837 lines
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837 lines
20 KiB
package parser
// #include "query_types.h"
// #include <stdlib.h>
import "C"
import (
type From struct {
TableName string
type Operation int
type IntoClause struct {
Target *Value
Backfill bool
BackfillValue *Value
type BasicQuery struct {
startTime time.Time
endTime time.Time
startTimeSpecified bool
type SelectDeleteCommonQuery struct {
FromClause *FromClause
Condition *WhereCondition
type SelectQuery struct {
ColumnNames []*Value
groupByClause *GroupByClause
IntoClause *IntoClause
Limit int
Ascending bool
Explain bool
type ListType int
const (
Series ListType = iota
type ListQuery struct {
Type ListType
value *Value
IncludeSpaces bool
type DropQuery struct {
Id int
type DropSeriesQuery struct {
tableName string
func (self *DropSeriesQuery) GetTableName() string {
return self.tableName
type DeleteQuery struct {
type Query struct {
SelectQuery *SelectQuery
DeleteQuery *DeleteQuery
ListQuery *ListQuery
DropSeriesQuery *DropSeriesQuery
DropQuery *DropQuery
qType QueryType
func (self *IntoClause) GetString() string {
buffer := bytes.NewBufferString("")
if self.BackfillValue != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, " backfill(%s)", self.BackfillValue.GetString())
return buffer.String()
func (self *Query) Type() QueryType {
return self.qType
func (self *Query) GetQueryString() string {
return self.commonGetQueryString(false)
func (self *Query) GetQueryStringWithTimeCondition() string {
return self.commonGetQueryString(true)
func (self *Query) commonGetQueryString(withTime bool) string {
switch self.qType {
case Select, Continuous:
if withTime {
return self.SelectQuery.GetQueryStringWithTimeCondition()
return self.SelectQuery.GetQueryString()
case Delete:
return self.DeleteQuery.GetQueryString(withTime)
case DropContinuousQuery:
return fmt.Sprintf("drop continuous query %d", self.DropQuery.Id)
case ListSeries:
return "list series"
case ListContinuousQueries:
return "list continuous queries"
case DropSeries:
return "drop series " + self.DropSeriesQuery.tableName
panic(fmt.Errorf("Unknown query type %s", self.qType))
func (self *Query) IsListQuery() bool {
return self.ListQuery != nil
func (self *Query) IsExplainQuery() bool {
return self.SelectQuery != nil && self.SelectQuery.Explain
func (self *Query) GetListSeriesQuery() *ListQuery {
return self.ListQuery
func (self *Query) IsListSeriesQuery() bool {
return self.ListQuery != nil && (self.ListQuery.Type == Series || self.ListQuery.Type == SeriesWithRegex)
func (self *Query) IsListContinuousQueriesQuery() bool {
return self.ListQuery != nil && self.ListQuery.Type == ContinuousQueries
func (self *ListQuery) HasRegex() bool {
return self.Type == SeriesWithRegex
func (self *ListQuery) IsCaseSensitive() bool {
return self.value.IsInsensitive
func (self *ListQuery) GetRegex() *regexp.Regexp {
regex, _ := self.value.GetCompiledRegex()
return regex
func (self *DeleteQuery) GetQueryString(withTime bool) string {
buffer := bytes.NewBufferString("delete ")
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "from %s", self.FromClause.GetString())
if withTime {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, " where %s", self.GetWhereConditionWithTime(self.startTime, self.endTime).GetString())
} else if condition := self.GetWhereCondition(); condition != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, " where %s", condition.GetString())
return buffer.String()
func (self *SelectQuery) GetColumnNames() []*Value {
return self.ColumnNames
func (self *SelectQuery) IsExplainQuery() bool {
return self.Explain
func (self *SelectQuery) GetQueryString() string {
return self.commonGetQueryStringWithTimes(false, true, self.startTime, self.endTime)
func (self *SelectQuery) GetQueryStringWithTimeCondition() string {
// if this is a single point query then it already has a time (and
// sequence number) condition; we don't need the extra (time < ???
// and time > ???) condition in the query string.
if self.IsSinglePointQuery() {
return self.GetQueryString()
return self.commonGetQueryStringWithTimes(true, true, self.startTime, self.endTime)
func (self *SelectQuery) GetQueryStringWithTimes(startTime, endTime time.Time) string {
return self.commonGetQueryStringWithTimes(true, true, startTime, endTime)
func (self *SelectQuery) GetQueryStringWithTimesAndNoIntoClause(startTime, endTime time.Time) string {
return self.commonGetQueryStringWithTimes(true, false, startTime, endTime)
func (self *SelectQuery) commonGetQueryStringWithTimes(withTime, withIntoClause bool, startTime, endTime time.Time) string {
buffer := bytes.NewBufferString("")
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "select ")
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, " from %s", self.FromClause.GetString())
if withTime {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, " where %s", self.GetWhereConditionWithTime(startTime, endTime).GetString())
} else if condition := self.GetWhereCondition(); condition != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, " where %s", condition.GetString())
if self.GetGroupByClause() != nil && len(self.GetGroupByClause().Elems) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, " group by %s", self.GetGroupByClause().GetString())
if self.Limit > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, " limit %d", self.Limit)
if self.Ascending {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, " order asc")
if clause := self.IntoClause; withIntoClause && clause != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, " into %s", clause.GetString())
return buffer.String()
func (self *SelectQuery) IsSinglePointQuery() bool {
w := self.GetWhereCondition()
if w == nil {
return false
leftWhereCondition, ok := w.GetLeftWhereCondition()
if !ok {
return false
leftBoolExpression, ok := leftWhereCondition.GetBoolExpression()
if !ok {
return false
rightBoolExpression, ok := w.Right.GetBoolExpression()
if !ok {
return false
if leftBoolExpression.Name != "=" && rightBoolExpression.Name != "=" {
return false
if leftBoolExpression.Elems[0].Name != "time" || rightBoolExpression.Elems[0].Name != "sequence_number" {
return false
return true
func (self *SelectQuery) GetSinglePointQuerySequenceNumber() (uint64, error) {
w := self.GetWhereCondition()
rightBoolExpression, _ := w.Right.GetBoolExpression()
sequence := rightBoolExpression.Elems[1].Name
sequence_number, err := strconv.ParseUint(sequence, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("The column sequence_number can only be queried as an integer.")
return sequence_number, nil
func (self *Query) IsContinuousQuery() bool {
return self.qType == Continuous
func (self *SelectQuery) IsValidContinuousQuery() bool {
groupByClause := self.GetGroupByClause()
if len(groupByClause.Elems) == 0 {
return true
for _, elem := range groupByClause.Elems {
if elem.Name == "time" {
return true
return false
func (self *SelectQuery) IsNonRecursiveContinuousQuery() bool {
fromClause := self.GetFromClause()
intoClause := self.GetIntoClause()
for _, from := range fromClause.Names {
regex, ok := from.Name.GetCompiledRegex()
if !ok {
regexString := regex.String()
intoTarget := intoClause.Target.Name
if !strings.Contains(intoTarget, ":series_name") {
} else {
if strings.HasPrefix(regexString, "^") && !strings.HasPrefix(intoTarget, ":series_name") {
if strings.HasSuffix(regexString, "$") && !strings.HasSuffix(intoTarget, ":series_name") {
return false
return true
func (self *SelectQuery) GetIntoClause() *IntoClause {
return self.IntoClause
func (self *SelectDeleteCommonQuery) GetFromClause() *FromClause {
return self.FromClause
func setupSlice(hdr *reflect.SliceHeader, ptr unsafe.Pointer, size C.size_t) {
hdr.Cap = int(size)
hdr.Len = int(size)
hdr.Data = uintptr(ptr)
func GetGroupByClause(groupByClause *C.groupby_clause) (*GroupByClause, error) {
if groupByClause == nil {
return &GroupByClause{Elems: nil}, nil
values, err := GetValueArray((*C.value_array)(groupByClause.elems))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fillWithZero := false
var fillValue *Value
if groupByClause.fill_function != nil {
fun, err := GetValue(groupByClause.fill_function)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if fun.Name != "fill" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("You can't use %s with group by", fun.Name)
if len(fun.Elems) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("`fill` accepts one argument only")
fillValue = fun.Elems[0]
fillWithZero = true
return &GroupByClause{
Elems: values,
FillWithZero: fillWithZero,
FillValue: fillValue,
}, nil
func GetValueArray(array *C.value_array) ([]*Value, error) {
if array == nil {
return nil, nil
var values []*C.value
setupSlice((*reflect.SliceHeader)((unsafe.Pointer(&values))), unsafe.Pointer(array.elems), array.size)
valuesSlice := make([]*Value, 0, array.size)
for _, value := range values {
value, err := GetValue(value)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
valuesSlice = append(valuesSlice, value)
return valuesSlice, nil
func GetStringArray(array *C.array) []string {
if array == nil {
return nil
var values []*C.char
setupSlice((*reflect.SliceHeader)((unsafe.Pointer(&values))), unsafe.Pointer(array.elems), array.size)
stringSlice := make([]string, 0, array.size)
for _, value := range values {
stringSlice = append(stringSlice, C.GoString(value))
return stringSlice
func GetValue(value *C.value) (*Value, error) {
v := &Value{}
v.Name = C.GoString(value.name)
var err error
v.Elems, err = GetValueArray((*C.value_array)(value.args))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
v.Type = ValueType(value.value_type)
isCaseInsensitive := value.is_case_insensitive != 0
if v.Type == ValueRegex {
if isCaseInsensitive {
v.compiledRegex, err = regexp.Compile("(?i)" + v.Name)
} else {
v.compiledRegex, err = regexp.Compile(v.Name)
v.IsInsensitive = isCaseInsensitive
if value.alias != nil {
v.Alias = C.GoString(value.alias)
return v, err
func GetTableName(name *C.table_name) (*TableName, error) {
value, err := GetValue(name.name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
table := &TableName{Name: value}
if name.alias != nil {
table.Alias = C.GoString(name.alias)
return table, nil
func GetTableNameArray(array *C.table_name_array) ([]*TableName, error) {
var names []*C.table_name
setupSlice((*reflect.SliceHeader)((unsafe.Pointer(&names))), unsafe.Pointer(array.elems), array.size)
tableNamesSlice := make([]*TableName, 0, array.size)
for _, name := range names {
tableName, err := GetTableName(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tableNamesSlice = append(tableNamesSlice, tableName)
return tableNamesSlice, nil
func GetFromClause(fromClause *C.from_clause) (*FromClause, error) {
t := FromClauseType(fromClause.from_clause_type)
var arr []*TableName
var regex *regexp.Regexp
switch t {
case FromClauseMergeRegex, FromClauseJoinRegex:
val, err := GetValue(fromClause.regex_value)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if val.Type != ValueRegex {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("merge() accepts regex only")
regex = val.compiledRegex
var err error
arr, err = GetTableNameArray(fromClause.names)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &FromClause{t, arr, regex}, nil
func GetIntoClause(intoClause *C.into_clause) (*IntoClause, error) {
if intoClause == nil {
return nil, nil
backfill := true
var backfillValue *Value = nil
target, err := GetValue(intoClause.target)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if intoClause.backfill_function != nil {
fun, err := GetValue(intoClause.backfill_function)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if fun.Name != "backfill" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("You can't use %s with into", fun.Name)
if len(fun.Elems) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("`backfill` accepts only one argument")
backfillValue = fun.Elems[0]
backfill, err = strconv.ParseBool(backfillValue.GetString())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("`backfill` accepts only bool arguments")
return &IntoClause{
Target: target,
Backfill: backfill,
BackfillValue: backfillValue,
}, nil
func GetWhereCondition(condition *C.condition) (*WhereCondition, error) {
if condition.is_bool_expression != 0 {
expr, err := GetValue((*C.value)(condition.left))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &WhereCondition{
isBooleanExpression: true,
Left: expr,
Operation: "",
Right: nil,
}, nil
c := &WhereCondition{}
var err error
c.Left, err = GetWhereCondition((*C.condition)(condition.left))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.Operation = C.GoString(condition.op)
c.Right, err = GetWhereCondition((*C.condition)(unsafe.Pointer(condition.right)))
return c, err
func (self *SelectDeleteCommonQuery) GetWhereCondition() *WhereCondition {
return self.Condition
func (self *SelectDeleteCommonQuery) GetWhereConditionWithTime(startTime, endTime time.Time) *WhereCondition {
timeCondition := &WhereCondition{
isBooleanExpression: false,
Operation: "AND",
Left: &WhereCondition{
isBooleanExpression: true,
Left: &Value{
Name: "<",
Type: ValueExpression,
Elems: []*Value{
{Name: "time", Type: ValueSimpleName},
{Name: strconv.FormatInt(endTime.UnixNano(), 10), Type: ValueInt},
Right: &WhereCondition{
isBooleanExpression: true,
Left: &Value{
Name: ">",
Type: ValueExpression,
Elems: []*Value{
{Name: "time", Type: ValueSimpleName},
{Name: strconv.FormatInt(startTime.UnixNano(), 10), Type: ValueInt},
if self.Condition == nil {
return timeCondition
return &WhereCondition{
isBooleanExpression: false,
Left: self.Condition,
Right: timeCondition,
Operation: "AND",
func (self *SelectQuery) GetGroupByClause() *GroupByClause {
return self.groupByClause
// This is just for backward compatability so we don't have
// to change all the code.
func ParseSelectQuery(query string) (*SelectQuery, error) {
queries, err := ParseQuery(query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(queries) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("No queries found")
selectQuery := queries[0].SelectQuery
if selectQuery == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Query isn't a select query: '%s'", queries[0].GetQueryString())
return selectQuery, nil
func parseSingleQuery(q *C.query) (*Query, error) {
if q.list_series_query != nil {
var value *Value
var err error
t := Series
if q.list_series_query.has_regex != 0 {
t = SeriesWithRegex
value, err = GetValue(q.list_series_query.regex)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
includeSpaces := false
if q.list_series_query.include_spaces != 0 {
includeSpaces = true
return &Query{ListQuery: &ListQuery{Type: t, value: value, IncludeSpaces: includeSpaces}, qType: ListSeries}, nil
if q.list_continuous_queries_query != 0 {
return &Query{ListQuery: &ListQuery{Type: ContinuousQueries}, qType: ListContinuousQueries}, nil
if q.select_query != nil {
selectQuery, err := parseSelectQuery(q.select_query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
qType := Select
if selectQuery.IntoClause != nil {
qType = Continuous
return &Query{SelectQuery: selectQuery, qType: qType}, nil
} else if q.delete_query != nil {
deleteQuery, err := parseDeleteQuery(q.delete_query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Query{DeleteQuery: deleteQuery, qType: Delete}, nil
} else if q.drop_series_query != nil {
dropSeriesQuery, err := parseDropSeriesQuery(q.drop_series_query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Query{DropSeriesQuery: dropSeriesQuery, qType: DropSeries}, nil
} else if q.drop_query != nil {
return &Query{DropQuery: &DropQuery{Id: int(q.drop_query.id)}, qType: DropContinuousQuery}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown query type encountered")
func ParseQuery(queryStr string) ([]*Query, error) {
queryString := C.CString(queryStr)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(queryString))
q := C.parse_query(queryString)
defer C.close_queries(&q)
if q.error != nil {
str := C.GoString(q.error.err)
return nil, &QueryError{
firstLine: int(q.error.first_line),
firstColumn: int(q.error.first_column) - 1,
lastLine: int(q.error.last_line),
lastColumn: int(q.error.last_column) - 1,
errorString: str,
queryString: queryStr,
var queries []*C.query
setupSlice((*reflect.SliceHeader)((unsafe.Pointer(&queries))), unsafe.Pointer(q.qs), q.size)
parsedQueries := make([]*Query, len(queries))
for i, query := range queries {
query, err := parseSingleQuery(query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
parsedQueries[i] = query
return parsedQueries, nil
func parseDropSeriesQuery(dropSeriesQuery *C.drop_series_query) (*DropSeriesQuery, error) {
name, err := GetValue(dropSeriesQuery.name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &DropSeriesQuery{
tableName: name.Name,
}, nil
func parseSelectDeleteCommonQuery(fromClause *C.from_clause, whereCondition *C.condition) (SelectDeleteCommonQuery, error) {
goQuery := SelectDeleteCommonQuery{
BasicQuery: BasicQuery{
startTime: time.Unix(math.MinInt64/1000000000, 0).UTC(),
endTime: time.Now().UTC(),
var err error
// get the from clause
goQuery.FromClause, err = GetFromClause(fromClause)
if err != nil {
return goQuery, err
// get the where condition
if whereCondition != nil {
goQuery.Condition, err = GetWhereCondition(whereCondition)
if err != nil {
return goQuery, err
var startTime, endTime *time.Time
goQuery.Condition, endTime, err = getTime(goQuery.GetWhereCondition(), false)
if err != nil {
return goQuery, err
if endTime != nil {
goQuery.endTime = *endTime
goQuery.Condition, startTime, err = getTime(goQuery.GetWhereCondition(), true)
if err != nil {
return goQuery, err
if startTime != nil {
goQuery.startTime = *startTime
goQuery.startTimeSpecified = true
return goQuery, nil
func parseSelectQuery(q *C.select_query) (*SelectQuery, error) {
limit := q.limit
if limit == -1 {
// no limit by default
limit = 0
basicQuery, err := parseSelectDeleteCommonQuery(q.from_clause, q.where_condition)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
goQuery := &SelectQuery{
SelectDeleteCommonQuery: basicQuery,
Limit: int(limit),
Ascending: q.ascending != 0,
Explain: q.explain != 0,
// get the column names
goQuery.ColumnNames, err = GetValueArray((*C.value_array)(q.c))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// get the group by clause
if q.group_by == nil {
goQuery.groupByClause = &GroupByClause{}
} else {
goQuery.groupByClause, err = GetGroupByClause(q.group_by)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// get the into clause
goQuery.IntoClause, err = GetIntoClause(q.into_clause)
if err != nil {
return goQuery, err
return goQuery, nil
func parseDeleteQuery(query *C.delete_query) (*DeleteQuery, error) {
basicQuery, err := parseSelectDeleteCommonQuery(query.from_clause, query.where_condition)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
goQuery := &DeleteQuery{
SelectDeleteCommonQuery: basicQuery,
if basicQuery.GetWhereCondition() != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Delete queries can't have where clause that don't reference time")
return goQuery, nil