607 lines
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607 lines
20 KiB
package collectd
import (
func TestService_OpenClose(t *testing.T) {
service := NewTestService(1, time.Second)
// Closing a closed service is fine.
if err := service.Service.Close(); err != nil {
// Closing a closed service again is fine.
if err := service.Service.Close(); err != nil {
if err := service.Service.Open(); err != nil {
// Opening an already open service is fine.
if err := service.Service.Open(); err != nil {
// Reopening a previously opened service is fine.
if err := service.Service.Close(); err != nil {
if err := service.Service.Open(); err != nil {
// Tidy up.
if err := service.Service.Close(); err != nil {
// Test that the service checks / creates the target database every time we
// try to write points.
func TestService_CreatesDatabase(t *testing.T) {
s := NewTestService(1, time.Second)
s.WritePointsFn = func(string, string, models.ConsistencyLevel, []models.Point) error {
return nil
called := make(chan struct{})
s.MetaClient.CreateDatabaseFn = func(name string) (*meta.DatabaseInfo, error) {
if name != s.Config.Database {
t.Errorf("\n\texp = %s\n\tgot = %s\n", s.Config.Database, name)
// Allow some time for the caller to return and the ready status to
// be set.
time.AfterFunc(10*time.Millisecond, func() { called <- struct{}{} })
return nil, errors.New("an error")
if err := s.Service.Open(); err != nil {
points, err := models.ParsePointsString(`cpu value=1`)
if err != nil {
s.Service.batcher.In() <- points[0] // Send a point.
select {
case <-called:
// OK
case <-time.NewTimer(5 * time.Second).C:
t.Fatal("Service should have attempted to create database")
// ready status should not have been switched due to meta client error.
ready := s.Service.ready
if got, exp := ready, false; got != exp {
t.Fatalf("got %v, expected %v", got, exp)
// This time MC won't cause an error.
s.MetaClient.CreateDatabaseFn = func(name string) (*meta.DatabaseInfo, error) {
// Allow some time for the caller to return and the ready status to
// be set.
time.AfterFunc(10*time.Millisecond, func() { called <- struct{}{} })
return nil, nil
s.Service.batcher.In() <- points[0] // Send a point.
select {
case <-called:
// OK
case <-time.NewTimer(5 * time.Second).C:
t.Fatal("Service should have attempted to create database")
// ready status should not have been switched due to meta client error.
ready = s.Service.ready
if got, exp := ready, true; got != exp {
t.Fatalf("got %v, expected %v", got, exp)
// Test that the collectd service correctly batches points by BatchSize.
func TestService_BatchSize(t *testing.T) {
totalPoints := len(expPoints)
// Batch sizes that totalTestPoints divide evenly by.
batchSizes := []int{1, 2, 13}
for _, batchSize := range batchSizes {
func() {
s := NewTestService(batchSize, time.Second)
pointCh := make(chan models.Point)
s.WritePointsFn = func(database, retentionPolicy string, consistencyLevel models.ConsistencyLevel, points []models.Point) error {
if len(points) != batchSize {
t.Errorf("\n\texp = %d\n\tgot = %d\n", batchSize, len(points))
for _, p := range points {
pointCh <- p
return nil
if err := s.Service.Open(); err != nil {
defer func() { t.Log("closing service"); s.Service.Close() }()
// Get the address & port the service is listening on for collectd data.
addr := s.Service.Addr()
conn, err := net.Dial("udp", addr.String())
if err != nil {
// Send the test data to the service.
if n, err := conn.Write(testData); err != nil {
} else if n != len(testData) {
t.Fatalf("only sent %d of %d bytes", n, len(testData))
points := []models.Point{}
for {
select {
case p := <-pointCh:
points = append(points, p)
if len(points) == totalPoints {
break Loop
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Logf("exp %d points, got %d", totalPoints, len(points))
t.Fatal("timed out waiting for points from collectd service")
if len(points) != totalPoints {
t.Fatalf("exp %d points, got %d", totalPoints, len(points))
for i, exp := range expPoints {
got := points[i].String()
if got != exp {
t.Fatalf("\n\texp = %s\n\tgot = %s\n", exp, got)
// Test that the collectd service correctly batches points using BatchDuration.
func TestService_BatchDuration(t *testing.T) {
totalPoints := len(expPoints)
s := NewTestService(5000, 250*time.Millisecond)
pointCh := make(chan models.Point, 1000)
s.WritePointsFn = func(database, retentionPolicy string, consistencyLevel models.ConsistencyLevel, points []models.Point) error {
for _, p := range points {
pointCh <- p
return nil
if err := s.Service.Open(); err != nil {
defer func() { t.Log("closing service"); s.Service.Close() }()
// Get the address & port the service is listening on for collectd data.
addr := s.Service.Addr()
conn, err := net.Dial("udp", addr.String())
if err != nil {
// Send the test data to the service.
if n, err := conn.Write(testData); err != nil {
} else if n != len(testData) {
t.Fatalf("only sent %d of %d bytes", n, len(testData))
points := []models.Point{}
for {
select {
case p := <-pointCh:
points = append(points, p)
if len(points) == totalPoints {
break Loop
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Logf("exp %d points, got %d", totalPoints, len(points))
t.Fatal("timed out waiting for points from collectd service")
if len(points) != totalPoints {
t.Fatalf("exp %d points, got %d", totalPoints, len(points))
for i, exp := range expPoints {
got := points[i].String()
if got != exp {
t.Fatalf("\n\texp = %s\n\tgot = %s\n", exp, got)
type TestService struct {
Service *Service
Config Config
MetaClient *internal.MetaClientMock
WritePointsFn func(string, string, models.ConsistencyLevel, []models.Point) error
func NewTestService(batchSize int, batchDuration time.Duration) *TestService {
c := Config{
BindAddress: "",
Database: "collectd_test",
BatchSize: batchSize,
BatchDuration: toml.Duration(batchDuration),
s := &TestService{
Config: c,
Service: NewService(c),
MetaClient: &internal.MetaClientMock{},
s.MetaClient.CreateDatabaseFn = func(name string) (*meta.DatabaseInfo, error) {
return nil, nil
s.Service.PointsWriter = s
s.Service.MetaClient = s.MetaClient
// Set the collectd types using test string.
if err := s.Service.SetTypes(typesDBText); err != nil {
if !testing.Verbose() {
s.Service.Logger = log.New(ioutil.Discard, "", log.LstdFlags)
return s
func (w *TestService) WritePoints(database, retentionPolicy string, consistencyLevel models.ConsistencyLevel, points []models.Point) error {
return w.WritePointsFn(database, retentionPolicy, consistencyLevel, points)
func wait(c chan struct{}, d time.Duration) (err error) {
select {
case <-c:
case <-time.After(d):
err = errors.New("timed out")
func waitInt(c chan int, d time.Duration) (i int, err error) {
select {
case i = <-c:
case <-time.After(d):
err = errors.New("timed out")
func check(err error) {
if err != nil {
// Raw data sent by collectd, captured using Wireshark.
var testData = func() []byte {
data := []string{
b, err := hex.DecodeString(strings.Join(data, ""))
return b
var expPoints = []string{
"entropy_value,host=pf1-62-210-94-173,type=entropy value=288 1414080767000000000",
"cpu_value,host=pf1-62-210-94-173,instance=1,type=cpu,type_instance=idle value=10908770 1414080767000000000",
"cpu_value,host=pf1-62-210-94-173,instance=1,type=cpu,type_instance=wait value=0 1414080767000000000",
"df_used,host=pf1-62-210-94-173,type=df,type_instance=live-cow value=378576896 1414080767000000000",
"df_free,host=pf1-62-210-94-173,type=df,type_instance=live-cow value=50287988736 1414080767000000000",
"cpu_value,host=pf1-62-210-94-173,instance=1,type=cpu,type_instance=interrupt value=254 1414080767000000000",
"cpu_value,host=pf1-62-210-94-173,instance=1,type=cpu,type_instance=softirq value=0 1414080767000000000",
"df_used,host=pf1-62-210-94-173,type=df,type_instance=live value=0 1414080767000000000",
"df_free,host=pf1-62-210-94-173,type=df,type_instance=live value=50666565632 1414080767000000000",
"cpu_value,host=pf1-62-210-94-173,instance=1,type=cpu,type_instance=steal value=0 1414080767000000000",
"cpu_value,host=pf1-62-210-94-173,instance=2,type=cpu,type_instance=user value=24374 1414080767000000000",
"cpu_value,host=pf1-62-210-94-173,instance=2,type=cpu,type_instance=nice value=2776 1414080767000000000",
"interface_rx,host=pf1-62-210-94-173,type=if_octets,type_instance=dummy0 value=0 1414080767000000000",
"interface_tx,host=pf1-62-210-94-173,type=if_octets,type_instance=dummy0 value=1050 1414080767000000000",
"df_used,host=pf1-62-210-94-173,type=df,type_instance=tmp value=73728 1414080767000000000",
"df_free,host=pf1-62-210-94-173,type=df,type_instance=tmp value=50666491904 1414080767000000000",
"cpu_value,host=pf1-62-210-94-173,instance=2,type=cpu,type_instance=system value=17875 1414080767000000000",
"interface_rx,host=pf1-62-210-94-173,type=if_packets,type_instance=dummy0 value=0 1414080767000000000",
"interface_tx,host=pf1-62-210-94-173,type=if_packets,type_instance=dummy0 value=15 1414080767000000000",
"cpu_value,host=pf1-62-210-94-173,instance=2,type=cpu,type_instance=idle value=10904704 1414080767000000000",
"df_used,host=pf1-62-210-94-173,type=df,type_instance=run-lock value=0 1414080767000000000",
"df_free,host=pf1-62-210-94-173,type=df,type_instance=run-lock value=5242880 1414080767000000000",
"interface_rx,host=pf1-62-210-94-173,type=if_errors,type_instance=dummy0 value=0 1414080767000000000",
"interface_tx,host=pf1-62-210-94-173,type=if_errors,type_instance=dummy0 value=0 1414080767000000000",
"cpu_value,host=pf1-62-210-94-173,instance=2,type=cpu,type_instance=wait value=0 1414080767000000000",
"cpu_value,host=pf1-62-210-94-173,instance=2,type=cpu,type_instance=interrupt value=306 1414080767000000000",
// Taken from /usr/share/collectd/types.db on a Ubuntu system
var typesDBText = `
absolute value:ABSOLUTE:0:U
apache_bytes value:DERIVE:0:U
apache_connections value:GAUGE:0:65535
apache_idle_workers value:GAUGE:0:65535
apache_requests value:DERIVE:0:U
apache_scoreboard value:GAUGE:0:65535
ath_nodes value:GAUGE:0:65535
ath_stat value:DERIVE:0:U
backends value:GAUGE:0:65535
bitrate value:GAUGE:0:4294967295
bytes value:GAUGE:0:U
cache_eviction value:DERIVE:0:U
cache_operation value:DERIVE:0:U
cache_ratio value:GAUGE:0:100
cache_result value:DERIVE:0:U
cache_size value:GAUGE:0:4294967295
charge value:GAUGE:0:U
compression_ratio value:GAUGE:0:2
compression uncompressed:DERIVE:0:U, compressed:DERIVE:0:U
connections value:DERIVE:0:U
conntrack value:GAUGE:0:4294967295
contextswitch value:DERIVE:0:U
counter value:COUNTER:U:U
cpufreq value:GAUGE:0:U
cpu value:DERIVE:0:U
current_connections value:GAUGE:0:U
current_sessions value:GAUGE:0:U
current value:GAUGE:U:U
delay value:GAUGE:-1000000:1000000
derive value:DERIVE:0:U
df_complex value:GAUGE:0:U
df_inodes value:GAUGE:0:U
df used:GAUGE:0:1125899906842623, free:GAUGE:0:1125899906842623
disk_latency read:GAUGE:0:U, write:GAUGE:0:U
disk_merged read:DERIVE:0:U, write:DERIVE:0:U
disk_octets read:DERIVE:0:U, write:DERIVE:0:U
disk_ops_complex value:DERIVE:0:U
disk_ops read:DERIVE:0:U, write:DERIVE:0:U
disk_time read:DERIVE:0:U, write:DERIVE:0:U
dns_answer value:DERIVE:0:U
dns_notify value:DERIVE:0:U
dns_octets queries:DERIVE:0:U, responses:DERIVE:0:U
dns_opcode value:DERIVE:0:U
dns_qtype_cached value:GAUGE:0:4294967295
dns_qtype value:DERIVE:0:U
dns_query value:DERIVE:0:U
dns_question value:DERIVE:0:U
dns_rcode value:DERIVE:0:U
dns_reject value:DERIVE:0:U
dns_request value:DERIVE:0:U
dns_resolver value:DERIVE:0:U
dns_response value:DERIVE:0:U
dns_transfer value:DERIVE:0:U
dns_update value:DERIVE:0:U
dns_zops value:DERIVE:0:U
duration seconds:GAUGE:0:U
email_check value:GAUGE:0:U
email_count value:GAUGE:0:U
email_size value:GAUGE:0:U
entropy value:GAUGE:0:4294967295
fanspeed value:GAUGE:0:U
file_size value:GAUGE:0:U
files value:GAUGE:0:U
fork_rate value:DERIVE:0:U
frequency_offset value:GAUGE:-1000000:1000000
frequency value:GAUGE:0:U
fscache_stat value:DERIVE:0:U
gauge value:GAUGE:U:U
hash_collisions value:DERIVE:0:U
http_request_methods value:DERIVE:0:U
http_requests value:DERIVE:0:U
http_response_codes value:DERIVE:0:U
humidity value:GAUGE:0:100
if_collisions value:DERIVE:0:U
if_dropped rx:DERIVE:0:U, tx:DERIVE:0:U
if_errors rx:DERIVE:0:U, tx:DERIVE:0:U
if_multicast value:DERIVE:0:U
if_octets rx:DERIVE:0:U, tx:DERIVE:0:U
if_packets rx:DERIVE:0:U, tx:DERIVE:0:U
if_rx_errors value:DERIVE:0:U
if_rx_octets value:DERIVE:0:U
if_tx_errors value:DERIVE:0:U
if_tx_octets value:DERIVE:0:U
invocations value:DERIVE:0:U
io_octets rx:DERIVE:0:U, tx:DERIVE:0:U
io_packets rx:DERIVE:0:U, tx:DERIVE:0:U
ipt_bytes value:DERIVE:0:U
ipt_packets value:DERIVE:0:U
irq value:DERIVE:0:U
latency value:GAUGE:0:U
links value:GAUGE:0:U
load shortterm:GAUGE:0:5000, midterm:GAUGE:0:5000, longterm:GAUGE:0:5000
md_disks value:GAUGE:0:U
memcached_command value:DERIVE:0:U
memcached_connections value:GAUGE:0:U
memcached_items value:GAUGE:0:U
memcached_octets rx:DERIVE:0:U, tx:DERIVE:0:U
memcached_ops value:DERIVE:0:U
memory value:GAUGE:0:281474976710656
multimeter value:GAUGE:U:U
mutex_operations value:DERIVE:0:U
mysql_commands value:DERIVE:0:U
mysql_handler value:DERIVE:0:U
mysql_locks value:DERIVE:0:U
mysql_log_position value:DERIVE:0:U
mysql_octets rx:DERIVE:0:U, tx:DERIVE:0:U
nfs_procedure value:DERIVE:0:U
nginx_connections value:GAUGE:0:U
nginx_requests value:DERIVE:0:U
node_octets rx:DERIVE:0:U, tx:DERIVE:0:U
node_rssi value:GAUGE:0:255
node_stat value:DERIVE:0:U
node_tx_rate value:GAUGE:0:127
objects value:GAUGE:0:U
operations value:DERIVE:0:U
percent value:GAUGE:0:100.1
percent_bytes value:GAUGE:0:100.1
percent_inodes value:GAUGE:0:100.1
pf_counters value:DERIVE:0:U
pf_limits value:DERIVE:0:U
pf_source value:DERIVE:0:U
pf_states value:GAUGE:0:U
pf_state value:DERIVE:0:U
pg_blks value:DERIVE:0:U
pg_db_size value:GAUGE:0:U
pg_n_tup_c value:DERIVE:0:U
pg_n_tup_g value:GAUGE:0:U
pg_numbackends value:GAUGE:0:U
pg_scan value:DERIVE:0:U
pg_xact value:DERIVE:0:U
ping_droprate value:GAUGE:0:100
ping_stddev value:GAUGE:0:65535
ping value:GAUGE:0:65535
players value:GAUGE:0:1000000
power value:GAUGE:0:U
protocol_counter value:DERIVE:0:U
ps_code value:GAUGE:0:9223372036854775807
ps_count processes:GAUGE:0:1000000, threads:GAUGE:0:1000000
ps_cputime user:DERIVE:0:U, syst:DERIVE:0:U
ps_data value:GAUGE:0:9223372036854775807
ps_disk_octets read:DERIVE:0:U, write:DERIVE:0:U
ps_disk_ops read:DERIVE:0:U, write:DERIVE:0:U
ps_pagefaults minflt:DERIVE:0:U, majflt:DERIVE:0:U
ps_rss value:GAUGE:0:9223372036854775807
ps_stacksize value:GAUGE:0:9223372036854775807
ps_state value:GAUGE:0:65535
ps_vm value:GAUGE:0:9223372036854775807
queue_length value:GAUGE:0:U
records value:GAUGE:0:U
requests value:GAUGE:0:U
response_time value:GAUGE:0:U
response_code value:GAUGE:0:U
route_etx value:GAUGE:0:U
route_metric value:GAUGE:0:U
routes value:GAUGE:0:U
serial_octets rx:DERIVE:0:U, tx:DERIVE:0:U
signal_noise value:GAUGE:U:0
signal_power value:GAUGE:U:0
signal_quality value:GAUGE:0:U
snr value:GAUGE:0:U
spam_check value:GAUGE:0:U
spam_score value:GAUGE:U:U
spl value:GAUGE:U:U
swap_io value:DERIVE:0:U
swap value:GAUGE:0:1099511627776
tcp_connections value:GAUGE:0:4294967295
temperature value:GAUGE:U:U
threads value:GAUGE:0:U
time_dispersion value:GAUGE:-1000000:1000000
timeleft value:GAUGE:0:U
time_offset value:GAUGE:-1000000:1000000
total_bytes value:DERIVE:0:U
total_connections value:DERIVE:0:U
total_objects value:DERIVE:0:U
total_operations value:DERIVE:0:U
total_requests value:DERIVE:0:U
total_sessions value:DERIVE:0:U
total_threads value:DERIVE:0:U
total_time_in_ms value:DERIVE:0:U
total_values value:DERIVE:0:U
uptime value:GAUGE:0:4294967295
users value:GAUGE:0:65535
vcl value:GAUGE:0:65535
vcpu value:GAUGE:0:U
virt_cpu_total value:DERIVE:0:U
virt_vcpu value:DERIVE:0:U
vmpage_action value:DERIVE:0:U
vmpage_faults minflt:DERIVE:0:U, majflt:DERIVE:0:U
vmpage_io in:DERIVE:0:U, out:DERIVE:0:U
vmpage_number value:GAUGE:0:4294967295
volatile_changes value:GAUGE:0:U
voltage_threshold value:GAUGE:U:U, threshold:GAUGE:U:U
voltage value:GAUGE:U:U
vs_memory value:GAUGE:0:9223372036854775807
vs_processes value:GAUGE:0:65535
vs_threads value:GAUGE:0:65535
# Legacy types
# (required for the v5 upgrade target)
arc_counts demand_data:COUNTER:0:U, demand_metadata:COUNTER:0:U, prefetch_data:COUNTER:0:U, prefetch_metadata:COUNTER:0:U
arc_l2_bytes read:COUNTER:0:U, write:COUNTER:0:U
arc_l2_size value:GAUGE:0:U
arc_ratio value:GAUGE:0:U
arc_size current:GAUGE:0:U, target:GAUGE:0:U, minlimit:GAUGE:0:U, maxlimit:GAUGE:0:U
mysql_qcache hits:COUNTER:0:U, inserts:COUNTER:0:U, not_cached:COUNTER:0:U, lowmem_prunes:COUNTER:0:U, queries_in_cache:GAUGE:0:U
mysql_threads running:GAUGE:0:U, connected:GAUGE:0:U, cached:GAUGE:0:U, created:COUNTER:0:U