
138 lines
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# Top level Makefile for the entire project
# This Makefile encodes the "go generate" prerequeisites ensuring that the proper tooling is installed and
# that the generate steps are executed when their prerequeisites files change.
# This Makefile follows a few conventions:
# * All cmds must be added to this top level Makefile.
# * All binaries are placed in ./bin, its recommended to add this directory to your PATH.
# * Each package that has a need to run go generate, must have its own Makefile for that purpose.
# * All recursive Makefiles must support the targets: all and clean.
SUBDIRS := query task chronograf/ui
GO_ARGS=-tags '$(GO_TAGS)'
# Test vars can be used by all recursive Makefiles
export GOOS=$(shell go env GOOS)
export GO_BUILD=env GO111MODULE=on go build $(GO_ARGS)
export GO_TEST=env GO111MODULE=on go test $(GO_ARGS)
# Do not add GO111MODULE=on to the call to go generate so it doesn't pollute the environment.
export GO_GENERATE=go generate $(GO_ARGS)
export GO_VET=env GO111MODULE=on go vet $(GO_ARGS)
export PATH := $(PWD)/bin/$(GOOS):$(PATH)
# All go source files
SOURCES := $(shell find . -name '*.go' -not -name '*_test.go')
# All go source files excluding the vendored sources.
SOURCES_NO_VENDOR := $(shell find . -path ./vendor -prune -o -name "*.go" -not -name '*_test.go' -print)
# All assets for chronograf
UISOURCES := $(shell find chronograf/ui -type f -not \( -path chronograf/ui/build/\* -o -path chronograf/ui/node_modules/\* -o -path chronograf/ui/.cache/\* -o -name Makefile -prune \) )
# All precanned dashboards
PRECANNED := $(shell find chronograf/canned -name '*.json')
# List of binary cmds to build
CMDS := \
bin/$(GOOS)/influx \
bin/$(GOOS)/influxd \
# List of utilities to build as part of the build process
UTILS := \
bin/$(GOOS)/pigeon \
bin/$(GOOS)/protoc-gen-gogofaster \
bin/$(GOOS)/goreleaser \
# Default target to build all go commands.
# This target sets up the dependencies to correctly build all go commands.
# Other targets must depend on this target to correctly builds CMDS.
all: GO_ARGS=-tags 'assets $(GO_TAGS)'
all: node_modules $(UTILS) subdirs generate $(CMDS)
# Target to build subdirs.
# Each subdirs must support the `all` target.
subdirs: $(SUBDIRS)
@for d in $^; do $(MAKE) -C $$d all; done
# Define targets for commands
$(GO_BUILD) -o $@ ./cmd/$(shell basename "$@")
# Define targets for utilities
bin/$(GOOS)/pigeon: go.mod go.sum
$(GO_BUILD) -o $@
bin/$(GOOS)/protoc-gen-gogofaster: go.mod go.sum
$(GO_BUILD) -o $@
bin/$(GOOS)/goreleaser: go.mod go.sum
$(GO_BUILD) -o $@
bin/$(GOOS)/go-bindata: go.mod go.sum
$(GO_BUILD) -o $@
node_modules: chronograf/ui/node_modules
make -C chronograf/ui node_modules
# Define action only targets
goimports -w $^
chronograf/dist/dist_gen.go: chronograf/ui/build $(UISOURCES)
$(GO_GENERATE) ./chronograf/dist/...
chronograf/server/swagger_gen.go: chronograf/server/swagger.json
$(GO_GENERATE) ./chronograf/server/...
chronograf/canned/bin_gen.go: $(PRECANNED)
$(GO_GENERATE) ./chronograf/canned/...
generate: chronograf/dist/dist_gen.go chronograf/server/swagger_gen.go chronograf/canned/bin_gen.go
test-js: node_modules
make -C chronograf/ui test
$(GO_TEST) ./...
test: test-go test-js
$(GO_TEST) -race -count=1 ./...
$(GO_VET) -v ./...
$(GO_TEST) -bench=. -run=^$$ ./...
nightly: bin/$(GOOS)/goreleaser all
PATH=./bin/$(GOOS):${PATH} goreleaser --snapshot --rm-dist --publish-snapshots
# Recursively clean all subdirs
clean: $(SUBDIRS)
@for d in $^; do $(MAKE) -C $$d $(MAKECMDGOALS); done
rm -rf bin
# .PHONY targets represent actions that do not create an actual file.
.PHONY: all subdirs $(SUBDIRS) fmt test test-go test-js test-go-race bench clean node_modules vet nightly