
442 lines
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// Package mock contains mock implementations of different task interfaces.
package mock
import (
platform ""
scheduler ""
// Scheduler is a mock implementation of a task scheduler.
type Scheduler struct {
lastTick int64
claims map[string]*Task
meta map[string]backend.StoreTaskMeta
createChan chan *Task
releaseChan chan *Task
updateChan chan *Task
claimError error
releaseError error
// Task is a mock implementation of a task.
type Task struct {
Script string
StartExecution int64
ConcurrencyLimit uint8
func NewScheduler() *Scheduler {
return &Scheduler{
claims: map[string]*Task{},
meta: map[string]backend.StoreTaskMeta{},
func (s *Scheduler) Tick(now int64) {
defer s.Unlock()
s.lastTick = now
func (s *Scheduler) WithLogger(l *zap.Logger) {}
func (s *Scheduler) Start(context.Context) {}
func (s *Scheduler) Stop() {}
func (s *Scheduler) ClaimTask(task *backend.StoreTask, meta *backend.StoreTaskMeta) error {
if s.claimError != nil {
return s.claimError
defer s.Unlock()
_, ok :=[task.ID.String()]
if ok {
return backend.ErrTaskAlreadyClaimed
s.meta[task.ID.String()] = *meta
t := &Task{Script: task.Script, StartExecution: meta.LatestCompleted, ConcurrencyLimit: uint8(meta.MaxConcurrency)}[task.ID.String()] = t
if s.createChan != nil {
s.createChan <- t
return nil
func (s *Scheduler) UpdateTask(task *backend.StoreTask, meta *backend.StoreTaskMeta) error {
defer s.Unlock()
_, ok :=[task.ID.String()]
if !ok {
return backend.ErrTaskNotClaimed
s.meta[task.ID.String()] = *meta
t := &Task{Script: task.Script, StartExecution: meta.LatestCompleted, ConcurrencyLimit: uint8(meta.MaxConcurrency)}[task.ID.String()] = t
if s.updateChan != nil {
s.updateChan <- t
return nil
func (s *Scheduler) ReleaseTask(taskID platform.ID) error {
if s.releaseError != nil {
return s.releaseError
defer s.Unlock()
t, ok :=[taskID.String()]
if !ok {
return backend.ErrTaskNotClaimed
if s.releaseChan != nil {
s.releaseChan <- t
delete(, taskID.String())
delete(s.meta, taskID.String())
return nil
func (s *Scheduler) TaskFor(id platform.ID) *Task {
defer s.Unlock()
func (s *Scheduler) TaskCreateChan() <-chan *Task {
s.createChan = make(chan *Task, 10)
return s.createChan
func (s *Scheduler) TaskReleaseChan() <-chan *Task {
s.releaseChan = make(chan *Task, 10)
return s.releaseChan
func (s *Scheduler) TaskUpdateChan() <-chan *Task {
s.updateChan = make(chan *Task, 10)
return s.updateChan
// ClaimError sets an error to be returned by s.ClaimTask, if err is not nil.
func (s *Scheduler) ClaimError(err error) {
s.claimError = err
// ReleaseError sets an error to be returned by s.ReleaseTask, if err is not nil.
func (s *Scheduler) ReleaseError(err error) {
s.releaseError = err
func (s *Scheduler) CancelRun(_ context.Context, taskID, runID platform.ID) error {
return nil
// DesiredState is a mock implementation of DesiredState (used by NewScheduler).
type DesiredState struct {
mu sync.Mutex
// Map of stringified task ID to last ID used for run.
runIDs map[string]uint64
// Map of stringified, concatenated task and platform ID, to runs that have been created.
created map[string]backend.QueuedRun
// Map of stringified task ID to task meta.
meta map[string]backend.StoreTaskMeta
var _ backend.DesiredState = (*DesiredState)(nil)
func NewDesiredState() *DesiredState {
return &DesiredState{
runIDs: make(map[string]uint64),
created: make(map[string]backend.QueuedRun),
meta: make(map[string]backend.StoreTaskMeta),
// SetTaskMeta sets the task meta for the given task ID.
// SetTaskMeta must be called before CreateNextRun, for a given task ID.
func (d *DesiredState) SetTaskMeta(taskID platform.ID, meta backend.StoreTaskMeta) {
d.meta[taskID.String()] = meta
// CreateNextRun creates the next run for the given task.
// Refer to the documentation for SetTaskPeriod to understand how the times are determined.
func (d *DesiredState) CreateNextRun(_ context.Context, taskID platform.ID, now int64) (backend.RunCreation, error) {
if !taskID.Valid() {
return backend.RunCreation{}, errors.New("invalid task id")
tid := taskID.String()
meta, ok := d.meta[tid]
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("meta not set for task with ID %s", tid))
makeID := func() (platform.ID, error) {
runID := platform.ID(d.runIDs[tid])
return runID, nil
rc, err := meta.CreateNextRun(now, makeID)
if err != nil {
return backend.RunCreation{}, err
d.meta[tid] = meta
rc.Created.TaskID = taskID
d.created[tid+rc.Created.RunID.String()] = rc.Created
return rc, nil
func (d *DesiredState) FinishRun(_ context.Context, taskID, runID platform.ID) error {
tid := taskID.String()
rid := runID.String()
m := d.meta[tid]
if !m.FinishRun(runID) {
var knownIDs []string
for _, r := range m.CurrentlyRunning {
knownIDs = append(knownIDs, platform.ID(r.RunID).String())
return fmt.Errorf("unknown run ID %s; known run IDs: %s", rid, strings.Join(knownIDs, ", "))
d.meta[tid] = m
delete(d.created, tid+rid)
return nil
func (d *DesiredState) CreatedFor(taskID platform.ID) []backend.QueuedRun {
var qrs []backend.QueuedRun
for _, qr := range d.created {
if qr.TaskID == taskID {
qrs = append(qrs, qr)
return qrs
// PollForNumberCreated blocks for a small amount of time waiting for exactly the given count of created runs for the given task ID.
// If the expected number isn't found in time, it returns an error.
// Because the scheduler and executor do a lot of state changes asynchronously, this is useful in test.
func (d *DesiredState) PollForNumberCreated(taskID platform.ID, count int) ([]scheduler.QueuedRun, error) {
const numAttempts = 50
actualCount := 0
var created []scheduler.QueuedRun
for i := 0; i < numAttempts; i++ {
time.Sleep(2 * time.Millisecond) // we sleep even on first so it becomes more likely that we catch when too many are produced.
created = d.CreatedFor(taskID)
actualCount = len(created)
if actualCount == count {
return created, nil
return created, fmt.Errorf("did not see count of %d created task(s) for ID %s in time, instead saw %d", count, taskID.String(), actualCount) // we return created anyways, to make it easier to debug
type Executor struct {
mu sync.Mutex
hangingFor time.Duration
// Map of stringified, concatenated task and run ID, to runs that have begun execution but have not finished.
running map[string]*RunPromise
// Map of stringified, concatenated task and run ID, to results of runs that have executed and completed.
finished map[string]backend.RunResult
wg sync.WaitGroup
var _ backend.Executor = (*Executor)(nil)
func NewExecutor() *Executor {
return &Executor{
running: make(map[string]*RunPromise),
finished: make(map[string]backend.RunResult),
func (e *Executor) Execute(ctx context.Context, run backend.QueuedRun) (backend.RunPromise, error) {
rp := NewRunPromise(run)
rp.WithHanging(ctx, e.hangingFor)
id := run.TaskID.String() + run.RunID.String()
e.running[id] = rp
go func() {
defer e.wg.Done()
res, _ := rp.Wait()
delete(e.running, id)
e.finished[id] = res
return rp, nil
func (e *Executor) Wait() {
func (e *Executor) WithHanging(dt time.Duration) {
e.hangingFor = dt
// RunningFor returns the run promises for the given task.
func (e *Executor) RunningFor(taskID platform.ID) []*RunPromise {
var rps []*RunPromise
for _, rp := range e.running {
if rp.Run().TaskID == taskID {
rps = append(rps, rp)
return rps
// PollForNumberRunning blocks for a small amount of time waiting for exactly the given count of active runs for the given task ID.
// If the expected number isn't found in time, it returns an error.
// Because the scheduler and executor do a lot of state changes asynchronously, this is useful in test.
func (e *Executor) PollForNumberRunning(taskID platform.ID, count int) ([]*RunPromise, error) {
const numAttempts = 20
var running []*RunPromise
for i := 0; i < numAttempts; i++ {
if i > 0 {
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
running = e.RunningFor(taskID)
if len(running) == count {
return running, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("did not see count of %d running task(s) for ID %s in time; last count was %d", count, taskID.String(), len(running))
// RunPromise is a mock RunPromise.
type RunPromise struct {
qr backend.QueuedRun
setResultOnce sync.Once
hangingFor time.Duration
cancelFunc context.CancelFunc
ctx context.Context
mu sync.Mutex
res backend.RunResult
err error
var _ backend.RunPromise = (*RunPromise)(nil)
func NewRunPromise(qr backend.QueuedRun) *RunPromise {
p := &RunPromise{
qr: qr,
} // Locked so calls to Wait will block until setResultOnce is called.
return p
func (p *RunPromise) WithHanging(ctx context.Context, hangingFor time.Duration) {
p.ctx, p.cancelFunc = context.WithCancel(ctx)
p.hangingFor = hangingFor
func (p *RunPromise) Run() backend.QueuedRun {
return p.qr
func (p *RunPromise) Wait() (backend.RunResult, error) {
// can't cancel if we haven't set it to hang.
if p.ctx != nil {
select {
case <-p.ctx.Done():
case <-time.After(p.hangingFor):
return p.res, p.err
func (p *RunPromise) Cancel() {
p.Finish(nil, backend.ErrRunCanceled)
// Finish unblocks any call to Wait, to return r and err.
// Only the first call to Finish has any effect.
func (p *RunPromise) Finish(r backend.RunResult, err error) {
p.setResultOnce.Do(func() {
p.res, p.err = r, err
// RunResult is a mock implementation of RunResult.
type RunResult struct {
err error
isRetryable bool
var _ backend.RunResult = (*RunResult)(nil)
func NewRunResult(err error, isRetryable bool) *RunResult {
return &RunResult{err: err, isRetryable: isRetryable}
func (rr *RunResult) Err() error {
return rr.err
func (rr *RunResult) IsRetryable() bool {
return rr.isRetryable