1551 lines
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1551 lines
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package meta
import (
internal "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/services/meta/internal"
//go:generate protoc --gogo_out=. internal/meta.proto
const (
// DefaultRetentionPolicyReplicaN is the default value of RetentionPolicyInfo.ReplicaN.
DefaultRetentionPolicyReplicaN = 1
// DefaultRetentionPolicyDuration is the default value of RetentionPolicyInfo.Duration.
DefaultRetentionPolicyDuration = time.Duration(0)
// DefaultRetentionPolicyName is the default name for auto generated retention policies.
DefaultRetentionPolicyName = "autogen"
// MinRetentionPolicyDuration represents the minimum duration for a policy.
MinRetentionPolicyDuration = time.Hour
// Data represents the top level collection of all metadata.
type Data struct {
Term uint64 // associated raft term
Index uint64 // associated raft index
ClusterID uint64
Databases []DatabaseInfo
Users []UserInfo
MaxShardGroupID uint64
MaxShardID uint64
// NewShardOwner sets the owner of the provided shard to the data node
// that currently owns the fewest number of shards. If multiple nodes
// own the same (fewest) number of shards, then one of those nodes
// becomes the new shard owner.
func NewShardOwner(s ShardInfo, ownerFreqs map[int]int) (uint64, error) {
var (
minId = -1
minFreq int
for id, freq := range ownerFreqs {
if minId == -1 || freq < minFreq {
minId, minFreq = int(id), freq
if minId < 0 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot reassign shard %d due to lack of data nodes", s.ID)
// Update the shard owner frequencies and set the new owner on the
// shard.
return uint64(minId), nil
// Database returns a DatabaseInfo by the database name.
func (data *Data) Database(name string) *DatabaseInfo {
for i := range data.Databases {
if data.Databases[i].Name == name {
return &data.Databases[i]
return nil
// CloneDatabases returns a copy of the DatabaseInfo.
func (data *Data) CloneDatabases() []DatabaseInfo {
if data.Databases == nil {
return nil
dbs := make([]DatabaseInfo, len(data.Databases))
for i := range data.Databases {
dbs[i] = data.Databases[i].clone()
return dbs
// CreateDatabase creates a new database.
// It returns an error if name is blank or if a database with the same name already exists.
func (data *Data) CreateDatabase(name string) error {
if name == "" {
return ErrDatabaseNameRequired
} else if data.Database(name) != nil {
return nil
// Append new node.
data.Databases = append(data.Databases, DatabaseInfo{Name: name})
return nil
// DropDatabase removes a database by name. It does not return an error
// if the database cannot be found.
func (data *Data) DropDatabase(name string) error {
for i := range data.Databases {
if data.Databases[i].Name == name {
data.Databases = append(data.Databases[:i], data.Databases[i+1:]...)
// Remove all user privileges associated with this database.
for i := range data.Users {
delete(data.Users[i].Privileges, name)
return nil
// RetentionPolicy returns a retention policy for a database by name.
func (data *Data) RetentionPolicy(database, name string) (*RetentionPolicyInfo, error) {
di := data.Database(database)
if di == nil {
return nil, influxdb.ErrDatabaseNotFound(database)
for i := range di.RetentionPolicies {
if di.RetentionPolicies[i].Name == name {
return &di.RetentionPolicies[i], nil
return nil, nil
// CreateRetentionPolicy creates a new retention policy on a database.
// It returns an error if name is blank or if the database does not exist.
func (data *Data) CreateRetentionPolicy(database string, rpi *RetentionPolicyInfo, makeDefault bool) error {
// Validate retention policy.
if rpi == nil {
return ErrRetentionPolicyRequired
} else if rpi.Name == "" {
return ErrRetentionPolicyNameRequired
} else if rpi.ReplicaN < 1 {
return ErrReplicationFactorTooLow
// Normalise ShardDuration before comparing to any existing
// retention policies. The client is supposed to do this, but
// do it again to verify input.
rpi.ShardGroupDuration = normalisedShardDuration(rpi.ShardGroupDuration, rpi.Duration)
if rpi.Duration > 0 && rpi.Duration < rpi.ShardGroupDuration {
return ErrIncompatibleDurations
// Find database.
di := data.Database(database)
if di == nil {
return influxdb.ErrDatabaseNotFound(database)
} else if rp := di.RetentionPolicy(rpi.Name); rp != nil {
// RP with that name already exists. Make sure they're the same.
if rp.ReplicaN != rpi.ReplicaN || rp.Duration != rpi.Duration || rp.ShardGroupDuration != rpi.ShardGroupDuration {
return ErrRetentionPolicyExists
// if they want to make it default, and it's not the default, it's not an identical command so it's an error
if makeDefault && di.DefaultRetentionPolicy != rpi.Name {
return ErrRetentionPolicyConflict
return nil
// Append copy of new policy.
di.RetentionPolicies = append(di.RetentionPolicies, *rpi)
// Set the default if needed
if makeDefault {
di.DefaultRetentionPolicy = rpi.Name
return nil
// DropRetentionPolicy removes a retention policy from a database by name.
func (data *Data) DropRetentionPolicy(database, name string) error {
// Find database.
di := data.Database(database)
if di == nil {
// no database? no problem
return nil
// Remove from list.
for i := range di.RetentionPolicies {
if di.RetentionPolicies[i].Name == name {
di.RetentionPolicies = append(di.RetentionPolicies[:i], di.RetentionPolicies[i+1:]...)
return nil
// RetentionPolicyUpdate represents retention policy fields to be updated.
type RetentionPolicyUpdate struct {
Name *string
Duration *time.Duration
ReplicaN *int
ShardGroupDuration *time.Duration
// SetName sets the RetentionPolicyUpdate.Name.
func (rpu *RetentionPolicyUpdate) SetName(v string) { rpu.Name = &v }
// SetDuration sets the RetentionPolicyUpdate.Duration.
func (rpu *RetentionPolicyUpdate) SetDuration(v time.Duration) { rpu.Duration = &v }
// SetReplicaN sets the RetentionPolicyUpdate.ReplicaN.
func (rpu *RetentionPolicyUpdate) SetReplicaN(v int) { rpu.ReplicaN = &v }
// SetShardGroupDuration sets the RetentionPolicyUpdate.ShardGroupDuration.
func (rpu *RetentionPolicyUpdate) SetShardGroupDuration(v time.Duration) { rpu.ShardGroupDuration = &v }
// UpdateRetentionPolicy updates an existing retention policy.
func (data *Data) UpdateRetentionPolicy(database, name string, rpu *RetentionPolicyUpdate, makeDefault bool) error {
// Find database.
di := data.Database(database)
if di == nil {
return influxdb.ErrDatabaseNotFound(database)
// Find policy.
rpi := di.RetentionPolicy(name)
if rpi == nil {
return influxdb.ErrRetentionPolicyNotFound(name)
// Ensure new policy doesn't match an existing policy.
if rpu.Name != nil && *rpu.Name != name && di.RetentionPolicy(*rpu.Name) != nil {
return ErrRetentionPolicyNameExists
// Enforce duration of at least MinRetentionPolicyDuration
if rpu.Duration != nil && *rpu.Duration < MinRetentionPolicyDuration && *rpu.Duration != 0 {
return ErrRetentionPolicyDurationTooLow
// Enforce duration is at least the shard duration
if (rpu.Duration != nil && *rpu.Duration > 0 &&
((rpu.ShardGroupDuration != nil && *rpu.Duration < *rpu.ShardGroupDuration) ||
(rpu.ShardGroupDuration == nil && *rpu.Duration < rpi.ShardGroupDuration))) ||
(rpu.Duration == nil && rpi.Duration > 0 &&
rpu.ShardGroupDuration != nil && rpi.Duration < *rpu.ShardGroupDuration) {
return ErrIncompatibleDurations
// Update fields.
if rpu.Name != nil {
rpi.Name = *rpu.Name
if rpu.Duration != nil {
rpi.Duration = *rpu.Duration
if rpu.ReplicaN != nil {
rpi.ReplicaN = *rpu.ReplicaN
if rpu.ShardGroupDuration != nil {
rpi.ShardGroupDuration = normalisedShardDuration(*rpu.ShardGroupDuration, rpi.Duration)
if di.DefaultRetentionPolicy != rpi.Name && makeDefault {
di.DefaultRetentionPolicy = rpi.Name
return nil
// DropShard removes a shard by ID.
// DropShard won't return an error if the shard can't be found, which
// allows the command to be re-run in the case that the meta store
// succeeds but a data node fails.
func (data *Data) DropShard(id uint64) {
found := -1
for dbidx, dbi := range data.Databases {
for rpidx, rpi := range dbi.RetentionPolicies {
for sgidx, sg := range rpi.ShardGroups {
for sidx, s := range sg.Shards {
if s.ID == id {
found = sidx
if found > -1 {
shards := sg.Shards
data.Databases[dbidx].RetentionPolicies[rpidx].ShardGroups[sgidx].Shards = append(shards[:found], shards[found+1:]...)
if len(shards) == 1 {
// We just deleted the last shard in the shard group.
data.Databases[dbidx].RetentionPolicies[rpidx].ShardGroups[sgidx].DeletedAt = time.Now()
// ShardGroups returns a list of all shard groups on a database and retention policy.
func (data *Data) ShardGroups(database, policy string) ([]ShardGroupInfo, error) {
// Find retention policy.
rpi, err := data.RetentionPolicy(database, policy)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if rpi == nil {
return nil, influxdb.ErrRetentionPolicyNotFound(policy)
groups := make([]ShardGroupInfo, 0, len(rpi.ShardGroups))
for _, g := range rpi.ShardGroups {
if g.Deleted() {
groups = append(groups, g)
return groups, nil
// ShardGroupsByTimeRange returns a list of all shard groups on a database and policy that may contain data
// for the specified time range. Shard groups are sorted by start time.
func (data *Data) ShardGroupsByTimeRange(database, policy string, tmin, tmax time.Time) ([]ShardGroupInfo, error) {
// Find retention policy.
rpi, err := data.RetentionPolicy(database, policy)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if rpi == nil {
return nil, influxdb.ErrRetentionPolicyNotFound(policy)
groups := make([]ShardGroupInfo, 0, len(rpi.ShardGroups))
for _, g := range rpi.ShardGroups {
if g.Deleted() || !g.Overlaps(tmin, tmax) {
groups = append(groups, g)
return groups, nil
// ShardGroupByTimestamp returns the shard group on a database and policy for a given timestamp.
func (data *Data) ShardGroupByTimestamp(database, policy string, timestamp time.Time) (*ShardGroupInfo, error) {
// Find retention policy.
rpi, err := data.RetentionPolicy(database, policy)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if rpi == nil {
return nil, influxdb.ErrRetentionPolicyNotFound(policy)
return rpi.ShardGroupByTimestamp(timestamp), nil
// CreateShardGroup creates a shard group on a database and policy for a given timestamp.
func (data *Data) CreateShardGroup(database, policy string, timestamp time.Time) error {
// Find retention policy.
rpi, err := data.RetentionPolicy(database, policy)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if rpi == nil {
return influxdb.ErrRetentionPolicyNotFound(policy)
// Verify that shard group doesn't already exist for this timestamp.
if rpi.ShardGroupByTimestamp(timestamp) != nil {
return nil
// Create the shard group.
sgi := ShardGroupInfo{}
sgi.ID = data.MaxShardGroupID
sgi.StartTime = timestamp.Truncate(rpi.ShardGroupDuration).UTC()
sgi.EndTime = sgi.StartTime.Add(rpi.ShardGroupDuration).UTC()
if sgi.EndTime.After(time.Unix(0, models.MaxNanoTime)) {
// Shard group range is [start, end) so add one to the max time.
sgi.EndTime = time.Unix(0, models.MaxNanoTime+1)
sgi.Shards = []ShardInfo{
{ID: data.MaxShardID},
// Retention policy has a new shard group, so update the policy. Shard
// Groups must be stored in sorted order, as other parts of the system
// assume this to be the case.
rpi.ShardGroups = append(rpi.ShardGroups, sgi)
return nil
// DeleteShardGroup removes a shard group from a database and retention policy by id.
func (data *Data) DeleteShardGroup(database, policy string, id uint64) error {
// Find retention policy.
rpi, err := data.RetentionPolicy(database, policy)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if rpi == nil {
return influxdb.ErrRetentionPolicyNotFound(policy)
// Find shard group by ID and set its deletion timestamp.
for i := range rpi.ShardGroups {
if rpi.ShardGroups[i].ID == id {
rpi.ShardGroups[i].DeletedAt = time.Now().UTC()
return nil
return ErrShardGroupNotFound
// CreateContinuousQuery adds a named continuous query to a database.
func (data *Data) CreateContinuousQuery(database, name, query string) error {
di := data.Database(database)
if di == nil {
return influxdb.ErrDatabaseNotFound(database)
// Ensure the name doesn't already exist.
for _, cq := range di.ContinuousQueries {
if cq.Name == name {
// If the query string is the same, we'll silently return,
// otherwise we'll assume the user might be trying to
// overwrite an existing CQ with a different query.
if strings.ToLower(cq.Query) == strings.ToLower(query) {
return nil
return ErrContinuousQueryExists
// Append new query.
di.ContinuousQueries = append(di.ContinuousQueries, ContinuousQueryInfo{
Name: name,
Query: query,
return nil
// DropContinuousQuery removes a continuous query.
func (data *Data) DropContinuousQuery(database, name string) error {
di := data.Database(database)
if di == nil {
return influxdb.ErrDatabaseNotFound(database)
for i := range di.ContinuousQueries {
if di.ContinuousQueries[i].Name == name {
di.ContinuousQueries = append(di.ContinuousQueries[:i], di.ContinuousQueries[i+1:]...)
return nil
return ErrContinuousQueryNotFound
// validateURL returns an error if the URL does not have a port or uses a scheme other than UDP or HTTP.
func validateURL(input string) error {
u, err := url.Parse(input)
if err != nil {
return ErrInvalidSubscriptionURL(input)
if u.Scheme != "udp" && u.Scheme != "http" && u.Scheme != "https" {
return ErrInvalidSubscriptionURL(input)
_, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(u.Host)
if err != nil || port == "" {
return ErrInvalidSubscriptionURL(input)
return nil
// CreateSubscription adds a named subscription to a database and retention policy.
func (data *Data) CreateSubscription(database, rp, name, mode string, destinations []string) error {
for _, d := range destinations {
if err := validateURL(d); err != nil {
return err
rpi, err := data.RetentionPolicy(database, rp)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if rpi == nil {
return influxdb.ErrRetentionPolicyNotFound(rp)
// Ensure the name doesn't already exist.
for i := range rpi.Subscriptions {
if rpi.Subscriptions[i].Name == name {
return ErrSubscriptionExists
// Append new query.
rpi.Subscriptions = append(rpi.Subscriptions, SubscriptionInfo{
Name: name,
Mode: mode,
Destinations: destinations,
return nil
// DropSubscription removes a subscription.
func (data *Data) DropSubscription(database, rp, name string) error {
rpi, err := data.RetentionPolicy(database, rp)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if rpi == nil {
return influxdb.ErrRetentionPolicyNotFound(rp)
for i := range rpi.Subscriptions {
if rpi.Subscriptions[i].Name == name {
rpi.Subscriptions = append(rpi.Subscriptions[:i], rpi.Subscriptions[i+1:]...)
return nil
return ErrSubscriptionNotFound
// User returns a user by username.
func (data *Data) User(username string) *UserInfo {
for i := range data.Users {
if data.Users[i].Name == username {
return &data.Users[i]
return nil
// CreateUser creates a new user.
func (data *Data) CreateUser(name, hash string, admin bool) error {
// Ensure the user doesn't already exist.
if name == "" {
return ErrUsernameRequired
} else if data.User(name) != nil {
return ErrUserExists
// Append new user.
data.Users = append(data.Users, UserInfo{
Name: name,
Hash: hash,
Admin: admin,
return nil
// DropUser removes an existing user by name.
func (data *Data) DropUser(name string) error {
for i := range data.Users {
if data.Users[i].Name == name {
data.Users = append(data.Users[:i], data.Users[i+1:]...)
return nil
return ErrUserNotFound
// UpdateUser updates the password hash of an existing user.
func (data *Data) UpdateUser(name, hash string) error {
for i := range data.Users {
if data.Users[i].Name == name {
data.Users[i].Hash = hash
return nil
return ErrUserNotFound
// CloneUsers returns a copy of the user infos.
func (data *Data) CloneUsers() []UserInfo {
if len(data.Users) == 0 {
return []UserInfo{}
users := make([]UserInfo, len(data.Users))
for i := range data.Users {
users[i] = data.Users[i].clone()
return users
// SetPrivilege sets a privilege for a user on a database.
func (data *Data) SetPrivilege(name, database string, p influxql.Privilege) error {
ui := data.User(name)
if ui == nil {
return ErrUserNotFound
if ui.Privileges == nil {
ui.Privileges = make(map[string]influxql.Privilege)
ui.Privileges[database] = p
return nil
// SetAdminPrivilege sets the admin privilege for a user.
func (data *Data) SetAdminPrivilege(name string, admin bool) error {
ui := data.User(name)
if ui == nil {
return ErrUserNotFound
ui.Admin = admin
return nil
// UserPrivileges gets the privileges for a user.
func (data *Data) UserPrivileges(name string) (map[string]influxql.Privilege, error) {
ui := data.User(name)
if ui == nil {
return nil, ErrUserNotFound
return ui.Privileges, nil
// UserPrivilege gets the privilege for a user on a database.
func (data *Data) UserPrivilege(name, database string) (*influxql.Privilege, error) {
ui := data.User(name)
if ui == nil {
return nil, ErrUserNotFound
for db, p := range ui.Privileges {
if db == database {
return &p, nil
return influxql.NewPrivilege(influxql.NoPrivileges), nil
// Clone returns a copy of data with a new version.
func (data *Data) Clone() *Data {
other := *data
other.Databases = data.CloneDatabases()
other.Users = data.CloneUsers()
return &other
// marshal serializes data to a protobuf representation.
func (data *Data) marshal() *internal.Data {
pb := &internal.Data{
Term: proto.Uint64(data.Term),
Index: proto.Uint64(data.Index),
ClusterID: proto.Uint64(data.ClusterID),
MaxShardGroupID: proto.Uint64(data.MaxShardGroupID),
MaxShardID: proto.Uint64(data.MaxShardID),
// Need this for reverse compatibility
MaxNodeID: proto.Uint64(0),
pb.Databases = make([]*internal.DatabaseInfo, len(data.Databases))
for i := range data.Databases {
pb.Databases[i] = data.Databases[i].marshal()
pb.Users = make([]*internal.UserInfo, len(data.Users))
for i := range data.Users {
pb.Users[i] = data.Users[i].marshal()
return pb
// unmarshal deserializes from a protobuf representation.
func (data *Data) unmarshal(pb *internal.Data) {
data.Term = pb.GetTerm()
data.Index = pb.GetIndex()
data.ClusterID = pb.GetClusterID()
data.MaxShardGroupID = pb.GetMaxShardGroupID()
data.MaxShardID = pb.GetMaxShardID()
data.Databases = make([]DatabaseInfo, len(pb.GetDatabases()))
for i, x := range pb.GetDatabases() {
data.Users = make([]UserInfo, len(pb.GetUsers()))
for i, x := range pb.GetUsers() {
// MarshalBinary encodes the metadata to a binary format.
func (data *Data) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
return proto.Marshal(data.marshal())
// UnmarshalBinary decodes the object from a binary format.
func (data *Data) UnmarshalBinary(buf []byte) error {
var pb internal.Data
if err := proto.Unmarshal(buf, &pb); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// NodeInfo represents information about a single node in the cluster.
type NodeInfo struct {
ID uint64
Host string
TCPHost string
// clone returns a deep copy of ni.
func (ni NodeInfo) clone() NodeInfo { return ni }
// marshal serializes to a protobuf representation.
func (ni NodeInfo) marshal() *internal.NodeInfo {
pb := &internal.NodeInfo{}
pb.ID = proto.Uint64(ni.ID)
pb.Host = proto.String(ni.Host)
pb.TCPHost = proto.String(ni.TCPHost)
return pb
// unmarshal deserializes from a protobuf representation.
func (ni *NodeInfo) unmarshal(pb *internal.NodeInfo) {
ni.ID = pb.GetID()
ni.Host = pb.GetHost()
ni.TCPHost = pb.GetTCPHost()
// NodeInfos is a slice of NodeInfo used for sorting
type NodeInfos []NodeInfo
// Len implements sort.Interface.
func (n NodeInfos) Len() int { return len(n) }
// Swap implements sort.Interface.
func (n NodeInfos) Swap(i, j int) { n[i], n[j] = n[j], n[i] }
// Less implements sort.Interface.
func (n NodeInfos) Less(i, j int) bool { return n[i].ID < n[j].ID }
// DatabaseInfo represents information about a database in the system.
type DatabaseInfo struct {
Name string
DefaultRetentionPolicy string
RetentionPolicies []RetentionPolicyInfo
ContinuousQueries []ContinuousQueryInfo
// RetentionPolicy returns a retention policy by name.
func (di DatabaseInfo) RetentionPolicy(name string) *RetentionPolicyInfo {
if name == "" {
if di.DefaultRetentionPolicy == "" {
return nil
name = di.DefaultRetentionPolicy
for i := range di.RetentionPolicies {
if di.RetentionPolicies[i].Name == name {
return &di.RetentionPolicies[i]
return nil
// ShardInfos returns a list of all shards' info for the database.
func (di DatabaseInfo) ShardInfos() []ShardInfo {
shards := map[uint64]*ShardInfo{}
for i := range di.RetentionPolicies {
for j := range di.RetentionPolicies[i].ShardGroups {
sg := di.RetentionPolicies[i].ShardGroups[j]
// Skip deleted shard groups
if sg.Deleted() {
for k := range sg.Shards {
si := &di.RetentionPolicies[i].ShardGroups[j].Shards[k]
shards[si.ID] = si
infos := make([]ShardInfo, 0, len(shards))
for _, info := range shards {
infos = append(infos, *info)
return infos
// clone returns a deep copy of di.
func (di DatabaseInfo) clone() DatabaseInfo {
other := di
if di.RetentionPolicies != nil {
other.RetentionPolicies = make([]RetentionPolicyInfo, len(di.RetentionPolicies))
for i := range di.RetentionPolicies {
other.RetentionPolicies[i] = di.RetentionPolicies[i].clone()
// Copy continuous queries.
if di.ContinuousQueries != nil {
other.ContinuousQueries = make([]ContinuousQueryInfo, len(di.ContinuousQueries))
for i := range di.ContinuousQueries {
other.ContinuousQueries[i] = di.ContinuousQueries[i].clone()
return other
// marshal serializes to a protobuf representation.
func (di DatabaseInfo) marshal() *internal.DatabaseInfo {
pb := &internal.DatabaseInfo{}
pb.Name = proto.String(di.Name)
pb.DefaultRetentionPolicy = proto.String(di.DefaultRetentionPolicy)
pb.RetentionPolicies = make([]*internal.RetentionPolicyInfo, len(di.RetentionPolicies))
for i := range di.RetentionPolicies {
pb.RetentionPolicies[i] = di.RetentionPolicies[i].marshal()
pb.ContinuousQueries = make([]*internal.ContinuousQueryInfo, len(di.ContinuousQueries))
for i := range di.ContinuousQueries {
pb.ContinuousQueries[i] = di.ContinuousQueries[i].marshal()
return pb
// unmarshal deserializes from a protobuf representation.
func (di *DatabaseInfo) unmarshal(pb *internal.DatabaseInfo) {
di.Name = pb.GetName()
di.DefaultRetentionPolicy = pb.GetDefaultRetentionPolicy()
if len(pb.GetRetentionPolicies()) > 0 {
di.RetentionPolicies = make([]RetentionPolicyInfo, len(pb.GetRetentionPolicies()))
for i, x := range pb.GetRetentionPolicies() {
if len(pb.GetContinuousQueries()) > 0 {
di.ContinuousQueries = make([]ContinuousQueryInfo, len(pb.GetContinuousQueries()))
for i, x := range pb.GetContinuousQueries() {
// RetentionPolicySpec represents the specification for a new retention policy.
type RetentionPolicySpec struct {
Name string
ReplicaN *int
Duration *time.Duration
ShardGroupDuration time.Duration
// NewRetentionPolicyInfo creates a new retention policy info from the specification.
func (s *RetentionPolicySpec) NewRetentionPolicyInfo() *RetentionPolicyInfo {
return DefaultRetentionPolicyInfo().Apply(s)
// Matches checks if this retention policy specification matches
// an existing retention policy.
func (s *RetentionPolicySpec) Matches(rpi *RetentionPolicyInfo) bool {
if rpi == nil {
return false
} else if s.Name != "" && s.Name != rpi.Name {
return false
} else if s.Duration != nil && *s.Duration != rpi.Duration {
return false
} else if s.ReplicaN != nil && *s.ReplicaN != rpi.ReplicaN {
return false
// Normalise ShardDuration before comparing to any existing retention policies.
// Normalize with the retention policy info's duration instead of the spec
// since they should be the same and we're performing a comparison.
sgDuration := normalisedShardDuration(s.ShardGroupDuration, rpi.Duration)
if sgDuration != rpi.ShardGroupDuration {
return false
return true
// marshal serializes to a protobuf representation.
func (s *RetentionPolicySpec) marshal() *internal.RetentionPolicySpec {
pb := &internal.RetentionPolicySpec{}
if s.Name != "" {
pb.Name = proto.String(s.Name)
if s.Duration != nil {
pb.Duration = proto.Int64(int64(*s.Duration))
if s.ShardGroupDuration > 0 {
pb.ShardGroupDuration = proto.Int64(int64(s.ShardGroupDuration))
if s.ReplicaN != nil {
pb.ReplicaN = proto.Uint32(uint32(*s.ReplicaN))
return pb
// unmarshal deserializes from a protobuf representation.
func (s *RetentionPolicySpec) unmarshal(pb *internal.RetentionPolicySpec) {
if pb.Name != nil {
s.Name = pb.GetName()
if pb.Duration != nil {
duration := time.Duration(pb.GetDuration())
s.Duration = &duration
if pb.ShardGroupDuration != nil {
s.ShardGroupDuration = time.Duration(pb.GetShardGroupDuration())
if pb.ReplicaN != nil {
replicaN := int(pb.GetReplicaN())
s.ReplicaN = &replicaN
// MarshalBinary encodes RetentionPolicySpec to a binary format.
func (s *RetentionPolicySpec) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
return proto.Marshal(s.marshal())
// UnmarshalBinary decodes RetentionPolicySpec from a binary format.
func (s *RetentionPolicySpec) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
var pb internal.RetentionPolicySpec
if err := proto.Unmarshal(data, &pb); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// RetentionPolicyInfo represents metadata about a retention policy.
type RetentionPolicyInfo struct {
Name string
ReplicaN int
Duration time.Duration
ShardGroupDuration time.Duration
ShardGroups []ShardGroupInfo
Subscriptions []SubscriptionInfo
// NewRetentionPolicyInfo returns a new instance of RetentionPolicyInfo
// with default replication and duration.
func NewRetentionPolicyInfo(name string) *RetentionPolicyInfo {
return &RetentionPolicyInfo{
Name: name,
ReplicaN: DefaultRetentionPolicyReplicaN,
Duration: DefaultRetentionPolicyDuration,
// DefaultRetentionPolicyInfo returns a new instance of RetentionPolicyInfo
// with default name, replication, and duration.
func DefaultRetentionPolicyInfo() *RetentionPolicyInfo {
return NewRetentionPolicyInfo(DefaultRetentionPolicyName)
// Apply applies a specification to the retention policy info.
func (rpi *RetentionPolicyInfo) Apply(spec *RetentionPolicySpec) *RetentionPolicyInfo {
rp := &RetentionPolicyInfo{
Name: rpi.Name,
ReplicaN: rpi.ReplicaN,
Duration: rpi.Duration,
ShardGroupDuration: rpi.ShardGroupDuration,
if spec.Name != "" {
rp.Name = spec.Name
if spec.ReplicaN != nil {
rp.ReplicaN = *spec.ReplicaN
if spec.Duration != nil {
rp.Duration = *spec.Duration
rp.ShardGroupDuration = normalisedShardDuration(spec.ShardGroupDuration, rp.Duration)
return rp
// ShardGroupByTimestamp returns the shard group in the policy that contains the timestamp,
// or nil if no shard group matches.
func (rpi *RetentionPolicyInfo) ShardGroupByTimestamp(timestamp time.Time) *ShardGroupInfo {
for i := range rpi.ShardGroups {
sgi := &rpi.ShardGroups[i]
if sgi.Contains(timestamp) && !sgi.Deleted() && (!sgi.Truncated() || timestamp.Before(sgi.TruncatedAt)) {
return &rpi.ShardGroups[i]
return nil
// ExpiredShardGroups returns the Shard Groups which are considered expired, for the given time.
func (rpi *RetentionPolicyInfo) ExpiredShardGroups(t time.Time) []*ShardGroupInfo {
var groups = make([]*ShardGroupInfo, 0)
for i := range rpi.ShardGroups {
if rpi.ShardGroups[i].Deleted() {
if rpi.Duration != 0 && rpi.ShardGroups[i].EndTime.Add(rpi.Duration).Before(t) {
groups = append(groups, &rpi.ShardGroups[i])
return groups
// DeletedShardGroups returns the Shard Groups which are marked as deleted.
func (rpi *RetentionPolicyInfo) DeletedShardGroups() []*ShardGroupInfo {
var groups = make([]*ShardGroupInfo, 0)
for i := range rpi.ShardGroups {
if rpi.ShardGroups[i].Deleted() {
groups = append(groups, &rpi.ShardGroups[i])
return groups
// marshal serializes to a protobuf representation.
func (rpi *RetentionPolicyInfo) marshal() *internal.RetentionPolicyInfo {
pb := &internal.RetentionPolicyInfo{
Name: proto.String(rpi.Name),
ReplicaN: proto.Uint32(uint32(rpi.ReplicaN)),
Duration: proto.Int64(int64(rpi.Duration)),
ShardGroupDuration: proto.Int64(int64(rpi.ShardGroupDuration)),
pb.ShardGroups = make([]*internal.ShardGroupInfo, len(rpi.ShardGroups))
for i, sgi := range rpi.ShardGroups {
pb.ShardGroups[i] = sgi.marshal()
pb.Subscriptions = make([]*internal.SubscriptionInfo, len(rpi.Subscriptions))
for i, sub := range rpi.Subscriptions {
pb.Subscriptions[i] = sub.marshal()
return pb
// unmarshal deserializes from a protobuf representation.
func (rpi *RetentionPolicyInfo) unmarshal(pb *internal.RetentionPolicyInfo) {
rpi.Name = pb.GetName()
rpi.ReplicaN = int(pb.GetReplicaN())
rpi.Duration = time.Duration(pb.GetDuration())
rpi.ShardGroupDuration = time.Duration(pb.GetShardGroupDuration())
if len(pb.GetShardGroups()) > 0 {
rpi.ShardGroups = make([]ShardGroupInfo, len(pb.GetShardGroups()))
for i, x := range pb.GetShardGroups() {
if len(pb.GetSubscriptions()) > 0 {
rpi.Subscriptions = make([]SubscriptionInfo, len(pb.GetSubscriptions()))
for i, x := range pb.GetSubscriptions() {
// clone returns a deep copy of rpi.
func (rpi RetentionPolicyInfo) clone() RetentionPolicyInfo {
other := rpi
if rpi.ShardGroups != nil {
other.ShardGroups = make([]ShardGroupInfo, len(rpi.ShardGroups))
for i := range rpi.ShardGroups {
other.ShardGroups[i] = rpi.ShardGroups[i].clone()
return other
// MarshalBinary encodes rpi to a binary format.
func (rpi *RetentionPolicyInfo) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
return proto.Marshal(rpi.marshal())
// UnmarshalBinary decodes rpi from a binary format.
func (rpi *RetentionPolicyInfo) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
var pb internal.RetentionPolicyInfo
if err := proto.Unmarshal(data, &pb); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// shardGroupDuration returns the default duration for a shard group based on a policy duration.
func shardGroupDuration(d time.Duration) time.Duration {
if d >= 180*24*time.Hour || d == 0 { // 6 months or 0
return 7 * 24 * time.Hour
} else if d >= 2*24*time.Hour { // 2 days
return 1 * 24 * time.Hour
return 1 * time.Hour
// normalisedShardDuration returns normalised shard duration based on a policy duration.
func normalisedShardDuration(sgd, d time.Duration) time.Duration {
// If it is zero, it likely wasn't specified, so we default to the shard group duration
if sgd == 0 {
return shardGroupDuration(d)
// If it was specified, but it's less than the MinRetentionPolicyDuration, then normalize
// to the MinRetentionPolicyDuration
if sgd < MinRetentionPolicyDuration {
return shardGroupDuration(MinRetentionPolicyDuration)
return sgd
// ShardGroupInfo represents metadata about a shard group. The DeletedAt field is important
// because it makes it clear that a ShardGroup has been marked as deleted, and allow the system
// to be sure that a ShardGroup is not simply missing. If the DeletedAt is set, the system can
// safely delete any associated shards.
type ShardGroupInfo struct {
ID uint64
StartTime time.Time
EndTime time.Time
DeletedAt time.Time
Shards []ShardInfo
TruncatedAt time.Time
// ShardGroupInfos implements sort.Interface on []ShardGroupInfo, based
// on the StartTime field.
type ShardGroupInfos []ShardGroupInfo
// Len implements sort.Interface.
func (a ShardGroupInfos) Len() int { return len(a) }
// Swap implements sort.Interface.
func (a ShardGroupInfos) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
// Less implements sort.Interface.
func (a ShardGroupInfos) Less(i, j int) bool {
iEnd := a[i].EndTime
if a[i].Truncated() {
iEnd = a[i].TruncatedAt
jEnd := a[j].EndTime
if a[j].Truncated() {
jEnd = a[j].TruncatedAt
if iEnd.Equal(jEnd) {
return a[i].StartTime.Before(a[j].StartTime)
return iEnd.Before(jEnd)
// Contains returns true if the shard group contains data for the timestamp.
func (sgi *ShardGroupInfo) Contains(timestamp time.Time) bool {
return !sgi.StartTime.After(timestamp) && sgi.EndTime.After(timestamp)
// Overlaps returns whether the shard group contains data for the time range between min and max
func (sgi *ShardGroupInfo) Overlaps(min, max time.Time) bool {
return !sgi.StartTime.After(max) && sgi.EndTime.After(min)
// Deleted returns whether this ShardGroup has been deleted.
func (sgi *ShardGroupInfo) Deleted() bool {
return !sgi.DeletedAt.IsZero()
// Truncated returns true if this ShardGroup has been truncated (no new writes).
func (sgi *ShardGroupInfo) Truncated() bool {
return !sgi.TruncatedAt.IsZero()
// clone returns a deep copy of sgi.
func (sgi ShardGroupInfo) clone() ShardGroupInfo {
other := sgi
if sgi.Shards != nil {
other.Shards = make([]ShardInfo, len(sgi.Shards))
for i := range sgi.Shards {
other.Shards[i] = sgi.Shards[i].clone()
return other
// ShardFor returns the ShardInfo for a Point hash.
func (sgi *ShardGroupInfo) ShardFor(hash uint64) ShardInfo {
return sgi.Shards[hash%uint64(len(sgi.Shards))]
// marshal serializes to a protobuf representation.
func (sgi *ShardGroupInfo) marshal() *internal.ShardGroupInfo {
pb := &internal.ShardGroupInfo{
ID: proto.Uint64(sgi.ID),
StartTime: proto.Int64(MarshalTime(sgi.StartTime)),
EndTime: proto.Int64(MarshalTime(sgi.EndTime)),
DeletedAt: proto.Int64(MarshalTime(sgi.DeletedAt)),
if !sgi.TruncatedAt.IsZero() {
pb.TruncatedAt = proto.Int64(MarshalTime(sgi.TruncatedAt))
pb.Shards = make([]*internal.ShardInfo, len(sgi.Shards))
for i := range sgi.Shards {
pb.Shards[i] = sgi.Shards[i].marshal()
return pb
// unmarshal deserializes from a protobuf representation.
func (sgi *ShardGroupInfo) unmarshal(pb *internal.ShardGroupInfo) {
sgi.ID = pb.GetID()
sgi.StartTime = UnmarshalTime(pb.GetStartTime())
sgi.EndTime = UnmarshalTime(pb.GetEndTime())
sgi.DeletedAt = UnmarshalTime(pb.GetDeletedAt())
if pb != nil && pb.TruncatedAt != nil {
sgi.TruncatedAt = UnmarshalTime(pb.GetTruncatedAt())
if len(pb.GetShards()) > 0 {
sgi.Shards = make([]ShardInfo, len(pb.GetShards()))
for i, x := range pb.GetShards() {
// ShardInfo represents metadata about a shard.
type ShardInfo struct {
ID uint64
Owners []ShardOwner
// OwnedBy determines whether the shard's owner IDs includes nodeID.
func (si ShardInfo) OwnedBy(nodeID uint64) bool {
for _, so := range si.Owners {
if so.NodeID == nodeID {
return true
return false
// clone returns a deep copy of si.
func (si ShardInfo) clone() ShardInfo {
other := si
if si.Owners != nil {
other.Owners = make([]ShardOwner, len(si.Owners))
for i := range si.Owners {
other.Owners[i] = si.Owners[i].clone()
return other
// marshal serializes to a protobuf representation.
func (si ShardInfo) marshal() *internal.ShardInfo {
pb := &internal.ShardInfo{
ID: proto.Uint64(si.ID),
pb.Owners = make([]*internal.ShardOwner, len(si.Owners))
for i := range si.Owners {
pb.Owners[i] = si.Owners[i].marshal()
return pb
// UnmarshalBinary decodes the object from a binary format.
func (si *ShardInfo) UnmarshalBinary(buf []byte) error {
var pb internal.ShardInfo
if err := proto.Unmarshal(buf, &pb); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// unmarshal deserializes from a protobuf representation.
func (si *ShardInfo) unmarshal(pb *internal.ShardInfo) {
si.ID = pb.GetID()
// If deprecated "OwnerIDs" exists then convert it to "Owners" format.
if len(pb.GetOwnerIDs()) > 0 {
si.Owners = make([]ShardOwner, len(pb.GetOwnerIDs()))
for i, x := range pb.GetOwnerIDs() {
NodeID: proto.Uint64(x),
} else if len(pb.GetOwners()) > 0 {
si.Owners = make([]ShardOwner, len(pb.GetOwners()))
for i, x := range pb.GetOwners() {
// SubscriptionInfo holds the subscription information.
type SubscriptionInfo struct {
Name string
Mode string
Destinations []string
// marshal serializes to a protobuf representation.
func (si SubscriptionInfo) marshal() *internal.SubscriptionInfo {
pb := &internal.SubscriptionInfo{
Name: proto.String(si.Name),
Mode: proto.String(si.Mode),
pb.Destinations = make([]string, len(si.Destinations))
for i := range si.Destinations {
pb.Destinations[i] = si.Destinations[i]
return pb
// unmarshal deserializes from a protobuf representation.
func (si *SubscriptionInfo) unmarshal(pb *internal.SubscriptionInfo) {
si.Name = pb.GetName()
si.Mode = pb.GetMode()
if len(pb.GetDestinations()) > 0 {
si.Destinations = make([]string, len(pb.GetDestinations()))
for i, h := range pb.GetDestinations() {
si.Destinations[i] = h
// ShardOwner represents a node that owns a shard.
type ShardOwner struct {
NodeID uint64
// clone returns a deep copy of so.
func (so ShardOwner) clone() ShardOwner {
return so
// marshal serializes to a protobuf representation.
func (so ShardOwner) marshal() *internal.ShardOwner {
return &internal.ShardOwner{
NodeID: proto.Uint64(so.NodeID),
// unmarshal deserializes from a protobuf representation.
func (so *ShardOwner) unmarshal(pb *internal.ShardOwner) {
so.NodeID = pb.GetNodeID()
// ContinuousQueryInfo represents metadata about a continuous query.
type ContinuousQueryInfo struct {
Name string
Query string
// clone returns a deep copy of cqi.
func (cqi ContinuousQueryInfo) clone() ContinuousQueryInfo { return cqi }
// marshal serializes to a protobuf representation.
func (cqi ContinuousQueryInfo) marshal() *internal.ContinuousQueryInfo {
return &internal.ContinuousQueryInfo{
Name: proto.String(cqi.Name),
Query: proto.String(cqi.Query),
// unmarshal deserializes from a protobuf representation.
func (cqi *ContinuousQueryInfo) unmarshal(pb *internal.ContinuousQueryInfo) {
cqi.Name = pb.GetName()
cqi.Query = pb.GetQuery()
// UserInfo represents metadata about a user in the system.
type UserInfo struct {
Name string
Hash string
Admin bool
Privileges map[string]influxql.Privilege
// Authorize returns true if the user is authorized and false if not.
func (ui *UserInfo) Authorize(privilege influxql.Privilege, database string) bool {
if ui.Admin {
return true
p, ok := ui.Privileges[database]
return ok && (p == privilege || p == influxql.AllPrivileges)
// clone returns a deep copy of si.
func (ui UserInfo) clone() UserInfo {
other := ui
if ui.Privileges != nil {
other.Privileges = make(map[string]influxql.Privilege)
for k, v := range ui.Privileges {
other.Privileges[k] = v
return other
// marshal serializes to a protobuf representation.
func (ui UserInfo) marshal() *internal.UserInfo {
pb := &internal.UserInfo{
Name: proto.String(ui.Name),
Hash: proto.String(ui.Hash),
Admin: proto.Bool(ui.Admin),
for database, privilege := range ui.Privileges {
pb.Privileges = append(pb.Privileges, &internal.UserPrivilege{
Database: proto.String(database),
Privilege: proto.Int32(int32(privilege)),
return pb
// unmarshal deserializes from a protobuf representation.
func (ui *UserInfo) unmarshal(pb *internal.UserInfo) {
ui.Name = pb.GetName()
ui.Hash = pb.GetHash()
ui.Admin = pb.GetAdmin()
ui.Privileges = make(map[string]influxql.Privilege)
for _, p := range pb.GetPrivileges() {
ui.Privileges[p.GetDatabase()] = influxql.Privilege(p.GetPrivilege())
// Lease represents a lease held on a resource.
type Lease struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Expiration time.Time `json:"expiration"`
Owner uint64 `json:"owner"`
// Leases is a concurrency-safe collection of leases keyed by name.
type Leases struct {
mu sync.Mutex
m map[string]*Lease
d time.Duration
// NewLeases returns a new instance of Leases.
func NewLeases(d time.Duration) *Leases {
return &Leases{
m: make(map[string]*Lease),
d: d,
// Acquire acquires a lease with the given name for the given nodeID.
// If the lease doesn't exist or exists but is expired, a valid lease is returned.
// If nodeID already owns the named and unexpired lease, the lease expiration is extended.
// If a different node owns the lease, an error is returned.
func (leases *Leases) Acquire(name string, nodeID uint64) (*Lease, error) {
defer leases.mu.Unlock()
l, ok := leases.m[name]
if ok {
if time.Now().After(l.Expiration) || l.Owner == nodeID {
l.Expiration = time.Now().Add(leases.d)
l.Owner = nodeID
return l, nil
return l, errors.New("another node has the lease")
l = &Lease{
Name: name,
Expiration: time.Now().Add(leases.d),
Owner: nodeID,
leases.m[name] = l
return l, nil
// MarshalTime converts t to nanoseconds since epoch. A zero time returns 0.
func MarshalTime(t time.Time) int64 {
if t.IsZero() {
return 0
return t.UnixNano()
// UnmarshalTime converts nanoseconds since epoch to time.
// A zero value returns a zero time.
func UnmarshalTime(v int64) time.Time {
if v == 0 {
return time.Time{}
return time.Unix(0, v).UTC()