382 lines
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382 lines
11 KiB
package influxdb
// This file is run within the "influxdb" package and allows for internal unit tests.
import (
// Ensure a measurement can return a set of unique tag values specified by an expression.
func TestMeasurement_uniqueTagValues(t *testing.T) {
// Create a measurement to run against.
m := NewMeasurement("cpu")
m.createFieldIfNotExists("value", influxql.Float)
for i, tt := range []struct {
expr string
values map[string][]string
{expr: `1`, values: map[string][]string{}},
{expr: `foo = 'bar'`, values: map[string][]string{"foo": {"bar"}}},
{expr: `(region = 'us-west' AND value > 10) OR ('us-east' = region AND value > 20) OR (host = 'serverA' AND value > 30)`, values: map[string][]string{"region": {"us-east", "us-west"}, "host": {"serverA"}}},
} {
// Extract unique tag values from the expression.
values := m.uniqueTagValues(MustParseExpr(tt.expr))
if !reflect.DeepEqual(tt.values, values) {
t.Errorf("%d. %s: mismatch: exp=%+v, got=%+v", i, tt.expr, tt.values, values)
// Ensure a measurement can expand an expression for all possible tag values used.
func TestMeasurement_expandExpr(t *testing.T) {
m := NewMeasurement("cpu")
m.createFieldIfNotExists("value", influxql.Float)
type tagSetExprString struct {
tagExpr []tagExpr
expr string
for i, tt := range []struct {
expr string
exprs []tagSetExprString
// Single tag key, single value.
expr: `region = 'us-east' AND value > 10`,
exprs: []tagSetExprString{
{tagExpr: []tagExpr{{"region", []string{"us-east"}, influxql.EQ}}, expr: `value > 10.000`},
// Single tag key, multiple values.
expr: `(region = 'us-east' AND value > 10) OR (region = 'us-west' AND value > 20)`,
exprs: []tagSetExprString{
{tagExpr: []tagExpr{{"region", []string{"us-east"}, influxql.EQ}}, expr: `value > 10.000`},
{tagExpr: []tagExpr{{"region", []string{"us-west"}, influxql.EQ}}, expr: `value > 20.000`},
// Multiple tag keys, multiple values.
expr: `(region = 'us-east' AND value > 10) OR ((host = 'serverA' OR host = 'serverB') AND value > 20)`,
exprs: []tagSetExprString{
{tagExpr: []tagExpr{{key: "host", values: []string{"serverA"}, op: influxql.EQ}, {key: "region", values: []string{"us-east"}, op: influxql.EQ}}, expr: "(value > 10.000) OR (value > 20.000)"},
{tagExpr: []tagExpr{{key: "host", values: []string{"serverA"}, op: influxql.EQ}, {key: "region", values: []string{"us-east"}, op: influxql.NEQ}}, expr: "value > 20.000"},
{tagExpr: []tagExpr{{key: "host", values: []string{"serverB"}, op: influxql.EQ}, {key: "region", values: []string{"us-east"}, op: influxql.EQ}}, expr: "(value > 10.000) OR (value > 20.000)"},
{tagExpr: []tagExpr{{key: "host", values: []string{"serverB"}, op: influxql.EQ}, {key: "region", values: []string{"us-east"}, op: influxql.NEQ}}, expr: "value > 20.000"},
{tagExpr: []tagExpr{{key: "host", values: []string{"serverA", "serverB"}, op: influxql.NEQ}, {key: "region", values: []string{"us-east"}, op: influxql.EQ}}, expr: "value > 10.000"},
} {
// Expand out an expression to all possible expressions based on tag values.
tagExprs := m.expandExpr(MustParseExpr(tt.expr))
// Convert to intermediate representation.
var a []tagSetExprString
for _, tagExpr := range tagExprs {
a = append(a, tagSetExprString{tagExpr: tagExpr.values, expr: tagExpr.expr.String()})
// Validate that the expanded expressions are what we expect.
if !reflect.DeepEqual(tt.exprs, a) {
t.Errorf("%d. %s: mismatch:\n\nexp=%#v\n\ngot=%#v\n\ns", i, tt.expr, tt.exprs, a)
// Ensure the createMeasurementsIfNotExistsCommand operates correctly.
func TestCreateMeasurementsCommand(t *testing.T) {
var err error
var n int
c := newCreateMeasurementsIfNotExistsCommand("foo")
if c == nil {
t.Fatal("createMeasurementsIfNotExistsCommand is nil")
// Add Measurement twice, to make sure nothing blows up.
n = len(c.Measurements)
if n != 1 {
t.Fatalf("wrong number of measurements, expected 1, got %d", n)
// Add Series, no tags.
c.addSeriesIfNotExists("bar", nil)
// Add Series, some tags.
tags := map[string]string{"host": "server01"}
c.addSeriesIfNotExists("bar", tags)
// Add Series, same tags again.
c.addSeriesIfNotExists("bar", tags)
for _, m := range c.Measurements {
if m.Name == "bar" {
if len(m.Tags) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("measurement has wrong number of tags, expected 2, got %d", n)
// Add a field.
err = c.addFieldIfNotExists("bar", "value", influxql.Integer)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("error adding field \"value\"")
// Add same field again.
err = c.addFieldIfNotExists("bar", "value", influxql.Integer)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("error re-adding field \"value\"")
// Add another field.
err = c.addFieldIfNotExists("bar", "value2", influxql.String)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("error re-adding field \"value2\"")
for _, m := range c.Measurements {
if m.Name == "bar" {
if len(m.Fields) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("measurement has wrong number of fields, expected 2, got %d", n)
// Ensure the createMeasurementsIfNotExistsCommand returns expected errors.
func TestCreateMeasurementsCommand_Errors(t *testing.T) {
var err error
c := newCreateMeasurementsIfNotExistsCommand("foo")
if c == nil {
t.Fatal("createMeasurementsIfNotExistsCommand is nil")
// Ensure fields can be added to non-existent Measurements. The
// Measurements should be created automatically.
c.addSeriesIfNotExists("bar", nil)
err = c.addFieldIfNotExists("bar", "value", influxql.Float)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error got %s", err.Error())
// Add Measurement. Adding it now should be OK.
// Test type conflicts
err = c.addFieldIfNotExists("bar", "value", influxql.Float)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("error adding field \"value\"")
err = c.addFieldIfNotExists("bar", "value", influxql.String)
if err != ErrFieldTypeConflict {
t.Fatalf("expected ErrFieldTypeConflict got %s", err.Error())
// Test comparing seriesIDs for equality.
func Test_seriesIDs_equals(t *testing.T) {
ids1 := seriesIDs{1, 2, 3}
ids2 := seriesIDs{1, 2, 3}
ids3 := seriesIDs{4, 5, 6}
if !ids1.equals(ids2) {
t.Fatal("expected ids1 == ids2")
} else if ids1.equals(ids3) {
t.Fatal("expected ids1 != ids3")
// Test intersecting sets of seriesIDs.
func Test_seriesIDs_intersect(t *testing.T) {
// Test swaping l & r, all branches of if-else, and exit loop when 'j < len(r)'
ids1 := seriesIDs{1, 3, 4, 5, 6}
ids2 := seriesIDs{1, 2, 3, 7}
exp := seriesIDs{1, 3}
got := ids1.intersect(ids2)
if !exp.equals(got) {
t.Fatalf("exp=%v, got=%v", exp, got)
// Test exit for loop when 'i < len(l)'
ids1 = seriesIDs{1}
ids2 = seriesIDs{1, 2}
exp = seriesIDs{1}
got = ids1.intersect(ids2)
if !exp.equals(got) {
t.Fatalf("exp=%v, got=%v", exp, got)
// Test union sets of seriesIDs.
func Test_seriesIDs_union(t *testing.T) {
// Test all branches of if-else, exit loop because of 'j < len(r)', and append remainder from left.
ids1 := seriesIDs{1, 2, 3, 7}
ids2 := seriesIDs{1, 3, 4, 5, 6}
exp := seriesIDs{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
got := ids1.union(ids2)
if !exp.equals(got) {
t.Fatalf("exp=%v, got=%v", exp, got)
// Test exit because of 'i < len(l)' and append remainder from right.
ids1 = seriesIDs{1}
ids2 = seriesIDs{1, 2}
exp = seriesIDs{1, 2}
got = ids1.union(ids2)
if !exp.equals(got) {
t.Fatalf("exp=%v, got=%v", exp, got)
// Test removing one set of seriesIDs from another.
func Test_seriesIDs_reject(t *testing.T) {
// Test all branches of if-else, exit loop because of 'j < len(r)', and append remainder from left.
ids1 := seriesIDs{1, 2, 3, 7}
ids2 := seriesIDs{1, 3, 4, 5, 6}
exp := seriesIDs{2, 7}
got := ids1.reject(ids2)
if !exp.equals(got) {
t.Fatalf("exp=%v, got=%v", exp, got)
// Test exit because of 'i < len(l)'.
ids1 = seriesIDs{1}
ids2 = seriesIDs{1, 2}
exp = seriesIDs{}
got = ids1.reject(ids2)
if !exp.equals(got) {
t.Fatalf("exp=%v, got=%v", exp, got)
// Test shard group selection.
func TestShardGroup_Overlaps(t *testing.T) {
// Make a shard group 1 hour in duration
tm, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2000-01-01T00:00:00Z")
g := newShardGroup(tm, time.Hour)
if !g.Overlaps(g.StartTime.Add(-time.Minute), g.EndTime) {
t.Fatal("shard group not selected when min before start time")
if !g.Overlaps(g.StartTime.Add(-time.Minute), g.StartTime) {
t.Fatal("shard group not selected when min before start time and max equals start time")
if !g.Overlaps(g.StartTime, g.EndTime.Add(time.Minute)) {
t.Fatal("shard group not selected when max after after end time")
if !g.Overlaps(g.StartTime.Add(-time.Minute), g.EndTime.Add(time.Minute)) {
t.Fatal("shard group not selected when min before start time and when max after end time")
if !g.Overlaps(g.StartTime.Add(time.Minute), g.EndTime.Add(-time.Minute)) {
t.Fatal("shard group not selected when min after start time and when max before end time")
if !g.Overlaps(g.StartTime, g.EndTime) {
t.Fatal("shard group not selected when min at start time and when max at end time")
if !g.Overlaps(g.StartTime, g.StartTime) {
t.Fatal("shard group not selected when min and max set to start time")
if !g.Overlaps(g.StartTime.Add(1*time.Minute), g.EndTime.Add(24*time.Hour)) {
t.Fatal("shard group selected when both min in range")
if g.Overlaps(g.EndTime, g.EndTime) {
t.Fatal("shard group selected when min and max set to end time")
if g.Overlaps(g.StartTime.Add(-10*time.Hour), g.EndTime.Add(-9*time.Hour)) {
t.Fatal("shard group selected when both min and max before shard times")
if g.Overlaps(g.StartTime.Add(24*time.Hour), g.EndTime.Add(25*time.Hour)) {
t.Fatal("shard group selected when both min and max after shard times")
// Ensure tags can be marshaled into a byte slice.
func TestMarshalTags(t *testing.T) {
for i, tt := range []struct {
tags map[string]string
result []byte
tags: nil,
result: nil,
tags: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"},
result: []byte(`foo|bar`),
tags: map[string]string{"foo": "bar", "baz": "battttt"},
result: []byte(`baz|foo|battttt|bar`),
} {
result := marshalTags(tt.tags)
if !bytes.Equal(result, tt.result) {
t.Fatalf("%d. unexpected result: exp=%s, got=%s", i, tt.result, result)
func BenchmarkMarshalTags_KeyN1(b *testing.B) { benchmarkMarshalTags(b, 1) }
func BenchmarkMarshalTags_KeyN3(b *testing.B) { benchmarkMarshalTags(b, 3) }
func BenchmarkMarshalTags_KeyN5(b *testing.B) { benchmarkMarshalTags(b, 5) }
func BenchmarkMarshalTags_KeyN10(b *testing.B) { benchmarkMarshalTags(b, 10) }
func benchmarkMarshalTags(b *testing.B, keyN int) {
const keySize, valueSize = 8, 15
// Generate tag map.
tags := make(map[string]string)
for i := 0; i < keyN; i++ {
tags[fmt.Sprintf("%0*d", keySize, i)] = fmt.Sprintf("%0*d", valueSize, i)
// Unmarshal map into byte slice.
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
// MustParseExpr parses an expression string and returns its AST representation.
func MustParseExpr(s string) influxql.Expr {
expr, err := influxql.ParseExpr(s)
if err != nil {
return expr
func strref(s string) *string {
return &s