80 lines
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80 lines
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package integration
import . "launchpad.net/gocheck"
type EngineSuite struct {
var _ = Suite(&EngineSuite{})
// func (self *EngineSuite) TestCountQueryWithGroupByTimeInvalidArgument(c *C) {
// err := common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, "invalid argument foobar to the time function")
// self.createEngine(c, `[]`)
// runQueryRunError(engine, "select count(*) from foo group by time(foobar) order asc", c, err)
// }
// func (self *EngineSuite) TestPercentileQueryWithInvalidNumberOfArguments(c *C) {
// err := common.NewQueryError(common.WrongNumberOfArguments, "function percentile() requires exactly two arguments")
// self.createEngine(c, `[]`)
// runQueryRunError(engine, "select percentile(95) from foo group by time(1m) order asc", c, err)
// }
// func (self *EngineSuite) TestPercentileQueryWithNonNumericArguments(c *C) {
// err := common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, "function percentile() requires a numeric second argument between 0 and 100")
// self.createEngine(c, `[]`)
// runQueryRunError(engine, "select percentile(column_one, a95) from foo group by time(1m) order asc", c, err)
// }
// func (self *EngineSuite) TestPercentileQueryWithOutOfBoundNumericArguments(c *C) {
// err := common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, "function percentile() requires a numeric second argument between 0 and 100")
// self.createEngine(c, `[]`)
// runQueryRunError(engine, "select percentile(column_one, 0) from foo group by time(1m) order asc", c, err)
// runQueryRunError(engine, "select percentile(column_one, 105) from foo group by time(1m) order asc", c, err)
// }
// func (self *DataTestSuite) BasicQueryError(c *C) {
// // create an engine and assert the engine works as a passthrough if
// // the query only returns the raw data
// engine := createEngine(c, "[]")
// engine.coordinator.(*MockCoordinator).returnedError = fmt.Errorf("some error")
// err := engine.coordinator.RunQuery(nil, "", "select * from foo", func(series *protocol.Series) error {
// return nil
// })
// c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, "some error")
// }
// func (self *DataTestSuite) CountQueryWithGroupByTimeInvalidNumberOfArguments(c *C) (Fun, Fun) {
// err := common.NewQueryError(common.WrongNumberOfArguments, "time function only accepts one argument")
// createEngine(client, c, `[]`)
// runQueryRunError(engine, "select count(*) from foo group by time(1h, 1m) order asc", c, err)
// }
// func (self *DataTestSuite) CountQueryWithInvalidWildcardArgument(c *C) (Fun, Fun) {
// return func(client Client) {
// createEngine(client, c, `
// [
// {
// "points": [
// {
// "values": [
// {
// "int64_value": 100
// }
// ],
// "timestamp": 1381346641000000
// }
// ],
// "name": "foo",
// "fields": ["column_one"]
// }
// ]
// `)
// }, func(client Client) {
// query := "select count(*) from foo group by time(1h) order asc"
// body, code := self.server.GetErrorBody("test_db", query, "root", "root", false, c)
// c.Assert(code, Equals, http.StatusBadRequest)
// c.Assert(body, Matches, ".*count.*")
// }
// }