Adam 5705f33f55
feat(cmd/ifqld): enforce fixed ordering on results iterator (#39)
sort hash keys in the partition_lookup.Range() function so that returned results are in a deterministic, though arbitrary, order.
2018-05-24 10:59:37 -04:00
ast chore: Add Makefile 2018-05-22 14:45:23 -06:00
benchmarks/ifql initial copy of ifql repo 2018-05-21 15:18:56 -06:00
compiler rewrite imports 2018-05-21 15:20:06 -06:00
complete rewrite imports 2018-05-21 15:20:06 -06:00
control move types around to avoid cyclic imports 2018-05-21 17:02:42 -06:00
csv move types around to avoid cyclic imports 2018-05-21 17:02:42 -06:00
docs rewrite imports 2018-05-21 15:20:06 -06:00
execute feat(cmd/ifqld): enforce fixed ordering on results iterator (#39) 2018-05-24 10:59:37 -04:00
functions addr -> url 2018-05-23 03:27:08 -05:00
id initial copy of ifql repo 2018-05-21 15:18:56 -06:00
idfile rewrite imports 2018-05-21 15:20:06 -06:00
influxql chore: Add Makefile 2018-05-22 14:45:23 -06:00
interpreter rewrite imports 2018-05-21 15:20:06 -06:00
parser chore: Add Makefile 2018-05-22 14:45:23 -06:00
plan rewrite imports 2018-05-21 15:20:06 -06:00
promql chore: Add Makefile 2018-05-22 14:45:23 -06:00
query_test feat(cmd/ifqld): enforce fixed ordering on results iterator (#39) 2018-05-24 10:59:37 -04:00
querytest rewrite imports 2018-05-21 15:20:06 -06:00
repl move types around to avoid cyclic imports 2018-05-21 17:02:42 -06:00
semantic rewrite imports 2018-05-21 15:20:06 -06:00
tracing initial copy of ifql repo 2018-05-21 15:18:56 -06:00
values rewrite imports 2018-05-21 15:20:06 -06:00
Makefile chore: Add Makefile 2018-05-22 14:45:23 -06:00 rewrite imports 2018-05-21 15:20:06 -06:00
compile.go rewrite imports 2018-05-21 15:20:06 -06:00
dependency.go chore: Add Makefile 2018-05-22 14:45:23 -06:00
format.go initial copy of ifql repo 2018-05-21 15:18:56 -06:00
operation.go initial copy of ifql repo 2018-05-21 15:18:56 -06:00
query.go move types around to avoid cyclic imports 2018-05-21 17:02:42 -06:00
query_test.go rewrite imports 2018-05-21 15:20:06 -06:00
resource_management.go initial copy of ifql repo 2018-05-21 15:18:56 -06:00
result.go move types around to avoid cyclic imports 2018-05-21 17:02:42 -06:00
spec.go move types around to avoid cyclic imports 2018-05-21 17:02:42 -06:00
time.go initial copy of ifql repo 2018-05-21 15:18:56 -06:00
transpiler.go move types around to avoid cyclic imports 2018-05-21 17:02:42 -06:00
trigger.go initial copy of ifql repo 2018-05-21 15:18:56 -06:00

IFQL (Influx Query Language)

ifqld is an HTTP server for running IFQL queries to one or more InfluxDB servers.

ifqld runs on port 8093 by default


Here is the rough design specification for details until we get documentation up:


  1. Upgrade to InfluxDB >= 1.4.1

  2. Update the InfluxDB configuration file to enable IFQL processing; restart the InfluxDB server. InfluxDB will open port 8082 to accept IFQL queries.

This port has no authentication.

  enabled = true
  log-enabled = true
  bind-address = ":8082"
  1. Download ifqld and install from

  2. Start ifqld with the InfluxDB host and port of 8082. To run in federated mode (see below), add the --host option for each InfluxDB host.

ifqld --verbose --host localhost:8082
  1. To run a query POST an IFQL query string to /query as the q parameter:
curl -XPOST --data-urlencode \
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "cpu" AND r["_field"] == "usage_user")
    |> range(start:-170h)
    |> sum()' \

docker compose

To spin up a testing environment you can run:

docker-compose up

Inside the root directory. It will spin up an influxdb and ifqld daemon ready to be used. influxd is exposed on port 8086 and port 8082.

Prometheus metrics

Metrics are exposed on /metrics. ifqld records the number of queries and the number of different functions within IFQL queries

Federated Mode

By passing the --host option multiple times ifqld will query multiple InfluxDB servers.

For example:

ifqld --host influxdb1:8082 --host influxdb2:8082

The results from multiple InfluxDB are merged together as if there was one server.

Basic Syntax

IFQL constructs a query by starting with a table of data and passing the table through transformations steps to describe the desired query operations. Transformations are represented as functions which take a table of data as an input argument and return a new table that has been transformed. There is a special function from which is a source function, meaning it does not accept a table as input, but rather produces a table. All other transformation functions accept at least one table and return a table as a result.

For example to get the last point for each series in a database you start by creating a table using from and then pass that table into the limit function.

// Select the last point per series in the telegraf database.
limit(table:from(db:"telegraf"), n:1)

Since it is common to chain long lists of transformations together the pipe forward operator |> can be used to make reading the code easier. These two expressions are equivalent:

// Select the last point per series in the telegraf database.
limit(table:from(db:"telegraf"), n:1)

// Same as above, but uses the pipe forward operator to indicate the flow of data.
from(db:"telegraf") |> limit(n:1)

Long list of functions can thus be chained together:

// Get the first point per host from the last minute of data.
from(db:"telegraf") |> range(start:-1m) |> group(by:["host"]) |> first()

Supported Functions

Below is a list of supported functions.


Starting point for all queires. Get data from the specified database.

Example: from(db:"telegraf")

  • db string from(db:"telegraf")

  • hosts array of strings from(db:"telegraf", hosts:["host1", "host2"])


Counts the number of results

  • useStartTime boolean Use the start time as the timestamp of the resulting aggregate.

Example: from(db:"telegraf") |> count()


Filters the results using an expression


    |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"]=="cpu" AND
                r["_field"] == "usage_system" AND
                r["service"] == "app-server")
    |> range(start:-12h)
    |> max()
  • fn function(record) bool

Function to when filtering the records. The function must accept a single parameter which will be the records and return a boolean value. Records which evaluate to true, will be included in the results.


Returns the first result of the query

  • useStartTime boolean Use the start time as the timestamp of the resulting aggregate.

Example: from(db:"telegraf") |> first()


Groups results by a user-specified set of tags

  • by array of strings Group by these specific tag names Cannot be used with except option

Example: from(db: "telegraf") |> range(start: -30m) |> group(by: ["tag_a", "tag_b"])

  • keep array of strings Keep specific tag keys that were not in by in the results

Example: from(db: "telegraf") |> range(start: -30m) |> group(by: ["tag_a", "tag_b"], keep:["tag_c"])

  • except array of strings Group by all but these tag keys Cannot be used with by option

Example: from(db: "telegraf") |> range(start: -30m) |> group(except: ["tag_a"], keep:["tag_b", "tag_c"])


Join two time series together on time and the list of on keys.


cpu = from(db: "telegraf") |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "cpu" and r["_field"] == "usage_user") |> range(start: -30m)
mem = from(db: "telegraf") |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "mem" and r["_field"] == "used_percent") |> range(start: -30m)
join(tables:{cpu:cpu, mem:mem}, on:["host"], fn: (tables) => tables.cpu["_value"] + tables.mem["_value"])
  • tables map of tables Map of tables to join. Currently only two tables are allowed.

  • on array of strings List of tag keys that when equal produces a result set.

  • fn

Defines the function that merges the values of the tables. The function must defined to accept a single parameter. The parameter is a map, which uses the same keys found in the tables map. The function is called for each joined set of records from the tables.


Returns the last result of the query

  • useStartTime boolean Use the start time as the timestamp of the resulting aggregate.

Example: from(db: "telegraf") |> last()


Restricts the number of rows returned in the results.

Example: from(db: "telegraf") |> limit(n: 10)


Applies a function to each row of the table.

  • fn function

Function to apply to each row. The return value of the function may be a single value or an object.


    |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"]=="cpu" AND
                r["_field"] == "usage_system" AND
                r["service"] == "app-server")
    |> range(start:-12h)
    // Square the value
    |> map(fn: (r) => r._value * r._value)


    |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"]=="cpu" AND
                r["_field"] == "usage_system" AND
                r["service"] == "app-server")
    |> range(start:-12h)
    // Square the value and keep the original value
    |> map(fn: (r) => ({value: r._value, value2:r._value * r._value}))


Returns the max value within the results

  • useStartTime boolean Use the start time as the timestamp of the resulting aggregate.


    |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"]=="cpu" AND
                r["_field"] == "usage_system" AND
                r["service"] == "app-server")
    |> range(start:-12h)
    |> window(every:10m)
    |> max()


Returns the mean of the values within the results

  • useStartTime boolean Use the start time as the timestamp of the resulting aggregate.


    |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "mem" AND
            r["_field"] == "used_percent")
    |> range(start:-12h)
    |> window(every:10m)
    |> mean()


Returns the min value within the results

  • useStartTime boolean Use the start time as the timestamp of the resulting aggregate.


    |> filter(fn: (r) => r[ "_measurement"] == "cpu" AND
               r["_field" ]== "usage_system")
    |> range(start:-12h)
    |> window(every:10m, period: 5m)
    |> min()


Filters the results by time boundaries


    |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "cpu" AND
               r["_field"] == "usage_system")
    |> range(start:-12h, stop: -15m)
  • start duration Specifies the oldest time to be included in the results

  • stop duration or timestamp Specifies exclusive upper time bound Defaults to "now"


Sample values from a table.

  • useStartTime boolean Use the start time as the timestamp of the resulting aggregate.
  • n Sample every Nth element
  • pos Position offset from start of results to begin sampling pos must be less than n If pos less than 0, a random offset is used. Default is -1 (random offset)

Example to sample every fifth point starting from the second element:

    |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "cpu" AND
               r["_field"] == "usage_system")
    |> range(start:-1d)
    |> sample(n: 5, pos: 1)


Add tag of key and value to set Example: from(db: "telegraf") |> set(key: "mykey", value: "myvalue")

  • key string
  • value string


Skew of the results

  • useStartTime boolean Use the start time as the timestamp of the resulting aggregate.

Example: from(db: "telegraf") |> range(start: -30m, stop: -15m) |> skew()


Sorts the results by the specified columns Default sort is ascending


    |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "system" AND
               r["_field"] == "uptime")
    |> range(start:-12h)
    |> sort(cols:["region", "host", "value"])
  • cols array of strings List of columns used to sort; precedence from left to right. Default is ["value"]

For example, this sorts by uptime descending to find the longest running instances.

    |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "system" AND
               r["_field"] == "uptime")
    |> range(start:-12h)
    |> sort(desc: true)
  • desc bool Sort results descending


Difference between min and max values

  • useStartTime boolean Use the start time as the timestamp of the resulting aggregate.

Example: from(db: "telegraf") |> range(start: -30m) |> spread()


Standard Deviation of the results

  • useStartTime boolean Use the start time as the timestamp of the resulting aggregate.

Example: from(db: "telegraf") |> range(start: -30m, stop: -15m) |> stddev()


Sum of the results

  • useStartTime boolean Use the start time as the timestamp of the resulting aggregate.

Example: from(db: "telegraf") |> range(start: -30m, stop: -15m) |> sum()


Convert a value to a bool.

Example: from(db: "telegraf") |> filter(fn:(r) => r._measurement == "mem" and r._field == "used") |> toBool()

The function toBool is defined as toBool = (table=<-) => table |> map(fn:(r) => bool(v:r._value)). If you need to convert other columns use the map function directly with the bool function.


Convert a value to a int.

Example: from(db: "telegraf") |> filter(fn:(r) => r._measurement == "mem" and r._field == "used") |> toInt()

The function toInt is defined as toInt = (table=<-) => table |> map(fn:(r) => int(v:r._value)). If you need to convert other columns use the map function directly with the int function.


Convert a value to a float.

Example: from(db: "telegraf") |> filter(fn:(r) => r._measurement == "mem" and r._field == "used") |> toFloat()

The function toFloat is defined as toFloat = (table=<-) => table |> map(fn:(r) => float(v:r._value)). If you need to convert other columns use the map function directly with the float function.


Convert a value to a duration.

Example: from(db: "telegraf") |> filter(fn:(r) => r._measurement == "mem" and r._field == "used") |> toDuration()

The function toDuration is defined as toDuration = (table=<-) => table |> map(fn:(r) => duration(v:r._value)). If you need to convert other columns use the map function directly with the duration function.


Convert a value to a string.

Example: from(db: "telegraf") |> filter(fn:(r) => r._measurement == "mem" and r._field == "used") |> toString()

The function toString is defined as toString = (table=<-) => table |> map(fn:(r) => string(v:r._value)). If you need to convert other columns use the map function directly with the string function.


Convert a value to a time.

Example: from(db: "telegraf") |> filter(fn:(r) => r._measurement == "mem" and r._field == "used") |> toTime()

The function toTime is defined as toTime = (table=<-) => table |> map(fn:(r) => time(v:r._value)). If you need to convert other columns use the map function directly with the time function.


Convert a value to a uint.

Example: from(db: "telegraf") |> filter(fn:(r) => r._measurement == "mem" and r._field == "used") |> toUInt()

The function toUInt is defined as toUInt = (table=<-) => table |> map(fn:(r) => uint(v:r._value)). If you need to convert other columns use the map function directly with the uint function.


Partitions the results by a given time range

  • every duration Duration of time between windows

Defaults to period's value

    |> range(start:-12h)
    |> window(every:10m)
    |> max()
  • period duration Duration of the windowed parition
    |> range(start:-12h)
    |> window(every:10m)
    |> max()

Default to every's value

  • start time The time of the initial window parition.

  • round duration Rounds a window's bounds to the nearest duration


    |> range(start:-12h)
    |> window(every:10m)
    |> max()

Custom Functions

IFQL also allows the user to define their own functions. The function syntax is:

(parameter list) => <function body>

The list of parameters is simply a list of identifiers with optional default values. The function body is either a single expression which is returned or a block of statements. Functions may be assigned to identifiers to given them a name.


// Define a simple addition function
add = (a,b) => a + b

// Define a helper function to get data from a telegraf measurement.
// By default the database is expected to be named "telegraf".
telegrafM = (measurement, db="telegraf") =>
         |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == measurement)

// Define a helper function for a common join operation
// Use block syntax since we have more than a single expression
abJoin = (measurementA, measurementB, on) => {
    a = telegrafM(measurement:measurementA)
    b = telegrafM(measurement:measurementB)
    return join(
        tables:{a:a, b:b},
        // Return a map from the join fn,
        // this creates a table with a column for each key in the map.
        // Note the () around the map to indicate a single map expression instead of function block.
        fn: (t) => ({
            a: t.a._value,
            b: t.b._value,

Pipe Arguments

Functions may also declare that an argument can be piped into from an pipe forward operator by specifing a special default value:

// Define add function which accepts `a` as the piped argument.
add = (a=<-, b) => a + b

// Call add using the pipe forward syntax.
1 |> add(b:3) // 4

// Define measurement function which accepts table as the piped argument.
measurement = (m, table=<-) => table |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == m)

// Define field function which accepts table as the piped argument
field = (field, table=<-) => table |> filter(fn: (r) => r._field == field)

// Query usage_idle from the cpu measurement and the telegraf database.
// Using the measurement and field functions.
    |> measurement(m:"cpu")
    |> field(field:"usage_idle")