538 lines
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538 lines
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package influx
import (
// TimeRangeAsEpochNano extracs the min and max epoch times from the expression
func TimeRangeAsEpochNano(expr influxql.Expr, now time.Time) (min, max int64, err error) {
// TODO(desa): is this OK?
_, trange, err := influxql.ConditionExpr(expr, nil)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, err
tmin, tmax := trange.Min, trange.Max
if tmin.IsZero() {
min = time.Unix(0, influxql.MinTime).UnixNano()
} else {
min = tmin.UnixNano()
if tmax.IsZero() {
max = now.UnixNano()
} else {
max = tmax.UnixNano()
// WhereToken is used to parse the time expression from an influxql query
const WhereToken = "WHERE"
// ParseTime extracts the duration of the time range of the query
func ParseTime(influxQL string, now time.Time) (time.Duration, error) {
start := strings.Index(strings.ToUpper(influxQL), WhereToken)
if start == -1 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("not a relative duration")
start += len(WhereToken)
where := influxQL[start:]
cond, err := influxql.ParseExpr(where)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
nowVal := &influxql.NowValuer{
Now: now,
cond = influxql.Reduce(cond, nowVal)
min, max, err := TimeRangeAsEpochNano(cond, now)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
dur := time.Duration(max - min)
if dur < 0 {
dur = 0
return dur, nil
// Convert changes an InfluxQL query to a QueryConfig
func Convert(influxQL string) (chronograf.QueryConfig, error) {
itsDashboardTime := false
intervalTime := false
if strings.Contains(influxQL, ":interval:") {
influxQL = strings.Replace(influxQL, ":interval:", "8675309ns", -1)
intervalTime = true
if strings.Contains(influxQL, ":dashboardTime:") {
influxQL = strings.Replace(influxQL, ":dashboardTime:", "now() - 15m", 1)
itsDashboardTime = true
query, err := influxql.ParseQuery(influxQL)
if err != nil {
return chronograf.QueryConfig{}, err
if itsDashboardTime {
influxQL = strings.Replace(influxQL, "now() - 15m", ":dashboardTime:", 1)
if intervalTime {
influxQL = strings.Replace(influxQL, "8675309ns", ":interval:", -1)
raw := chronograf.QueryConfig{
RawText: &influxQL,
Fields: []chronograf.Field{},
GroupBy: chronograf.GroupBy{
Tags: []string{},
Tags: make(map[string][]string),
qc := chronograf.QueryConfig{
GroupBy: chronograf.GroupBy{
Tags: []string{},
Tags: make(map[string][]string),
if len(query.Statements) != 1 {
return raw, nil
stmt, ok := query.Statements[0].(*influxql.SelectStatement)
if !ok {
return raw, nil
// Query config doesn't support limits
if stmt.Limit != 0 || stmt.Offset != 0 || stmt.SLimit != 0 || stmt.SOffset != 0 {
return raw, nil
// Query config doesn't support sorting
if len(stmt.SortFields) > 0 {
return raw, nil
// Query config doesn't allow SELECT INTO
if stmt.Target != nil {
return raw, nil
// Query config only allows selecting from one source at a time.
if len(stmt.Sources) != 1 {
return raw, nil
src := stmt.Sources[0]
measurement, ok := src.(*influxql.Measurement)
if !ok {
return raw, nil
if measurement.Regex != nil {
return raw, nil
qc.Database = measurement.Database
qc.RetentionPolicy = measurement.RetentionPolicy
qc.Measurement = measurement.Name
for _, dim := range stmt.Dimensions {
switch v := dim.Expr.(type) {
return raw, nil
case *influxql.Call:
if v.Name != "time" {
return raw, nil
// Make sure there is exactly one argument.
if len(v.Args) != 1 {
return raw, nil
// Ensure the argument is a duration.
lit, ok := v.Args[0].(*influxql.DurationLiteral)
if !ok {
return raw, nil
if intervalTime {
qc.GroupBy.Time = "auto"
} else {
qc.GroupBy.Time = lit.String()
// Add fill to queryConfig only if there's a `GROUP BY time`
switch stmt.Fill {
case influxql.NullFill:
qc.Fill = "null"
case influxql.NoFill:
qc.Fill = "none"
case influxql.NumberFill:
qc.Fill = fmt.Sprint(stmt.FillValue)
case influxql.PreviousFill:
qc.Fill = "previous"
case influxql.LinearFill:
qc.Fill = "linear"
return raw, nil
case *influxql.VarRef:
qc.GroupBy.Tags = append(qc.GroupBy.Tags, v.Val)
qc.Fields = []chronograf.Field{}
for _, fld := range stmt.Fields {
switch f := fld.Expr.(type) {
return raw, nil
case *influxql.Call:
// only support certain query config functions
if _, ok = supportedFuncs[f.Name]; !ok {
return raw, nil
fldArgs := []chronograf.Field{}
for _, arg := range f.Args {
switch ref := arg.(type) {
case *influxql.VarRef:
fldArgs = append(fldArgs, chronograf.Field{
Value: ref.Val,
Type: "field",
case *influxql.IntegerLiteral:
fldArgs = append(fldArgs, chronograf.Field{
Value: strconv.FormatInt(ref.Val, 10),
Type: "integer",
case *influxql.NumberLiteral:
fldArgs = append(fldArgs, chronograf.Field{
Value: strconv.FormatFloat(ref.Val, 'f', -1, 64),
Type: "number",
case *influxql.RegexLiteral:
fldArgs = append(fldArgs, chronograf.Field{
Value: ref.Val.String(),
Type: "regex",
case *influxql.Wildcard:
fldArgs = append(fldArgs, chronograf.Field{
Value: "*",
Type: "wildcard",
return raw, nil
qc.Fields = append(qc.Fields, chronograf.Field{
Value: f.Name,
Type: "func",
Alias: fld.Alias,
Args: fldArgs,
case *influxql.VarRef:
if f.Type != influxql.Unknown {
return raw, nil
qc.Fields = append(qc.Fields, chronograf.Field{
Value: f.Val,
Type: "field",
Alias: fld.Alias,
if stmt.Condition == nil {
return qc, nil
reduced := influxql.Reduce(stmt.Condition, nil)
logic, ok := isTagLogic(reduced)
if !ok {
return raw, nil
ops := map[string]bool{}
for _, l := range logic {
values, ok := qc.Tags[l.Tag]
if !ok {
values = []string{}
ops[l.Op] = true
values = append(values, l.Value)
qc.Tags[l.Tag] = values
if len(logic) > 0 {
if len(ops) != 1 {
return raw, nil
if _, ok := ops["=="]; ok {
qc.AreTagsAccepted = true
// If the condition has a time range we report back its duration
if dur, ok := hasTimeRange(stmt.Condition); ok {
if !itsDashboardTime {
qc.Range = &chronograf.DurationRange{
Lower: "now() - " + shortDur(dur),
return qc, nil
// tagFilter represents a single tag that is filtered by some condition
type tagFilter struct {
Op string
Tag string
Value string
func isTime(exp influxql.Expr) bool {
if p, ok := exp.(*influxql.ParenExpr); ok {
return isTime(p.Expr)
} else if ref, ok := exp.(*influxql.VarRef); ok && strings.ToLower(ref.Val) == "time" {
return true
return false
func isNow(exp influxql.Expr) bool {
if p, ok := exp.(*influxql.ParenExpr); ok {
return isNow(p.Expr)
} else if call, ok := exp.(*influxql.Call); ok && strings.ToLower(call.Name) == "now" && len(call.Args) == 0 {
return true
return false
func isDuration(exp influxql.Expr) (time.Duration, bool) {
switch e := exp.(type) {
case *influxql.ParenExpr:
return isDuration(e.Expr)
case *influxql.DurationLiteral:
return e.Val, true
case *influxql.NumberLiteral, *influxql.IntegerLiteral, *influxql.TimeLiteral:
return 0, false
return 0, false
func isPreviousTime(exp influxql.Expr) (time.Duration, bool) {
if p, ok := exp.(*influxql.ParenExpr); ok {
return isPreviousTime(p.Expr)
} else if bin, ok := exp.(*influxql.BinaryExpr); ok {
now := isNow(bin.LHS) || isNow(bin.RHS) // either side can be now
op := bin.Op == influxql.SUB
dur, hasDur := isDuration(bin.LHS)
if !hasDur {
dur, hasDur = isDuration(bin.RHS)
return dur, now && op && hasDur
} else if isNow(exp) { // just comparing to now
return 0, true
return 0, false
func isTimeRange(exp influxql.Expr) (time.Duration, bool) {
if p, ok := exp.(*influxql.ParenExpr); ok {
return isTimeRange(p.Expr)
} else if bin, ok := exp.(*influxql.BinaryExpr); ok {
tm := isTime(bin.LHS) || isTime(bin.RHS) // Either side could be time
op := false
switch bin.Op {
case influxql.LT, influxql.LTE, influxql.GT, influxql.GTE:
op = true
dur, prev := isPreviousTime(bin.LHS)
if !prev {
dur, prev = isPreviousTime(bin.RHS)
return dur, tm && op && prev
return 0, false
func hasTimeRange(exp influxql.Expr) (time.Duration, bool) {
v := &timeRangeVisitor{}
influxql.Walk(v, exp)
return v.Duration, v.Ok
// timeRangeVisitor implements influxql.Visitor to search for time ranges
type timeRangeVisitor struct {
Duration time.Duration
Ok bool
func (v *timeRangeVisitor) Visit(n influxql.Node) influxql.Visitor {
if exp, ok := n.(influxql.Expr); !ok {
return nil
} else if dur, ok := isTimeRange(exp); ok {
v.Duration = dur
v.Ok = ok
return nil
return v
func isTagLogic(exp influxql.Expr) ([]tagFilter, bool) {
if p, ok := exp.(*influxql.ParenExpr); ok {
return isTagLogic(p.Expr)
if _, ok := isTimeRange(exp); ok {
return nil, true
} else if tf, ok := isTagFilter(exp); ok {
return []tagFilter{tf}, true
bin, ok := exp.(*influxql.BinaryExpr)
if !ok {
return nil, false
lhs, lhsOK := isTagFilter(bin.LHS)
rhs, rhsOK := isTagFilter(bin.RHS)
if lhsOK && rhsOK && lhs.Tag == rhs.Tag && lhs.Op == rhs.Op && bin.Op == influxql.OR {
return []tagFilter{lhs, rhs}, true
if bin.Op != influxql.AND && bin.Op != influxql.OR {
return nil, false
_, tm := isTimeRange(bin.LHS)
if !tm {
_, tm = isTimeRange(bin.RHS)
tf := lhsOK || rhsOK
if tm && tf {
if lhsOK {
return []tagFilter{lhs}, true
return []tagFilter{rhs}, true
tlLHS, lhsOK := isTagLogic(bin.LHS)
tlRHS, rhsOK := isTagLogic(bin.RHS)
if lhsOK && rhsOK {
ops := map[string]bool{} // there must only be one kind of ops
for _, tf := range tlLHS {
ops[tf.Op] = true
for _, tf := range tlRHS {
ops[tf.Op] = true
if len(ops) > 1 {
return nil, false
return append(tlLHS, tlRHS...), true
return nil, false
func isVarRef(exp influxql.Expr) bool {
if p, ok := exp.(*influxql.ParenExpr); ok {
return isVarRef(p.Expr)
} else if _, ok := exp.(*influxql.VarRef); ok {
return true
return false
func isString(exp influxql.Expr) bool {
if p, ok := exp.(*influxql.ParenExpr); ok {
return isString(p.Expr)
} else if _, ok := exp.(*influxql.StringLiteral); ok {
return true
return false
func isTagFilter(exp influxql.Expr) (tagFilter, bool) {
switch expr := exp.(type) {
return tagFilter{}, false
case *influxql.ParenExpr:
return isTagFilter(expr.Expr)
case *influxql.BinaryExpr:
var Op string
if expr.Op == influxql.EQ {
Op = "=="
} else if expr.Op == influxql.NEQ {
Op = "!="
} else {
return tagFilter{}, false
hasValue := isString(expr.LHS) || isString(expr.RHS)
hasTag := isVarRef(expr.LHS) || isVarRef(expr.RHS)
if !(hasValue && hasTag) {
return tagFilter{}, false
value := ""
tag := ""
// Either tag op value or value op tag
if isVarRef(expr.LHS) {
t, _ := expr.LHS.(*influxql.VarRef)
tag = t.Val
v, _ := expr.RHS.(*influxql.StringLiteral)
value = v.Val
} else {
t, _ := expr.RHS.(*influxql.VarRef)
tag = t.Val
v, _ := expr.LHS.(*influxql.StringLiteral)
value = v.Val
return tagFilter{
Op: Op,
Tag: tag,
Value: value,
}, true
var supportedFuncs = map[string]bool{
"mean": true,
"median": true,
"count": true,
"min": true,
"max": true,
"sum": true,
"first": true,
"last": true,
"spread": true,
"stddev": true,
"percentile": true,
"top": true,
"bottom": true,
// shortDur converts duration into the queryConfig duration format
func shortDur(d time.Duration) string {
s := d.String()
if strings.HasSuffix(s, "m0s") {
s = s[:len(s)-2]
if strings.HasSuffix(s, "h0m") {
s = s[:len(s)-2]
return s