695 lines
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695 lines
29 KiB
Feature: Dashboards - Dashboard - Cell Edit
As a user I want to Create and Update Cells
So that I can view specific Influxdbv2 data
Scenario: Load Cell Edit View
Given I reset the environment
Given run setup over REST "DEFAULT"
When open the signin page
When UI sign in user "DEFAULT"
When click nav menu item "Dashboards"
# When hover over the "Dashboards" menu item
# When click nav sub menu "Dashboards"
Then the Dashboards page is loaded
When API sign in user "DEFAULT"
When generate a line protocol testdata for user "DEFAULT" based on:
{ "points": 2880, "measurement":"pulse", "start": "-48h", "algo": "log", "prec": "sec", "name": "beat"}
When generate a line protocol testdata for user "DEFAULT" based on:
{ "points": 7200, "measurement":"signal", "start": "-30d", "algo": "sine", "prec": "sec", "name": "foo"}
When click the empty Create dashboard dropdown button
When click the create dashboard item "New Dashboard"
Then the new dashboard page is loaded
Then the empty dashboard contains a documentation link
Then the empty dashboard contains Add a Cell button
When name dashboard "Fitness"
# +page-title - edit name this cell # covered in dashboard test
# +Graph dropdown
# +cog-cell--button
# +cancel-cell-edit--button
# +save-cell--button # already covered in dashboard test
# time-machine--view
# +empty-graph--no-queries
# +giraffe-autosizer
# +raw-data-table
# time-machine--bottom
# +raw-data--toggle
# +CSV download
# +Refresh Rate
# +Reload
# +Time Range
# +switch-to-script-editor
# +Submit#
# +Add Query
# +Queries
# +Builder
# +Schema navigator
# +Aggregate functions
# +Script Editor
# +Aggregate functions
# +Variables
Scenario: Exercise Basic Cell Edit Controls
When click the empty create cell button
Then the cell edit overlay is loaded as "Name this Cell"
When name dashboard cell "Kliky"
When click dashboard cell edit cancel button
Then there is no dashboard cell named "Kliky"
When click the empty create cell button
Then the cell edit overlay is loaded as "Name this Cell"
When name dashboard cell "Kliky"
When click the dashboard cell view type dropdown
Then the dashboard cell view type dropdown list contains:
When click the dashboard cell view type dropdown
Then the cell view type dropdown list is not present
When click cell view customize button
Then the view options container is present
Then the cell view customize button is highlighted
When click cell view customize button
Then the view options container is not present
Then the cell view customize button is not highlighted
Then the time machine view empty queries graph is visible
When click time machine autorefresh dropdown
Then the time machine autorefresh dropdown list contains:
When select the time machine autorefresh rate "60s"
Then the time machine force refresh button is not present
When click time machine autorefresh dropdown
When select the time machine autorefresh rate "Paused"
Then the time machine force refresh button is present
When click the cell edit Time Range Dropdown
Then the time machine Time Range dropdown list contains:
Custom Time Range,Past 5m,Past 15m,Past 1h,Past 6h,Past 12h,Past 24h,Past 2d,Past 7d,Past 30d
When click the cell edit Time Range Dropdown
Then the time machine Time Range dropdown list is not present
Then the time machine query builder is visible
When click the cell edit Script Editor button
Then the time machine flux editor is visible
When click the cell edit Query Builder button
When click the time machine flux editor
Then the time machine flux editor is visible
Then the time machine switch to Query Builder warning is not present
When click the cell edit Query Builder button
When click the cell edit Query Builder confirm button
Then the time machine query builder is visible
Then the time machine switch to Query Builder warning is not present
Then the time machine flux editor is not present
When click dashboard cell save button
Then the dashboard contains a cell named "Kliky"
# ~~page-title -- name edit
# ~~Graph drop down
# ~~cog-cell--button
# cancel-cell-edit--button
# save-cell-edit--button
# ~~time-machine--view
# ~~empty-graph--no-queries
# time-machine--bottom
# ~~Refresh Rate -- N.B. pause has update button which disappears with other refresh rate values
# ~~Time Range
# ~~switch-to-script-editor
# ~~switch-to-query-builder
Scenario: Exercise Query Builder
When toggle context menu of dashboard cell named "Kliky"
When click cell content popover configure
Then the cell edit overlay is loaded as "Kliky"
Then the time machine cell edit submit button is disabled
Then the edit cell bucket selector contains buckets:
When filter the time machine bucket selector with "t"
Then the edit cell bucket selector contains buckets:
Then the bucket "qa" is not present in the time machine bucket selector
When clear the time machine bucket selector filter
Then the edit cell bucket selector contains buckets:
When click the time machine bucket selector item "_monitoring"
Then time machine bulider card "1" contains the empty tag message
When click the time machine bucket selector item "qa"
Then there are "1" time machine builder cards
Then time machine builder card "1" contains:
When click the tag selector dropdown of builder card "1"
Then the tag selector dropdown of builder card "1" contains:
When click the tag selector dropdown item "_field" of builder card "1"
Then time machine builder card "1" contains:
When click the tag selector dropdown of builder card "1"
When click the tag selector dropdown item "_measurement" of builder card "1"
Then time machine builder card "1" contains:
When filter the tags in time machine builder card "1" with "eat"
Then time machine builder card "1" does not contain "foo"
When click the tag "beat" in builder card "1"
Then the time machine cell edit submit button is enabled
Then there are "2" time machine builder cards
Then time machine builder card "2" contains:
When filter the tags in time machine builder card "2" with "ratfink"
Then time machine builder card "2" is empty
When clear the tags filter in time machine builder card "2"
Then time machine builder card "2" contains:
When clear the tags filter in time machine builder card "1"
Then time machine builder card "1" contains:
When click the tag "foo" in builder card "1"
Then time machine builder card "2" contains:
Then the selector count for builder card "1" contains the value "2"
When click the tag selector dropdown of builder card "2"
Then the tag selector dropdown of builder card "2" contains:
When click the tag selector dropdown of builder card "2"
Then the contents of tag selector dropodwn of build card "2" are not present
When click the tag "foo" in builder card "1"
Then the selector count for builder card "1" contains the value "1"
When click the tag "beat" in builder card "1"
Then the selector counf for builder card "1" is not present
Then the delete button for builder card "1" is not present
When click delete for builder card "2"
Then there are "1" time machine builder cards
# Check coverage of issue 16682 once fixed
Scenario: Exercise Query Builder Functions
# TODO 16682 - following will not have been reset
# Then the time machine query builder function duration period is "auto"
When click the tag "beat" in builder card "1"
Then the time machine query builder function duration period is "auto (10s)"
When click the custom function group
Then the query builder function list contains
mean, median, max, min, sum, derivative, nonnegative derivative, distinct, count, increase,
skew, spread, stddev, first, last, unique, sort
# 7.8.20 - filter feature no longer present
# When filter the query builder function list with "rx"
# Then the query builder function list has "0" items
# When clear the query builder function lis filter
# Then the query builder function list contains
# """
# mean, median, max, min, sum, derivative, nonnegative derivative, distinct, count, increase,
# skew, spread, stddev, first, last, unique, sort
# """
# When filter the query builder function list with "in"
# Then the query builder function list contains
# """
# min,distinct,increase
# """
# Then the query builder function list has "3" items
When click the time machine query builder function custom duration tab
When click the time machine query builder function duration input
Then the query builder function duration suggestion drop down contains "12" suggestions
Then the query builder function duration suggestion drop down includes
When click the query builder function duration suggestion "7d"
Then the time machine query builder function duration period is "7d"
When click the time machine query builder function duration input
When click the time machine query builder function auto duration tab
# When click the query builder function duration suggestion "auto (10s)"
Then the time machine query builder function duration period is "auto (10s)"
When click dashboard cell edit cancel button
Scenario: Create basic query
Then the cell named "Kliky" contains the empty graph message
When toggle context menu of dashboard cell named "Kliky"
When click cell content popover configure
Then the time machine view no results is visible
Then the time machine cell edit submit button is disabled
When click the time machine bucket selector item "qa"
When click the tag "beat" in builder card "1"
Then the time machine cell edit submit button is enabled
When click the tag "pulse" in builder card "2"
When click the time machine cell edit submit button
Then the time machine cell edit preview graph is shown
Then the time machine cell edit preview axes are shown
Scenario: Resize Preview
When get metrics of time machine cell edit preview
When get metrics of time machine query builder
When get time machine preview canvas
When get time machine preview axes
## Resize - larger
When resize time machine preview area by "{ "dw": "0", "dh": "+200" }"
# When wait "3" seconds
# Compare new dims Dashboard steps 387
Then the time machine preview area has changed by "{ "dw": "0", "dh": "+200" }"
Then the time machine query builder area has changed by "{ "dw": "0", "dh": "-200" }"
Then the time machine preview canvas has changed
Then the time machine preview axes have changed
# Git dims again
When get metrics of time machine cell edit preview
When get metrics of time machine query builder
When get time machine preview canvas
When get time machine preview axes
# Resize - smaller
When resize time machine preview area by "{ "dw": "0", "dh": "-300" }"
# Compare new dims
Then the time machine preview area has changed by "{ "dw": "0", "dh": "-300" }"
Then the time machine query builder area has changed by "{ "dw": "0", "dh": "+300" }"
Then the time machine preview canvas has changed
Then the time machine preview axes have changed
When click dashboard cell save button
Then the cell named "Kliky" contains a graph
Scenario: Create Second Query
When get the current graph of the cell "Kliky"
When toggle context menu of dashboard cell named "Kliky"
When click cell content popover configure
Then the time machine cell edit preview graph is shown
Then the time machine cell edit preview axes are shown
Then the bucket selected in the current time machine query is "qa"
Then the tag selected in the current time machine query card "1" is "beat"
Then the tag selected in the current time machine query card "2" is "pulse"
When get time machine preview canvas
When get time machine preview axes
When click the time machine query builder add query button
Then the bucket selected in the current time machine query is "qa"
Then there are "1" time machine builder cards
Then time machine builder card "1" contains:
Then there are no selected tags in time machine builder card "1"
When click the tag "foo" in builder card "1"
When click the tag "signal" in builder card "2"
When click the query builder function "mean"
When click the time machine query builder function custom duration tab
When click the time machine query builder function duration input
When click the query builder function duration suggestion "1m"
When click the time machine cell edit submit button
Then the time machine preview canvas has changed
Then the time machine preview axes have changed
When click dashboard cell save button
Then the graph of the cell "Kliky" has changed
Scenario: Change Query Name
When get the current graph of the cell "Kliky"
When toggle context menu of dashboard cell named "Kliky"
When click cell content popover configure
Then query "Query 1" is the active query in query builder
When click on query "Query 2" in the query builder
Then the bucket selected in the current time machine query is "qa"
Then the tag selected in the current time machine query card "1" is "foo"
Then the tag selected in the current time machine query card "2" is "signal"
Then the functions selected in the current time machine query card are "mean"
When right click on the time machine query tab title "Query 2"
When click the time machine query tab right click menu item "Edit"
When enter "Dotaz B" into the time machine query tab name input
Then there is no time machine query tab named "Query 2"
Then query "Dotaz B" is the active query in query builder
Scenario: Hide Query
When get time machine preview canvas
When get time machine preview axes
When click hide query of time machine query tab "Dotaz B"
Then the time machine preview canvas has changed
Then the time machine preview axes have changed
When get time machine preview canvas
When get time machine preview axes
When click hide query of time machine query tab "Dotaz B"
Then the time machine preview canvas has changed
Then the time machine preview axes have changed
When click dashboard cell save button
Scenario: Delete Second Query
When toggle context menu of dashboard cell named "Kliky"
When click cell content popover configure
When get the current graph of the cell "Kliky"
When right click the time machine query tab "Dotaz B"
When get time machine preview canvas
When get time machine preview axes
#When click delete of time machine query tab "Dotaz B"
When click the time machine query tab right click menu item "remove"
Then there is no time machine query tab named "Dotaz B"
Then there are "1" time machine query tabs
Then the time machine preview canvas has changed
Then the time machine preview axes have changed
When click dashboard cell save button
Then the graph of the cell "Kliky" has changed
Scenario: Edit Query
When get the current graph of the cell "Kliky"
When toggle context menu of dashboard cell named "Kliky"
When click cell content popover configure
When get time machine preview canvas
When get time machine preview axes
When click the cell edit Script Editor button
Then the time machine script editor contains
from(bucket: "qa")
|> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "beat")
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "pulse")
|> aggregateWindow(every: v.windowPeriod, fn: mean, createEmpty: false)
|> yield(name: "mean")
When change the time machine script editor contents to:
from(bucket: "qa")
|> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "foo")
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "signal")
When click the time machine cell edit submit button
Then the time machine preview canvas has changed
Then the time machine preview axes have changed
When click the cell edit save button
Then the graph of the cell "Kliky" has changed
Scenario: Switch to Query Builder
When get the current graph of the cell "Kliky"
When toggle context menu of dashboard cell named "Kliky"
When click cell content popover configure
Then the time machine script editor contains
from(bucket: "qa")
|> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "foo")
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "signal")
When get time machine preview canvas
When get time machine preview axes
When click the cell edit Query Builder button
Then the time machine switch to Query Builder warning is present
When click the time machine flux editor
Then the time machine switch to Query Builder warning is not present
When click the cell edit Query Builder button
When click the cell edit Query Builder confirm button
Then the time machine query builder is visible
# Issue 16731 todo - check how query is reflected in query builder state
# 7.8.20 On change no longer changes canvas
#Then the time machine preview canvas has changed
#Then the time machine preview axes have changed
When click dashboard cell edit cancel button
Then the graph of the cell "Kliky" has not changed
Scenario: Edit invalid query
When get the current graph of the cell "Kliky"
When toggle context menu of dashboard cell named "Kliky"
When click cell content popover configure
Then the time machine script editor contains
from(bucket: "qa")
|> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "foo")
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "signal")
When change the time machine script editor contents to:
Muffin Man
When click the time machine cell edit submit button
Then the time machine preview canvas is not present
Then the time machine preview canvas axes are not present
Then the time machine empty graph error message is:
error @1:1-1:7: undefined identifier Muffin
When click the cell edit save button
Then the cell named "Kliky" contains a graph error
# Popover has been replaced with message in cell
#When hover over the error icon of the cell "Kliky"
Then the cell error message of the cell named "Kliky" is:
error @1:1-1:7: undefined identifier Muffin
Scenario: Exercise Add functions - Query Builder
When toggle context menu of dashboard cell named "Kliky"
When click cell content popover configure
When click the cell edit Query Builder button
When click the cell edit Query Builder confirm button
# TODO Clean up garbage from issue 16731
When close all time machine builder cards
When unselect any tags in time machine builder card "1"
When click the time machine bucket selector item "qa"
When click the tag "beat" in builder card "1"
Then the time machine cell edit submit button is enabled
When click the tag "pulse" in builder card "2"
When click the time machine cell edit submit button
When get time machine preview canvas
When get time machine preview axes
When click the time machine query builder function auto duration tab
#When click the time machine query builder function duration input
#When click the query builder function duration suggestion "auto (10s)"
When click the query builder function "mean"
When click the time machine cell edit submit button
Then the time machine preview canvas has changed
Then the time machine preview axes have changed
When get time machine preview canvas
When get time machine preview axes
When click the time machine query builder function custom duration tab
When click the time machine query builder function duration input
When click the query builder function duration suggestion "1m"
When click the time machine cell edit submit button
Then the time machine preview canvas has changed
Then the time machine preview axes have changed
When get time machine preview canvas
When get time machine preview axes
When click the custom function group
When click the query builder function "mean"
When click the query builder function "derivative"
When click the time machine cell edit submit button
Then the time machine preview canvas has changed
Then the time machine preview axes have changed
When get time machine preview canvas
When get time machine preview axes
When click the query builder function "derivative"
When click the time machine cell edit submit button
Then the time machine preview canvas has changed
Then the time machine preview axes have changed
When click dashboard cell save button
Then the cell named "Kliky" contains a graph
Scenario: Edit Query - Exercise functions
When get the current graph of the cell "Kliky"
When toggle context menu of dashboard cell named "Kliky"
When click cell content popover configure
When click the cell edit Script Editor button
Then the time machine script editor contains
from(bucket: "qa")
|> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "beat")
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "pulse")
|> aggregateWindow(every: 1m, fn: mean, createEmpty: false)
|> yield(name: "mean")
Then the time machine query edit function categories are displayed:
Aggregates,Inputs,Type Conversions,Selectors,Transformations,Outputs,Miscellaneous,Tests
When filter the time machine query edit function list with "average"
Then the following function are visible in the time machine function list:
Then the following function are not visible in the time machine function list:
When clear the time machine query edit function list filter
Then the following function are visible in the time machine function list:
When hover over time machine query edit function "skew"
Then the time machine query edit function popup description contains:
Outputs the skew of non-null records as a float.
Then the time machine query edit function popup snippet contains:
skew(column: "_value")
When hover over the time machine query editor submit button
Then the time machine query edit function popup is not visible
When click dashboard cell edit cancel button
Scenario: Edit Query - Add a Function
When get the current graph of the cell "Kliky"
When toggle context menu of dashboard cell named "Kliky"
When click cell content popover configure
When click the cell edit Script Editor button
Then the time machine script editor contains
from(bucket: "qa")
|> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "beat")
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "pulse")
|> aggregateWindow(every: 1m, fn: mean, createEmpty: false)
|> yield(name: "mean")
When get time machine preview canvas
When get time machine preview axes
When click the time machine flux editor
#When click the time machine query editor function "aggregateWindow"
When click inject the time machine query editor function "aggregateWindow"
Then the time machine script editor contains
from(bucket: "qa")
|> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "beat")
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "pulse")
|> aggregateWindow(every: 1m, fn: mean, createEmpty: false)
|> yield(name: "mean")
|> aggregateWindow(every: v.windowPeriod, fn: mean)
# In CircleCi function popup can obscure the submit button
#When click the time machine flux editor
When click the filter functions input
When click the time machine cell edit submit button
Then the time machine preview canvas has changed
When click the cell edit save button
Then the graph of the cell "Kliky" has changed
Scenario: Change time range
When get the current graph of the cell "Kliky"
When toggle context menu of dashboard cell named "Kliky"
When click cell content popover configure
When get time machine preview canvas
When get time machine preview axes
When click the cell edit Time Range Dropdown
When select the cell edit Time Range "past24h"
#When click the time machine flux editor
When click the filter functions input
Then the time machine preview canvas has changed
Then the time machine preview axes have changed
When click the cell edit save button
Then the graph of the cell "Kliky" has changed
Then the dashboard Time Range Dropdown selected contains "Past 24h"
#When click the dashboard Time Range Dropdown
#When select dashboard Time Range "24h"
#Then the graph of the cell "Kliky" has changed
Scenario: View raw data
When toggle context menu of dashboard cell named "Kliky"
When click cell content popover configure
When get time machine preview canvas
When get time machine preview axes
Then the time machine raw data table is not present
When click time machine raw data toggle
Then the time machine raw data table is present
Then the time machine preview canvas is not present
When click time machine raw data toggle
Then the time machine preview canvas has changed
Then the time machine raw data table is not present
When click dashboard cell edit cancel button
Then the cell named "Kliky" contains a graph
@error-collateral @download-file
Scenario: Download results as CSV
When remove files ".*chronograf_data.csv" if exists
When toggle context menu of dashboard cell named "Kliky"
When click cell content popover configure
When click time machine download CSV
Then a file matching ".*chronograf_data.csv" exists
When verify first CSV file matching ".*chronograf_data.csv" as containing
{ "_time": "type:date", "_value": "type:double", "_field": "pulse", "_measurement": "beat", "test": "generic" }
When click dashboard cell edit cancel button
Then the cell named "Kliky" contains a graph
Scenario: Refresh Rates
#earlier signin may have timed out
When API sign in user "DEFAULT"
When toggle context menu of dashboard cell named "Kliky"
When click cell content popover configure
When get time machine preview canvas
When get time machine preview axes
When wait "20" seconds
When generate a line protocol testdata for user "DEFAULT" based on:
{ "points": 5, "measurement":"pulse", "start": "-5m", "algo": "log", "prec": "sec", "name": "beat"}
Then the time machine force refresh button is present
Then the time machine autorefresh dropdown list is set to "Paused"
When click time machine force refresh
Then the time machine preview canvas has changed
Then the time machine preview axes have changed
When get time machine preview canvas
When get time machine preview axes
When click time machine autorefresh dropdown
When select the time machine autorefresh rate "10s"
Then the time machine force refresh button is not present
When generate a line protocol testdata for user "DEFAULT" based on:
{ "points": 5, "measurement":"pulse", "start": "-5m", "algo": "log", "prec": "sec", "name": "beat"}
When wait "20" seconds
Then the time machine preview canvas has changed
Then the time machine preview axes have changed
When click time machine autorefresh dropdown
When select the time machine autorefresh rate "Paused"
When get time machine preview canvas
When get time machine preview axes
When generate a line protocol testdata for user "DEFAULT" based on:
{ "points": 5, "measurement":"pulse", "start": "-5m", "algo": "log", "prec": "sec", "name": "beat"}
When wait "20" seconds
Then the time machine preview canvas has not changed