352 lines
8.9 KiB
Protocol Buffer
352 lines
8.9 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
package influxdata.platform.storage;
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
// TODO: how should requests handle authentication & authorization?
message CreateBucketRequest {
uint64 org_id = 1;
Bucket bucket = 2;
message CreateBucketResponse {
message DeleteBucketResponse {
message DeleteBucketRequest {
uint32 id = 1;
message GetBucketsResponse {
repeated Bucket buckets = 1;
message Organization {
uint64 id = 1;
string name = 2;
repeated Bucket buckets = 3;
message Bucket {
uint64 org_id = 1;
uint64 id = 2;
string name = 3;
string retention = 4;
// posting_list_rollover specifies how many series can be in a single posting list entry
// before the index creates a new entry for it. For example if you have _measurement=cpu and
// a rollover of 10, once 10 series are in that list, a new key/value pair is created in the
// index for the next list. So you'd have _measurement=cpu<big endian 0> and _measurement=cpu<big endian 10>
uint32 posting_list_rollover = 5;
repeated IndexLevel index_levels = 6;
message IndexLevel {
// duration is the amount of time this level represents. A duration of 0 is a level for an index of anything ever seen
uint32 duration_seconds = 1;
// timezone is the timezone under which this level should rollover. Only applicable for durations of 1 day or greater
string timezone = 2;
service Delorean {
rpc CreateBucket(CreateBucketRequest) returns (CreateBucketResponse) {}
rpc DeleteBucket(DeleteBucketRequest) returns (DeleteBucketResponse) {}
rpc GetBuckets(Organization) returns (GetBucketsResponse) {}
// The following section is taken from InfluxDB so this server can implement the storage RPC. From here:
// https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb/blob/master/storage/reads/datatypes/predicate.proto
message Node {
enum Type {
TAG_REF = 3;
enum Comparison {
EQUAL = 0;
REGEX = 3;
LT = 5;
LTE = 6;
GT = 7;
GTE = 8;
// Logical operators apply to boolean values and combine to produce a single boolean result.
enum Logical {
AND = 0;
OR = 1;
repeated Node children = 2;
oneof value {
string string_value = 3;
bool bool_value = 4;
int64 int_value = 5;
uint64 uint_value = 6;
double float_value = 7;
string regex_value = 8;
string tag_ref_value = 9;
string field_ref_value = 10;
Logical logical = 11;
Comparison comparison = 12;
message Predicate {
Node root = 1;
// From https://github.com/influxdata/idpe/blob/master/storage/read/service.proto
service Storage {
// ReadFilter performs a filter operation at storage
rpc ReadFilter (ReadFilterRequest) returns (stream ReadResponse);
// ReadGroup performs a group operation at storage
rpc ReadGroup (ReadGroupRequest) returns (stream ReadResponse);
// TagKeys performs a read operation for tag keys
rpc TagKeys (TagKeysRequest) returns (stream StringValuesResponse);
// TagValues performs a read operation for tag values
rpc TagValues (TagValuesRequest) returns (stream StringValuesResponse);
// Capabilities returns a map of keys and values identifying the capabilities supported by the storage engine
rpc Capabilities (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (CapabilitiesResponse);
rpc MeasurementNames(MeasurementNamesRequest) returns (stream StringValuesResponse);
rpc MeasurementTagKeys(MeasurementTagKeysRequest) returns (stream StringValuesResponse);
rpc MeasurementTagValues(MeasurementTagValuesRequest) returns (stream StringValuesResponse);
rpc MeasurementFields(MeasurementFieldsRequest) returns (stream MeasurementFieldsResponse);
// From https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb/blob/master/storage/reads/datatypes/storage_common.proto
message ReadFilterRequest {
google.protobuf.Any read_source = 1;
TimestampRange range = 2;
Predicate predicate = 3;
message ReadGroupRequest {
google.protobuf.Any read_source = 1;
TimestampRange range = 2;
Predicate predicate = 3;
enum Group {
// GroupNone returns all series as a single group.
// The single GroupFrame.TagKeys will be the union of all tag keys.
// GroupBy returns a group for each unique value of the specified GroupKeys.
// GroupKeys specifies a list of tag keys used to order the data.
// It is dependent on the Group property to determine its behavior.
repeated string group_keys = 4;
Group group = 5;
Aggregate aggregate = 6;
message Aggregate {
enum AggregateType {
NONE = 0;
SUM = 1;
COUNT = 2;
MIN = 3;
MAX = 4;
AggregateType type = 1;
// additional arguments?
message Tag {
bytes key = 1;
bytes value = 2;
// Response message for ReadFilter and ReadGroup
message ReadResponse {
enum FrameType {
enum DataType {
FLOAT = 0;
message Frame {
oneof data {
GroupFrame group = 7;
SeriesFrame series = 1;
FloatPointsFrame float_points = 2;
IntegerPointsFrame integer_points = 3;
UnsignedPointsFrame unsigned_points = 4;
BooleanPointsFrame boolean_points = 5;
StringPointsFrame string_points = 6;
message GroupFrame {
// TagKeys
repeated bytes tag_keys = 1;
// PartitionKeyVals is the values of the partition key for this group, order matching ReadGroupRequest.GroupKeys
repeated bytes partition_key_vals = 2;
message SeriesFrame {
repeated Tag tags = 1;
DataType data_type = 2;
message FloatPointsFrame {
repeated sfixed64 timestamps = 1;
repeated double values = 2;
message IntegerPointsFrame {
repeated sfixed64 timestamps = 1;
repeated int64 values = 2;
message UnsignedPointsFrame {
repeated sfixed64 timestamps = 1;
repeated uint64 values = 2;
message BooleanPointsFrame {
repeated sfixed64 timestamps = 1;
repeated bool values = 2;
message StringPointsFrame {
repeated sfixed64 timestamps = 1;
repeated string values = 2;
repeated Frame frames = 1;
message CapabilitiesResponse {
map<string, string> caps = 1;
// Specifies a continuous range of nanosecond timestamps.
message TimestampRange {
// Start defines the inclusive lower bound.
int64 start = 1;
// End defines the exclusive upper bound.
int64 end = 2;
// TagKeysRequest is the request message for Storage.TagKeys.
message TagKeysRequest {
google.protobuf.Any tags_source = 1;
TimestampRange range = 2;
Predicate predicate = 3;
// TagValuesRequest is the request message for Storage.TagValues.
message TagValuesRequest {
google.protobuf.Any tags_source = 1;
TimestampRange range = 2;
Predicate predicate = 3;
string tag_key = 4;
// Response message for Storage.TagKeys, Storage.TagValues Storage.MeasurementNames,
// Storage.MeasurementTagKeys and Storage.MeasurementTagValues.
message StringValuesResponse {
repeated bytes values = 1;
// MeasurementNamesRequest is the request message for Storage.MeasurementNames.
message MeasurementNamesRequest {
google.protobuf.Any source = 1;
TimestampRange range = 2;
// MeasurementTagKeysRequest is the request message for Storage.MeasurementTagKeys.
message MeasurementTagKeysRequest {
google.protobuf.Any source = 1;
string measurement = 2;
TimestampRange range = 3;
Predicate predicate = 4;
// MeasurementTagValuesRequest is the request message for Storage.MeasurementTagValues.
message MeasurementTagValuesRequest {
google.protobuf.Any source = 1;
string measurement = 2;
string tag_key = 3;
TimestampRange range = 4;
Predicate predicate = 5;
// MeasurementFieldsRequest is the request message for Storage.MeasurementFields.
message MeasurementFieldsRequest {
google.protobuf.Any source = 1;
string measurement = 2;
TimestampRange range = 3;
Predicate predicate = 4;
// MeasurementFieldsResponse is the response message for Storage.MeasurementFields.
message MeasurementFieldsResponse {
enum FieldType {
FLOAT = 0;
message MessageField {
string key = 1;
FieldType type = 2;
sfixed64 timestamp = 3;
repeated MessageField fields = 1;
// From https://github.com/influxdata/idpe/blob/master/storage/read/source.proto
message ReadSource {
// OrgID specifies the organization identifier for this request.
uint64 org_id = 1;
// BucketID specifies the bucket in the organization.
uint64 bucket_id = 2;
// PartitionID specifies the partition to be queried.
uint64 partition_id = 3;