504 lines
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504 lines
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package launcher_test
import (
nethttp "net/http"
func TestValidateReplication_Valid(t *testing.T) {
l := launcher.RunAndSetupNewLauncherOrFail(ctx, t)
defer l.ShutdownOrFail(t, ctx)
client := l.APIClient(t)
// Create a "remote" connection to the launcher from itself.
remote, err := client.RemoteConnectionsApi.PostRemoteConnection(ctx).
Name: "self",
OrgID: l.Org.ID.String(),
RemoteURL: l.URL().String(),
RemoteAPIToken: l.Auth.Token,
RemoteOrgID: api.PtrString(l.Org.ID.String()),
AllowInsecureTLS: false,
require.NoError(t, err)
// Validate the replication before creating it.
createReq := api.ReplicationCreationRequest{
Name: "test",
OrgID: l.Org.ID.String(),
RemoteID: remote.Id,
LocalBucketID: l.Bucket.ID.String(),
RemoteBucketID: api.PtrString(l.Bucket.ID.String()),
MaxQueueSizeBytes: influxdb.DefaultReplicationMaxQueueSizeBytes,
_, err = client.ReplicationsApi.PostReplication(ctx).ReplicationCreationRequest(createReq).Validate(true).Execute()
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create the replication.
replication, err := client.ReplicationsApi.PostReplication(ctx).ReplicationCreationRequest(createReq).Execute()
require.NoError(t, err)
// Ensure the replication is marked as valid.
require.NoError(t, client.ReplicationsApi.PostValidateReplicationByID(ctx, replication.Id).Execute())
// Create a new auth token that can only write to the bucket.
auth := influxdb.Authorization{
Status: "active",
OrgID: l.Org.ID,
UserID: l.User.ID,
Permissions: []influxdb.Permission{{
Action: "write",
Resource: influxdb.Resource{
Type: influxdb.BucketsResourceType,
ID: &l.Bucket.ID,
OrgID: &l.Org.ID,
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{},
require.NoError(t, l.AuthorizationService(t).CreateAuthorization(ctx, &auth))
// Update the remote to use the new token.
_, err = client.RemoteConnectionsApi.PatchRemoteConnectionByID(ctx, remote.Id).
RemoteConnenctionUpdateRequest(api.RemoteConnenctionUpdateRequest{RemoteAPIToken: &auth.Token}).
require.NoError(t, err)
// Ensure the replication is still valid.
require.NoError(t, client.ReplicationsApi.PostValidateReplicationByID(ctx, replication.Id).Execute())
func TestValidateReplication_Invalid(t *testing.T) {
l := launcher.RunAndSetupNewLauncherOrFail(ctx, t)
defer l.ShutdownOrFail(t, ctx)
client := l.APIClient(t)
// Create a "remote" connection to the launcher from itself,
// but with a bad auth token.
remote, err := client.RemoteConnectionsApi.PostRemoteConnection(ctx).
Name: "self",
OrgID: l.Org.ID.String(),
RemoteURL: l.URL().String(),
RemoteAPIToken: "foo",
RemoteOrgID: api.PtrString(l.Org.ID.String()),
AllowInsecureTLS: false,
require.NoError(t, err)
// Validate the replication before creating it. This should fail because of the bad
// auth token in the linked remote.
createReq := api.ReplicationCreationRequest{
Name: "test",
OrgID: l.Org.ID.String(),
RemoteID: remote.Id,
LocalBucketID: l.Bucket.ID.String(),
RemoteBucketID: api.PtrString(l.Bucket.ID.String()),
MaxQueueSizeBytes: influxdb.DefaultReplicationMaxQueueSizeBytes,
_, err = client.ReplicationsApi.PostReplication(ctx).ReplicationCreationRequest(createReq).Validate(true).Execute()
require.Error(t, err)
// Create the replication even though it failed validation.
replication, err := client.ReplicationsApi.PostReplication(ctx).ReplicationCreationRequest(createReq).Execute()
require.NoError(t, err)
// Ensure the replication is marked as invalid.
require.Error(t, client.ReplicationsApi.PostValidateReplicationByID(ctx, replication.Id).Execute())
// Create a new auth token that can only write to the bucket.
auth := influxdb.Authorization{
Status: "active",
OrgID: l.Org.ID,
UserID: l.User.ID,
Permissions: []influxdb.Permission{{
Action: "write",
Resource: influxdb.Resource{
Type: influxdb.BucketsResourceType,
ID: &l.Bucket.ID,
OrgID: &l.Org.ID,
CRUDLog: influxdb.CRUDLog{},
require.NoError(t, l.AuthorizationService(t).CreateAuthorization(ctx, &auth))
// Update the remote to use the new token.
_, err = client.RemoteConnectionsApi.PatchRemoteConnectionByID(ctx, remote.Id).
RemoteConnenctionUpdateRequest(api.RemoteConnenctionUpdateRequest{RemoteAPIToken: &auth.Token}).
require.NoError(t, err)
// Ensure the replication is now valid.
require.NoError(t, client.ReplicationsApi.PostValidateReplicationByID(ctx, replication.Id).Execute())
// Create a new bucket.
bucket2 := influxdb.Bucket{
OrgID: l.Org.ID,
Name: "bucket2",
RetentionPeriod: 0,
ShardGroupDuration: 0,
require.NoError(t, l.BucketService(t).CreateBucket(ctx, &bucket2))
bucket2Id := bucket2.ID.String()
// Updating the replication to point at the new bucket should fail validation.
_, err = client.ReplicationsApi.PatchReplicationByID(ctx, replication.Id).
ReplicationUpdateRequest(api.ReplicationUpdateRequest{RemoteBucketID: &bucket2Id}).
require.Error(t, err)
func TestReplicationStreamEndToEnd(t *testing.T) {
// Points that will be written to the local bucket when only one replication is active.
testPoints1 := []string{
`m,k=v1 f=100i 946684800000000000`,
`m,k=v2 f=200i 946684800000000000`,
// Flux script to write points that to the local bucket when both replications are active.
testPoints2 := `import "csv"
csvData = "#datatype,string,long,dateTime:RFC3339,string,long,string,string
csv.from(csv: csvData) |> to(bucket: %q)
// Format string to be used as a flux query to get data from a bucket.
qs := `from(bucket:%q) |> range(start:2000-01-01T00:00:00Z,stop:2000-01-02T00:00:00Z)`
// Data that should be in a bucket which received all the testPoints1.
exp1 := `,result,table,_start,_stop,_time,_value,_field,_measurement,k` + "\r\n" +
`,_result,0,2000-01-01T00:00:00Z,2000-01-02T00:00:00Z,2000-01-01T00:00:00Z,100,f,m,v1` + "\r\n" +
`,_result,1,2000-01-01T00:00:00Z,2000-01-02T00:00:00Z,2000-01-01T00:00:00Z,200,f,m,v2` + "\r\n\r\n"
// Data that should be in a bucket which received all the points from testPoints1 and testPoints2.
exp2 := `,result,table,_start,_stop,_time,_value,_field,_measurement,k` + "\r\n" +
`,_result,0,2000-01-01T00:00:00Z,2000-01-02T00:00:00Z,2000-01-01T00:00:00Z,100,f,m,v1` + "\r\n" +
`,_result,1,2000-01-01T00:00:00Z,2000-01-02T00:00:00Z,2000-01-01T00:00:00Z,200,f,m,v2` + "\r\n" +
`,_result,2,2000-01-01T00:00:00Z,2000-01-02T00:00:00Z,2000-01-01T00:00:00Z,300,f,m,v3` + "\r\n" +
`,_result,3,2000-01-01T00:00:00Z,2000-01-02T00:00:00Z,2000-01-01T00:00:00Z,400,f,m,v4` + "\r\n\r\n"
// Data that should be in a bucket which received points only from testPoints2.
exp3 := `,result,table,_start,_stop,_time,_value,_field,_measurement,k` + "\r\n" +
`,_result,0,2000-01-01T00:00:00Z,2000-01-02T00:00:00Z,2000-01-01T00:00:00Z,300,f,m,v3` + "\r\n" +
`,_result,1,2000-01-01T00:00:00Z,2000-01-02T00:00:00Z,2000-01-01T00:00:00Z,400,f,m,v4` + "\r\n\r\n"
l := launcher.RunAndSetupNewLauncherOrFail(ctx, t)
defer l.ShutdownOrFail(t, ctx)
client := l.APIClient(t)
localBucketName := l.Bucket.Name
remote1BucketName := "remote1"
remote2BucketName := "remote2"
// Create a proxy for use in testing. This will proxy requests to the server, and also decrement the waitGroup to
// allow for synchronization.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var mu sync.Mutex
proxyHandler := httputil.NewSingleHostReverseProxy(l.URL())
proxy := httptest.NewServer(nethttp.HandlerFunc(func(w nethttp.ResponseWriter, r *nethttp.Request) {
defer mu.Unlock()
proxyHandler.ServeHTTP(w, r)
defer proxy.Close()
// Create a "remote" connection to the launcher from itself via the test proxy.
remote, err := client.RemoteConnectionsApi.PostRemoteConnection(ctx).
Name: "self",
OrgID: l.Org.ID.String(),
RemoteURL: proxy.URL,
RemoteAPIToken: l.Auth.Token,
RemoteOrgID: api.PtrString(l.Org.ID.String()),
AllowInsecureTLS: false,
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create separate buckets to act as the target for remote writes
svc := l.BucketService(t)
remote1Bucket := &influxdb.Bucket{
OrgID: l.Org.ID,
Name: remote1BucketName,
require.NoError(t, svc.CreateBucket(ctx, remote1Bucket))
remote2Bucket := &influxdb.Bucket{
OrgID: l.Org.ID,
Name: remote2BucketName,
require.NoError(t, svc.CreateBucket(ctx, remote2Bucket))
// Create a replication for the first remote bucket.
replicationCreateReq := api.ReplicationCreationRequest{
Name: "test1",
OrgID: l.Org.ID.String(),
RemoteID: remote.Id,
LocalBucketID: l.Bucket.ID.String(),
RemoteBucketID: api.PtrString(remote1Bucket.ID.String()),
MaxQueueSizeBytes: influxdb.DefaultReplicationMaxQueueSizeBytes,
MaxAgeSeconds: influxdb.DefaultReplicationMaxAge,
_, err = client.ReplicationsApi.PostReplication(ctx).ReplicationCreationRequest(replicationCreateReq).Execute()
require.NoError(t, err)
// Write the first set of points to the launcher bucket. This is the local bucket in the replication.
for _, p := range testPoints1 {
l.WritePointsOrFail(t, p)
// Data should now be in the local bucket and in the replication remote bucket, but not in the bucket without the
// replication.
require.Equal(t, exp1, l.FluxQueryOrFail(t, l.Org, l.Auth.Token, fmt.Sprintf(qs, localBucketName)))
require.Equal(t, exp1, l.FluxQueryOrFail(t, l.Org, l.Auth.Token, fmt.Sprintf(qs, remote1BucketName)))
require.Equal(t, "\r\n", l.FluxQueryOrFail(t, l.Org, l.Auth.Token, fmt.Sprintf(qs, remote2BucketName)))
// Create a replication for the second remote bucket.
replicationCreateReq = api.ReplicationCreationRequest{
Name: "test2",
OrgID: l.Org.ID.String(),
RemoteID: remote.Id,
LocalBucketID: l.Bucket.ID.String(),
RemoteBucketID: api.PtrString(remote2Bucket.ID.String()),
MaxQueueSizeBytes: influxdb.DefaultReplicationMaxQueueSizeBytes,
MaxAgeSeconds: influxdb.DefaultReplicationMaxAge,
_, err = client.ReplicationsApi.PostReplication(ctx).ReplicationCreationRequest(replicationCreateReq).Execute()
require.NoError(t, err)
// Write the second set of points to the launcher bucket via flux
wg.Add(2) // since there are two replications, the proxy server will handle 2 requests
l.FluxQueryOrFail(t, l.Org, l.Auth.Token, fmt.Sprintf(testPoints2, l.Bucket.Name))
// All the data should be in the local bucket and first replicated bucket. Only part of the data should be in the
// second replicated bucket.
require.Equal(t, exp2, l.FluxQueryOrFail(t, l.Org, l.Auth.Token, fmt.Sprintf(qs, localBucketName)))
require.Equal(t, exp2, l.FluxQueryOrFail(t, l.Org, l.Auth.Token, fmt.Sprintf(qs, remote1BucketName)))
require.Equal(t, exp3, l.FluxQueryOrFail(t, l.Org, l.Auth.Token, fmt.Sprintf(qs, remote2BucketName)))
func TestReplicationStreamEndToEndRemoteFailures(t *testing.T) {
// Points that will be written to the local bucket.
testPoints := []string{
`m,k=v0 f=100i 946684800000000000`,
`m,k=v1 f=200i 946684800000000000`,
`m,k=v2 f=300i 946684800000000000`,
`m,k=v3 f=400i 946684800000000000`,
// Format string to be used as a flux query to get data from a bucket.
qs := `from(bucket:%q) |> range(start:2000-01-01T00:00:00Z,stop:2000-01-02T00:00:00Z)`
// Data that should be in a bucket which received all the testPoints.
exp := `,result,table,_start,_stop,_time,_value,_field,_measurement,k` + "\r\n" +
`,_result,0,2000-01-01T00:00:00Z,2000-01-02T00:00:00Z,2000-01-01T00:00:00Z,100,f,m,v0` + "\r\n" +
`,_result,1,2000-01-01T00:00:00Z,2000-01-02T00:00:00Z,2000-01-01T00:00:00Z,200,f,m,v1` + "\r\n" +
`,_result,2,2000-01-01T00:00:00Z,2000-01-02T00:00:00Z,2000-01-01T00:00:00Z,300,f,m,v2` + "\r\n" +
`,_result,3,2000-01-01T00:00:00Z,2000-01-02T00:00:00Z,2000-01-01T00:00:00Z,400,f,m,v3` + "\r\n\r\n"
l := launcher.RunAndSetupNewLauncherOrFail(ctx, t)
defer l.ShutdownOrFail(t, ctx)
client := l.APIClient(t)
localBucketName := l.Bucket.Name
remoteBucketName := "remote"
random := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1000))
pointsIndex := 0
// Create a proxy for use in testing. This will proxy requests to the server, and also decrement the waitGroup to
// allow for synchronization.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var mu sync.Mutex
proxyHandler := httputil.NewSingleHostReverseProxy(l.URL())
proxy := httptest.NewServer(nethttp.HandlerFunc(func(w nethttp.ResponseWriter, r *nethttp.Request) {
defer mu.Unlock()
// Read the current point off of the request.
body, _ := io.ReadAll(r.Body)
reader, _ := gzip.NewReader(bytes.NewBuffer(body))
unzipBody, _ := io.ReadAll(reader)
// Fix the Body on the request.
r.Body = io.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(body))
// "Randomly" fail on remote write to test retries.
if random.Intn(2) == 0 {
// Increment the index if the proper point succeeds.
// This is needed since the replication queue will currently send the same
// data several times if a failure is reached, since there is not enough
// data to warrant a call to scan.Advance().
if strings.Contains(string(unzipBody), fmt.Sprintf("v%d", pointsIndex)) {
proxyHandler.ServeHTTP(w, r)
// Decrement the waitGroup if all points have succeeded in writing.
if pointsIndex == len(testPoints) {
} else {
defer proxy.Close()
// Create a "remote" connection to the launcher from itself via the test proxy.
remote, err := client.RemoteConnectionsApi.PostRemoteConnection(ctx).
Name: "self",
OrgID: l.Org.ID.String(),
RemoteURL: proxy.URL,
RemoteAPIToken: l.Auth.Token,
RemoteOrgID: api.PtrString(l.Org.ID.String()),
AllowInsecureTLS: false,
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create separate buckets to act as the target for remote writes.
svc := l.BucketService(t)
remoteBucket := &influxdb.Bucket{
OrgID: l.Org.ID,
Name: remoteBucketName,
require.NoError(t, svc.CreateBucket(ctx, remoteBucket))
// Create a replication for the remote bucket.
replicationCreateReq := api.ReplicationCreationRequest{
Name: "test1",
OrgID: l.Org.ID.String(),
RemoteID: remote.Id,
LocalBucketID: l.Bucket.ID.String(),
RemoteBucketID: api.PtrString(remoteBucket.ID.String()),
MaxQueueSizeBytes: influxdb.DefaultReplicationMaxQueueSizeBytes,
MaxAgeSeconds: influxdb.DefaultReplicationMaxAge,
_, err = client.ReplicationsApi.PostReplication(ctx).ReplicationCreationRequest(replicationCreateReq).Execute()
require.NoError(t, err)
// Write the set of points to the launcher bucket. This is the local bucket in the replication.
for _, p := range testPoints {
l.WritePointsOrFail(t, p)
// Data should now be in the local bucket and in the replication remote bucket.
require.Equal(t, exp, l.FluxQueryOrFail(t, l.Org, l.Auth.Token, fmt.Sprintf(qs, localBucketName)))
require.Equal(t, exp, l.FluxQueryOrFail(t, l.Org, l.Auth.Token, fmt.Sprintf(qs, remoteBucketName)))
func TestReplicationsLocalWriteAndShutdownBlocking(t *testing.T) {
l := launcher.RunAndSetupNewLauncherOrFail(ctx, t)
client := l.APIClient(t)
// Server that only returns an error will cause the remote write to retry on loop.
svr := httptest.NewServer(nethttp.HandlerFunc(func(w nethttp.ResponseWriter, r *nethttp.Request) {
defer svr.Close()
// Create a "remote" connection to the blocking server
remote, err := client.RemoteConnectionsApi.PostRemoteConnection(ctx).
Name: "self",
OrgID: l.Org.ID.String(),
RemoteURL: svr.URL,
RemoteAPIToken: "foo",
RemoteOrgID: api.PtrString(l.Org.ID.String()),
AllowInsecureTLS: false,
require.NoError(t, err)
createReq := api.ReplicationCreationRequest{
Name: "test",
OrgID: l.Org.ID.String(),
RemoteID: remote.Id,
LocalBucketID: l.Bucket.ID.String(),
RemoteBucketID: api.PtrString(l.Bucket.ID.String()),
MaxQueueSizeBytes: influxdb.DefaultReplicationMaxQueueSizeBytes,
// Create the replication
_, err = client.ReplicationsApi.PostReplication(ctx).ReplicationCreationRequest(createReq).Execute()
require.NoError(t, err)
p := `m,k=v1 f=100i 946684800000000000`
// Do a write; the remote writer will block forever
l.WritePointsOrFail(t, p)
// Do some more writes; these should not be blocked locally, although the remote writer will be.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for idx := 0; idx < 3; idx++ {
go func() {
l.WritePointsOrFail(t, p)
writesAreDone := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
// If remote writes don't block local writes, this will quickly send on the writesAreDone channel to prevent the
// test from timing out.
writesAreDone <- struct{}{}
// Test timeout for local writes
delay := 5 * time.Second
select {
case <-time.After(delay):
t.Fatalf("test timed out after %s - writing was blocked by remote writer", delay)
case <-writesAreDone:
// Try to shut down the server
didShutdown := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
// If remote writes don't block the server shutdown, the server should quickly shutdown and send on the didShutdown
// channel.
l.ShutdownOrFail(t, context.Background())
didShutdown <- struct{}{}
// Test timeout for server shutdown
delay = 10 * time.Second
select {
case <-time.After(delay):
t.Fatalf("test timed out after %s - server shutdown was blocked by remote writer", delay)
case <-didShutdown: