456 lines
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456 lines
14 KiB
package coordinator
import (
influxdb "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/v2/v1"
// The keys for statistics generated by the "write" module.
const (
statWriteReq = "req"
statPointWriteReq = "pointReq"
statPointWriteReqLocal = "pointReqLocal"
statWriteOK = "writeOk"
statWriteDrop = "writeDrop"
statWriteTimeout = "writeTimeout"
statWriteErr = "writeError"
statSubWriteOK = "subWriteOk"
statSubWriteDrop = "subWriteDrop"
var (
// ErrTimeout is returned when a write times out.
ErrTimeout = errors.New("timeout")
// ErrPartialWrite is returned when a write partially succeeds but does
// not meet the requested consistency level.
ErrPartialWrite = errors.New("partial write")
// ErrWriteFailed is returned when no writes succeeded.
ErrWriteFailed = errors.New("write failed")
// PointsWriter handles writes across multiple local and remote data nodes.
type PointsWriter struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
closing chan struct{}
WriteTimeout time.Duration
Logger *zap.Logger
Node *influxdb.Node
MetaClient interface {
Database(name string) (di *meta.DatabaseInfo)
RetentionPolicy(database, policy string) (*meta.RetentionPolicyInfo, error)
CreateShardGroup(database, policy string, timestamp time.Time) (*meta.ShardGroupInfo, error)
TSDBStore interface {
CreateShard(ctx context.Context, database, retentionPolicy string, shardID uint64, enabled bool) error
WriteToShard(ctx context.Context, shardID uint64, points []models.Point) error
subPoints []chan<- *WritePointsRequest
stats *WriteStatistics
// WritePointsRequest represents a request to write point data to the cluster.
type WritePointsRequest struct {
Database string
RetentionPolicy string
Points []models.Point
// AddPoint adds a point to the WritePointRequest with field key 'value'
func (w *WritePointsRequest) AddPoint(name string, value interface{}, timestamp time.Time, tags map[string]string) {
pt, err := models.NewPoint(
name, models.NewTags(tags), map[string]interface{}{"value": value}, timestamp,
if err != nil {
w.Points = append(w.Points, pt)
// NewPointsWriter returns a new instance of PointsWriter for a node.
func NewPointsWriter() *PointsWriter {
return &PointsWriter{
closing: make(chan struct{}),
WriteTimeout: DefaultWriteTimeout,
Logger: zap.NewNop(),
stats: &WriteStatistics{},
// ShardMapping contains a mapping of shards to points.
type ShardMapping struct {
n int
Points map[uint64][]models.Point // The points associated with a shard ID
Shards map[uint64]*meta.ShardInfo // The shards that have been mapped, keyed by shard ID
Dropped []models.Point // Points that were dropped
// NewShardMapping creates an empty ShardMapping.
func NewShardMapping(n int) *ShardMapping {
return &ShardMapping{
n: n,
Points: map[uint64][]models.Point{},
Shards: map[uint64]*meta.ShardInfo{},
// MapPoint adds the point to the ShardMapping, associated with the given shardInfo.
func (s *ShardMapping) MapPoint(shardInfo *meta.ShardInfo, p models.Point) {
if cap(s.Points[shardInfo.ID]) < s.n {
s.Points[shardInfo.ID] = make([]models.Point, 0, s.n)
s.Points[shardInfo.ID] = append(s.Points[shardInfo.ID], p)
s.Shards[shardInfo.ID] = shardInfo
// Open opens the communication channel with the point writer.
func (w *PointsWriter) Open() error {
defer w.mu.Unlock()
w.closing = make(chan struct{})
return nil
// Close closes the communication channel with the point writer.
func (w *PointsWriter) Close() error {
defer w.mu.Unlock()
if w.closing != nil {
if w.subPoints != nil {
// 'nil' channels always block so this makes the
// select statement in WritePoints hit its default case
// dropping any in-flight writes.
w.subPoints = nil
return nil
func (w *PointsWriter) AddWriteSubscriber(c chan<- *WritePointsRequest) {
w.subPoints = append(w.subPoints, c)
// WithLogger sets the Logger on w.
func (w *PointsWriter) WithLogger(log *zap.Logger) {
w.Logger = log.With(zap.String("service", "write"))
// WriteStatistics keeps statistics related to the PointsWriter.
type WriteStatistics struct {
WriteReq int64
PointWriteReq int64
PointWriteReqLocal int64
WriteOK int64
WriteDropped int64
WriteTimeout int64
WriteErr int64
SubWriteOK int64
SubWriteDrop int64
// Statistics returns statistics for periodic monitoring.
func (w *PointsWriter) Statistics(tags map[string]string) []models.Statistic {
return []models.Statistic{{
Name: "write",
Tags: tags,
Values: map[string]interface{}{
statWriteReq: atomic.LoadInt64(&w.stats.WriteReq),
statPointWriteReq: atomic.LoadInt64(&w.stats.PointWriteReq),
statPointWriteReqLocal: atomic.LoadInt64(&w.stats.PointWriteReqLocal),
statWriteOK: atomic.LoadInt64(&w.stats.WriteOK),
statWriteDrop: atomic.LoadInt64(&w.stats.WriteDropped),
statWriteTimeout: atomic.LoadInt64(&w.stats.WriteTimeout),
statWriteErr: atomic.LoadInt64(&w.stats.WriteErr),
statSubWriteOK: atomic.LoadInt64(&w.stats.SubWriteOK),
statSubWriteDrop: atomic.LoadInt64(&w.stats.SubWriteDrop),
// MapShards maps the points contained in wp to a ShardMapping. If a point
// maps to a shard group or shard that does not currently exist, it will be
// created before returning the mapping.
func (w *PointsWriter) MapShards(wp *WritePointsRequest) (*ShardMapping, error) {
rp, err := w.MetaClient.RetentionPolicy(wp.Database, wp.RetentionPolicy)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if rp == nil {
return nil, influxdb.ErrRetentionPolicyNotFound(wp.RetentionPolicy)
// Holds all the shard groups and shards that are required for writes.
list := sgList{items: make(meta.ShardGroupInfos, 0, 8)}
min := time.Unix(0, models.MinNanoTime)
if rp.Duration > 0 {
min = time.Now().Add(-rp.Duration)
for _, p := range wp.Points {
// Either the point is outside the scope of the RP, or we already have
// a suitable shard group for the point.
if p.Time().Before(min) || list.Covers(p.Time()) {
// No shard groups overlap with the point's time, so we will create
// a new shard group for this point.
sg, err := w.MetaClient.CreateShardGroup(wp.Database, wp.RetentionPolicy, p.Time())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if sg == nil {
return nil, errors.New("nil shard group")
mapping := NewShardMapping(len(wp.Points))
for _, p := range wp.Points {
sg := list.ShardGroupAt(p.Time())
if sg == nil {
// We didn't create a shard group because the point was outside the
// scope of the RP.
mapping.Dropped = append(mapping.Dropped, p)
atomic.AddInt64(&w.stats.WriteDropped, 1)
sh := sg.ShardFor(p)
mapping.MapPoint(&sh, p)
return mapping, nil
// sgList is a wrapper around a meta.ShardGroupInfos where we can also check
// if a given time is covered by any of the shard groups in the list.
type sgList struct {
items meta.ShardGroupInfos
// needsSort indicates if items has been modified without a sort operation.
needsSort bool
// earliest is the last begin time of any item in items.
earliest time.Time
// latest is the greatest end time of any item in items.
latest time.Time
func (l sgList) Covers(t time.Time) bool {
if len(l.items) == 0 {
return false
return l.ShardGroupAt(t) != nil
// ShardGroupAt attempts to find a shard group that could contain a point
// at the given time.
// Shard groups are sorted first according to end time, and then according
// to start time. Therefore, if there are multiple shard groups that match
// this point's time they will be preferred in this order:
// - a shard group with the earliest end time;
// - (assuming identical end times) the shard group with the earliest start time.
func (l sgList) ShardGroupAt(t time.Time) *meta.ShardGroupInfo {
if l.items.Len() == 0 {
return nil
// find the earliest shardgroup that could contain this point using binary search.
if l.needsSort {
l.needsSort = false
idx := sort.Search(l.items.Len(), func(i int) bool { return l.items[i].EndTime.After(t) })
// Check if sort.Search actually found the proper shard. It feels like we should also
// be checking l.items[idx].EndTime, but sort.Search was looking at that field for us.
if idx == l.items.Len() || t.Before(l.items[idx].StartTime) {
// This could mean we are looking for a time not in the list, or we have
// overlaping shards. Overlapping shards do not work with binary searches
// on 1d arrays. You have to use an interval tree, but that's a lot of
// work for what is hopefully a rare event. Instead, we'll check if t
// should be in l, and perform a linear search if it is. This way we'll
// do the correct thing, it may just take a little longer. If we don't
// do this, then we may non-silently drop writes we should have accepted.
if t.Before(l.earliest) || t.After(l.latest) {
// t is not in range, we can avoid going through the linear search.
return nil
// Oh no, we've probably got overlapping shards. Perform a linear search.
for idx = 0; idx < l.items.Len(); idx++ {
if l.items[idx].Contains(t) {
// Found it!
if idx == l.items.Len() {
// We did not find a shard which contained t. This is very strange.
return nil
return &l.items[idx]
// Add appends a shard group to the list, updating the earliest/latest times of the list if needed.
func (l *sgList) Add(sgi meta.ShardGroupInfo) {
l.items = append(l.items, sgi)
l.needsSort = true
// Update our earliest and latest times for l.items
if l.earliest.IsZero() || l.earliest.After(sgi.StartTime) {
l.earliest = sgi.StartTime
if l.latest.IsZero() || l.latest.Before(sgi.EndTime) {
l.latest = sgi.EndTime
// WritePoints writes the data to the underlying storage. consistencyLevel and user are only used for clustered scenarios
func (w *PointsWriter) WritePoints(
ctx context.Context,
database, retentionPolicy string,
consistencyLevel models.ConsistencyLevel,
user meta.User,
points []models.Point,
) error {
return w.WritePointsPrivileged(ctx, database, retentionPolicy, consistencyLevel, points)
// WritePointsPrivileged writes the data to the underlying storage, consistencyLevel is only used for clustered scenarios
func (w *PointsWriter) WritePointsPrivileged(
ctx context.Context,
database, retentionPolicy string,
consistencyLevel models.ConsistencyLevel,
points []models.Point,
) error {
atomic.AddInt64(&w.stats.WriteReq, 1)
atomic.AddInt64(&w.stats.PointWriteReq, int64(len(points)))
if retentionPolicy == "" {
db := w.MetaClient.Database(database)
if db == nil {
return influxdb.ErrDatabaseNotFound(database)
retentionPolicy = db.DefaultRetentionPolicy
shardMappings, err := w.MapShards(&WritePointsRequest{Database: database, RetentionPolicy: retentionPolicy, Points: points})
if err != nil {
return err
// Write each shard in it's own goroutine and return as soon as one fails.
ch := make(chan error, len(shardMappings.Points))
for shardID, points := range shardMappings.Points {
go func(shard *meta.ShardInfo, database, retentionPolicy string, points []models.Point) {
err := w.writeToShard(ctx, shard, database, retentionPolicy, points)
if err == tsdb.ErrShardDeletion {
err = tsdb.PartialWriteError{Reason: fmt.Sprintf("shard %d is pending deletion", shard.ID), Dropped: len(points)}
ch <- err
}(shardMappings.Shards[shardID], database, retentionPolicy, points)
// Send points to subscriptions if possible.
var ok, dropped int64
pts := &WritePointsRequest{Database: database, RetentionPolicy: retentionPolicy, Points: points}
// We need to lock just in case the channel is about to be nil'ed
for _, ch := range w.subPoints {
select {
case ch <- pts:
if ok > 0 {
atomic.AddInt64(&w.stats.SubWriteOK, ok)
if dropped > 0 {
atomic.AddInt64(&w.stats.SubWriteDrop, dropped)
if err == nil && len(shardMappings.Dropped) > 0 {
err = tsdb.PartialWriteError{Reason: "points beyond retention policy", Dropped: len(shardMappings.Dropped)}
timeout := time.NewTimer(w.WriteTimeout)
defer timeout.Stop()
for range shardMappings.Points {
select {
case <-w.closing:
return ErrWriteFailed
case <-timeout.C:
atomic.AddInt64(&w.stats.WriteTimeout, 1)
// return timeout error to caller
return ErrTimeout
case err := <-ch:
if err != nil {
return err
return err
// writeToShards writes points to a shard.
func (w *PointsWriter) writeToShard(ctx context.Context, shard *meta.ShardInfo, database, retentionPolicy string, points []models.Point) error {
atomic.AddInt64(&w.stats.PointWriteReqLocal, int64(len(points)))
err := w.TSDBStore.WriteToShard(ctx, shard.ID, points)
if err == nil {
atomic.AddInt64(&w.stats.WriteOK, 1)
return nil
// Except tsdb.ErrShardNotFound no error can be handled here
if err != tsdb.ErrShardNotFound {
atomic.AddInt64(&w.stats.WriteErr, 1)
return err
// If we've written to shard that should exist on the current node, but the store has
// not actually created this shard, tell it to create it and retry the write
if err = w.TSDBStore.CreateShard(ctx, database, retentionPolicy, shard.ID, true); err != nil {
w.Logger.Info("Write failed", zap.Uint64("shard", shard.ID), zap.Error(err))
atomic.AddInt64(&w.stats.WriteErr, 1)
return err
if err = w.TSDBStore.WriteToShard(ctx, shard.ID, points); err != nil {
w.Logger.Info("Write failed", zap.Uint64("shard", shard.ID), zap.Error(err))
atomic.AddInt64(&w.stats.WriteErr, 1)
return err
atomic.AddInt64(&w.stats.WriteOK, 1)
return nil