the logger for the engine.
func (e *Engine) WithLogger(log *zap.Logger) {
e.logger = log.With(zap.String("engine", "tsm1"))
// IsIdle returns true if the cache is empty, there are no running compactions and the
// shard is fully compacted.
func (e *Engine) IsIdle() bool {
cacheEmpty := e.Cache.Size() == 0
return cacheEmpty && e.compactionTracker.AllActive() == 0 && e.CompactionPlan.FullyCompacted()
// WritePoints saves the set of points in the engine.
func (e *Engine) WritePoints(points []models.Point) error {
collection := tsdb.NewSeriesCollection(points)
values, err := CollectionToValues(collection)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := e.WriteValues(values); err != nil {
return err
return collection.PartialWriteError()
// WriteValues saves the set of values in the engine.
func (e *Engine) WriteValues(values map[string][]Value) error {
defer e.mu.RUnlock()
if err := e.Cache.WriteMulti(values); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ForEachMeasurementName iterates over each measurement name in the engine.
func (e *Engine) ForEachMeasurementName(fn func(name []byte) error) error {
return e.index.ForEachMeasurementName(fn)
// compactionLevel describes a snapshot or levelled compaction.
type compactionLevel int
func (l compactionLevel) String() string {
switch l {
case 0:
return "snapshot"
case 1, 2, 3:
return fmt.Sprint(int(l))
case 4:
return "optimize"
case 5:
return "full"
panic("unsupported compaction level")
// compactionTracker tracks compactions and snapshots within the Engine.
// As well as being responsible for providing atomic reads and writes to the
// statistics tracking the various compaction operations, compactionTracker also
// mirrors any writes to the prometheus block metrics, which the Engine exposes.
// *NOTE* - compactionTracker fields should not be directory modified. Doing so
// could result in the Engine exposing inaccurate metrics.
type compactionTracker struct {
metrics *compactionMetrics
labels prometheus.Labels
// Note: Compactions are levelled as follows:
// 0 – Snapshots
// 1-3 – Levelled compactions
// 4 – Optimize compactions
// 5 – Full compactions
ok [6]uint64 // Counter of TSM compactions (by level) that have successfully completed.
active [6]uint64 // Gauge of TSM compactions (by level) currently running.
errors [6]uint64 // Counter of TSM compcations (by level) that have failed due to error.
queue [6]uint64 // Gauge of TSM compactions queues (by level).
func newCompactionTracker(metrics *compactionMetrics, defaultLables prometheus.Labels) *compactionTracker {
return &compactionTracker{metrics: metrics, labels: defaultLables}
// Labels returns a copy of the default labels used by the tracker's metrics.
// The returned map is safe for modification.
func (t *compactionTracker) Labels(level compactionLevel) prometheus.Labels {
labels := make(prometheus.Labels, len(t.labels))
for k, v := range t.labels {
labels[k] = v
// All metrics have a level label.
labels["level"] = fmt.Sprint(level)
return labels
// Completed returns the total number of compactions for the provided level.
func (t *compactionTracker) Completed(level int) uint64 { return atomic.LoadUint64(&t.ok[level]) }
// Active returns the number of active snapshots (level 0),
// level 1, 2 or 3 compactions, optimize compactions (level 4), or full
// compactions (level 5).
func (t *compactionTracker) Active(level int) uint64 {
return atomic.LoadUint64(&t.active[level])
// AllActive returns the number of active snapshots and compactions.
func (t *compactionTracker) AllActive() uint64 {
var total uint64
for i := 0; i < len(t.active); i++ {
total += atomic.LoadUint64(&t.active[i])
return total
// ActiveOptimise returns the number of active Optimise compactions.
// ActiveOptimise is a helper for Active(4).
func (t *compactionTracker) ActiveOptimise() uint64 { return t.Active(4) }
// ActiveFull returns the number of active Full compactions.
// ActiveFull is a helper for Active(5).
func (t *compactionTracker) ActiveFull() uint64 { return t.Active(5) }
// Errors returns the total number of errors encountered attempting compactions
// for the provided level.
func (t *compactionTracker) Errors(level int) uint64 { return atomic.LoadUint64(&t.errors[level]) }
// IncActive increments the number of active compactions for the provided level.
func (t *compactionTracker) IncActive(level compactionLevel) {
atomic.AddUint64(&t.active[level], 1)
labels := t.Labels(level)
// IncFullActive increments the number of active Full compactions.
func (t *compactionTracker) IncFullActive() { t.IncActive(5) }
// DecActive decrements the number of active compactions for the provided level.
func (t *compactionTracker) DecActive(level compactionLevel) {
atomic.AddUint64(&t.active[level], ^uint64(0))
labels := t.Labels(level)
// DecFullActive decrements the number of active Full compactions.
func (t *compactionTracker) DecFullActive() { t.DecActive(5) }
// Attempted updates the number of compactions attempted for the provided level.
func (t *compactionTracker) Attempted(level compactionLevel, success bool, reason string, duration time.Duration) {
if success {
atomic.AddUint64(&t.ok[level], 1)
labels := t.Labels(level)
// Total compactions metric has reason and status.
labels["reason"] = reason
labels["status"] = "ok"
atomic.AddUint64(&t.errors[level], 1)
labels := t.Labels(level)
labels["status"] = "error"
labels["reason"] = reason
// SnapshotAttempted updates the number of snapshots attempted.
func (t *compactionTracker) SnapshotAttempted(success bool, reason CacheStatus, duration time.Duration) {
t.Attempted(0, success, reason.String(), duration)
// SetQueue sets the compaction queue depth for the provided level.
func (t *compactionTracker) SetQueue(level compactionLevel, length uint64) {
atomic.StoreUint64(&t.queue[level], length)
labels := t.Labels(level)
// SetOptimiseQueue sets the queue depth for Optimisation compactions.
func (t *compactionTracker) SetOptimiseQueue(length uint64) { t.SetQueue(4, length) }
// SetFullQueue sets the queue depth for Full compactions.
func (t *compactionTracker) SetFullQueue(length uint64) { t.SetQueue(5, length) }
// WriteSnapshot will snapshot the cache and write a new TSM file with its contents, releasing the snapshot when done.
func (e *Engine) WriteSnapshot(ctx context.Context) error {
span, ctx := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx)
defer span.Finish()
// Lock and grab the cache snapshot along with all the closed WAL
// filenames associated with the snapshot
started := time.Now()
log, logEnd := logger.NewOperation(ctx, e.logger, "Cache snapshot", "tsm1_cache_snapshot")
defer func() {
elapsed := time.Since(started)
log.Info("Snapshot for path written",
zap.String("path", e.path),
zap.Duration("duration", elapsed))
var (
snapshot *Cache
segments []string
if err := e.snapshotter.AcquireSegments(ctx, func(segs []string) (err error) {
segments = segs
snapshot, err = e.Cache.Snapshot()
return err
}); err != nil {
return err
if snapshot.Size() == 0 {
return nil
// The snapshotted cache may have duplicate points and unsorted data. We need to deduplicate
// it before writing the snapshot. This can be very expensive so it's done while we are not
// holding the engine write lock.
return e.writeSnapshotAndCommit(ctx, log, snapshot, segments)
// writeSnapshotAndCommit will write the passed cache to a new TSM file and remove the closed WAL segments.
func (e *Engine) writeSnapshotAndCommit(ctx context.Context, log *zap.Logger, snapshot *Cache, segments []string) (err error) {
defer func() {
if err != nil {
// write the new snapshot files
newFiles, err := e.Compactor.WriteSnapshot(ctx, snapshot)
if err != nil {
log.Info("Error writing snapshot from compactor", zap.Error(err))
return err
return e.snapshotter.CommitSegments(ctx, segments, func() error {
defer e.mu.RUnlock()
// update the file store with these new files
if err := e.FileStore.Replace(nil, newFiles); err != nil {
log.Info("Error adding new TSM files from snapshot", zap.Error(err))
return err
// clear the snapshot from the in-memory cache
return nil
// compactCache checks once per second if the in-memory cache should be
// snapshotted to a TSM file.
func (e *Engine) compactCache() {
t := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
defer t.Stop()
for {
quit := e.snapDone
select {
case <-quit:
case <-t.C:
status := e.ShouldCompactCache(time.Now())
if status == CacheStatusOkay {
span, ctx := tracing.StartSpanFromContextWithOperationName(context.Background(), "Engine.compactCache <-t.C")
span.LogKV("path", e.path)
start := time.Now()
err := e.WriteSnapshot(ctx)
if err != nil && err != errCompactionsDisabled {
e.logger.Info("Error writing snapshot", zap.Error(err))
e.compactionTracker.SnapshotAttempted(err == nil || err == errCompactionsDisabled, status, time.Since(start))
// CacheStatus describes the current state of the cache, with respect to whether
// it is ready to be snapshotted or not.
type CacheStatus int
// Possible types of Cache status
const (
CacheStatusOkay CacheStatus = iota // Cache is Okay - do not snapshot.
CacheStatusSizeExceeded // The cache is large enough to be snapshotted.
CacheStatusAgeExceeded // The cache is past the age threshold to be snapshotted.
CacheStatusColdNoWrites // The cache has not been written to for long enough that it should be snapshotted.
// ShouldCompactCache returns a status indicating if the Cache should be
// snapshotted. There are three situations when the cache should be snapshotted:
// - the Cache size is over its flush size threshold;
// - the Cache has not been snapshotted for longer than its flush time threshold; or
// - the Cache has not been written since the write cold threshold.
func (e *Engine) ShouldCompactCache(t time.Time) CacheStatus {
sz := e.Cache.Size()
if sz == 0 {
return 0
// Cache is now big enough to snapshot.
if sz > e.CacheFlushMemorySizeThreshold {
return CacheStatusSizeExceeded
// Cache is now old enough to snapshot, regardless of last write or age.
if e.CacheFlushAgeDurationThreshold > 0 && e.Cache.Age() > e.CacheFlushAgeDurationThreshold {
return CacheStatusAgeExceeded
// Cache has not been written to for a long time.
if t.Sub(e.Cache.LastWriteTime()) > e.CacheFlushWriteColdDuration {
return CacheStatusColdNoWrites
return CacheStatusOkay
func (e *Engine) lastModified() time.Time {
fsTime := e.FileStore.LastModified()
cacheTime := e.Cache.LastWriteTime()
if cacheTime.After(fsTime) {
return cacheTime
return fsTime
func (e *Engine) compact(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
t := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
defer t.Stop()
for {
quit := e.done
select {
case <-quit:
case <-t.C:
span, ctx := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(context.Background())
// Find our compaction plans
level1Groups := e.CompactionPlan.PlanLevel(1)
level2Groups := e.CompactionPlan.PlanLevel(2)
level3Groups := e.CompactionPlan.PlanLevel(3)
level4Groups := e.CompactionPlan.Plan(e.lastModified())
// If no full compactions are need, see if an optimize is needed
if len(level4Groups) == 0 {
level4Groups = e.CompactionPlan.PlanOptimize()
// Update the level plan queue stats
e.compactionTracker.SetQueue(1, uint64(len(level1Groups)))
e.compactionTracker.SetQueue(2, uint64(len(level2Groups)))
e.compactionTracker.SetQueue(3, uint64(len(level3Groups)))
// Set the queue depths on the scheduler
e.scheduler.setDepth(1, len(level1Groups))
e.scheduler.setDepth(2, len(level2Groups))
e.scheduler.setDepth(3, len(level3Groups))
e.scheduler.setDepth(4, len(level4Groups))
// Find the next compaction that can run and try to kick it off
level, runnable := e.scheduler.next()
if runnable {
span.LogKV("level", level)
switch level {
case 1:
if e.compactHiPriorityLevel(ctx, level1Groups[0], 1, false, wg) {
level1Groups = level1Groups[1:]
case 2:
if e.compactHiPriorityLevel(ctx, level2Groups[0], 2, false, wg) {
level2Groups = level2Groups[1:]
case 3:
if e.compactLoPriorityLevel(ctx, level3Groups[0], 3, true, wg) {
level3Groups = level3Groups[1:]
case 4:
if e.compactFull(ctx, level4Groups[0], wg) {
level4Groups = level4Groups[1:]
// Release all the plans we didn't start.
if runnable {
// compactHiPriorityLevel kicks off compactions using the high priority policy. It returns
// true if the compaction was started
func (e *Engine) compactHiPriorityLevel(ctx context.Context, grp CompactionGroup, level compactionLevel, fast bool, wg *sync.WaitGroup) bool {
s := e.levelCompactionStrategy(grp, fast, level)
if s == nil {
return false
// Try hi priority limiter, otherwise steal a little from the low priority if we can.
if e.compactionLimiter.TryTake() {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
defer e.compactionTracker.DecActive(level)
defer e.compactionLimiter.Release()
// Release the files in the compaction plan
return true
// Return the unused plans
return false
// compactLoPriorityLevel kicks off compactions using the lo priority policy. It returns
// the plans that were not able to be started
func (e *Engine) compactLoPriorityLevel(ctx context.Context, grp CompactionGroup, level compactionLevel, fast bool, wg *sync.WaitGroup) bool {
s := e.levelCompactionStrategy(grp, fast, level)
if s == nil {
return false
// Try the lo priority limiter, otherwise steal a little from the high priority if we can.
if e.compactionLimiter.TryTake() {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
defer e.compactionTracker.DecActive(level)
defer e.compactionLimiter.Release()
// Release the files in the compaction plan
return true
return false
// compactFull kicks off full and optimize compactions using the lo priority policy. It returns
// the plans that were not able to be started.
func (e *Engine) compactFull(ctx context.Context, grp CompactionGroup, wg *sync.WaitGroup) bool {
s := e.fullCompactionStrategy(grp, false)
if s == nil {
return false
// Try the lo priority limiter, otherwise steal a little from the high priority if we can.
if e.compactionLimiter.TryTake() {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
defer e.compactionTracker.DecFullActive()
defer e.compactionLimiter.Release()
// Release the files in the compaction plan
return true
return false
// compactionStrategy holds the details of what to do in a compaction.
type compactionStrategy struct {
group CompactionGroup
fast bool
level compactionLevel
tracker *compactionTracker
logger *zap.Logger
compactor *Compactor
fileStore *FileStore
engine *Engine
// Apply concurrently compacts all the groups in a compaction strategy.
func (s *compactionStrategy) Apply(ctx context.Context) {
// compactGroup executes the compaction strategy against a single CompactionGroup.
func (s *compactionStrategy) compactGroup(ctx context.Context) {
span, ctx := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx)
defer span.Finish()
now := time.Now()
group := s.group
log, logEnd := logger.NewOperation(ctx, s.logger, "TSM compaction", "tsm1_compact_group")
defer logEnd()
log.Info("Beginning compaction", zap.Int("tsm1_files_n", len(group)))
span.LogKV("file qty", len(group), "fast", s.fast)
for i, f := range group {
log.Info("Compacting file", zap.Int("tsm1_index", i), zap.String("tsm1_file", f))
span.LogKV("compact file", "start", "tsm1_index", i, "tsm1_file", f)
var (
err error
files []string
if s.fast {
files, err = s.compactor.CompactFast(group)
} else {
files, err = s.compactor.CompactFull(group)
if err != nil {
tracing.LogError(span, err)
_, inProgress := err.(errCompactionInProgress)
if err == errCompactionsDisabled || inProgress {
log.Info("Aborted compaction", zap.Error(err))
if _, ok := err.(errCompactionInProgress); ok {
log.Info("Error compacting TSM files", zap.Error(err))
s.tracker.Attempted(s.level, false, "", 0)
if err := s.fileStore.ReplaceWithCallback(group, files, nil); err != nil {
tracing.LogError(span, err)
log.Info("Error replacing new TSM files", zap.Error(err))
s.tracker.Attempted(s.level, false, "", 0)
for i, f := range files {
log.Info("Compacted file", zap.Int("tsm1_index", i), zap.String("tsm1_file", f))
span.LogKV("compact file", "end", "tsm1_index", i, "tsm1_file", f)
log.Info("Finished compacting files", zap.Int("tsm1_files_n", len(files)))
s.tracker.Attempted(s.level, true, "", time.Since(now))
// levelCompactionStrategy returns a compactionStrategy for the given level.
// It returns nil if there are no TSM files to compact.
func (e *Engine) levelCompactionStrategy(group CompactionGroup, fast bool, level compactionLevel) *compactionStrategy {
return &compactionStrategy{
group: group,
logger: e.logger.With(zap.Int("tsm1_level", int(level)), zap.String("tsm1_strategy", "level")),
fileStore: e.FileStore,
compactor: e.Compactor,
fast: fast,
engine: e,
level: level,
tracker: e.compactionTracker,
// fullCompactionStrategy returns a compactionStrategy for higher level generations of TSM files.
// It returns nil if there are no TSM files to compact.
func (e *Engine) fullCompactionStrategy(group CompactionGroup, optimize bool) *compactionStrategy {
s := &compactionStrategy{
group: group,
logger: e.logger.With(zap.String("tsm1_strategy", "full"), zap.Bool("tsm1_optimize", optimize)),
fileStore: e.FileStore,
compactor: e.Compactor,
fast: optimize,
engine: e,
level: 5,
tracker: e.compactionTracker,
if optimize {
s.level = 4
return s
// cleanup removes all temp files and dirs that exist on disk. This is should only be run at startup to avoid
// removing tmp files that are still in use.
func (e *Engine) cleanup() error {
allfiles, err := ioutil.ReadDir(e.path)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil
} else if err != nil {
return err
ext := fmt.Sprintf(".%s", TmpTSMFileExtension)
for _, f := range allfiles {
// Check to see if there are any `.tmp` directories that were left over from failed shard snapshots
if f.IsDir() && strings.HasSuffix(f.Name(), ext) {
if err := os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(e.path, f.Name())); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error removing tmp snapshot directory %q: %s", f.Name(), err)
return e.cleanupTempTSMFiles()
func (e *Engine) cleanupTempTSMFiles() error {
files, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(e.path, fmt.Sprintf("*.%s", CompactionTempExtension)))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error getting compaction temp files: %s", err.Error())
for _, f := range files {
if err := os.Remove(f); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error removing temp compaction files: %v", err)
return nil
// KeyCursor returns a KeyCursor for the given key starting at time t.
func (e *Engine) KeyCursor(ctx context.Context, key []byte, t int64, ascending bool) *KeyCursor {
return e.FileStore.KeyCursor(ctx, key, t, ascending)
// IteratorCost produces the cost of an iterator.
func (e *Engine) IteratorCost(measurement string, opt query.IteratorOptions) (query.IteratorCost, error) {
// Determine if this measurement exists. If it does not, then no shards are
// accessed to begin with.
if exists, err := e.index.MeasurementExists([]byte(measurement)); err != nil {
return query.IteratorCost{}, err
} else if !exists {
return query.IteratorCost{}, nil
tagSets, err := e.index.TagSets([]byte(measurement), opt)
if err != nil {
return query.IteratorCost{}, err
// Attempt to retrieve the ref from the main expression (if it exists).
var ref *influxql.VarRef
if opt.Expr != nil {
if v, ok := opt.Expr.(*influxql.VarRef); ok {
ref = v
} else if call, ok := opt.Expr.(*influxql.Call); ok {
if len(call.Args) > 0 {
ref, _ = call.Args[0].(*influxql.VarRef)
// Count the number of series concatenated from the tag set.
cost := query.IteratorCost{NumShards: 1}
for _, t := range tagSets {
cost.NumSeries += int64(len(t.SeriesKeys))
for i, key := range t.SeriesKeys {
// Retrieve the cost for the main expression (if it exists).
if ref != nil {
c := e.seriesCost(key, ref.Val, opt.StartTime, opt.EndTime)
cost = cost.Combine(c)
// Retrieve the cost for every auxiliary field since these are also
// iterators that we may have to look through.
// We may want to separate these though as we are unlikely to incur
// anywhere close to the full costs of the auxiliary iterators because
// many of the selected values are usually skipped.
for _, ref := range opt.Aux {
c := e.seriesCost(key, ref.Val, opt.StartTime, opt.EndTime)
cost = cost.Combine(c)
// Retrieve the expression names in the condition (if there is a condition).
// We will also create cursors for these too.
if t.Filters[i] != nil {
refs := influxql.ExprNames(t.Filters[i])
for _, ref := range refs {
c := e.seriesCost(key, ref.Val, opt.StartTime, opt.EndTime)
cost = cost.Combine(c)
return cost, nil
func (e *Engine) seriesCost(seriesKey, field string, tmin, tmax int64) query.IteratorCost {
key := SeriesFieldKeyBytes(seriesKey, field)
c := e.FileStore.Cost(key, tmin, tmax)
// Retrieve the range of values within the cache.
cacheValues := e.Cache.Values(key)
c.CachedValues = int64(len(cacheValues.Include(tmin, tmax)))
return c
// SeriesFieldKey combine a series key and field name for a unique string to be hashed to a numeric ID.
func SeriesFieldKey(seriesKey, field string) string {
return seriesKey + keyFieldSeparator + field
func SeriesFieldKeyBytes(seriesKey, field string) []byte {
b := make([]byte, len(seriesKey)+len(keyFieldSeparator)+len(field))
i := copy(b[:], seriesKey)
i += copy(b[i:], KeyFieldSeparatorBytes)
copy(b[i:], field)
return b
// AppendSeriesFieldKeyBytes combines seriesKey and field such
// that can be used to search a TSM index. The value is appended to dst and
// the extended buffer returned.
func AppendSeriesFieldKeyBytes(dst, seriesKey, field []byte) []byte {
dst = append(dst, seriesKey...)
dst = append(dst, KeyFieldSeparatorBytes...)
return append(dst, field...)
var (
blockToFieldType = [8]influxql.DataType{
BlockFloat64: influxql.Float,
BlockInteger: influxql.Integer,
BlockBoolean: influxql.Boolean,
BlockString: influxql.String,
BlockUnsigned: influxql.Unsigned,
5: influxql.Unknown,
6: influxql.Unknown,
7: influxql.Unknown,
func BlockTypeToInfluxQLDataType(typ byte) influxql.DataType { return blockToFieldType[typ&7] }
// SeriesAndFieldFromCompositeKey returns the series key and the field key extracted from the composite key.
func SeriesAndFieldFromCompositeKey(key []byte) ([]byte, []byte) {
sep := bytes.Index(key, KeyFieldSeparatorBytes)
if sep == -1 {
// No field???
return key, nil
return key[:sep], key[sep+len(keyFieldSeparator):]