399 lines
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399 lines
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package replications
import (
sq "github.com/Masterminds/squirrel"
ierrors "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/v2/kit/platform/errors"
var errReplicationNotFound = &ierrors.Error{
Code: ierrors.ENotFound,
Msg: "replication not found",
func errRemoteNotFound(id platform.ID, cause error) error {
return &ierrors.Error{
Code: ierrors.EInvalid,
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("remote %q not found", id),
Err: cause,
func errLocalBucketNotFound(id platform.ID, cause error) error {
return &ierrors.Error{
Code: ierrors.EInvalid,
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("local bucket %q not found", id),
Err: cause,
func NewService(store *sqlite.SqlStore, bktSvc BucketService, log *zap.Logger, enginePath string) *service {
return &service{
store: store,
idGenerator: snowflake.NewIDGenerator(),
bucketService: bktSvc,
validator: internal.NewValidator(),
log: log,
durableQueueManager: internal.NewDurableQueueManager(log, enginePath),
type ReplicationValidator interface {
ValidateReplication(context.Context, *internal.ReplicationHTTPConfig) error
type BucketService interface {
FindBucketByID(ctx context.Context, id platform.ID) (*influxdb.Bucket, error)
type DurableQueueManager interface {
InitializeQueue(replicationID platform.ID, maxQueueSizeBytes int64) error
DeleteQueue(replicationID platform.ID) error
UpdateMaxQueueSize(replicationID platform.ID, maxQueueSizeBytes int64) error
type service struct {
store *sqlite.SqlStore
idGenerator platform.IDGenerator
bucketService BucketService
validator ReplicationValidator
durableQueueManager DurableQueueManager
log *zap.Logger
func (s service) ListReplications(ctx context.Context, filter influxdb.ReplicationListFilter) (*influxdb.Replications, error) {
q := sq.Select(
"id", "org_id", "name", "description",
"remote_id", "local_bucket_id", "remote_bucket_id",
"max_queue_size_bytes", "current_queue_size_bytes",
"latest_response_code", "latest_error_message").
Where(sq.Eq{"org_id": filter.OrgID})
if filter.Name != nil {
q = q.Where(sq.Eq{"name": *filter.Name})
if filter.RemoteID != nil {
q = q.Where(sq.Eq{"remote_id": *filter.RemoteID})
if filter.LocalBucketID != nil {
q = q.Where(sq.Eq{"local_bucket_id": *filter.LocalBucketID})
query, args, err := q.ToSql()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var rs influxdb.Replications
if err := s.store.DB.SelectContext(ctx, &rs.Replications, query, args...); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &rs, nil
func (s service) CreateReplication(ctx context.Context, request influxdb.CreateReplicationRequest) (*influxdb.Replication, error) {
defer s.bucketService.RUnlock()
defer s.store.Mu.Unlock()
if _, err := s.bucketService.FindBucketByID(ctx, request.LocalBucketID); err != nil {
return nil, errLocalBucketNotFound(request.LocalBucketID, err)
newID := s.idGenerator.ID()
if err := s.durableQueueManager.InitializeQueue(newID, request.MaxQueueSizeBytes); err != nil {
return nil, err
q := sq.Insert("replications").
"id": newID,
"org_id": request.OrgID,
"name": request.Name,
"description": request.Description,
"remote_id": request.RemoteID,
"local_bucket_id": request.LocalBucketID,
"remote_bucket_id": request.RemoteBucketID,
"max_queue_size_bytes": request.MaxQueueSizeBytes,
"current_queue_size_bytes": 0,
"created_at": "datetime('now')",
"updated_at": "datetime('now')",
Suffix("RETURNING id, org_id, name, description, remote_id, local_bucket_id, remote_bucket_id, max_queue_size_bytes, current_queue_size_bytes")
cleanupQueue := func() {
if cleanupErr := s.durableQueueManager.DeleteQueue(newID); cleanupErr != nil {
s.log.Warn("durable queue remaining on disk after initialization failure", zap.Error(cleanupErr), zap.String("ID", newID.String()))
query, args, err := q.ToSql()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var r influxdb.Replication
if err := s.store.DB.GetContext(ctx, &r, query, args...); err != nil {
if sqlErr, ok := err.(sqlite3.Error); ok && sqlErr.ExtendedCode == sqlite3.ErrConstraintForeignKey {
return nil, errRemoteNotFound(request.RemoteID, err)
return nil, err
return &r, nil
func (s service) ValidateNewReplication(ctx context.Context, request influxdb.CreateReplicationRequest) error {
if _, err := s.bucketService.FindBucketByID(ctx, request.LocalBucketID); err != nil {
return errLocalBucketNotFound(request.LocalBucketID, err)
config := internal.ReplicationHTTPConfig{RemoteBucketID: request.RemoteBucketID}
if err := s.populateRemoteHTTPConfig(ctx, request.RemoteID, &config); err != nil {
return err
if err := s.validator.ValidateReplication(ctx, &config); err != nil {
return &ierrors.Error{
Code: ierrors.EInvalid,
Msg: "replication parameters fail validation",
Err: err,
return nil
func (s service) GetReplication(ctx context.Context, id platform.ID) (*influxdb.Replication, error) {
q := sq.Select(
"id", "org_id", "name", "description",
"remote_id", "local_bucket_id", "remote_bucket_id",
"max_queue_size_bytes", "current_queue_size_bytes",
"latest_response_code", "latest_error_message").
Where(sq.Eq{"id": id})
query, args, err := q.ToSql()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var r influxdb.Replication
if err := s.store.DB.GetContext(ctx, &r, query, args...); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return nil, errReplicationNotFound
return nil, err
return &r, nil
func (s service) UpdateReplication(ctx context.Context, id platform.ID, request influxdb.UpdateReplicationRequest) (*influxdb.Replication, error) {
defer s.store.Mu.Unlock()
updates := sq.Eq{"updated_at": sq.Expr("datetime('now')")}
if request.Name != nil {
updates["name"] = *request.Name
if request.Description != nil {
updates["description"] = *request.Description
if request.RemoteID != nil {
updates["remote_id"] = *request.RemoteID
if request.RemoteBucketID != nil {
updates["remote_bucket_id"] = *request.RemoteBucketID
if request.MaxQueueSizeBytes != nil {
updates["max_queue_size_bytes"] = *request.MaxQueueSizeBytes
q := sq.Update("replications").SetMap(updates).Where(sq.Eq{"id": id}).
Suffix("RETURNING id, org_id, name, description, remote_id, local_bucket_id, remote_bucket_id, max_queue_size_bytes, current_queue_size_bytes")
query, args, err := q.ToSql()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var r influxdb.Replication
if err := s.store.DB.GetContext(ctx, &r, query, args...); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return nil, errReplicationNotFound
if sqlErr, ok := err.(sqlite3.Error); ok && request.RemoteID != nil && sqlErr.ExtendedCode == sqlite3.ErrConstraintForeignKey {
return nil, errRemoteNotFound(*request.RemoteID, err)
return nil, err
if request.MaxQueueSizeBytes != nil {
if err := s.durableQueueManager.UpdateMaxQueueSize(id, *request.MaxQueueSizeBytes); err != nil {
s.log.Warn("actual max queue size does not match the max queue size recorded in database", zap.String("ID", id.String()))
return nil, err
return &r, nil
func (s service) ValidateUpdatedReplication(ctx context.Context, id platform.ID, request influxdb.UpdateReplicationRequest) error {
baseConfig, err := s.getFullHTTPConfig(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return err
if request.RemoteBucketID != nil {
baseConfig.RemoteBucketID = *request.RemoteBucketID
if request.RemoteID != nil {
if err := s.populateRemoteHTTPConfig(ctx, *request.RemoteID, baseConfig); err != nil {
return err
if err := s.validator.ValidateReplication(ctx, baseConfig); err != nil {
return &ierrors.Error{
Code: ierrors.EInvalid,
Msg: "validation fails after applying update",
Err: err,
return nil
func (s service) DeleteReplication(ctx context.Context, id platform.ID) error {
defer s.store.Mu.Unlock()
q := sq.Delete("replications").Where(sq.Eq{"id": id}).Suffix("RETURNING id")
query, args, err := q.ToSql()
if err != nil {
return err
var d platform.ID
if err := s.store.DB.GetContext(ctx, &d, query, args...); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return errReplicationNotFound
return err
if err := s.durableQueueManager.DeleteQueue(id); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s service) DeleteBucketReplications(ctx context.Context, localBucketID platform.ID) error {
defer s.store.Mu.Unlock()
q := sq.Delete("replications").Where(sq.Eq{"local_bucket_id": localBucketID}).Suffix("RETURNING id")
query, args, err := q.ToSql()
if err != nil {
return err
var deleted []string
if err := s.store.DB.SelectContext(ctx, &deleted, query, args...); err != nil {
return err
errOccurred := false
for _, replication := range deleted {
id, err := platform.IDFromString(replication)
if err != nil {
s.log.Error("durable queue remaining on disk after deletion failure", zap.Error(err), zap.String("ID", replication))
errOccurred = true
if err := s.durableQueueManager.DeleteQueue(*id); err != nil {
s.log.Error("durable queue remaining on disk after deletion failure", zap.Error(err), zap.String("ID", replication))
errOccurred = true
s.log.Debug("Deleted all replications for local bucket",
zap.String("bucket_id", localBucketID.String()), zap.Strings("ids", deleted))
if errOccurred {
return fmt.Errorf("deleting replications for bucket %q failed, see server logs for details", localBucketID)
return nil
func (s service) ValidateReplication(ctx context.Context, id platform.ID) error {
config, err := s.getFullHTTPConfig(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := s.validator.ValidateReplication(ctx, config); err != nil {
return &ierrors.Error{
Code: ierrors.EInvalid,
Msg: "replication failed validation",
Err: err,
return nil
func (s service) getFullHTTPConfig(ctx context.Context, id platform.ID) (*internal.ReplicationHTTPConfig, error) {
q := sq.Select("c.remote_url", "c.remote_api_token", "c.remote_org_id", "c.allow_insecure_tls", "r.remote_bucket_id").
From("replications r").InnerJoin("remotes c ON r.remote_id = c.id AND r.id = ?", id)
query, args, err := q.ToSql()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var rc internal.ReplicationHTTPConfig
if err := s.store.DB.GetContext(ctx, &rc, query, args...); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return nil, errReplicationNotFound
return nil, err
return &rc, nil
func (s service) populateRemoteHTTPConfig(ctx context.Context, id platform.ID, target *internal.ReplicationHTTPConfig) error {
q := sq.Select("remote_url", "remote_api_token", "remote_org_id", "allow_insecure_tls").
From("remotes").Where(sq.Eq{"id": id})
query, args, err := q.ToSql()
if err != nil {
return err
if err := s.store.DB.GetContext(ctx, target, query, args...); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return errRemoteNotFound(id, nil)
return err
return nil