
131 lines
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# Welcome to the InfluxDB configuration file.
# If hostname (on the OS) doesn't return a name that can be resolved by the other
# systems in the cluster, you'll have to set the hostname to an IP or something
# that can be resovled here.
# hostname = ""
bind-address = ""
# logging level can be one of "debug", "info", "warn" or "error"
level = "info"
file = "influxdb.log" # stdout to log to standard out
# Configure the admin server
port = 8083 # binding is disabled if the port isn't set
assets = "./admin"
# Configure the http api
port = 8086 # binding is disabled if the port isn't set
# ssl-port = 8084 # Ssl support is enabled if you set a port and cert
# ssl-cert = /path/to/cert.pem
# Raft configuration
# The raft port should be open between all servers in a cluster.
# However, this port shouldn't be accessible from the internet.
port = 8090
# Where the raft logs are stored. The user running InfluxDB will need read/write access.
dir = "/tmp/influxdb/development/raft"
dir = "/tmp/influxdb/development/db"
# How many requests to potentially buffer in memory. If the buffer gets filled then writes
# will still be logged and once the local storage has caught up (or compacted) the writes
# will be replayed from the WAL
write-buffer-size = 1000
# A comma separated list of servers to seed
# this server. this is only relevant when the
# server is joining a new cluster. Otherwise
# the server will use the list of known servers
# prior to shutting down. Any server can be pointed to
# as a seed. It will find the Raft leader automatically.
# Here's an example. Note that the port on the host is the same as the raft port.
# seed-servers = ["hosta:8090","hostb:8090"]
# Replication happens over a TCP connection with a Protobuf protocol.
# This port should be reachable between all servers in a cluster.
# However, this port shouldn't be accessible from the internet.
protobuf_port = 8099
protobuf_timeout = "2s" # the write timeout on the protobuf conn any duration parseable by time.ParseDuration
protobuf_heartbeat = "200ms" # the heartbeat interval between the servers. must be parseable by time.ParseDuration
# How many write requests to potentially buffer in memory per server. If the buffer gets filled then writes
# will still be logged and once the server has caught up (or come back online) the writes
# will be replayed from the WAL
write-buffer-size = 1000
# When queries get distributed out, the go in parallel. However, the responses must be sent in time order.
# This setting determines how many responses can be buffered in memory per shard before data starts gettind dropped.
query-shard-buffer-size = 500
# Maximum mmap open files, this will affect the virtual memory used by
# the process
max-open-files = 100
# These options specify how data is sharded across the cluster. There are two
# shard configurations that have the same knobs: short term and long term.
# Any series that begins with a capital letter like Exceptions will be written
# into the long term storage. Any series beginning with a lower case letter
# like exceptions will be written into short term. The idea being that you
# can write high precision data into short term and drop it after a couple
# of days. Meanwhile, continuous queries can run downsampling on the short term
# data and write into the long term area.
# how many servers in the cluster should have a copy of each shard.
# this will give you high availability and scalability on queries
replication-factor = 1
# each shard will have this period of time. Note that it's best to have
# group by time() intervals on all queries be < than this setting. If they are
# then the aggregate is calculated locally. Otherwise, all that data gets sent
# over the network when doing a query.
duration = "7d"
# split will determine how many shards to split each duration into. For example,
# if we created a shard for 2014-02-10 and split was set to 2. Then two shards
# would be created that have the data for 2014-02-10. By default, data will
# be split into those two shards deterministically by hashing the (database, serise)
# tuple. That means that data for a given series will be written to a single shard
# making querying efficient. That can be overridden with the next option.
split = 1
# You can override the split behavior to have the data for series that match a
# given regex be randomly distributed across the shards for a given interval.
# You can use this if you have a hot spot for a given time series writing more
# data than a single server can handle. Most people won't have to resort to this
# option. Also note that using this option means that queries will have to send
# all data over the network so they won't be as efficient.
# split-random = "/^hf.*/"
duration = "30d"
split = 1
# split-random = "/^Hf.*/"
dir = "/tmp/influxdb/development/wal"
flush-after = 0 # the number of writes after which wal will be flushed, 0 for flushing on every write
bookmark-after = 0 # the number of writes after which a bookmark will be created
# the number of writes after which an index entry is created pointing
# to the offset of the first request, default to 1k
index-after = 1000
# the number of requests per one log file, if new requests came in a
# new log file will be created
requests-per-logfile = 10000