118 lines
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118 lines
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package logger
import (
const (
// OperationNameKey is the logging context key used for identifying name of an operation.
OperationNameKey = "op_name"
// OperationEventKey is the logging context key used for identifying a notable
// event during the course of an operation.
OperationEventKey = "op_event"
// OperationElapsedKey is the logging context key used for identifying time elapsed to finish an operation.
OperationElapsedKey = "op_elapsed"
// DBInstanceKey is the logging context key used for identifying name of the relevant database.
DBInstanceKey = "db_instance"
// DBRetentionKey is the logging context key used for identifying name of the relevant retention policy.
DBRetentionKey = "db_rp"
// DBShardGroupKey is the logging context key used for identifying relevant shard group.
DBShardGroupKey = "db_shard_group"
// DBShardIDKey is the logging context key used for identifying name of the relevant shard number.
DBShardIDKey = "db_shard_id"
const (
eventStart = "start"
eventEnd = "end"
var (
gen = snowflake.New(0)
func nextID() string {
return gen.NextString()
// OperationName returns a field for tracking the name of an operation.
func OperationName(name string) zapcore.Field {
return zap.String(OperationNameKey, name)
// OperationElapsed returns a field for tracking the duration of an operation.
func OperationElapsed(d time.Duration) zapcore.Field {
return zap.Duration(OperationElapsedKey, d)
// OperationEventStart returns a field for tracking the start of an operation.
func OperationEventStart() zapcore.Field {
return zap.String(OperationEventKey, eventStart)
// OperationEventFinish returns a field for tracking the end of an operation.
func OperationEventEnd() zapcore.Field {
return zap.String(OperationEventKey, eventEnd)
// Database returns a field for tracking the name of a database.
func Database(name string) zapcore.Field {
return zap.String(DBInstanceKey, name)
// Database returns a field for tracking the name of a database.
func RetentionPolicy(name string) zapcore.Field {
return zap.String(DBRetentionKey, name)
// ShardGroup returns a field for tracking the shard group identifier.
func ShardGroup(id uint64) zapcore.Field {
return zap.Uint64(DBShardGroupKey, id)
// Shard returns a field for tracking the shard identifier.
func Shard(id uint64) zapcore.Field {
return zap.Uint64(DBShardIDKey, id)
// TraceID returns a field "trace_id", value pulled from the (Jaeger) trace ID found in the given context.
// Returns zap.Skip() if the context doesn't have a trace ID.
func TraceID(ctx context.Context) zap.Field {
if span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); span != nil {
if spanContext, ok := span.Context().(jaeger.SpanContext); ok {
return zap.String("trace_id", spanContext.TraceID().String())
return zap.Skip()
// NewOperation uses the exiting log to create a new logger with context
// containing a trace id and the operation. Prior to returning, a standardized message
// is logged indicating the operation has started. The returned function should be
// called when the operation concludes in order to log a corresponding message which
// includes an elapsed time and that the operation has ended.
func NewOperation(ctx context.Context, log *zap.Logger, msg, name string, fields ...zapcore.Field) (*zap.Logger, func()) {
f := []zapcore.Field{OperationName(name), TraceID(ctx)}
if len(fields) > 0 {
f = append(f, fields...)
now := time.Now()
log = log.With(f...)
log.Debug(msg+" (start)", OperationEventStart())
return log, func() { log.Debug(msg+" (end)", OperationEventEnd(), OperationElapsed(time.Since(now))) }