1606 lines
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1606 lines
43 KiB
package tsm1
import (
const (
// The extension used to describe temporary snapshot files.
TmpTSMFileExtension = "tmp"
// The extension used to describe corrupt snapshot files.
BadTSMFileExtension = "bad"
type TSMIterator interface {
Next() bool
Peek() []byte
Key() []byte
Type() byte
Entries() []IndexEntry
Err() error
// TSMFile represents an on-disk TSM file.
type TSMFile interface {
// Path returns the underlying file path for the TSMFile. If the file
// has not be written or loaded from disk, the zero value is returned.
Path() string
// Read returns all the values in the block where time t resides.
Read(key []byte, t int64) ([]Value, error)
// ReadAt returns all the values in the block identified by entry.
ReadAt(entry *IndexEntry, values []Value) ([]Value, error)
ReadFloatBlockAt(entry *IndexEntry, values *[]FloatValue) ([]FloatValue, error)
ReadFloatArrayBlockAt(entry *IndexEntry, values *tsdb.FloatArray) error
ReadIntegerBlockAt(entry *IndexEntry, values *[]IntegerValue) ([]IntegerValue, error)
ReadIntegerArrayBlockAt(entry *IndexEntry, values *tsdb.IntegerArray) error
ReadUnsignedBlockAt(entry *IndexEntry, values *[]UnsignedValue) ([]UnsignedValue, error)
ReadUnsignedArrayBlockAt(entry *IndexEntry, values *tsdb.UnsignedArray) error
ReadStringBlockAt(entry *IndexEntry, values *[]StringValue) ([]StringValue, error)
ReadStringArrayBlockAt(entry *IndexEntry, values *tsdb.StringArray) error
ReadBooleanBlockAt(entry *IndexEntry, values *[]BooleanValue) ([]BooleanValue, error)
ReadBooleanArrayBlockAt(entry *IndexEntry, values *tsdb.BooleanArray) error
// Entries returns the index entries for all blocks for the given key.
ReadEntries(key []byte, entries []IndexEntry) ([]IndexEntry, error)
// Contains returns true if the file contains any values for the given
// key.
Contains(key []byte) bool
// OverlapsTimeRange returns true if the time range of the file intersect min and max.
OverlapsTimeRange(min, max int64) bool
// OverlapsKeyRange returns true if the key range of the file intersects min and max.
OverlapsKeyRange(min, max []byte) bool
// OverlapsKeyPrefixRange returns true if the key range of the file
// intersects min and max, evaluating up to the length of min and max
// of the key range.
OverlapsKeyPrefixRange(min, max []byte) bool
// TimeRange returns the min and max time across all keys in the file.
TimeRange() (int64, int64)
// TombstoneRange returns ranges of time that are deleted for the given key.
TombstoneRange(key []byte, buf []TimeRange) []TimeRange
// KeyRange returns the min and max keys in the file.
KeyRange() ([]byte, []byte)
// KeyCount returns the number of distinct keys in the file.
KeyCount() int
// Iterator returns an iterator over the keys starting at the provided key. You must
// call Next before calling any of the accessors.
Iterator([]byte) TSMIterator
// Type returns the block type of the values stored for the key. Returns one of
// BlockFloat64, BlockInt64, BlockBoolean, BlockString. If key does not exist,
// an error is returned.
Type(key []byte) (byte, error)
// BatchDelete return a BatchDeleter that allows for multiple deletes in batches
// and group commit or rollback.
BatchDelete() BatchDeleter
// Delete removes the keys from the set of keys available in this file.
Delete(keys [][]byte) error
// DeleteRange removes the values for keys between timestamps min and max.
DeleteRange(keys [][]byte, min, max int64) error
// DeletePrefix removes the values for keys beginning with prefix. It calls dead with
// any keys that became dead as a result of this call.
DeletePrefix(prefix []byte, min, max int64, pred Predicate, dead func([]byte)) error
// HasTombstones returns true if file contains values that have been deleted.
HasTombstones() bool
// TombstoneFiles returns the tombstone filestats if there are any tombstones
// written for this file.
TombstoneFiles() []FileStat
// Close closes the underlying file resources.
Close() error
// Size returns the size of the file on disk in bytes.
Size() uint32
// Rename renames the existing TSM file to a new name and replaces the mmap backing slice using the new
// file name. Index and Reader state are not re-initialized.
Rename(path string) error
// Remove deletes the file from the filesystem.
Remove() error
// InUse returns true if the file is currently in use by queries.
InUse() bool
// Ref records that this file is actively in use.
// Unref records that this file is no longer in use.
// Stats returns summary information about the TSM file.
Stats() FileStat
// BlockIterator returns an iterator pointing to the first block in the file and
// allows sequential iteration to each and every block.
BlockIterator() *BlockIterator
// TimeRangeIterator returns an iterator over the keys, starting at the provided
// key. Calling the HasData accessor will return true if data exists for the
// interval [min, max] for the current key.
// Next must be called before calling any of the accessors.
TimeRangeIterator(key []byte, min, max int64) *TimeRangeIterator
// Free releases any resources held by the FileStore to free up system resources.
Free() error
// Stats returns the statistics for the file.
MeasurementStats() (MeasurementStats, error)
// FileStoreObserver is passed notifications before the file store adds or deletes files. In this way, it can
// be sure to observe every file that is added or removed even in the presence of process death.
type FileStoreObserver interface {
// FileFinishing is called before a file is renamed to it's final name.
FileFinishing(path string) error
// FileUnlinking is called before a file is unlinked.
FileUnlinking(path string) error
var (
floatBlocksDecodedCounter = metrics.MustRegisterCounter("float_blocks_decoded", metrics.WithGroup(tsmGroup))
floatBlocksSizeCounter = metrics.MustRegisterCounter("float_blocks_size_bytes", metrics.WithGroup(tsmGroup))
integerBlocksDecodedCounter = metrics.MustRegisterCounter("integer_blocks_decoded", metrics.WithGroup(tsmGroup))
integerBlocksSizeCounter = metrics.MustRegisterCounter("integer_blocks_size_bytes", metrics.WithGroup(tsmGroup))
unsignedBlocksDecodedCounter = metrics.MustRegisterCounter("unsigned_blocks_decoded", metrics.WithGroup(tsmGroup))
unsignedBlocksSizeCounter = metrics.MustRegisterCounter("unsigned_blocks_size_bytes", metrics.WithGroup(tsmGroup))
stringBlocksDecodedCounter = metrics.MustRegisterCounter("string_blocks_decoded", metrics.WithGroup(tsmGroup))
stringBlocksSizeCounter = metrics.MustRegisterCounter("string_blocks_size_bytes", metrics.WithGroup(tsmGroup))
booleanBlocksDecodedCounter = metrics.MustRegisterCounter("boolean_blocks_decoded", metrics.WithGroup(tsmGroup))
booleanBlocksSizeCounter = metrics.MustRegisterCounter("boolean_blocks_size_bytes", metrics.WithGroup(tsmGroup))
// FileStore is an abstraction around multiple TSM files.
type FileStore struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
lastModified time.Time
// Most recently known file stats. If nil then stats will need to be
// recalculated
lastFileStats []FileStat
currentGeneration int // internally maintained generation
currentGenerationFunc func() int // external generation
dir string
files []TSMFile
tsmMMAPWillNeed bool // If true then the kernel will be advised MMAP_WILLNEED for TSM files.
openLimiter limiter.Fixed // limit the number of concurrent opening TSM files.
logger *zap.Logger // Logger to be used for important messages
tracker *fileTracker
purger *purger
currentTempDirID int
parseFileName ParseFileNameFunc
obs FileStoreObserver
// FileStat holds information about a TSM file on disk.
type FileStat struct {
Path string
HasTombstone bool
Size uint32
LastModified int64
MinTime, MaxTime int64
MinKey, MaxKey []byte
// OverlapsTimeRange returns true if the time range of the file intersect min and max.
func (f FileStat) OverlapsTimeRange(min, max int64) bool {
return f.MinTime <= max && f.MaxTime >= min
// OverlapsKeyRange returns true if the min and max keys of the file overlap the arguments min and max.
func (f FileStat) OverlapsKeyRange(min, max []byte) bool {
return len(min) != 0 && len(max) != 0 && bytes.Compare(f.MinKey, max) <= 0 && bytes.Compare(f.MaxKey, min) >= 0
// ContainsKey returns true if the min and max keys of the file overlap the arguments min and max.
func (f FileStat) MaybeContainsKey(key []byte) bool {
return bytes.Compare(f.MinKey, key) >= 0 || bytes.Compare(key, f.MaxKey) <= 0
// NewFileStore returns a new instance of FileStore based on the given directory.
func NewFileStore(dir string) *FileStore {
logger := zap.NewNop()
fs := &FileStore{
dir: dir,
lastModified: time.Time{},
logger: logger,
openLimiter: limiter.NewFixed(runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)),
purger: &purger{
files: map[string]TSMFile{},
logger: logger,
obs: noFileStoreObserver{},
parseFileName: DefaultParseFileName,
tracker: newFileTracker(newFileMetrics(nil), nil),
fs.purger.fileStore = fs
return fs
// WithObserver sets the observer for the file store.
func (f *FileStore) WithObserver(obs FileStoreObserver) {
if obs == nil {
obs = noFileStoreObserver{}
f.obs = obs
func (f *FileStore) WithParseFileNameFunc(parseFileNameFunc ParseFileNameFunc) {
f.parseFileName = parseFileNameFunc
func (f *FileStore) ParseFileName(path string) (int, int, error) {
return f.parseFileName(path)
// SetCurrentGenerationFunc must be set before using FileStore.
func (f *FileStore) SetCurrentGenerationFunc(fn func() int) {
f.currentGenerationFunc = fn
// WithLogger sets the logger on the file store.
func (f *FileStore) WithLogger(log *zap.Logger) {
f.logger = log.With(zap.String("service", "filestore"))
f.purger.logger = f.logger
// FileStoreStatistics keeps statistics about the file store.
type FileStoreStatistics struct {
SDiskBytes int64
SFileCount int64
// fileTracker tracks file counts and sizes within the FileStore.
// As well as being responsible for providing atomic reads and writes to the
// statistics, fileTracker also mirrors any changes to the external prometheus
// metrics, which the Engine exposes.
// *NOTE* - fileTracker fields should not be directory modified. Doing so
// could result in the Engine exposing inaccurate metrics.
type fileTracker struct {
metrics *fileMetrics
labels prometheus.Labels
diskBytes uint64
func newFileTracker(metrics *fileMetrics, defaultLabels prometheus.Labels) *fileTracker {
return &fileTracker{metrics: metrics, labels: defaultLabels}
// Labels returns a copy of the default labels used by the tracker's metrics.
// The returned map is safe for modification.
func (t *fileTracker) Labels() prometheus.Labels {
labels := make(prometheus.Labels, len(t.labels))
for k, v := range t.labels {
labels[k] = v
return labels
// Bytes returns the number of bytes in use on disk.
func (t *fileTracker) Bytes() uint64 { return atomic.LoadUint64(&t.diskBytes) }
// SetBytes sets the number of bytes in use on disk.
func (t *fileTracker) SetBytes(bytes map[int]uint64) {
total := uint64(0)
labels := t.Labels()
sizes := make(map[string]uint64)
for k, v := range bytes {
label := formatLevel(uint64(k))
sizes[label] += v
total += v
for k, v := range sizes {
labels["level"] = k
atomic.StoreUint64(&t.diskBytes, total)
// AddBytes increases the number of bytes.
func (t *fileTracker) AddBytes(bytes uint64, level int) {
atomic.AddUint64(&t.diskBytes, bytes)
labels := t.Labels()
labels["level"] = formatLevel(uint64(level))
// SetFileCount sets the number of files in the FileStore.
func (t *fileTracker) SetFileCount(files map[int]uint64) {
labels := t.Labels()
counts := make(map[string]uint64)
for k, v := range files {
label := formatLevel(uint64(k))
counts[label] += v
for k, v := range counts {
labels["level"] = k
func (t *fileTracker) ClearFileCounts() {
labels := t.Labels()
for i := uint64(0); i <= 4; i++ {
labels["level"] = formatLevel(i)
func formatLevel(level uint64) string {
if level >= 4 {
return "4+"
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", level)
// Count returns the number of TSM files currently loaded.
func (f *FileStore) Count() int {
defer f.mu.RUnlock()
return len(f.files)
// Files returns the slice of TSM files currently loaded. This is only used for
// tests, and the files aren't guaranteed to stay valid in the presence of compactions.
func (f *FileStore) Files() []TSMFile {
defer f.mu.RUnlock()
return f.files
// CurrentGeneration returns the current generation of the TSM files.
// Delegates to currentGenerationFunc, if set. Only called by tests.
func (f *FileStore) CurrentGeneration() int {
if fn := f.currentGenerationFunc; fn != nil {
return fn()
defer f.mu.RUnlock()
return f.currentGeneration
// NextGeneration increments the max file ID and returns the new value.
// Delegates to currentGenerationFunc, if set.
func (f *FileStore) NextGeneration() int {
if fn := f.currentGenerationFunc; fn != nil {
return fn()
defer f.mu.Unlock()
return f.currentGeneration
// WalkKeys calls fn for every key in every TSM file known to the FileStore. If the key
// exists in multiple files, it will be invoked for each file.
func (f *FileStore) WalkKeys(seek []byte, fn func(key []byte, typ byte) error) error {
if len(f.files) == 0 {
return nil
// Ensure files are not unmapped while we're iterating over them.
for _, r := range f.files {
defer r.Unref()
ki := newMergeKeyIterator(f.files, seek)
for ki.Next() {
key, typ := ki.Read()
if err := fn(key, typ); err != nil {
return err
return ki.Err()
// Keys returns all keys and types for all files in the file store.
func (f *FileStore) Keys() map[string]byte {
defer f.mu.RUnlock()
uniqueKeys := map[string]byte{}
if err := f.WalkKeys(nil, func(key []byte, typ byte) error {
uniqueKeys[string(key)] = typ
return nil
}); err != nil {
return nil
return uniqueKeys
// Type returns the type of values store at the block for key.
func (f *FileStore) Type(key []byte) (byte, error) {
defer f.mu.RUnlock()
for _, f := range f.files {
if f.Contains(key) {
return f.Type(key)
return 0, fmt.Errorf("unknown type for %v", key)
// Delete removes the keys from the set of keys available in this file.
func (f *FileStore) Delete(keys [][]byte) error {
return f.DeleteRange(keys, math.MinInt64, math.MaxInt64)
type unrefs []TSMFile
func (u *unrefs) Unref() {
for _, f := range *u {
// ForEachFile calls fn for all TSM files or until fn returns false.
// fn is called on the same goroutine as the caller.
func (f *FileStore) ForEachFile(fn func(f TSMFile) bool) {
files := make(unrefs, 0, len(f.files))
defer files.Unref()
for _, f := range f.files {
files = append(files, f)
if !fn(f) {
func (f *FileStore) Apply(fn func(r TSMFile) error) error {
// Limit apply fn to number of cores
limiter := limiter.NewFixed(runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0))
errC := make(chan error, len(f.files))
for _, f := range f.files {
go func(r TSMFile) {
defer limiter.Release()
defer r.Unref()
errC <- fn(r)
var applyErr error
for i := 0; i < cap(errC); i++ {
if err := <-errC; err != nil {
applyErr = err
f.lastModified = time.Now().UTC()
f.lastFileStats = nil
return applyErr
// DeleteRange removes the values for keys between timestamps min and max. This should only
// be used with smaller batches of series keys.
func (f *FileStore) DeleteRange(keys [][]byte, min, max int64) error {
var batches BatchDeleters
for _, f := range f.files {
if f.OverlapsTimeRange(min, max) {
batches = append(batches, f.BatchDelete())
if len(batches) == 0 {
return nil
if err := func() error {
if err := batches.DeleteRange(keys, min, max); err != nil {
return err
return batches.Commit()
}(); err != nil {
// Rollback the deletes
_ = batches.Rollback()
return err
f.lastModified = time.Now().UTC()
f.lastFileStats = nil
return nil
// Open loads all the TSM files in the configured directory.
func (f *FileStore) Open(ctx context.Context) error {
defer f.mu.Unlock()
// Not loading files from disk so nothing to do
if f.dir == "" {
return nil
if f.openLimiter == nil {
return errors.New("cannot open FileStore without an OpenLimiter (is EngineOptions.OpenLimiter set?)")
span, _ := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx)
defer span.Finish()
// find the current max ID for temp directories
tmpfiles, err := ioutil.ReadDir(f.dir)
if err != nil {
return err
ext := fmt.Sprintf(".%s", TmpTSMFileExtension)
for _, fi := range tmpfiles {
if fi.IsDir() && strings.HasSuffix(fi.Name(), ext) {
ss := strings.Split(filepath.Base(fi.Name()), ".")
if len(ss) == 2 {
if i, err := strconv.Atoi(ss[0]); err != nil {
if i > f.currentTempDirID {
f.currentTempDirID = i
files, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(f.dir, fmt.Sprintf("*.%s", TSMFileExtension)))
if err != nil {
return err
// struct to hold the result of opening each reader in a goroutine
type res struct {
r *TSMReader
err error
readerC := make(chan *res)
for i, fn := range files {
// Keep track of the latest ID
generation, _, err := f.parseFileName(fn)
if err != nil {
return err
if f.currentGenerationFunc == nil && generation >= f.currentGeneration {
f.currentGeneration = generation + 1
file, err := os.OpenFile(fn, os.O_RDONLY, 0666)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error opening file %s: %v", fn, err)
go func(idx int, file *os.File) {
// Ensure a limited number of TSM files are loaded at once.
// Systems which have very large datasets (1TB+) can have thousands
// of TSM files which can cause extremely long load times.
defer f.openLimiter.Release()
start := time.Now()
df, err := NewTSMReader(file,
f.logger.Info("Opened file",
zap.String("path", file.Name()),
zap.Int("id", idx),
zap.Duration("duration", time.Since(start)))
// If we are unable to read a TSM file then log the error, rename
// the file, and continue loading the shard without it.
if err != nil {
f.logger.Error("Cannot read corrupt tsm file, renaming", zap.String("path", file.Name()), zap.Int("id", idx), zap.Error(err))
if e := fs.RenameFile(file.Name(), file.Name()+"."+BadTSMFileExtension); e != nil {
f.logger.Error("Cannot rename corrupt tsm file", zap.String("path", file.Name()), zap.Int("id", idx), zap.Error(e))
readerC <- &res{r: df, err: fmt.Errorf("cannot rename corrupt file %s: %v", file.Name(), e)}
readerC <- &res{r: df}
}(i, file)
var lm int64
counts := make(map[int]uint64, 5)
sizes := make(map[int]uint64, 5)
for i := 0; i <= 5; i++ {
counts[i] = 0
sizes[i] = 0
for range files {
res := <-readerC
if res.err != nil {
return res.err
} else if res.r == nil {
f.files = append(f.files, res.r)
name := filepath.Base(res.r.Stats().Path)
_, seq, err := f.parseFileName(name)
if err != nil {
return err
// Accumulate file store size stats
totalSize := uint64(res.r.Size())
for _, ts := range res.r.TombstoneFiles() {
totalSize += uint64(ts.Size)
sizes[seq] += totalSize
// Re-initialize the lastModified time for the file store
if res.r.LastModified() > lm {
lm = res.r.LastModified()
f.lastModified = time.Unix(0, lm).UTC()
return nil
// Close closes the file store.
func (f *FileStore) Close() error {
// Make the object appear closed to other method calls.
files := f.files
f.lastFileStats = nil
f.files = nil
// Let other methods access this closed object while we do the actual closing.
for _, file := range files {
err := file.Close()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// DiskSizeBytes returns the total number of bytes consumed by the files in the FileStore.
func (f *FileStore) DiskSizeBytes() int64 { return int64(f.tracker.Bytes()) }
// Read returns the slice of values for the given key and the given timestamp,
// if any file matches those constraints.
func (f *FileStore) Read(key []byte, t int64) ([]Value, error) {
defer f.mu.RUnlock()
for _, f := range f.files {
// Can this file possibly contain this key and timestamp?
if !f.Contains(key) {
// May have the key and time we are looking for so try to find
v, err := f.Read(key, t)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(v) > 0 {
return v, nil
return nil, nil
func (f *FileStore) Cost(key []byte, min, max int64) query.IteratorCost {
defer f.mu.RUnlock()
return f.cost(key, min, max)
// Reader returns a TSMReader for path if one is currently managed by the FileStore.
// Otherwise it returns nil. If it returns a file, you must call Unref on it when
// you are done, and never use it after that.
func (f *FileStore) TSMReader(path string) *TSMReader {
defer f.mu.RUnlock()
for _, r := range f.files {
if r.Path() == path {
return r.(*TSMReader)
return nil
// KeyCursor returns a KeyCursor for key and t across the files in the FileStore.
func (f *FileStore) KeyCursor(ctx context.Context, key []byte, t int64, ascending bool) *KeyCursor {
defer f.mu.RUnlock()
return newKeyCursor(ctx, f, key, t, ascending)
// Stats returns the stats of the underlying files, preferring the cached version if it is still valid.
func (f *FileStore) Stats() []FileStat {
if len(f.lastFileStats) > 0 {
defer f.mu.RUnlock()
return f.lastFileStats
// The file stats cache is invalid due to changes to files. Need to
// recalculate.
defer f.mu.Unlock()
if len(f.lastFileStats) > 0 {
return f.lastFileStats
// If lastFileStats's capacity is far away from the number of entries
// we need to add, then we'll reallocate.
if cap(f.lastFileStats) < len(f.files)/2 {
f.lastFileStats = make([]FileStat, 0, len(f.files))
for _, fd := range f.files {
f.lastFileStats = append(f.lastFileStats, fd.Stats())
return f.lastFileStats
// ReplaceWithCallback replaces oldFiles with newFiles and calls updatedFn with the files to be added the FileStore.
func (f *FileStore) ReplaceWithCallback(oldFiles, newFiles []string, updatedFn func(r []TSMFile)) error {
return f.replace(oldFiles, newFiles, updatedFn)
// Replace replaces oldFiles with newFiles.
func (f *FileStore) Replace(oldFiles, newFiles []string) error {
return f.replace(oldFiles, newFiles, nil)
func (f *FileStore) replace(oldFiles, newFiles []string, updatedFn func(r []TSMFile)) error {
if len(oldFiles) == 0 && len(newFiles) == 0 {
return nil
maxTime := f.lastModified
updated := make([]TSMFile, 0, len(newFiles))
tsmTmpExt := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", TSMFileExtension, TmpTSMFileExtension)
// Rename all the new files to make them live on restart
for _, file := range newFiles {
if !strings.HasSuffix(file, tsmTmpExt) && !strings.HasSuffix(file, TSMFileExtension) {
// This isn't a .tsm or .tsm.tmp file.
// give the observer a chance to process the file first.
if err := f.obs.FileFinishing(file); err != nil {
return err
// Observe the associated statistics file, if available.
statsFile := StatsFilename(file)
if _, err := os.Stat(statsFile); err == nil {
if err := f.obs.FileFinishing(statsFile); err != nil {
return err
var newName = file
if strings.HasSuffix(file, tsmTmpExt) {
// The new TSM files have a tmp extension. First rename them.
newName = file[:len(file)-4]
if err := fs.RenameFile(file, newName); err != nil {
return err
fd, err := os.Open(newName)
if err != nil {
return err
// Keep track of the new mod time
if stat, err := fd.Stat(); err == nil {
if maxTime.IsZero() || stat.ModTime().UTC().After(maxTime) {
maxTime = stat.ModTime().UTC()
tsm, err := NewTSMReader(fd,
if err != nil {
return err
updated = append(updated, tsm)
if updatedFn != nil {
defer f.mu.Unlock()
// Copy the current set of active files while we rename
// and load the new files. We copy the pointers here to minimize
// the time that locks are held as well as to ensure that the replacement
// is atomic.©
updated = append(updated, f.files...)
// We need to prune our set of active files now
var active, inuse []TSMFile
for _, file := range updated {
keep := true
for _, remove := range oldFiles {
if remove == file.Path() {
keep = false
// give the observer a chance to process the file first.
if err := f.obs.FileUnlinking(file.Path()); err != nil {
return err
// Remove associated stats file.
statsFile := StatsFilename(file.Path())
if _, err := os.Stat(statsFile); err == nil {
if err := f.obs.FileUnlinking(statsFile); err != nil {
return err
for _, t := range file.TombstoneFiles() {
if err := f.obs.FileUnlinking(t.Path); err != nil {
return err
// If queries are running against this file, then we need to move it out of the
// way and let them complete. We'll then delete the original file to avoid
// blocking callers upstream. If the process crashes, the temp file is
// cleaned up at startup automatically.
// In order to ensure that there are no races with this (file held externally calls Ref
// after we check InUse), we need to maintain the invariant that every handle to a file
// is handed out in use (Ref'd), and handlers only ever relinquish the file once (call Unref
// exactly once, and never use it again). InUse is only valid during a write lock, since
// we allow calls to Ref and Unref under the read lock and no lock at all respectively.
if file.InUse() {
// Copy all the tombstones related to this TSM file
var deletes []string
for _, t := range file.TombstoneFiles() {
deletes = append(deletes, t.Path)
// Rename the TSM file used by this reader
tempPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", file.Path(), TmpTSMFileExtension)
if err := file.Rename(tempPath); err != nil {
return err
// Remove the old file and tombstones. We can't use the normal TSMReader.Remove()
// because it now refers to our temp file which we can't remove.
for _, f := range deletes {
if err := os.Remove(f); err != nil {
return err
inuse = append(inuse, file)
if err := file.Close(); err != nil {
return err
if err := file.Remove(); err != nil {
return err
if keep {
active = append(active, file)
if err := fs.SyncDir(f.dir); err != nil {
return err
// Tell the purger about our in-use files we need to remove
// If times didn't change (which can happen since file mod times are second level),
// then add a ns to the time to ensure that lastModified changes since files on disk
// actually did change
if maxTime.Equal(f.lastModified) || maxTime.Before(f.lastModified) {
maxTime = f.lastModified.UTC().Add(1)
f.lastModified = maxTime.UTC()
f.lastFileStats = nil
f.files = active
// Recalculate the disk size stat
sizes := make(map[int]uint64, 5)
counts := make(map[int]uint64, 5)
for _, file := range f.files {
size := uint64(file.Size())
for _, ts := range file.TombstoneFiles() {
size += uint64(ts.Size)
_, seq, err := f.parseFileName(file.Path())
if err != nil {
return err
sizes[seq] += size
return nil
// LastModified returns the last time the file store was updated with new
// TSM files or a delete.
func (f *FileStore) LastModified() time.Time {
defer f.mu.RUnlock()
return f.lastModified
// BlockCount returns number of values stored in the block at location idx
// in the file at path. If path does not match any file in the store, 0 is
// returned. If idx is out of range for the number of blocks in the file,
// 0 is returned.
func (f *FileStore) BlockCount(path string, idx int) int {
defer f.mu.RUnlock()
if idx < 0 {
return 0
for _, fd := range f.files {
if fd.Path() == path {
iter := fd.BlockIterator()
for i := 0; i < idx; i++ {
if !iter.Next() {
return 0
_, _, _, _, _, block, _ := iter.Read()
return BlockCount(block)
return 0
// We need to determine the possible files that may be accessed by this query given
// the time range.
func (f *FileStore) cost(key []byte, min, max int64) query.IteratorCost {
var entries []IndexEntry
var err error
var trbuf []TimeRange
cost := query.IteratorCost{}
for _, fd := range f.files {
minTime, maxTime := fd.TimeRange()
if !(maxTime > min && minTime < max) {
skipped := true
trbuf = fd.TombstoneRange(key, trbuf[:0])
entries, err = fd.ReadEntries(key, entries)
if err != nil {
// TODO(jeff): log this somehow? we have an invalid entry in the tsm index
for i := 0; i < len(entries); i++ {
ie := entries[i]
if !(ie.MaxTime > min && ie.MinTime < max) {
// Skip any blocks only contain values that are tombstoned.
for _, t := range trbuf {
if t.Min <= ie.MinTime && t.Max >= ie.MaxTime {
continue ENTRIES
cost.BlockSize += int64(ie.Size)
skipped = false
if !skipped {
return cost
// locations returns the files and index blocks for a key and time. ascending indicates
// whether the key will be scan in ascending time order or descenging time order.
// This function assumes the read-lock has been taken.
func (f *FileStore) locations(key []byte, t int64, ascending bool) []*location {
var entries []IndexEntry
var err error
var trbuf []TimeRange
locations := make([]*location, 0, len(f.files))
for _, fd := range f.files {
minTime, maxTime := fd.TimeRange()
// If we ascending and the max time of the file is before where we want to start
// skip it.
if ascending && maxTime < t {
// If we are descending and the min time of the file is after where we want to start,
// then skip it.
} else if !ascending && minTime > t {
trbuf = fd.TombstoneRange(key, trbuf[:0])
// This file could potential contain points we are looking for so find the blocks for
// the given key.
entries, err = fd.ReadEntries(key, entries)
if err != nil {
// TODO(jeff): log this somehow? we have an invalid entry in the tsm index
for i := 0; i < len(entries); i++ {
ie := entries[i]
// Skip any blocks only contain values that are tombstoned.
for _, t := range trbuf {
if t.Min <= ie.MinTime && t.Max >= ie.MaxTime {
continue LOOP
// If we ascending and the max time of a block is before where we are looking, skip
// it since the data is out of our range
if ascending && ie.MaxTime < t {
// If we descending and the min time of a block is after where we are looking, skip
// it since the data is out of our range
} else if !ascending && ie.MinTime > t {
location := &location{
r: fd,
entry: ie,
if ascending {
// For an ascending cursor, mark everything before the seek time as read
// so we can filter it out at query time
location.readMin = math.MinInt64
location.readMax = t - 1
} else {
// For an ascending cursort, mark everything after the seek time as read
// so we can filter it out at query time
location.readMin = t + 1
location.readMax = math.MaxInt64
// Otherwise, add this file and block location
locations = append(locations, location)
return locations
// CreateSnapshot creates hardlinks for all tsm and tombstone files
// in the path provided.
func (f *FileStore) CreateSnapshot(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
span, _ := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx)
defer span.Finish()
span.LogKV("dir", f.dir)
// create a copy of the files slice and ensure they aren't closed out from
// under us, nor the slice mutated.
files := make([]TSMFile, len(f.files))
copy(files, f.files)
for _, tsmf := range files {
defer tsmf.Unref()
// increment and keep track of the current temp dir for when we drop the lock.
// this ensures we are the only writer to the directory.
f.currentTempDirID += 1
tmpPath := fmt.Sprintf("%d.%s", f.currentTempDirID, TmpTSMFileExtension)
tmpPath = filepath.Join(f.dir, tmpPath)
// create the tmp directory and add the hard links. there is no longer any shared
// mutable state.
err := os.Mkdir(tmpPath, 0777)
if err != nil {
return "", err
for _, tsmf := range files {
newpath := filepath.Join(tmpPath, filepath.Base(tsmf.Path()))
if err := os.Link(tsmf.Path(), newpath); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("error creating tsm hard link: %q", err)
for _, tf := range tsmf.TombstoneFiles() {
newpath := filepath.Join(tmpPath, filepath.Base(tf.Path))
if err := os.Link(tf.Path, newpath); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("error creating tombstone hard link: %q", err)
return tmpPath, nil
// MeasurementStats returns the sum of all measurement stats within the store.
func (f *FileStore) MeasurementStats() (MeasurementStats, error) {
defer f.mu.RUnlock()
stats := NewMeasurementStats()
for _, file := range f.files {
s, err := file.MeasurementStats()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return stats, nil
// FormatFileNameFunc is executed when generating a new TSM filename.
// Source filenames are provided via src.
type FormatFileNameFunc func(generation, sequence int) string
// DefaultFormatFileName is the default implementation to format TSM filenames.
func DefaultFormatFileName(generation, sequence int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%015d-%09d", generation, sequence)
// ParseFileNameFunc is executed when parsing a TSM filename into generation & sequence.
type ParseFileNameFunc func(name string) (generation, sequence int, err error)
// DefaultParseFileName is used to parse the filenames of TSM files.
func DefaultParseFileName(name string) (int, int, error) {
base := filepath.Base(name)
idx := strings.Index(base, ".")
if idx == -1 {
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("file %s is named incorrectly", name)
id := base[:idx]
idx = strings.Index(id, "-")
if idx == -1 {
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("file %s is named incorrectly", name)
generation, err := strconv.ParseUint(id[:idx], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("file %s is named incorrectly", name)
sequence, err := strconv.ParseUint(id[idx+1:], 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("file %s is named incorrectly", name)
return int(generation), int(sequence), nil
// KeyCursor allows iteration through keys in a set of files within a FileStore.
type KeyCursor struct {
key []byte
// trbuf is scratch allocation space for tombstones
trbuf []TimeRange
// seeks is all the file locations that we need to return during iteration.
seeks []*location
// current is the set of blocks possibly containing the next set of points.
// Normally this is just one entry, but there may be multiple if points have
// been overwritten.
current []*location
buf []Value
ctx context.Context
col *metrics.Group
// pos is the index within seeks. Based on ascending, it will increment or
// decrement through the size of seeks slice.
pos int
ascending bool
type location struct {
r TSMFile
entry IndexEntry
readMin, readMax int64
func (l *location) read() bool {
return l.readMin <= l.entry.MinTime && l.readMax >= l.entry.MaxTime
func (l *location) markRead(min, max int64) {
if min < l.readMin {
l.readMin = min
if max > l.readMax {
l.readMax = max
type descLocations []*location
// Sort methods
func (a descLocations) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a descLocations) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a descLocations) Less(i, j int) bool {
if a[i].entry.OverlapsTimeRange(a[j].entry.MinTime, a[j].entry.MaxTime) {
return a[i].r.Path() < a[j].r.Path()
return a[i].entry.MaxTime < a[j].entry.MaxTime
type ascLocations []*location
// Sort methods
func (a ascLocations) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a ascLocations) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a ascLocations) Less(i, j int) bool {
if a[i].entry.OverlapsTimeRange(a[j].entry.MinTime, a[j].entry.MaxTime) {
return a[i].r.Path() < a[j].r.Path()
return a[i].entry.MinTime < a[j].entry.MinTime
// newKeyCursor returns a new instance of KeyCursor.
// This function assumes the read-lock has been taken.
func newKeyCursor(ctx context.Context, fs *FileStore, key []byte, t int64, ascending bool) *KeyCursor {
c := &KeyCursor{
key: key,
seeks: fs.locations(key, t, ascending),
ctx: ctx,
col: metrics.GroupFromContext(ctx),
ascending: ascending,
if ascending {
} else {
// Determine the distinct set of TSM files in use and mark then as in-use
for _, f := range c.seeks {
return c
// Close removes all references on the cursor.
func (c *KeyCursor) Close() {
// Remove all of our in-use references since we're done
for _, f := range c.seeks {
c.buf = nil
c.seeks = nil
c.current = nil
// seek positions the cursor at the given time.
func (c *KeyCursor) seek(t int64) {
if len(c.seeks) == 0 {
c.current = nil
if c.ascending {
} else {
func (c *KeyCursor) seekAscending(t int64) {
for i, e := range c.seeks {
if t < e.entry.MinTime || e.entry.Contains(t) {
// Record the position of the first block matching our seek time
if len(c.current) == 0 {
c.pos = i
c.current = append(c.current, e)
func (c *KeyCursor) seekDescending(t int64) {
for i := len(c.seeks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
e := c.seeks[i]
if t > e.entry.MaxTime || e.entry.Contains(t) {
// Record the position of the first block matching our seek time
if len(c.current) == 0 {
c.pos = i
c.current = append(c.current, e)
// seekN returns the number of seek locations.
func (c *KeyCursor) seekN() int {
return len(c.seeks)
// Next moves the cursor to the next position.
// Data should be read by the ReadBlock functions.
func (c *KeyCursor) Next() {
if len(c.current) == 0 {
// Do we still have unread values in the current block
if !c.current[0].read() {
c.current = c.current[:0]
if c.ascending {
} else {
func (c *KeyCursor) nextAscending() {
for {
if c.pos >= len(c.seeks) {
} else if !c.seeks[c.pos].read() {
// Append the first matching block
if len(c.current) == 0 {
c.current = append(c.current, nil)
} else {
c.current = c.current[:1]
c.current[0] = c.seeks[c.pos]
// If we have overlapping blocks, append all their values so we can dedup
for i := c.pos + 1; i < len(c.seeks); i++ {
if c.seeks[i].read() {
if !c.seeks[i].entry.Contains(c.current[0].entry.MaxTime) {
c.current = append(c.current, c.seeks[i])
func (c *KeyCursor) nextDescending() {
for {
if c.pos < 0 {
} else if !c.seeks[c.pos].read() {
// Append the first matching block
if len(c.current) == 0 {
c.current = append(c.current, nil)
} else {
c.current = c.current[:1]
c.current[0] = c.seeks[c.pos]
// If we have overlapping blocks, append all their values so we can dedup
for i := c.pos; i >= 0; i-- {
if c.seeks[i].read() {
if !c.seeks[i].entry.Contains(c.current[0].entry.MinTime) {
c.current = append(c.current, c.seeks[i])
type purger struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
fileStore *FileStore
files map[string]TSMFile
running bool
logger *zap.Logger
func (p *purger) add(files []TSMFile) {
for _, f := range files {
p.files[f.Path()] = f
func (p *purger) purge() {
if p.running {
p.running = true
go func() {
for {
for k, v := range p.files {
// In order to ensure that there are no races with this (file held externally calls Ref
// after we check InUse), we need to maintain the invariant that every handle to a file
// is handed out in use (Ref'd), and handlers only ever relinquish the file once (call Unref
// exactly once, and never use it again). InUse is only valid during a write lock, since
// we allow calls to Ref and Unref under the read lock and no lock at all respectively.
if !v.InUse() {
if err := v.Close(); err != nil {
p.logger.Info("Purge: close file", zap.Error(err))
if err := v.Remove(); err != nil {
p.logger.Info("Purge: remove file", zap.Error(err))
delete(p.files, k)
if len(p.files) == 0 {
p.running = false
type tsmReaders []TSMFile
func (a tsmReaders) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a tsmReaders) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Path() < a[j].Path() }
func (a tsmReaders) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }