
663 lines
19 KiB

package launcher
import (
nethttp "net/http"
clibackup ""
clirestore ""
influxdbcontext ""
dashboardTransport ""
dto ""
// TestLauncher is a test wrapper for launcher.Launcher.
type TestLauncher struct {
// Root temporary directory for all data.
Path string
// Initialized after calling the Setup() helper.
User *influxdb.User
Org *influxdb.Organization
Bucket *influxdb.Bucket
Auth *influxdb.Authorization
httpClient *httpc.Client
apiClient *api.APIClient
// Flag to act as standard server: disk store, no-e2e testing flag
realServer bool
// RunAndSetupNewLauncherOrFail shorcuts the most common pattern used in testing,
// building a new TestLauncher, running it, and setting it up with an initial user.
func RunAndSetupNewLauncherOrFail(ctx context.Context, tb testing.TB, setters ...OptSetter) *TestLauncher {
l := NewTestLauncher()
l.RunOrFail(tb, ctx, setters...)
defer func() {
// If setup fails, shut down the launcher.
if tb.Failed() {
return l
// NewTestLauncher returns a new instance of TestLauncher.
func NewTestLauncher() *TestLauncher {
l := &TestLauncher{Launcher: NewLauncher()}
path, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "")
if err != nil {
l.Path = path
return l
// NewTestLauncherServer returns a new instance of TestLauncher configured as real server (disk store, no e2e flag).
func NewTestLauncherServer() *TestLauncher {
l := NewTestLauncher()
l.realServer = true
return l
// URL returns the URL to connect to the HTTP server.
func (tl *TestLauncher) URL() *url.URL {
u := url.URL{
Host: fmt.Sprintf("", tl.Launcher.httpPort),
Scheme: "http",
if tl.Launcher.tlsEnabled {
u.Scheme = "https"
return &u
type OptSetter = func(o *InfluxdOpts)
func (tl *TestLauncher) SetFlagger(flagger feature.Flagger) {
tl.Launcher.flagger = flagger
// Run executes the program, failing the test if the launcher fails to start.
func (tl *TestLauncher) RunOrFail(tb testing.TB, ctx context.Context, setters ...OptSetter) {
if err := tl.Run(tb, ctx, setters...); err != nil {
// Run executes the program with additional arguments to set paths and ports.
// Passed arguments will overwrite/add to the default ones.
func (tl *TestLauncher) Run(tb zaptest.TestingT, ctx context.Context, setters ...OptSetter) error {
opts := NewOpts(viper.New())
if !tl.realServer {
opts.StoreType = "memory"
opts.Testing = true
opts.TestingAlwaysAllowSetup = true
opts.BoltPath = filepath.Join(tl.Path, bolt.DefaultFilename)
opts.SqLitePath = filepath.Join(tl.Path, sqlite.DefaultFilename)
opts.EnginePath = filepath.Join(tl.Path, "engine")
opts.HttpBindAddress = ""
opts.LogLevel = zap.DebugLevel
opts.ReportingDisabled = true
opts.ConcurrencyQuota = 32
opts.QueueSize = 16
for _, setter := range setters {
// Set up top-level logger to write into the test-case.
tl.Launcher.log = zaptest.NewLogger(tb, zaptest.Level(opts.LogLevel)).With(zap.String("test_name", tb.Name()))
return, opts)
// Shutdown stops the program and cleans up temporary paths.
func (tl *TestLauncher) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error {
defer os.RemoveAll(tl.Path)
return tl.Launcher.Shutdown(ctx)
// ShutdownOrFail stops the program and cleans up temporary paths. Fail on error.
func (tl *TestLauncher) ShutdownOrFail(tb testing.TB, ctx context.Context) {
if err := tl.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {
// Setup creates a new user, bucket, org, and auth token.
func (tl *TestLauncher) Setup() error {
results, err := tl.OnBoard(&influxdb.OnboardingRequest{
User: "USER",
Password: "PASSWORD",
Org: "ORG",
Bucket: "BUCKET",
if err != nil {
return err
tl.User = results.User
tl.Org = results.Org
tl.Bucket = results.Bucket
tl.Auth = results.Auth
return nil
// SetupOrFail creates a new user, bucket, org, and auth token. Fail on error.
func (tl *TestLauncher) SetupOrFail(tb testing.TB) {
if err := tl.Setup(); err != nil {
// OnBoard attempts an on-boarding request.
// The on-boarding status is also reset to allow multiple user/org/buckets to be created.
func (tl *TestLauncher) OnBoard(req *influxdb.OnboardingRequest) (*influxdb.OnboardingResults, error) {
return tl.apibackend.OnboardingService.OnboardInitialUser(context.Background(), req)
// OnBoardOrFail attempts an on-boarding request or fails on error.
// The on-boarding status is also reset to allow multiple user/org/buckets to be created.
func (tl *TestLauncher) OnBoardOrFail(tb testing.TB, req *influxdb.OnboardingRequest) *influxdb.OnboardingResults {
res, err := tl.OnBoard(req)
if err != nil {
return res
// WriteOrFail attempts a write to the organization and bucket identified by to or fails if there is an error.
func (tl *TestLauncher) WriteOrFail(tb testing.TB, to *influxdb.OnboardingResults, data string) {
resp, err := nethttp.DefaultClient.Do(tl.NewHTTPRequestOrFail(tb, "POST", fmt.Sprintf("/api/v2/write?org=%s&bucket=%s", to.Org.ID, to.Bucket.ID), to.Auth.Token, data))
if err != nil {
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
if err := resp.Body.Close(); err != nil {
if resp.StatusCode != nethttp.StatusNoContent {
tb.Fatalf("unexpected status code: %d, body: %s, headers: %v", resp.StatusCode, body, resp.Header)
// WritePoints attempts a write to the organization and bucket used during setup.
func (tl *TestLauncher) WritePoints(data string) error {
req, err := tl.NewHTTPRequest(
"POST", fmt.Sprintf("/api/v2/write?org=%s&bucket=%s", tl.Org.ID, tl.Bucket.ID),
tl.Auth.Token, data)
if err != nil {
return err
resp, err := nethttp.DefaultClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return err
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := resp.Body.Close(); err != nil {
return err
if resp.StatusCode != nethttp.StatusNoContent {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected status code: %d, body: %s, headers: %v", resp.StatusCode, body, resp.Header)
return nil
// WritePointsOrFail attempts a write to the organization and bucket used during setup or fails if there is an error.
func (tl *TestLauncher) WritePointsOrFail(tb testing.TB, data string) {
if err := tl.WritePoints(data); err != nil {
// MustExecuteQuery executes the provided query panicking if an error is encountered.
// Callers of MustExecuteQuery must call Done on the returned QueryResults.
func (tl *TestLauncher) MustExecuteQuery(query string) *QueryResults {
results, err := tl.ExecuteQuery(query)
if err != nil {
return results
// ExecuteQuery executes the provided query against the ith query node.
// Callers of ExecuteQuery must call Done on the returned QueryResults.
func (tl *TestLauncher) ExecuteQuery(q string) (*QueryResults, error) {
ctx := influxdbcontext.SetAuthorizer(context.Background(), mock.NewMockAuthorizer(true, nil))
ctx, _ = feature.Annotate(ctx, tl.flagger)
fq, err := tl.QueryController().Query(ctx, &query.Request{
Authorization: tl.Auth,
OrganizationID: tl.Auth.OrgID,
Compiler: lang.FluxCompiler{
Query: q,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
results := make([]flux.Result, 0, 1)
for res := range fq.Results() {
results = append(results, res)
if err := fq.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &QueryResults{
Results: results,
Query: fq,
}, nil
// QueryAndConsume queries InfluxDB using the request provided. It uses a function to consume the results obtained.
// It returns the first error encountered when requesting the query, consuming the results, or executing the query.
func (tl *TestLauncher) QueryAndConsume(ctx context.Context, req *query.Request, fn func(r flux.Result) error) error {
res, err := tl.FluxQueryService().Query(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return err
// iterate over results to populate res.Err()
var gotErr error
for res.More() {
if err := fn(res.Next()); gotErr == nil {
gotErr = err
if gotErr != nil {
return gotErr
return res.Err()
// QueryAndNopConsume does the same as QueryAndConsume but consumes results with a nop function.
func (tl *TestLauncher) QueryAndNopConsume(ctx context.Context, req *query.Request) error {
return tl.QueryAndConsume(ctx, req, func(r flux.Result) error {
return r.Tables().Do(func(table flux.Table) error {
return nil
// FluxQueryOrFail performs a query to the specified organization and returns the results
// or fails if there is an error.
func (tl *TestLauncher) FluxQueryOrFail(tb testing.TB, org *influxdb.Organization, token string, query string) string {
b, err := http.SimpleQuery(tl.URL(), query, org.Name, token)
if err != nil {
return string(b)
// QueryFlux returns the csv response from a flux query.
// It also removes all the \r to make it easier to write tests.
func (tl *TestLauncher) QueryFlux(tb testing.TB, org *influxdb.Organization, token, query string) string {
b, err := http.SimpleQuery(tl.URL(), query, org.Name, token)
if err != nil {
// remove all \r as well as the extra terminating \n
b = bytes.ReplaceAll(b, []byte("\r"), nil)
return string(b[:len(b)-1])
func (tl *TestLauncher) BackupOrFail(tb testing.TB, ctx context.Context, req clibackup.Params) {
require.NoError(tb, tl.Backup(tb, ctx, req))
func (tl *TestLauncher) Backup(tb testing.TB, ctx context.Context, req clibackup.Params) error {
return tl.BackupService(tb).Backup(ctx, &req)
func (tl *TestLauncher) RestoreOrFail(tb testing.TB, ctx context.Context, req clirestore.Params) {
require.NoError(tb, tl.Restore(tb, ctx, req))
func (tl *TestLauncher) Restore(tb testing.TB, ctx context.Context, req clirestore.Params) error {
return tl.RestoreService(tb).Restore(ctx, &req)
// MustNewHTTPRequest returns a new nethttp.Request with base URL and auth attached. Fail on error.
func (tl *TestLauncher) MustNewHTTPRequest(method, rawurl, body string) *nethttp.Request {
req, err := nethttp.NewRequest(method, tl.URL().String()+rawurl, strings.NewReader(body))
if err != nil {
req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Token "+tl.Auth.Token)
return req
// NewHTTPRequest returns a new nethttp.Request with base URL and auth attached.
func (tl *TestLauncher) NewHTTPRequest(method, rawurl, token string, body string) (*nethttp.Request, error) {
req, err := nethttp.NewRequest(method, tl.URL().String()+rawurl, strings.NewReader(body))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Token "+token)
return req, nil
// NewHTTPRequestOrFail returns a new nethttp.Request with base URL and auth attached. Fail on error.
func (tl *TestLauncher) NewHTTPRequestOrFail(tb testing.TB, method, rawurl, token string, body string) *nethttp.Request {
req, err := tl.NewHTTPRequest(method, rawurl, token, body)
if err != nil {
return req
// Services
func (tl *TestLauncher) FluxService() *http.FluxService {
return &http.FluxService{Addr: tl.URL().String(), Token: tl.Auth.Token}
func (tl *TestLauncher) FluxQueryService() *http.FluxQueryService {
return &http.FluxQueryService{Addr: tl.URL().String(), Token: tl.Auth.Token}
func (tl *TestLauncher) BucketService(tb testing.TB) *tenant.BucketClientService {
return &tenant.BucketClientService{Client: tl.HTTPClient(tb)}
func (tl *TestLauncher) DashboardService(tb testing.TB) influxdb.DashboardService {
return &dashboardTransport.DashboardService{Client: tl.HTTPClient(tb)}
func (tl *TestLauncher) LabelService(tb testing.TB) influxdb.LabelService {
return &label.LabelClientService{Client: tl.HTTPClient(tb)}
func (tl *TestLauncher) NotificationEndpointService(tb testing.TB) *http.NotificationEndpointService {
return http.NewNotificationEndpointService(tl.HTTPClient(tb))
func (tl *TestLauncher) NotificationRuleService(tb testing.TB) influxdb.NotificationRuleStore {
return http.NewNotificationRuleService(tl.HTTPClient(tb))
func (tl *TestLauncher) OrgService(tb testing.TB) influxdb.OrganizationService {
return &tenant.OrgClientService{Client: tl.HTTPClient(tb)}
func (tl *TestLauncher) PkgerService(tb testing.TB) pkger.SVC {
return &pkger.HTTPRemoteService{Client: tl.HTTPClient(tb)}
func (tl *TestLauncher) TaskServiceKV(tb testing.TB) taskmodel.TaskService {
return tl.kvService
func (tl *TestLauncher) TelegrafService(tb testing.TB) *http.TelegrafService {
return http.NewTelegrafService(tl.HTTPClient(tb))
func (tl *TestLauncher) VariableService(tb testing.TB) *http.VariableService {
return &http.VariableService{Client: tl.HTTPClient(tb)}
func (tl *TestLauncher) AuthorizationService(tb testing.TB) *http.AuthorizationService {
return &http.AuthorizationService{Client: tl.HTTPClient(tb)}
func (tl *TestLauncher) TaskService(tb testing.TB) taskmodel.TaskService {
return &http.TaskService{Client: tl.HTTPClient(tb)}
func (tl *TestLauncher) BackupService(tb testing.TB) *clibackup.Client {
client := tl.APIClient(tb)
return &clibackup.Client{
CLI: clients.CLI{},
BackupApi: client.BackupApi,
HealthApi: client.HealthApi,
func (tl *TestLauncher) RestoreService(tb testing.TB) *clirestore.Client {
client := tl.APIClient(tb)
return &clirestore.Client{
CLI: clients.CLI{},
HealthApi: client.HealthApi,
RestoreApi: client.RestoreApi,
BucketsApi: client.BucketsApi,
OrganizationsApi: client.OrganizationsApi,
ApiConfig: client,
func (tl *TestLauncher) ResetHTTPCLient() {
tl.httpClient = nil
func (tl *TestLauncher) HTTPClient(tb testing.TB) *httpc.Client {
if tl.httpClient == nil {
token := ""
if tl.Auth != nil {
token = tl.Auth.Token
client, err := http.NewHTTPClient(tl.URL().String(), token, false)
if err != nil {
tl.httpClient = client
return tl.httpClient
func (tl *TestLauncher) APIClient(tb testing.TB) *api.APIClient {
if tl.apiClient == nil {
params := api.ConfigParams{
Host: tl.URL(),
if tl.Auth != nil {
params.Token = &tl.Auth.Token
tl.apiClient = api.NewAPIClient(api.NewAPIConfig(params))
return tl.apiClient
func (tl *TestLauncher) Metrics(tb testing.TB) (metrics map[string]*dto.MetricFamily) {
req := tl.HTTPClient(tb).
RespFn(func(resp *nethttp.Response) error {
if resp.StatusCode != nethttp.StatusOK {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected status code: %d %s", resp.StatusCode, resp.Status)
defer func() { _ = resp.Body.Close() }()
var parser expfmt.TextParser
metrics, _ = parser.TextToMetricFamilies(resp.Body)
return nil
if err := req.Do(context.Background()); err != nil {
return metrics
func (tl *TestLauncher) NumReads(tb testing.TB, op string) uint64 {
const metricName = "query_influxdb_source_read_request_duration_seconds"
mf := tl.Metrics(tb)[metricName]
if mf != nil {
fmt.Printf("%v\n", mf)
for _, m := range mf.Metric {
for _, label := range m.Label {
if label.GetName() == "op" && label.GetValue() == op {
return m.Histogram.GetSampleCount()
return 0
// QueryResult wraps a single flux.Result with some helper methods.
type QueryResult struct {
t *testing.T
q flux.Result
// HasTableWithCols checks if the desired number of tables and columns exist,
// ignoring any system columns.
// If the result is not as expected then the testing.T fails.
func (r *QueryResult) HasTablesWithCols(want []int) {
// _start, _stop, _time, _f
systemCols := 4
got := []int{}
if err := r.q.Tables().Do(func(b flux.Table) error {
got = append(got, len(b.Cols())-systemCols)
b.Do(func(c flux.ColReader) error { return nil })
return nil
}); err != nil {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
r.t.Fatalf("got %v, expected %v", got, want)
// TablesN returns the number of tables for the result.
func (r *QueryResult) TablesN() int {
var total int
r.q.Tables().Do(func(b flux.Table) error {
b.Do(func(c flux.ColReader) error { return nil })
return nil
return total
// QueryResults wraps a set of query results with some helper methods.
type QueryResults struct {
Results []flux.Result
Query flux.Query
func (r *QueryResults) Done() {
// First returns the first QueryResult. When there are not exactly 1 table First
// will fail.
func (r *QueryResults) First(t *testing.T) *QueryResult {
r.HasTableCount(t, 1)
for _, result := range r.Results {
return &QueryResult{t: t, q: result}
return nil
// HasTableCount asserts that there are n tables in the result.
func (r *QueryResults) HasTableCount(t *testing.T, n int) {
if got, exp := len(r.Results), n; got != exp {
t.Fatalf("result has %d tables, expected %d. Tables: %s", got, exp, r.Names())
// Names returns the sorted set of result names for the query results.
func (r *QueryResults) Names() []string {
if len(r.Results) == 0 {
return nil
names := make([]string, len(r.Results), 0)
for _, r := range r.Results {
names = append(names, r.Name())
return names
// SortedNames returns the sorted set of table names for the query results.
func (r *QueryResults) SortedNames() []string {
names := r.Names()
return names